10 research outputs found

    Software Development of Automatic Data Collector for Bus Route Planning System

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    Public transportation is important issue in Taiwan. Recently, mobile application named Bus Route Planning was developed to help the user to get information about public transportation using bus. But, this application often gave the user inaccurate bus information and this application has less attractive GUI. To overcome those 2 problems, it needed 2 kinds of solutions. First, a more accurate time prediction algorithm is needed to predict the arrival time of bus. Second, augmented reality technology can be used to make a GUI improvement. In this research, Automatic Data Collector system was proposed to give support for those 2 solutions at once. This proposed system has 3 main functionalities. First, data collector function to provide some data sets that can be further analyzed as an base of time prediction algorithm. Second, data updater functions to provide the most updated bus information for used in augmented reality system. Third, data management function to gave the system better functionality to supported those 2 related systems. This proposed Automatic Data Collector system was developed using batch data processing scenario and SQL native query in Java programming language. The result of testing shown this data processing scenario was very effective to made database manipulation especially for large-sized data

    Investigation of science process skills and computational thinking dispositions during the implementation of collaborative modeling-based learning in high school physics class

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    Computational thinking (CT) skills are essential with the rapid advancement of technology. Developing CT attitudes in students is also required for improving CT skills.   On the other hand, science process skills are also emphasized in high school physics classes. This study aims to design and implement collaborative modeling-based learning for high school physics classes that stimulates computational thinking (CT) and science process skills. The learning activities use a collaborative approach and adapt the modeling process that scientists usually use. A pilot study in a high school physics course was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of collaborative modeling-based learning. The research instruments used in this study include a test for assessing theoretical understanding, an observational rubric for assessing science process skills and a self-report checklist to assess CT dispositions. A pre-and post-test design is employed in the pilot study. Eighty-nine students participated in this study. Students who participated in collaborative modeling-based learning gained a theoretical understanding. Moreover, they have excellent science process skills. According to the self-report checklist, students also demonstrated positive CT attitudes and indicated that they planned to apply CT aspects to their learning.   It indicates that the modeling process has engaged students to think computationally and develop their process skills

    Urgensi Kemampuan Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Personality (Tpack-P) Pendidik Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    Revolusi industri 4.0 menuntut semua pendidik untuk mampu beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan serta tuntunan zaman. TPACK termasuk satu dari beberapa skill penting yang wajib dimiliki oleh para pendidik di era 4.0. pada masa revolusi industri 4.0 pendidik didorong untuk mengkonstruksi aktivitas belajar mengajar yang dilakukan dengan mengunakan bantuan teknologi. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi pustaka dengan pendekatan filosofis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pendidikan 4.0 mendorong para pendidik untuk bisa menguasai teknologi supaya bisa diintegrasikan ke dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Kemampuan para pendidik dalam memahami serta menguasai teknologi di bidang pendidikan bisa ditinjau melalui TPaCK “technological pedagogical content knowledge” yang ada pada diri pendidik. TPaCK termasuk kerangka teoritis guna menjalankan integrasi pada teknologi, pedagogik serta materi pelajaran yang terdapat dalam aktivitas belajar mengajar. Artikel ini menganalisa mengenai urgensi kemampuan TPacK pendiddik serta interaksi yang ada pada berbagai unsur TPack dan hubungannya dengan revolusi industri 4.0. Kata kunci: TPaCK, Pendidik, Revolusi Industri 4.


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    Sistem pneumatic telah banyak diaplikasikan terutama untuk tujuan otomasi pada industri makanan, minuman, farmasi, migas, otomotif, dan industri. Salah satunya dengan pembuatan alat bantu untuk daur ulang oksigen dalam bidang kesehatan. Untuk menanggulangi kehabisan oksigen maka muncul gagasan untuk membuat oksigen konsentrator. Oksigen konsentrator merupakan alat yang dapat menghasilkan oksigen dengan penerapan sistem Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA). Dalam penelitian ini, kebutuhan kompresor untuk proses produksi oksigen ditentukan yaitu pada debit QS= 0,86 ℓ/s dan daya sebesar Ns = 0,6 kW. Dua tabung zeolit bekerja secara bergantian yang diatur waktunya oleh program PLC dengan program P 3.2 untuk selonoid valve selama 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 detik. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hasil konsentrasi oksigen yang maksimal pada tekanan kerja 4-5 bar. Dari hasil pengujian, konsentrasi oksigen yang maksimal diperoleh ketika selonoid valve diatur dalam waktu 60 detik dengan konsentrasi 48,0% dan flowrate 5 Liter/menit. Dengan hasil konsentrasi yang diperoleh, alat ini masih belum menunjukkan performa maksimal untuk dapat digunakan di rumah sakit

