315 research outputs found

    Tabasco pepper production with CO2 application using drip irrigation

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    A aplicação de CO2 via água de irrigação produz o rebaixamento do pH da solução do solo, causando variações na mobilidade dos nutrientes e consequentes efeitos na absorção. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os efeitos de doses de dióxido de carbono (CO2), aplicadas via irrigação por gotejamento, na produção da pimenta Tabasco. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com quatro tratamentos e oito repetições. Os tratamentos foram quatro doses de CO2: 0 (T1), 451,95 (T2); 677,93 (T3) e 903,92 (T4) kg ha-1. Os frutos foram pesados e contados; o comprimento e o diâmetro de frutos foram obtidos com a média de 20 frutos por planta. Ocorreu efeito quadrático (p < 0,01) para as doses de CO2 sobre a produção e o efeito quadrático (p < 0,05) das doses sobre o número de frutos. Não houve efeito das doses de CO2 sobre a massa de matéria verde, massa de matéria seca, comprimento e diâmetro de frutos. O tratamento T2 proporcionou a maior produção e o maior número de frutos por planta, com aumento de 16 e 26%, respectivamente, em relação a T1 (sem CO2). A aplicação de CO2 favoreceu o aumento da produção em decorrência do aumento do número de frutos por planta.Application of CO2 through water reduces the soil solution pH, causing variations in nutrient mobility and consequent effects on the absorption. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of carbon dioxide rates supplied by drip irrigation in the production of Capsicum frutescens L. crop. A randomized block design with four treatments and eight replications was used. The treatments were four rates of CO2:0 (T1), 451.95 (T2); 677.93 (T3) and 903.92 (T4) kg ha-1. The fruits were counted and weighed; the length and the diameter were obtained from an average of 20 fruits per plant, randomly taken, from each treatment in the plot. The quadratic effect (p < 0.01) occurred for CO2 on the yield and there was quadratic effect (p < 0.05) of the rates on the number of fruits. There were no effects of CO2 rates on the green matter, dry matter and fruit length and diameter. The T2 treatment provided greater yield and higher number of fruits per plant with an increase of 16 and 26%, respectively in relation to T1 (without CO2). CO2 application favored the increase in the yield because of the greater number of fruits per plant in the Tabasco pepper crop

    Critical nitrogen dilution curve of the potato cultivar Asterix

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi ajustar a curva crítica de diluição do nitrogênio (N) da batata 'Asterix' e avaliar o seu emprego no manejo da adubação nitrogenada. Tubérculos dessa cultivar foram plantados em sacolas de polietileno com 5 dm3 de substrato orgânico, na densidade de 4,4 sacolas m-2. Os tratamentos consistiram de cinco soluções nutritivas, com concentrações de N de 5, 8,3, 11,3, 14,3 e 16,3 mmol L-1. Os demais nutrientes foram fornecidos nas concentrações: 8,3 de K+, 1,75 de Ca2+, 1,2 de H2PO4-, 0,7 de Mg2+ e 0,7 mmol L-1 de SO42-, complementados por micronutrientes. Em intervalos de sete dias, entre os 43 e 99 dias após o plantio, foram determinados: a massa de matéria seca (MS) e o teor de N nas folhas, hastes e tubérculos. Foi ajustada a curva crítica de diluição [N (g kg-1) = 36MS-0.37] para a produção total de MS da planta. Essa curva pode ser usada, como referencial, na interpretação dos resultados de análise foliar e na estimativa das quantidades de N extraídas pelas plantas da batata 'Asterix', no decorrer do ciclo de crescimento e desenvolvimento.The objective of this work was to adjust the critical nitrogen (N) dilution curve of the potato cultivar Asterix and to evaluate its use on N management strategies. Tubers of this cultivar were planted in 5 dm3 polyethylene bags filled with organic substrate in the density of 4.4 bags m-2. Treatments consisted of five nutrient solutions with N concentrations of 5, 8.3, 11.3, 14.3, and 16.3 mmol L-1. Other macronutrients as 8.3 of K+, 1.75 of Ca2+, 1,2 of H2PO4-, 0.7 of Mg2+, 0.7 mmol L-1 of SO42- and micronutrients were added in standard concentrations. Dry matter and N concentration in leaves, stems and tubers were weekly determined, from 43 to 99 days after planting. The critical nitrogen curve [N (g kg-1) = 36DM-0.37] was adjusted, based on total dry matter production. This dilution curve may be used as an interpretation tool for foliar analysis results and as a parameter to estimate N extraction during growth and development of the potato cultivar Asterix

    Backgrounding steers on temperate grasses mixed with vetch and/or using energy supplementation

