21 research outputs found

    Contrasting levels of absorption of intense femtosecond laser pulses by solids

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    The absorption of ultraintense, femtosecond laser pulses by a solid unleashes relativistic electrons, thereby creating a regime of relativistic optics. This has enabled exciting applications of relativistic particle beams and coherent X-ray radiation, and fundamental leaps in high energy density science and laboratory astrophysics. Obviously, central to these possibilities lies the basic problem of understanding and if possible, manipulating laser absorption. Surprisingly, the absorption of intense light largely remains an open question, despite the extensive variations in target and laser pulse structures. Moreover, there are only few experimental measurements of laser absorption carried out under very limited parameter ranges. Here we present an extensive investigation of absorption of intense 30 femtosecond laser pulses by solid metal targets. The study, performed under varying laser intensity and contrast ratio over four orders of magnitude, reveals a significant and non-intuitive dependence on these parameters. For contrast ratio of 10-9 and intensity of 2 × 1019W cm-2, three observations are revealed: preferential acceleration of electrons along the laser axis, a ponderomotive scaling of electron temperature, and red shifting of emitted second-harmonic. These point towards the role of J × B absorption mechanism at relativistic intensity. The experimental results are supported by particle-in-cell simulations

    Efficient transport of femtosecond laser-generated fast electrons in a millimeter thick graphite

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    We demonstrate efficient transport of fast electrons generated by ∼1018 W/cm2, 30 fs, 800 nm laser pulses through a millimeter thick polycrystalline graphite. Measurements of hot electron spectra at the front side of the graphite target show enhancement in terms of the electron flux and temperature, while the spectra at the rear confirm the ability of the graphite to transport large electron currents over a macroscopic distance of a millimeter. In addition, protons of keV energies are observed at the rear side of such a macroscopically thick target and attributed to the target-normal-sheath-acceleration mechanism

    Universal behavior of highly-confined heat flow in semiconductor nanosystems: from nanomeshes to metalattices

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    Nanostructuring on length scales corresponding to phonon mean free paths provides control over heat flow in semiconductors and makes it possible to engineer their thermal properties. However, the influence of boundaries limits the validity of bulk models, while first principles calculations are too computationally expensive to model real devices. Here we use extreme ultraviolet beams to study phonon transport dynamics in a 3D nanostructured silicon metalattice with deep nanoscale feature size, and observe dramatically reduced thermal conductivity relative to bulk. To explain this behavior, we develop a predictive theory wherein thermal conduction separates into a geometric permeability component and an intrinsic viscous contribution, arising from a new and universal effect of nanoscale confinement on phonon flow. Using both experiments and atomistic simulations, we show that our theory is valid for a general set of highly-confined silicon nanosystems, from metalattices, nanomeshes, porous nanowires to nanowire networks. This new analytical theory of thermal conduction can be used to predict and engineer phonon transport in boundary-dominated nanosystems, that are of great interest for next-generation energy-efficient devices

    Probing ultrafast dynamics in a solid-density plasma created by an intense femtosecond laser

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    We report a study on the dynamics of a near-solid density plasma using an ultraviolet (266 nm) femtosecond probe laser pulse, which can penetrate to densities of ∼ 1022 cm-3, nearly an order of magnitude higher than the critical density of the 800 nm, femtosecond pump laser. Time-resolved probe-reflectivity from the plasma shows a rapid decay (picosecond- timescale) while the time-resolved reflected probe spectra show red shifts at early temporal delays and blue shifts at longer delays. This spectral behaviour of the reflected probe can be explained by a laser-driven shock moving inward and a subsequent hydrodynamic free expansion in the outward direction

    Controlling femtosecond-laser-driven shock-waves in hot, dense plasma

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    Ultrafast pump-probe reflectometry and Doppler spectrometry of a supercritical density plasma layer excited by 1017-1018 W/cm2 intensity, 30 fs, and 800 nm laser pulses reveal the interplay of laser intensity contrast and inward shock wave strength. The inward shock wave velocity increases with an increase in laser intensity contrast. This trend is supported by simulations as well as by a separate independent experiment employing an external prepulse to control the inward motion of the shock wave. This kind of cost-effective control of shock wave strength using femtosecond pulses could open up new applications in medicine, science, and engineering

    Formation and evolution of post-solitons following a high intensity laser-plasma interaction with a low-density foam target

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    The formation and evolution of post-solitons has been discussed for quite some time both analytically and through the use of particle-in-cell (PIC) codes. It is however only recently that they have been directly observed in laser-plasma experiments. Relativistic electromagnetic (EM) solitons are localised structures that can occur in collisionless plasmas. They consist of a low-frequency EM wave trapped in a low electron number-density cavity surrounded by a shell with a higher electron number-density. Here we describe the results of an experiment in which a 100 TW Ti:sapphire laser (30 fs, 800 nm) irradiates a 0:03 gcm^-3 TMPTA foam target with a focused intensity I_l = 9:5x10^17 Wcm^-2. A third harmonic (lambda_probe ~ 266 nm) probe is employed to diagnose plasma motion for 25 ps after the main pulse interaction via Doppler-Spectroscopy. Both radiation-hydrodynamics and 2-D PIC simulations are performed to aid in the interpretation of the experimental results. We show that the rapid motion of the probe critical-surface observed in the experiment might be a signature of post-soliton wall motion