8 research outputs found

    The role of molecular genetic and cytogenetic analyses in the diagnosis and prediction of treatment response in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphomas

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    Maligní lymofoproliferace zahrnují vysoce heterogenní skupinu nádorů vycházejících z lymfocytů, tj. lymfomů (Non-Hodgkinových - NHL, i Hodgkinova), leukémií, mnohočetného myelomu a dalších. V současnosti je známa řada chromosomových aberací jak s diagnostickým, tak prognostickým významem, což zařadilo molekulárně cytogenetické analýzy genomu nádorových buněk mezi důležitá vyšetření. Disertace se věnuje především chronické lymfocytární leukémii (CLL), která patří mezi periferní B lymfoproliferace a je nejčastějším typem leukémie. Metodou fluorescenční in situ hybridizace (FISH) jsme vyšetřovali přítomnost čtyř nejčastějších aberací (delece 13q14, delece genu ATM a TP53 a trisomie 12), doplněnou u části pacientů o detekci aberací genu IgH, a porovnali jsme nálezy s dalšími faktory a klinickými charakteristikami. Práce ukazuje, že vyšetření klasického karyotypu je relativně málo relevantní. Metoda FISH byla pro záchyt aberací u CLL mnohem přínosnější. Přítomnost žádné ze čtyř zmíněných aberací není pro CLL specifická, má však prognostický význam, zejména delece TP53. Detekce některých translokací IgH genu je nepostradatelná v diferenciální diagnostice CLL a dalších NHL (velkobuněčného, folikulárního, Burkittova lymfomu, lymfomu z buněk plášťové zóny). Věnovali jsme se potvrzení významu jednotlivých...Malignant lymphoproliferative disorders include highly heterogeneous entities, i.e. lymphomas (Non-Hodgkin - NHL, as well Hodgkin's lymphoma), lymphoid leukemias, multiple myeloma and others. As currently many chromosomal aberrations with diagnostic and prognostic significance are known, molecular cytogenetic analyses of tumor cell genome has become a substantial examination also in lymphoproliferative disorders. This thesis focuses primarily on chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), which is one of the mature B-cell neoplasms and represents the most common type of leukemia. We analyzed four most frequently found aberrations (13q14 deletion, ATM and TP53 gene deletion, and trisomy 12) by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and also IgH gene aberrations in some patients. We compared the findings with other factors and clinical characteristics. This work shows that the conventional G-banding is analysis relatively little relevant. FISH was more effective in detecting aberrations in CLL. Although none of the four aforementioned changes is specific to CLL, the prognostic impact is significant, particularly that of TP53 deletion. Next, detection of some IgH gene translocations is essential in differential diagnosis of CLL and other NHL (follicular, mantle cell, diffuse large B cell, Burkitt's...Ústav lékařské biochemie a laboratorní diagnostiky 1. LF UK a VFNInstitute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine First Faculty of MedicineFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    The role of molecular genetic and cytogenetic analyses in the diagnosis and prediction of treatment response in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphomas

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    Malignant lymphoproliferative disorders include highly heterogeneous entities, i.e. lymphomas (Non-Hodgkin - NHL, as well Hodgkin's lymphoma), lymphoid leukemias, multiple myeloma and others. As currently many chromosomal aberrations with diagnostic and prognostic significance are known, molecular cytogenetic analyses of tumor cell genome has become a substantial examination also in lymphoproliferative disorders. This thesis focuses primarily on chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), which is one of the mature B-cell neoplasms and represents the most common type of leukemia. We analyzed four most frequently found aberrations (13q14 deletion, ATM and TP53 gene deletion, and trisomy 12) by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and also IgH gene aberrations in some patients. We compared the findings with other factors and clinical characteristics. This work shows that the conventional G-banding is analysis relatively little relevant. FISH was more effective in detecting aberrations in CLL. Although none of the four aforementioned changes is specific to CLL, the prognostic impact is significant, particularly that of TP53 deletion. Next, detection of some IgH gene translocations is essential in differential diagnosis of CLL and other NHL (follicular, mantle cell, diffuse large B cell, Burkitt's..

    The role of molecular genetic and cytogenetic analyses in the diagnosis and prediction of treatment response in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphomas

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    Malignant lymphoproliferative disorders include highly heterogeneous entities, i.e. lymphomas (Non-Hodgkin - NHL, as well Hodgkin's lymphoma), lymphoid leukemias, multiple myeloma and others. As currently many chromosomal aberrations with diagnostic and prognostic significance are known, molecular cytogenetic analyses of tumor cell genome has become a substantial examination also in lymphoproliferative disorders. This thesis focuses primarily on chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), which is one of the mature B-cell neoplasms and represents the most common type of leukemia. We analyzed four most frequently found aberrations (13q14 deletion, ATM and TP53 gene deletion, and trisomy 12) by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and also IgH gene aberrations in some patients. We compared the findings with other factors and clinical characteristics. This work shows that the conventional G-banding is analysis relatively little relevant. FISH was more effective in detecting aberrations in CLL. Although none of the four aforementioned changes is specific to CLL, the prognostic impact is significant, particularly that of TP53 deletion. Next, detection of some IgH gene translocations is essential in differential diagnosis of CLL and other NHL (follicular, mantle cell, diffuse large B cell, Burkitt's..

    Accidents in the Population and their Impact on Utilization of Health Insurance

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    Qualification work is focused on problematic of injuries, occurring in the population, and their influence regarding amount of costs covered by the public health care. The aim of this thesis is to determine, based on available information, expenses trends in health care and also costs, related to health care, of individual health insurance companies. Identification of injuries occurrence throughout the population and determination of their costs and complexity is furthermore important segment of the thesis. Based on these data, the objective of this thesis is to identify the portion of this amount contributing to the overall costs of public health care. The practical part of the thesis also contains analysis of recommendations, which might influence or cause change from current situation

    Sports and economic resources of extraleague volleyball team of women

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    katedra: KTV

    Accidents in the Population and their Impact on Utilization of Health Insurance

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    Kvalifikační práce se věnuje problematice úrazů, které se vyskytují v populaci a jejich vlivu na velikosti nákladů čerpaných z veřejného zdravotního pojištění. Cílem práce je na základě dostupných informací určit vývojové trendy výdajů na zdravotnictví i samostatných nákladů zdravotních pojišťoven na zdravotní péči. Dále je důležité zjistit výskyt úrazů v populaci a určit jejich nákladovou náročnost. Z těchto dat je cílem práce zjistit jakým způsobem se tato částka podílí na celkových nákladech veřejného zdravotního pojištění. Součástí praktické práce je také rozbor doporučení, která by situaci mohla změnit.Qualification work is focused on problematic of injuries, occurring in the population, and their influence regarding amount of costs covered by the public health care. The aim of this thesis is to determine, based on available information, expenses trends in health care and also costs, related to health care, of individual health insurance companies. Identification of injuries occurrence throughout the population and determination of their costs and complexity is furthermore important segment of the thesis. Based on these data, the objective of this thesis is to identify the portion of this amount contributing to the overall costs of public health care. The practical part of the thesis also contains analysis of recommendations, which might influence or cause change from current situation