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Berbasis Website Untuk Pendeteksian Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi Berbasis ISO 27001 : 2013 mengunakan Framework Laravel

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     ISO 27001 adalah standar keamanan informasi yang pertama kali diterbitkan pada Oktober 2005 oleh International Organization for Standarization (ISO) dan International Electrotechnical Commision (IEC). Sebagai standar acuan untuk menjamin adanya CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity & Availability) pada sebuah informasi dan data yang kelola oleh perusahaan / instansi agar dapat menerapkan sebuah SMKI (Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi) disuatu perusahaan. Namun adanya, sampai saat ini belum ada alat bantu yang memadai untuk perusahaan di Indonesia dalam melakukan penilaian dini terhadap tingkat SMKI ini. Ditambah sosialisasi aturan yang kurang, sedikitnya ahli pakar terhadap hal ini di Indonesia, dan minimnya tingkat kelulusan audit SMKI terhadap standar ISO 27001, menjadi alasan penulis melakukan penelitian dengan membuat Rancang Bangun Aplikasi berbasis Website untuk Pendeteksian Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi berbasis ISO 27001:2013 mengunakan framework Laravel sebagai kerangka aplikasi websitenya. Penelitian Ini diharapkan dapat menjadi dasar rancang bangun pembuatan aplikasi dalam pendeteksian SMKI perusahaan sebelum diadakannya audit dengan standar ISO 27001 : 201


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    This thesis discusses Business Judgement Rule and Fiduciary Duty doctrine which contained in Law Regulation 40/2007 and its application in a civil case against the law lawsuit. The aim is to find out how the legal efforts that can be taken in case of Fiduciary Duty infringement and to know how the doctrine of the Business Judgement Rule protects every action to a director in a limited liability company policies and action. Based on Black's Law Dictionary, Fiduciary Duty is a duty to act for someone else�s benefit, while subordinating one�s personal interests to that of the other person.It is the highest standard of duty implied by law. Business Judgement Rule by Black's Law Dictionary is the rule shields directors and officers from liability for unprofitable or harmful corporate transactions if the transactions were made in good faith, with due care, and within the directors or officers authority. Shareholders can sue director to a court if found an infringement in Fiduciary Duty and if the director can prove it does not a Fiduciary Duty infringement then director will get the protection from the Business Judgement Rule. The purpose of this study was to find out how the legal efforts that can be taken in case of infringement by the director of a company that violates laws and regulations that apply specifically related to the violation of Fiduciary Duty and find out how the doctrine of the Business Judgement Rule protects every action director in a limited liability company. The conclusion is obtained based on primary data generated from field studies as compared with secondary data generated from the literature research. After analysis the data research after analysis showed that the Civil Code includes provisions that give way how the shareholders of a limited liability company who felt their rights violated by the directors must act to restore their right to it without breaking the law by asking the court for help and get the problem solved decision that can be run. With the judge as a third-party dispute among matter between shareholders and Director, it is expected that there will be a fair decision on this matter under consideration and proper examination. Shareholders can sue directors to the court if found some Fiduciary Duty violation but if the directors can prove that there is no Fiduciary Duty violation then directors will get the protection from the Business Judgement Rule doctrine

    FDM Based Custom 3D Printer Development in Robotic Arm Mechanical Prototype Printing

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    3D printing is one of the most important tools of Industry 4.0. 3D printing technology has an advantage over traditional manufacturing processes, as it has the ability to convert 3D designs/models into ready-to-use products. The world of education needs to continue to adapt to technological developments. Making a mechanical prototype of a robotic arm is one of the main things to do to develop learning media in an educational environment. The mechanical prototype of the robotic arm can be made using 3D printing, so it will provide real implementation for education. The purpose of this study is to develop a custom 3D Printer learning media which is expected to facilitate the installation process and development of a mechanical prototype of a robotic arm as a form of implementation in the Mechatronics Engineering Education Study Program, FT UNY. This research was carried out based on the ADDIE model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The results of this study are a custom 3D printer based on FDM, both Cartesian and CoreXY types that can be used in learning in the Mechatronic Engineering Education Study Program. The test results show the average value of the measurement error of printing results is less than 2% so that it can be used in the learning process and supports the selected learning content. 3D printers can print robotic arm mechanical components with good results and low tolerances for printing precision