5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of esthetic outcome of fixed restorations on implants after ridge preservation with beta tricalcium phosphate and collagen in upper jaw

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    Uvod Gubitak zuba u estetskoj regiji gornje vilice praćeno je dimenzionim promenama alveolarnog grebena što za posledicu ima redukciju njegove širine i visine. Beta trikalcijum fosfat (βTKF) sa kolagenom tip I (Kol 1) je sintetski materijal sa osteokonduktivnim svojstvima indikovan za očuvanje koštanog tkiva alveolarnog grebena po ekstrakciji zuba, što je od posebnog značaja u prednjoj regiji gornje vilice. Uspešnost estetskog ishoda nakon ugradnje implantata vrednuje se procenom stabilnosti mekog i koštanog tkiva kao i zubnih nadoknada na implantatima. Imajući u vidu značaj u postizanju estetskih kriterijuma, i objektivnog vrednovanja dobijenih rezultata, predložen je klinički sistem interpretacije estetskih parametara. Koriste se dve skale: modifikovana PES (Pink Esthetic Score), za meka periimplantna tkiva, i WES (White Esthetic Score) za procenu estetskih parametara zubne nadoknade na implantima . Ciljevi Poređenje dimenzione stabilnosti alveolarnog grebena 2, 4 i 9 meseci nakon vađenja zuba i prezervacije alveole βTKF + Kol 1; procena kvaliteta i kvantiteta novoformirane kosti u navedenim vremenskim intervalima histološkom i histomorfometrijskom analizom; utvrđivanje stabilnosti periimplantnog tkiva i komparativna analiza estetskih parametara mekog tkiva i estetskih parametara samih nadoknada oko definitivne, šrafom retinirane metalokeramičke nadoknade. Materijal i metod U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 90 pacijenata podeljenih u 3 grupe; grupa pacijenata kod kojih je zarastanje alveole posle primene βTKF + Kol 1 trajalo 2, 4 i 9 meseci. Nakon predviđenog vremena zarastanja, na mestu uzete biopsije, preparisano je ležište za implant Astra Tech TX promera 3.5S ili 4.0S i dužine 9 ili 11 mm. Za sve tri ispitivane grupe radjena je kvantitativna i kvalitativna histološka i histomorfometrijska analiza procentualne zastupljnosti mineralizovane i nezrele novoformirane kosti, zastupljenost vezivnog tkiva, partikula neresorbovanog materijala i krvnih sudova...Introduction Tooth extraction in the aesthetic region of the upper jaw is accompanied by dimensional changes of the alveolar ridge, which results in a reduction in its width and height. Beta-tricalcium phosphate (βTCP) with collagen type I (Kol-1) is a synthetic material with osteoconductive properties indicated for the preservation of bone tissue of the postextraction sites. The success of the aesthetic outcome after implant placement in the anterior region of the upper jaw is evaluated by assessing the stability of soft and bone tissue at the implant placement site. Having in mind the importance in achieving aesthetic criteria, as well as the importance of objective evaluation of the obtained results, a clinical system of interpretation of aesthetic parameters using two scales, modified, PES (PinkEstheticScore) scale and scale for assessing aesthetic parameters of dental restoration on WES scale implants (WhiteEstheticScore). Aims Comparison of the degree of resorption of the alveolar ridge 2, 4 and 9 months after tooth extraction and preservation of the alveolus βTCP + Col-1; assessment of the quality and quantity of newly formed bone in the specified time intervals by histological and histomorphometric analysis; determining the stability of periimplant tissue and comparative analysis of aesthetic parameters of soft tissue and aesthetic parameters of the restorations around the definitive, screw-retained metal-ceramic restoration. Material and Method The study included 90 patients divided into 3 groups; group of patients in whom alveolar healing after preservation with βTCP + Col 1 lasted 2, 4 and 9 months. After the anticipated healing time, at the site of the biopsy, implant bed for Astra Tech TX with a diameter of 3.5S or 4.0S and a length of 9 or 11 mm was prepared. Quantitative and qualitative histological and histomorphometric analysis of percentage of mineralized and immature newly formed bone, connective tissue, particles of unresorbed material and blood vessels was performed for all three examined groups..

