9 research outputs found

    Single Cylinder SI Engine for Formula Student

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na konstrukční návrh sacího potrubí pro vůz Formula Student. Pro pohon vozu je použit jednoválcový atmosférický benzinový motor Husaberg FE 570. Sací potrubí je navrhováno tak, aby bylo v souladu s pravidly Formula Student. Pro zvýšení plnící účinnosti sací potrubí využívá resonančního efektu. Délky sacího potrubí byly spočítány v software Lotus Engine simulation.The aim of this diploma thesis is the design and tuning of the intake manifold for the Formula Student car. The single cylinder SI engine Husaberg FE 570 is used as a powertrain unit. The intake manifold is designed according to the Formula Student rules. The intake manifold uses the ram wave effect to improve the engine charging efficiency. Lengths of the runners are calculated in the Lotus Engine simulation software.

    project of the produce system in KOVOKON Popovice, s.r.o.

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    Import 26/11/2009Prezenční345 - Katedra mechanické technologieNeuveden

    Design Solutions and Development Trends of Formula Student Cars

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    This bachelor´s thesis is engaged in history and description of progress and recent trends in Formula Student/SAE competition. The bigger part of this thesis is devoted to complex summary of structural designes of monoposts and construction units of most succesfull teams. The point of this survey was getting information about construction of competitor´s cars. Theese informations should be used for building own car

    Project of the Space Solution of Factory Building

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    Import 31/08/2009Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem prostorového uspořádání výrobní haly firmy Kovokon Auto a.s. Úvodní část práce je věnována historii a představení firmy. Následuje analýza současného stavu firmy z hlediska její podnikatelské činnosti, výrobního sortimentu, organizační struktury, skladového hospodářství a současného dispozičního uspořádání strojů. Problematika současného dispozičního uspořádání je poté podrobněji rozebrána, včetně důvodů pro stavbu nové haly. Další kapitola obsahuje teoretický popis metodiky projektování výroby, který čerpá z vědeckých poznatků uvedených v literaturách. V návaznosti na teoretický rozbor následuje kapitola zabývající se konkrétním návrhem variant uspořádání výrobní haly. Závěr patří výběru varianty a jejímu hodnocení, včetně celkového shrnutí a přínosu práce.This thesis is about suggestion of organizing of machinery in the factory hall. I have used Kovokon Auto, a.s. as a company to practice on. Introduction part covers history of the company and its present management. Followed by analysis of current structure of company from the business point of view, and also current position of the machines. This matter is later described in detail and includes explanation and reason why to build a new hall. Next part includes theory of ways and reasons for this kind of position of machines within the factory hall, which comes from experience from past mentioned in literature. When theory is explained fully, it is time in my work to apply in real. There are several ways suggested for the factory regarding positioning of machines. My work is being finished by choosing an optimal variant and its description of advantages, including a summary and increasing work efficiency.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievýborn

    Mobilní havarijní dopravní zařízení

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    Návrh elektrického odporového ohřevu s využitím počítačové podpory

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky. Katedra (451) elektroenergetik

    The Gaze of Schizophrenia Patients Captured by Bottom-up Saliency

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    Abstract Schizophrenia (SCHZ) notably impacts various human perceptual modalities, including vision. Prior research has identified marked abnormalities in perceptual organization in SCHZ, predominantly attributed to deficits in bottom-up processing. Our study introduces a novel paradigm to differentiate the roles of top-down and bottom-up processes in visual perception in SCHZ. We analysed eye-tracking fixation ground truth maps from 28 SCHZ patients and 25 healthy controls (HC), comparing these with two mathematical models of visual saliency: one bottom-up, based on the physical attributes of images, and the other top-down, incorporating machine learning. While the bottom-up (GBVS) model revealed no significant overall differences between groups (beta = 0.01, p = 0.281, with a marginal increase in SCHZ patients), it did show enhanced performance by SCHZ patients with highly salient images. Conversely, the top-down (EML-Net) model indicated no general group difference (beta = −0.03, p = 0.206, lower in SCHZ patients) but highlighted significantly reduced performance in SCHZ patients for images depicting social interactions (beta = −0.06, p < 0.001). Over time, the disparity between the groups diminished for both models. The previously reported bottom-up bias in SCHZ patients was apparent only during the initial stages of visual exploration and corresponded with progressively shorter fixation durations in this group. Our research proposes an innovative approach to understanding early visual information processing in SCHZ patients, shedding light on the interplay between bottom-up perception and top-down cognition