23 research outputs found

    Sharp maximal inequalities for the moments of martingales and non-negative submartingales

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    In the paper we study sharp maximal inequalities for martingales and non-negative submartingales: if ff, gg are martingales satisfying dgndfn,n=0,1,2,...,|\mathrm{d}g_n|\leq|\mathrm{d}f_n|,\qquad n=0,1,2,..., almost surely, then supn0gnppfp,p2,\Bigl\|\sup_{n\geq0}|g_n|\Bigr\|_p\leq p\|f\|_p,\qquad p\geq2, and the inequality is sharp. Furthermore, if α[0,1]\alpha\in[0,1], ff is a non-negative submartingale and gg satisfies dgndfnandE(dgn+1Fn)αE(dfn+1Fn),n=0,1,2,...,|\mathrm{d}g_n|\leq|\mathrm{d}f_n|\quad and\quad |\mathbb{E}(\mathrm{d}g_{n+1}|\mathcal {F}_n)|\leq\alpha\mathbb{E}(\mathrm{d}f_{n+1}|\mathcal{F}_n),\qquad n=0,1,2,..., almost surely, then supn0gnp(α+1)pfp,p2,\Bigl\|\sup_{n\geq0}|g_n|\Bigr\|_p\leq(\alpha+1)p\|f\|_p,\qquad p\geq2, and the inequality is sharp. As an application, we establish related estimates for stochastic integrals and It\^{o} processes. The inequalities strengthen the earlier classical results of Burkholder and Choi.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/10-BEJ314 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Sharp weak-type inequalities for differentially subordinated martingales

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    Let M,NM,N be real-valued martingales such that NN is differentially subordinate to MM. The paper contains the proofs of the following weak-type inequalities: (i) If M0M\geq0 and 0<p10<p\leq1, then Np,2Mp\Vert N\Vert_{p,\infty}\leq2\Vert M\Vert_p and the constant is the best possible. (ii) If M0M\geq0 and p2p\geq2, then Np,p2(p1)1/pMp\Vert N\Vert_{p,\infty}\leq\frac{p}{2}(p-1)^{-1/p}\Vert M\Vert_p and the constant is the best possible. (iii) If 1p21\leq p\leq2 and MM and NN are orthogonal, then Np,KpMp,\Vert N\Vert_{p,\infty}\leq K_p\Vert M\Vert_p, where Kpp=1Γ(p+1)(π2)p11+1/32+1/52+1/72+...11/3p+1+1/5p+11/7p+1+....K_p^p=\frac{1}{\Gamma(p+1)}\cdot\biggl(\frac{\pi}{2}\biggr)^{p-1}\cdot\frac{1+1/3^2+1/5^2+1/7^2+...}{1-1/3^{p+1}+1/5^ {p+1}-1/7^{p+1}+...}. The constant is the best possible. We also provide related estimates for harmonic functions on Euclidean domains.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/08-BEJ166 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Sharp maximal bound for continuous martingales

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    Abstract Let X, Y be continuous-path martingales satisfying the condition and the constant 3/2 is the best possible

    A new approach to Hardy-type inequalities

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    Sharp Inequalities for the Haar System and Fourier Multipliers

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    A classical result of Paley and Marcinkiewicz asserts that the Haar system h=hkk≥0 on 0,1 forms an unconditional basis of Lp0,1 provided 1<p<∞. That is, if J denotes the projection onto the subspace generated by hjj∈J (J is an arbitrary subset of ℕ), then JLp0,1→Lp0,1≤βp for some universal constant βp depending only on p. The purpose of this paper is to study related restricted weak-type bounds for the projections J. Specifically, for any 1≤p<∞ we identify the best constant Cp such that JχALp,∞0,1≤CpχALp0,1 for every J⊆ℕ and any Borel subset A of 0,1. In fact, we prove this result in the more general setting of continuous-time martingales. As an application, a related estimate for a large class of Fourier multipliers is established

    Some Sharp Estimates for the Haar System and Other Bases In L1(0,1)L^1(0,1)

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    Let h=(hk)k0h=(h_k)_{k\geq 0} denote the Haar system of functions on [0,1][0,1]. It is well known that hh forms an unconditional basis of Lp(0,1)L^p(0,1) if and only if 1<p<\infty, and the purpose of this paper is to study a substitute for this property in the case p=1p=1. Precisely, for any \lambda>0 we identify the best constant β=βh(λ)[0,1]\beta=\beta_h(\lambda)\in [0,1] such that the following holds. If nn is an arbitrary nonnegative integer and a0a_0, a1a_1, a2a_2, \ldots, ana_n are real numbers such that k=0nakhk11\bigl\|\sum_{k=0}^n a_kh_k\bigr\|_1\leq 1, then {x[0,1]:k=0nεkakhk(x)λ}β, \Bigl|\Bigl\{x\in [0,1]:\Bigl|\sum_{k=0}^n \varepsilon_ka_kh_k(x)\Bigr|\geq \lambda\Bigr\}\Bigr|\leq \beta, for any sequence ε0,ε1,ε2,,εn\varepsilon_0, \varepsilon_1, \varepsilon_2,\ldots, \varepsilon_n of signs. A related bound for an arbitrary basis of L1(0,1)L^1(0,1) is also established. The proof rests on the construction of the Bellman function corresponding to the problem

    Sharp L log L estimates for Fourier multipliers

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    A weighted weak-type bound for Haar multipliers

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