7 research outputs found

    Student housing, Brno

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    Předmětem mé bakalářské práce je architektonická studie vypracovaná v zimním semestru 2. ročníku mého bakalářského studia na téma studentské bydlení. Návrh vychází ze dvou budov, mezi nimiž je tvořen veřejný prostor pro studenty a veřejnost. Tvar objektu je navržen tak, aby objekt navazoval na okolní zástavbu obytných domů. Objekty jsou z části řešeny pro veřejnost, ovšem hlavní funkcí objektu je bydlení. Má hlavní myšlenka celé práce se stává variabilita bydlení pro studenty vhodné pro páry, jedince i velké skupiny. Hmotové a tvarové řešení návrhu vychází z tvaru čtverce, jeho opakováním a posouváním po trajektorii – vzniká plastická fasáda a zajímavá architektonická dominanta.The basic of this Bachelor Thesis is the architetural study which was done in the winter semester of second year of my bachelor´s studies. The design comes out from two buildings among which is made up of public space for students and public. The object´s shape is designed to tie together with the local residental houses. Part of buildings are designed to the public, but the main function of the building is housing. The main idea of the my work is variability housing for students, couples, indiviuals student or group of more students. Designed and shape solutions are based on the shape square, repetition a moving on a trajectory – forms a plastic facade and interesting architectural landmark.

    New synagogue Jihlava

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    Architektonická studie se zabývá vytvořením nové synagogy v Jihlavě, v místě původní vypálené jihlavské synagogy z roku 1931 německými nacisty. Návrh pracuje s myšlenkou obnovy vypálených základů, parkánové zdi a začlenění přilehlého opevnění. Jedna z hlavních myšlenek návrhu je práce s kontrastem - uzavřenost x otevřenost. Principy projektu vychází z historie židovské kultury, její symbolice a jednoduchostí urbanistického i dispozičního řešení. Návrh se dále zabývá prostory pro židovskou obec, košer restauraci a mikve. Budova židovské obce poskytuje prostory pro administrativu, výuku, komunitní prostory a muzeum. Náplní projektu je zároveň vytvořit nové vazby k původnímu návrhu parku G.M a prostory pro veřejnost, kde by získala informace o judaismu, způsobu života židovské komunity a jejich historii.The architectural study deals with the creation of a new synagogue in Jihlava, in the place of the original burned Jihlava synagogue from 1931 by German Nazis. The proposal works with the idea of restoring burned foundations, the walling wall and the incorporation of adjacent fortifications. One of the main ideas of the proposal is to work with contrast - closeness x openness. The principles of the project are based on the history of Jewish culture, its symbolism and the simplicity of urban and dispositional solutions. The proposal also deals with spaces for the Jewish community, kosher restaurant and mikveh. The Jewish Community Building provides administrative, teaching, community and museum space. At the same time, the project aims to create new links to the original design of the G.M Park and the public space where it would gain information on Judaism, the way of life of the Jewish community and their history.

    Mechanical Properties of selected types thermoplastic materials modified by high doses of ionizing beta radiation under thermal stress

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    This study deals with the effect of high doses of ionizing beta radiation (132, 165 and 198 kGy) on mechanical properties (tensile strength, tensile modulus and elongation) of low and high density polyethylene under thermal loading. The measurement results of this study indicate that with an increasing dose of radiation grows tensile strength and modulus of low and high density polyethylene. For all examined materials were also observed changes in elongation. © 2017 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland

    Nano-mechanical properties of surface layers of polyethylene modified by irradiation

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    This study's goal was to describe the influence of a wide range of ionizing beta radiation upon the changes in surface layer mechanical properties and structural modifications of selected types of polymer. Radiation crosslinking is a process whereby the impingement of high-energy electrons adjusts test sample structures, thus enhancing the useful properties of the material, e.g., hardness, wear-resistance, and creep, in order that they may function properly during their technical use. The selected polymers tested were polyolefin polymers like polyethylene (Low-density polyethylene LDPE, High-density polyethylene HDPE). These samples underwent exposure to electron radiation of differing dosages (33, 66, 99, 132, 165, and 198 kGy). After the crosslinking process, the samples underwent testing of the nano-mechanical properties of their surface layers. This was done by means of a state-of-the-art indentation technique, i.e., depth-sensing indentation (DSI), which detects the immediate change in the indentation depth associated with the applied force. Indeed, the results indicated that the optimal radiation dosage increased the mechanical properties by up to 57%; however, the beneficial levels of radiation varied with each material. Furthermore, these modifications faced examination from the structural perspective. For this purpose, a gel test, Raman spectroscopy, and crystalline portion determination by X-ray all confirmed the assumed trends. © 2020 by the authors.European Regional Development FundEuropean Union (EU) [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0376]; Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within the National Sustainability Program [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)]; TBU in Zlin Internal Grant Agency [IGA/FT/2020/003