24,164 research outputs found

    Frequency pulling and mixing of relaxation oscillations in superconducting nanowires

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    Many superconducting technologies such as rapid single flux quantum computing (RSFQ) and superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) rely on the modulation of nonlinear dynamics in Josephson junctions for functionality. More recently, however, superconducting devices have been developed based on the switching and thermal heating of nanowires for use in fields such as single photon detection and digital logic. In this paper, we use resistive shunting to control the nonlinear heating of a superconducting nanowire and compare the resulting dynamics to those observed in Josephson junctions. We show that interaction of the hotspot growth with the external shunt produces high frequency relaxation oscillations with similar behavior as observed in Josephson junctions due to their rapid time constants and ability to be modulated by a weak periodic signal. In particular, we use a microwave drive to pull and mix the oscillation frequency, resulting in phase locked features that resemble the AC Josephson effect. New nanowire devices based on these conclusions have promising applications in fields such as parametric amplification and frequency multiplexing

    Simultaneously Sparse Solutions to Linear Inverse Problems with Multiple System Matrices and a Single Observation Vector

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    A linear inverse problem is proposed that requires the determination of multiple unknown signal vectors. Each unknown vector passes through a different system matrix and the results are added to yield a single observation vector. Given the matrices and lone observation, the objective is to find a simultaneously sparse set of unknown vectors that solves the system. We will refer to this as the multiple-system single-output (MSSO) simultaneous sparsity problem. This manuscript contrasts the MSSO problem with other simultaneous sparsity problems and conducts a thorough initial exploration of algorithms with which to solve it. Seven algorithms are formulated that approximately solve this NP-Hard problem. Three greedy techniques are developed (matching pursuit, orthogonal matching pursuit, and least squares matching pursuit) along with four methods based on a convex relaxation (iteratively reweighted least squares, two forms of iterative shrinkage, and formulation as a second-order cone program). The algorithms are evaluated across three experiments: the first and second involve sparsity profile recovery in noiseless and noisy scenarios, respectively, while the third deals with magnetic resonance imaging radio-frequency excitation pulse design.Comment: 36 pages; manuscript unchanged from July 21, 2008, except for updated references; content appears in September 2008 PhD thesi

    Bridging the gap between nanowires and Josephson junctions: a superconducting device based on controlled fluxon transfer across nanowires

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    The basis for superconducting electronics can broadly be divided between two technologies: the Josephson junction and the superconducting nanowire. While the Josephson junction (JJ) remains the dominant technology due to its high speed and low power dissipation, recently proposed nanowire devices offer improvements such as gain, high fanout, and compatibility with CMOS circuits. Despite these benefits, nanowire-based electronics have largely been limited to binary operations, with devices switching between the superconducting state and a high-impedance resistive state dominated by uncontrolled hotspot dynamics. Unlike the JJ, they cannot increment an output through successive switching, and their operation speeds are limited by their slow thermal reset times. Thus, there is a need for an intermediate device with the interfacing capabilities of a nanowire but a faster, moderated response allowing for modulation of the output. Here, we present a nanowire device based on controlled fluxon transport. We show that the device is capable of responding proportionally to the strength of its input, unlike other nanowire technologies. The device can be operated to produce a multilevel output with distinguishable states, which can be tuned by circuit parameters. Agreement between experimental results and electrothermal circuit simulations demonstrates that the device is classical and may be readily engineered for applications including use as a multilevel memory

    The impact of COVID-19 through the eyes of a fourth-year pharmacy student

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    © 2020 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. This commentary, written primarily by a recent pharmacy graduate, discusses the impact of COVID-19 on the class of 2020. Everyone has been impacted by COVID-19, but pharmacy students have been affected by and experienced COVID-19 in unique ways. This was the first class to complete pharmacy practice experiences in an online format, miss out on milestone events including graduation, and face uncertainty about becoming licensed and entering the job market in the midst of a pandemic. However, instead of discouraging them, these events have in many ways strengthened the resilience of the class of 2020. Additionally, COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of continued advocacy for the profession and articulation of the pharmacist’s expanded role and value to the health care team, and inspired the class of 2020 to join the ranks of colleagues nationwide in raising awareness in these areas. Nevertheless, uncertainty over their future and that of their peers lingers as COVID-19 has forever changed pharmacy education and practice

    Bimetallic Cooperativity in Proton Reduction with an Amido‐Bridged Cobalt Catalyst

