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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between aggression, empathic tendency, expression of emotions and self-compassion, and to find out whether empathic tendency, expression of emotions and self-compassion significantly predict aggression. The sample of study consists of 526 female and 290 male in total 816 students who are studying different faculties in Selcuk University and students are chosen with random sample method. In the study for the personal information of students ‘Personal Information Form’, to determine their aggression scores ‘Aggression Scale’, to specify empathic tendency ‘Empathic Tendency Scale’, to determine their self-compassion ‘Self-compassion Scale’ and also to determine their expression of emotions scores “Expression of emotions Scale have been used. Correlation and multiple hierarchical regression analysis were used to analyze data. For statistical analysis of data SPSS 15.00 program was used. According to results of study, university students’ empathic tendency, expression of emotions and self-compassions explain their aggressive behavior significantly. There is a negative and significant correlation between aggression and empathic tendency, expression of emotions and self-compassion. In regression analysis, empathic tendency, expression of emotions and self-compassion are significant predictors of aggression.  Article visualizations

    Avrupa Birliği'nin yenilenebilir enerji dinamikleri ve Türkiye'nin uyumu

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    Enerji, insan hayatının her alanında oldukça önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bugünün enerji kaynakları, artan nüfus ve gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte değişim göstermektedir. Bu nedenle enerji kaynakları yerini, aşamalı olarak yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarına bırakmaya başlamıştır. Avrupa Birliği, mevcut enerji kaynakları sınırlı olduğundan, yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarını geliştirmeye yönelmiştir. Avrupa Birliği kendi içinde alınan kararlar ve yapılan düzenlemeler ile hedeflerine ulaşmaktadır. Diğer taraftan, yenilenebilir enerji çevreyi korumada oldukça önemli bir role sahiptir. Daha az çevresel risk taşıdığı için ülkeler, daha çok yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarını tercih etmektedirler. Türkiye ise, enerji bağımlılığından kurtulmak ve enerji konusunda ilerleme sağlamak için, Avrupa Birliği’ne üye olma yolunda çalışmalar yapmaktadır. Türkiye, yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarını, mümkün olan teknolojisiyle geliştirmeye çalışmaktadır. Bu nedenle Türkiye, Avrupa Birliği ile ortak projeler gerçekleştirmekte ve yenilenebilir enerji konusunda yüksek standartlara ulaşmayı hedeflemektedir. Energy has an important place in every area of human life. Today’s energy sources are changing with growing population and developing technology. Therefore, energy sources are relinquishing their places to renewable energy sources. Because of limited available sources, European Union have head for developing renewable energy. European Union reaches it’s targets with their own desicions and regulations. An addition to this, renewable energy plays an important role in protecting the environment. Countries prefer renewable sources since they have lower environmental risk. Turkey has been working on the way to be a member of the European Union in order to make progress on energy and escape from energy dependence. Turkey has been trying to develop it’s own renewable sources with the available technology. Therefore, Turkey has been developing common projects with European Union and aims to reach high standarts about renewable energy

    A Major Public Health Problem: Uncontrolled Wearing of Contact Lenses

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    Pur po se: To evaluate the behavior, attitude and point of view of contact lens wearers attending Mersin University. Ma te ri al and Met hod: Our study included students from the Faculty of Medicine whom we assumed to have the highest awareness about health topics and also students from the Faculty of Education whom we expected to have the similar awareness. Considering the total number of students, we calculated the minimum number of students attending the Faculty of Education (n: 213) and the minimum number of students attending the Faculty of Medicine (n: 230) that must be included to the study. Then, we asked the students to answer our questionnaire. Re sults: The mean age of the students attending the study was 21.29±2.14 years, and 62.5% of the participants were female. Among all of the students, 81% were wearing contact lenses to correct their refractive errors and 12% of the students were wearing the contact lenses to enhance appearance for cosmetic reasons. Also, 51% of the students were getting the contact lenses with prescription and the rest of the students without it. Furthermore, 47.3% of the participants had received the basic information about contact lenses from their doctors, while the rest had accessed this information through other sources. 43.9% of the participants were visiting their doctors regularly while wearing contact lenses. Dis cus si on: Serious complications and irreversible visual loss as a result of this serious complications can occur due to contact lens wear. So, we think that contact lenses should not be accepted as simple medical devices. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2012; 42: 84-7


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    Background: Body posture is defined as relative biomechanical alignment&nbsp;of body’s head, trunk, and extremities as well as position of the body in&nbsp;the space. Body posture might be altered due to different musculoskeletal&nbsp;pathologies. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) is a chronic inflammatory disease&nbsp;characterized by musculoskeletal problems including bone and muscle&nbsp;geometry alterations which may lead a deteriorated posture. However, it is&nbsp;not known whether trunk muscle endurance is associated with body posture&nbsp;in children with JIA.Objectives: To investigate the relationship between postural changes and trunk&nbsp;muscle endurance in children with JIA.Methods: Thirty-four children (eighteen female, sixteen male) were included in&nbsp;the study. Postural changes were assessed by a three-dimensional evaluation&nbsp;system (PosturePrint System, Biotonix, Canada). The system provides Posture&nbsp;Index (PI) score which is a composite score from three postural regions including&nbsp;head, ribcage, and pelvis. Higher PI scores indicate a more deteriorated&nbsp;posture. Biering–Sørensen Test (BST), Flexor Endurance Test (FET), Lateral&nbsp;Endurance Test (LET) were used to assess trunk muscle endurance, and Static&nbsp;Scapular Endurance Test (SSET) were used to assess scapular muscle endurance.&nbsp;Spearman Rank Correlation test was employed to determine the possible&nbsp;relationships.Results: Enthesitis related arthritis was the most common JIA subtype in the&nbsp;study (38.2%) followed by oligoarthritis (26.5%), polyarthritis (20.6%), and systemic&nbsp;arthritis (14.7%). Significant negative correlations were detected between&nbsp;SSET and PI-head score (rho= -0.467, p=0.005), SSET and PI-ribcage score&nbsp;(rho= -0.381, p=0.026); FET and PI-head score (rho= -0.469, p=0.005); LET and&nbsp;PI-head score (rho= -0.441, p=0.009).Conclusion: These results indicated that postural displacements of head and&nbsp;ribcage are linked with decreased trunk and scapular muscle endurance in children&nbsp;with JIA. Exercise and physical activity programs targeting muscle endurance&nbsp;may result improvements in posture in these children.</p