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    Objective The aim was to evaluate backgrounding beef steers on oat + ryegrass pastures mixed with vetch and/or using energy supplementation. Methods A randomized block design with three treatments and three replications was used. The treatments were: grass + supplement (oat + ryegrass + supplementation), legume + supplement (oat + ryegrass + vetch + supplementation) and grass + legume (oat + ryegrass + vetch). A continuous grazing system with a variable stocking rate was used. Twenty-seven intact crossbred steers (1/4 Marchigiana, 1/4 Aberdeen Angus and 2/4 Nellore) aged 7 months old and average weight of 190 kg were used. Steers were supplemented at 1% of the body weight of ground corn. The experiment lasted 84 days, between May and August 2014. Behavioral assessments were performed two times per experimental period, for 24 hours. Results The forage mass was different between treatments, being greater for steers fed without legume. The accumulation rate, forage allowance, and stocking rate did not differ between treatments due to the adequate adjustment of forage allowance. The final weight of animals, as well as the dry matter intake (kg/d), did not differ between treatments. However, forage intake was higher for non-supplemented animals in relation to supplemented steers. Supplement intake did not alter the total digestible nutrient intake due to pasture quality. Animals fed grass + supplement had higher live weight gain per area than those fed grass + legume. Animals without supplementation spent more time in grazing. Conclusion Feeding behavior was not altered by mixing with vetch or supplementation. Non-supplemented animals started the grazing peak earlier and spent more time in grazing than those supplemented; however, the average daily gain was similar between treatments. The live weight gain per hectare was 47% higher in pastures in which the animals received supplementation compared with those mixed with vetch, a consequence of the substitutive effect

    Les droits disciplinaires des fonctions publiques : « unification », « harmonisation » ou « distanciation ». A propos de la loi du 26 avril 2016 relative à la déontologie et aux droits et obligations des fonctionnaires

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    The production of tt‾ , W+bb‾ and W+cc‾ is studied in the forward region of proton–proton collisions collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.98±0.02 fb−1 . The W bosons are reconstructed in the decays W→ℓν , where ℓ denotes muon or electron, while the b and c quarks are reconstructed as jets. All measured cross-sections are in agreement with next-to-leading-order Standard Model predictions.The production of ttt\overline{t}, W+bbW+b\overline{b} and W+ccW+c\overline{c} is studied in the forward region of proton-proton collisions collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.98 ±\pm 0.02 \mbox{fb}^{-1}. The WW bosons are reconstructed in the decays WνW\rightarrow\ell\nu, where \ell denotes muon or electron, while the bb and cc quarks are reconstructed as jets. All measured cross-sections are in agreement with next-to-leading-order Standard Model predictions

    Physics case for an LHCb Upgrade II - Opportunities in flavour physics, and beyond, in the HL-LHC era

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    The LHCb Upgrade II will fully exploit the flavour-physics opportunities of the HL-LHC, and study additional physics topics that take advantage of the forward acceptance of the LHCb spectrometer. The LHCb Upgrade I will begin operation in 2020. Consolidation will occur, and modest enhancements of the Upgrade I detector will be installed, in Long Shutdown 3 of the LHC (2025) and these are discussed here. The main Upgrade II detector will be installed in long shutdown 4 of the LHC (2030) and will build on the strengths of the current LHCb experiment and the Upgrade I. It will operate at a luminosity up to 2×1034 cm−2s−1, ten times that of the Upgrade I detector. New detector components will improve the intrinsic performance of the experiment in certain key areas. An Expression Of Interest proposing Upgrade II was submitted in February 2017. The physics case for the Upgrade II is presented here in more depth. CP-violating phases will be measured with precisions unattainable at any other envisaged facility. The experiment will probe b → sl+l−and b → dl+l− transitions in both muon and electron decays in modes not accessible at Upgrade I. Minimal flavour violation will be tested with a precision measurement of the ratio of B(B0 → μ+μ−)/B(Bs → μ+μ−). Probing charm CP violation at the 10−5 level may result in its long sought discovery. Major advances in hadron spectroscopy will be possible, which will be powerful probes of low energy QCD. Upgrade II potentially will have the highest sensitivity of all the LHC experiments on the Higgs to charm-quark couplings. Generically, the new physics mass scale probed, for fixed couplings, will almost double compared with the pre-HL-LHC era; this extended reach for flavour physics is similar to that which would be achieved by the HE-LHC proposal for the energy frontier

    LHCb upgrade software and computing : technical design report

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    This document reports the Research and Development activities that are carried out in the software and computing domains in view of the upgrade of the LHCb experiment. The implementation of a full software trigger implies major changes in the core software framework, in the event data model, and in the reconstruction algorithms. The increase of the data volumes for both real and simulated datasets requires a corresponding scaling of the distributed computing infrastructure. An implementation plan in both domains is presented, together with a risk assessment analysis

    Mitochondrial physiology

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    As the knowledge base and importance of mitochondrial physiology to evolution, health and disease expands, the necessity for harmonizing the terminology concerning mitochondrial respiratory states and rates has become increasingly apparent. The chemiosmotic theory establishes the mechanism of energy transformation and coupling in oxidative phosphorylation. The unifying concept of the protonmotive force provides the framework for developing a consistent theoretical foundation of mitochondrial physiology and bioenergetics. We follow the latest SI guidelines and those of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) on terminology in physical chemistry, extended by considerations of open systems and thermodynamics of irreversible processes. The concept-driven constructive terminology incorporates the meaning of each quantity and aligns concepts and symbols with the nomenclature of classical bioenergetics. We endeavour to provide a balanced view of mitochondrial respiratory control and a critical discussion on reporting data of mitochondrial respiration in terms of metabolic flows and fluxes. Uniform standards for evaluation of respiratory states and rates will ultimately contribute to reproducibility between laboratories and thus support the development of data repositories of mitochondrial respiratory function in species, tissues, and cells. Clarity of concept and consistency of nomenclature facilitate effective transdisciplinary communication, education, and ultimately further discovery