3,714 research outputs found

    Evidence Based Complementary Intervention for Insomnia

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    Increasing scientific evidence point to a non-pharmacological complementary treatment for insomnia: white noise. Its presentation has been shown to induce sleep in human neonates and adults, probably by reducing the signal-to-noise ratio of ambient sound. White noise may be a simple, safe, cost-effective alternative to hypnotic medication in many psychiatric disorders, especially acute stress disorder and PTSD

    The human fear-circuitry and fear-induced fainting in healthy individuals The paleolithic-threat hypothesis

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    The Paleolithic-Threat hypothesis reviewed here posits that habitual efferent fainting can be traced back to fear-induced allelic polymorphisms that were selected into some genomes of anatomically, mitochondrially, and neurally modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) in the Mid-Paleolithic because of the survival advantage they conferred during periods of inescapable threat. We posit that during Mid-Paleolithic warfare an encounter with “a stranger holding a sharp object” was consistently associated with threat to life. A heritable hard- wired or firm-wired (prepotentiated) predisposition to abruptly increase vagal tone and collapse flaccidly rather than freeze or attempt to flee or fight in response to an approaching sharp object, a minor injury, or the sight of blood, polymorphism for the hemodynamically “paradoxical” flaccid- immobility in response to these stimuli may have increased some non-combatants’ chances of survival. This is consistent with the unusual age and sex pattern of fear-induced fainting. The Paleolithic-Threat hypothesis also predicts a link to various hypo-androgenic states (e.g. low dehydroxyepiandrosterone-sulfate. We offer five predictions testable via epidemiological, clinical, and ethological/primatological methods. The Paleolithic-Threat hypothesis has implications for research in the aftermath of man-made disasters, such as terrorism against civilians, a traumatic event in which this hypothesis predicts epidemics of fear-induced faintin

    Supporting the Needs of At-Risk Beginning Teachers

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    This session is designed to provide teachers, teacher leaders, principals, and support staff relevant research and best practices for incorporating induction support to novice teachers who have been placed in low-performing schools. This interactive session will include participant discussion on the characteristics of beginning teachers, and how mentoring and coaching can significantly impact their retention and effectiveness

    Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Teknik Pemesinan Di SMK Warga Surakarta (Etnografi Mikro)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui model kurikulum dan silabus yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran teknik pemesinan, (2) Untuk mengetahui tujuan pembelajaran teknik pemesinan, (3) Untuk mengetahui teknik-teknik yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran teknik pemesinan, (4) Untuk mengetahui peran guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran teknik pemesinan, (5) Untuk mengetahui media peralatan yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran teknik pemesinan, (6) Untuk mengetahui model evaluasi yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran teknik pemesinan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain penelitian etnografi. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di SMK Warga Surakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumen. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis etnografi. Hasil penelitiannya adalah: (1) model kurikulum dan silabus yang digunakan adalah Kurikulum Tingkat satuan pendidikan (KTSP) yang mengacu pada Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan dan mengacu pada Standar Kopetensi Kerja Nasional (SKKN), (2) tujuan pembelajaran teknik pemesinan adalah untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang merupakan tenaga terdidik, terlatih, dan terampil yang memenuhi kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan oleh dunia kerja dalam bidang teknik yang relevan, (3) teknik-teknik yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran teknik pemesinan adalah ceramah, Tanya jawab, diskusi, pemberian tugas, demonstrasi, latihan dan praktek, (4) peran guru dalam pembelajaran teknik pemesinan adalah sebagai sumber belajar, sebagai fasilitator, sebagai pengelola pembelajaran, sebagai demonstrator, sebagai pembimbing, sebagai motivator dan juga sebagai evaluator dalam meningkatkan keberhasilan program belajar mengajar baik dalam kegiatan pengajaran teori maupun kegiatan praktikum di laboratorium. Peran siswa dalam pembelajaran yaitu mendengarkan, mencatat, mengerjakan, mempraktekan, bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru pada saat proses belajar mengajar baik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran teori maupun kegiatan pembelajaran praktikum, (5) media yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran adalah multi media, media gambar, OHP proyektor, media cetak, dan berbagai peralatan mesin dan bahan lain yang ada di laboratorium, (6) evaluasi dalam pembelajaran: formatif dan sumatif

    Asma Barlas’ Criticism of Hadith as a Tool of Tafsir: Critical Analysis of Feminist’s Predominant Narrative

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    This paper evaluates the hermeneutical methodology of Asma Barlas, in critiquing Muslims’ intellectual traditions with a special reference to the Prophetic tradition, the Sunnah, and its relevance in understanding Islam. In Islamic orthodoxy, the Sunnah occupies the second position as a source of Islamic law. More importantly, it serves as practical explanation of the Qur’ān. Consequently, the Sunnah has become indispensable in understanding the Qur’ān. Conversely, Barlas uses her hermeneutical methodology to challenge the authenticity of the Sunnah and its role in understanding the Qur’ān.1 Her central argument is that using the Sunnah to interpret the Qur’ān is problematic as it undercuts the doctrine of revelation’s self-sufficiency and the interpretive flexibility inherent in it, putting a methodological closure on how the Qur’ān could ‘‘legitimately’’ be read 2 Her criticism of hadith as a tool of tafsÄ«r is specifically remarkable.  This paper, therefore, critically analyzes Barlas’ hermeneutical methodology in relation to her criticism of hadith as an important ingredient of tafsÄ«r. It argues that hadith is an indispensable tool in making sound Qur’anic interpretation and in proper understanding of the Qur’ān as a source of guidance to humanity. It then analyses Barlas’ arguments making references to her intellectual inadequacy. The paper concludes that Barlas’ argument on the position of the Sunnah in Islam is simplistic; while not denying that a significant amount of hadith were forged and integrated into tafsÄ«r, it must be stressed that this forgery was not allowed to go unchallenge

    Geo-Informatics 2: Remote Sensing

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    Exam paper for second semester: Geo-Informatics 2: Remote Sensin

    Bioinformatics Comparison of \u3cem\u3eM. ruber\u3c/em\u3e Mrub_2507 to \u3cem\u3eE. coli\u3c/em\u3e pdxK/b1636 and \u3cem\u3eM. ruber\u3c/em\u3e Mrub_2888 to \u3cem\u3eE. coli\u3c/em\u3e pdxH/b1638 to Determine the Orthologous Nature

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    This project is part of the Meiothermus ruber genome analysis project, which uses the bioinformatics tools associated with the Guiding Education through Novel Investigation – Annotation Collaboration Toolkit (GENI-ACT) to predict gene function. We investigated the biological function of the genes Mrub_2507 and Mrub_2888. We predict that Mrub_2507 encodes the enzyme pyridoxal kinase (DNA coordinates 2555521..2556402), which is in the Vitamin B6 Metabolism pathway (KEGG map number 00750). It catalyzes the conversion of pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, or pyridoxal to pyridoxine 5’-phosphate, pyridoxamine 5’-phosphate, or pyridoxal 5’-phosphate respectively. The E. coli K12 MG1655 ortholog is predicted to be b1636, which has the gene identifier pdxY. We predict that Mrub_2888 encodes the enzyme pyridoxal 5’-phosphate synthase (DNA coordinates 2924422..2925054), which is in the Vitamin B6 Metabolism pathway (KEGG map number 00750). It catalyzes the conversion of pyridoxine 5’-phosphate or pyridoxamine 5’-phosphate to pyridoxal 5’-phosphate. The E. coli K12 MG1655 ortholog is predicted to be b1638, which has the gene identifier pdxH