    The Impact of High-Dose Fish Oil Supplementation on Mfsd2a, Aqp4, and Amyloid-β Expression in Retinal Blood Vessels of 5xFAD Alzheimer’s Mouse Model

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    In patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and in animal models, the increased accumulation of amyloid β (Aβ) in retinal blood vessels strongly correlates with brain amyloid deposits and cognitive decline. The accumulation of Aβ in blood vessels may result from impaired transcytosis and a dysfunctional ocular glymphatic system in AD. High-dose fish oil (FO) supplementation has been shown to significantly change the expression of major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein 2a (Mfsd2a), a key regulator of transcytosis, and Aquaporin 4 (Aqp4), an essential component of the glymphatic system in the retinas of WT mice. We examined the expression of Mfsd2a and Aqp4 in the retinas of 4-month-old 5xFAD female mice supplemented with high-dose FO for three weeks. There was a significant increase in Mfsd2a expression in 5xFAD retinas supplemented with FO compared to control 5xFAD mice. Additionally, the increase in Aqp4 expression observed in 4-month-old 5xFAD retinas, indicative of an impaired glymphatic system, was significantly decreased. Simultaneously, Aβ accumulation in 5xFAD retinal blood vessels was reduced following FO supplementation. These findings suggest that high-dose FO supplementation could serve as an adjunct in developing new treatments aimed at improving the regulation of transcytosis or the function of the glymphatic system in the AD retin

    The Impact of High-Dose Fish Oil Supplementation on Mfsd2a, Aqp4, and Amyloid-β Expression in Retinal Blood Vessels of 5xFAD Alzheimer’s Mouse Model

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    In patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and in animal models, the increased accumulation of amyloid β (Aβ) in retinal blood vessels strongly correlates with brain amyloid deposits and cognitive decline. The accumulation of Aβ in blood vessels may result from impaired transcytosis and a dysfunctional ocular glymphatic system in AD. High-dose fish oil (FO) supplementation has been shown to significantly change the expression of major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein 2a (Mfsd2a), a key regulator of transcytosis, and Aquaporin 4 (Aqp4), an essential component of the glymphatic system in the retinas of WT mice. We examined the expression of Mfsd2a and Aqp4 in the retinas of 4-month-old 5xFAD female mice supplemented with high-dose FO for three weeks. There was a significant increase in Mfsd2a expression in 5xFAD retinas supplemented with FO compared to control 5xFAD mice. Additionally, the increase in Aqp4 expression observed in 4-month-old 5xFAD retinas, indicative of an impaired glymphatic system, was significantly decreased. Simultaneously, Aβ accumulation in 5xFAD retinal blood vessels was reduced following FO supplementation. These findings suggest that high-dose FO supplementation could serve as an adjunct in developing new treatments aimed at improving the regulation of transcytosis or the function of the glymphatic system in the AD retina

    Fatty acids as biomodulators of Piezo1 mediated glial mechanosensitivity in Alzheimer's disease

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    The brain is the softest organ in the body, and any change in the mechanical properties of the tissue induces the activation of glial cells, astrocytes and microglia. Amyloid plaques, one of the main pathological features of Alzheimer's disease (AD), are substantially harder than the surrounding brain tissue and can activate astrocytes and microglia resulting in the glial engulfment of plaques. Durotaxis, a migratory preference towards stiffer tissue, is prompting microglia to form a mechanical barrier around plaques reducing amyloid β (Aβ) induced neurotoxicity. Mechanoreceptors are highly expressed in the brain, particularly in microglia. The large increase in the expression of the mechanoreceptor Piezo1 was observed in the brains from AD animal models and AD patients in plaque encompassing glia. Importantly, Piezo1 function is regulated via force-from–lipids through the lipid composition of the membrane and membranous incorporation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) can affect the function of Piezo1 altering mechanosensitive properties of the cell. On the other hand, PUFAs dietary supplementation can alter microglial polarization, the envelopment of amyloid plaques, and immune response and Piezo1 activity was implicated in the similar modulations of microglia behavior. Finally, PUFAs treatment is currently in use in medical trials as the therapy for sickle cell anemia, a disease linked with the mutations in Piezo1. Further studies are needed to elucidate the connection between PUFAs, Piezo1 expression, and microglia behavior in the AD brain. These findings could open new possibilities in harnessing microglia in AD and in developing novel therapeutic strategies