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    The bimetallic catalyst [CoII2(L1)(bpy)2]ClO4 (1), in which L1 is an [NNâ€Č2O2] fused ligand, efficiently reduced H+ to H2 in CH3CN in the presence of 100 equiv of HOAc with a turnover number of 18 and a Faradaic efficiency of 94 % after 3 h of bulk electrolysis at −1.6 V (vs. Ag/AgCl). This observation allowed the proposal that this bimetallic cooperativity is associated with distance, angle, and orbital alignment of the two Co centers, as promoted by the unique Co−Namido−Co environment offered by L1. Experimental results revealed that the parent [CoIICoII] complex undergoes two successive metal‐based 1 e− reductions to generate the catalytically active species [CoICoI], and DFT calculations suggested that addition of a proton to one CoI triggers a cooperative 1 e− transfer by each of these CoI centers. This 2 e− transfer is an alternative route to generate a more reactive [CoII(CoII−H−)] hydride, thus avoiding the CoIII−H− required in monometallic species. This [CoII(CoII−H−)] species then accepts another H+ to release H2

    Physical Properties of Metallic Antiferromagnetic CaCo{1.86}As2 Single Crystals

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    We report studies of CaCo{1.86}As2 single crystals. The electronic structure is probed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements of CaCo{1.86}As2 and by full-potential linearized augmented-plane-wave calculations for the supercell Ca8Co15As16 (CaCo{1.88}As2). Our XRD crystal structure refinement is consistent with the previous combined refinement of x-ray and neutron powder diffraction data showing a collapsed-tetragonal ThCr2Si2-type structure with 7(1)% vacancies on the Co sites corresponding to the composition CaCo{1.86}As2 [D. G. Quirinale et al., Phys. Rev. B 88, 174420 (2013)]. The anisotropic magnetic susceptibility chi(T) data are consistent with the magnetic neutron diffraction data of Quirianale et al. that demonstrate the presence of A-type collinear antiferromagnetic order below the Neel temperature TN = 52(1) K with the easy axis being the tetragonal c axis. However, no clear evidence from the resistivity rho(T) and heat capacity Cp(T) data for a magnetic transition at TN is observed. A metallic ground state is demonstrated from band calculations and the rho(T), Cp(T) and ARPES data, and spin-polarized calculations indicate a competition between the A-type AFM and FM ground states. The Cp(T) data exhibit a large Sommerfield electronic coefficient reflecting a large density of states at the Fermi energy D(EF), consistent with the band structure calculations which also indicate a large D(EF) arising from Co 3d bands. At 1.8 K the M(H) data for H|| c exhibit a well-defined first-order spin-flop transition at an applied field of 3.5 T. The small ordered moment of 0.3 muB/Co obtained from the M(H) data at low T, the large exchange enhancement of chi and the lack of a self-consistent interpretation of the chi(T) and M(H,T) data in terms of a local moment Heisenberg model together indicate that the magnetism of CaCo{1.86}As2 is itinerant.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables, 61 references; v2: extended the fits of experimental data by additional electronic structure calculations; published versio

    Red-shifts near black holes

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    A simple ordinary differential equation is derived governing the red-shifts of wave-fronts propagating through a non-stationary spherically symmetric space-time. Approach to an event horizon corresponds to approach to a fixed point; in general, the phase portrait of the equation illuminates the qualitative features of the geometry. In particular, the asymptotics of the red-shift as a horizon is approached, a critical ingredient of Hawking's prediction of radiation from black holes, are easily brought out. This asympotic behavior has elements in common with the universal behavior near phase transitions in statistical physics. The validity of the Unruh vacuum for the Hawking process can be understood in terms of this universality. The concept of surface gravity is extended to to non-stationary spherically symmetric black holes. Finally, it is shown that in the non-stationary case, Hawking's predicted flux of radiation from a black hole would be modified.Comment: 20 pages, plain Tex, IOP macros, 4 eps figures, accepted by CQ

    Memory, space and time: Researching children's lives

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    This article discusses the research approach in 'Pathways through Childhood', a small qualitative study drawing on memories of childhood. The research explores how wider social arrangements and social change influence children's everyday lives.The article discusses the way that the concepts of social memory, space and time have been drawn on to access and analyse children's experiences, arguing that attention to the temporal and spatial complexity of childhood reveals less visible yet formative influences and connections. Children's everyday engagements involve connections between past and present time, between children, families, communities and nations, and between different places. Children carve out space and time for themselves from these complex relations. © The Author(s) 2010
