38 research outputs found

    Simple Version of the Linear Business Cycle Model.

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    The paper developed a linear business cycle model. To analyze the impact of small changes in productivity, the model is linearized around the steady state which allows us to find optimal level of consumption and investment under assumption of perfect foresight i.e, knowledge of all future values of the total factor productivity

    Sample Size Guideline for Correlation Analysis

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    Correlation analysis is a common statistical analysis in various fields. The aim is usually to determine to what extent two numerical variables are correlated with each other. One of the issues that are important to be considered before conducting any correlation analysis is to plan for the sufficient sample size. This is to ensure, the results that to be derived from the analysis be able to reach a desired minimum correlation coefficient value with sufficient power and desired type I error or p-value. Sample size estimation for correlation analysis should be in line with the study objective. Researchers who are not statistician need simpler guideline to determine the sufficient sample size for correlation analysis. Therefore, this study aims to tabulate tables that show sample size calculation based on desired correlation coefficient, power and type 1 error (p-value) values. Moving towards that, simpler guidelines are proposed to estimate sufficient sample size requirements in different scenarios

    The Analysis of Transitions in Economic Performance Using Covariate Dependent Markov Model.

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    Tfte GDP or GNP as a measure of economic performance of a country changes continuously. We can identify the factors that precede its ups and downs

    A new logarithmic penalty function approach for nonlinear constrained optimization problem

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    This paper presents a new penalty function called logarithmic penalty function (LPF) and examines the convergence of the proposed LPF method. Furthermore, the LaGrange multiplier for equality constrained optimization is derived based on the first-order necessary condition. The proposed LPF belongs to both categories: a classical penalty function and an exact penalty function, depending on the choice of penalty parameter. Moreover, the proposed LPF is capable of dealing with some of the problems with irregular features from Hock-Schittkowski collections of test problems

    [Ibn al-Muqaffa's Sociological Approach in al-Adab al-Kabir] Pendekatan Sosiologi Ibn al-Muqaffa’ dalam Karya al-Adab al-Kabir

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    Al-Adab al-Kabir is one of Ibn al- Muqafa's most famous works in Arabic literature, particularly in the art of prose. This work is also morally significant and provides insight into human behavior. As a result, this research was carried out to determine Ibn al-Muqaffa's sociology method in al-Adab al-Kabir. A qualitative technique is used in this research. The primary data came from the original publication, as well as books and journals pertinent to the study's theme. Thematic analysis was utilised to study Ibn al-Muqaffa's method, which resulted in the formation of criteria and themes. The findings reveal that Ibn al-Muqaffa' sociology approach in al-Adab al-Kabir is based on social standing, language strength, knowledge, and inventiveness. Karya al-Adab al-Kabir merupakan antara karya Ibn al-Muqafa’ yang paling terkenal dalam kesusasteraan Arab secara amnya dan khususnya dalam seni prosa. Karya ini juga mempunyai nilai akhlak yang tinggi dan pengetahuan tentang manusia dan tingkah laku sosialnya. Justeru kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti pendekatan sosiologi Ibn al-Muqaffa’ dalam karya al-Adab al-Kabir. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data utama diperoleh daripada manuskrip asal disamping buku-buku dan jurnal-jurnal yang relevan dengan tajuk kajian. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik yang membentuk kriteria dan tema untuk meneliti pendekatan yang digunakan oleh Ibn al-Muqaffa’. Hasil kajian menunjukkan pendekatan sosiologi yang digunakan Ibn al-Muqaffa’ dalam karya al-Adab al-Kabir adalah melalui status sosial, kekuatan bahasa, pengetahuan dan kreativiti

    Penggunaan Model Penyelidikan Operasi Dalam Industri: Model Pengangkutan

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    Kertas ini membincangkan penggunaan model pengangkutan sebagai salah satu model penyelidikan operasi untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalam industri pengangkutan

    Modeling Of Groundwater By Using Finite Difference Methods And Simulation.

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    In active landslide, the prediction of acceleration of movement is crucial issue for the design and performance of warning systems. Landslide occurs when a sudden increase beyond the critical level of groundwater. This is especially true in tropical weather during the wet season


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    This paper supplied an alternative method for exponential growth modeling as a technique for regression analysis through SAS algorithm. This alternative method is a combination technique (using bootstrap and fuzzy regression for nonlinear model) for the small data set and gives the researcher an option to launch the analysis even there is not enough data set. This method current method improves the previous methodology with embedded bootstrapping and fuzzy technique to the step of nonlinear regression model. The aim of this principle is to propose an alternative method of doing analysis with better improved results. In our case, we applied this principle to the agriculture data and the gained results were compared by looking at the average width of predicted interval

    Genome sequence of Photobacterium sp. strain J15: an insight view for conservation genetics and molecular engineering

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    The genus Photobacterium was one of the earliest known bacterial taxa (Beijerinck 1889) and it comes from the family Vibrionaceae, one of the most widely distributed groups of prokaryotes that have radiated into hundreds of existing niches in the environment. However, the precise evolutionary history of this bacteria could not be infer due to the lack of whole genome sequencing data on Photobacterium available publicly. Photobacterium sp. strain J15 is a marine bacterium which was isolated from Tanjung Pelepas, Johor and it initially was studied for its lipase and asparaginase producing properties. Lipases has been used widely in the production of food, detergent and also in pharmaceutical industry while asparaginase on the other hand is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. Recently, it is also found out that Photobacterium species have the ability to produce DHAs, which is recommended for infant’s consumption. However, there is a limitation in the industrial use of these enzymes and it is mainly due to the high production cost which could be overcome by molecular technologies. Here we present the draft genome sequence of this Photobacterium sp. It was sequenced using Illumina technology and the genome sequence was then being assembled and the assembly produced 23 scaffolds with a final reading of 5,647,128 bp. However, there are 15,246 of unsequenced nucleotides which would be closed by using Sanger sequencing. The whole genome sequence and the future genome scale metabolic model of the Photobacterium sp. strain J15 is hope to uncover the mechanisms of this bacterium which will ease the molecular engineering applications besides being important in analysing the evolutionary biology and future genetics conservation of this interesting group of bacteria

    Genomic and phenomic analysis of a marine bacterium, Photobacterium marinum J15

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    Photobacterium species are widely distributed in the marine environment. The overall metabolism of this genus remains largely unknown. In order to improve our knowledge on this bacterium, the relationship between the genome and phenome of the Photobacterium isolate was analyzed. The cream colored, Gram-negative, rod-shaped and motile bacterial strain, J15, was isolated from marine water of Tanjung Pelepas, Johor, Malaysia. The 5,684,538 bp genome of strain J15 comprised 3 contigs (2 chromosomes and 1 plasmid) with G + C content of 46.39 % and contained 4924 protein-coding genes including 180 tRNAs and 40 rRNAs. The phenotypic microarray (PM) as analyzed using BIOLOG showed the utilization of; i) 93 of the 190 carbon sources tested, where 61 compounds were used efficiently; ii) 41 of the 95 nitrogen sources tested, where 22 compounds were used efficiently; and iii) 3 of the 94 phosphorous and sulphur sources tested. Furthermore, high tolerance to osmotic stress, basic pH and toxic compounds as well as resistance to antibiotics of strain J15 were determined by BIOLOG PM. The ANI and kSNP analyses revealed that strain J15 to be the same species with Photobacterium marinum AK15 with ANI value of 96.93 % and bootstrapping value of 100 in kSNP. Based on the ANI and kSNP analyses, strain J15 was identified as P. marinum J15