12 research outputs found

    Kurikulum untuk Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Peningkatan Bobot Kambing di Era New Normal

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the curriculum for entrepreneurship courses as a learning module development for the Science Technology Engineering Mathematics approach in the New Normal era, feed for increasing the weight of goats in the growth phase. The respondents of this study were students in semester 5 of the 2021/2022 academic year of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University. This research method is descriptive, researchers analyze data from interviews with chemistry education students in semester 5 of the 2021/2022 academic year and documentation. The results of the questionnaire on 6th semester chemistry education students who strongly agreed were 61.90% for item 1) The learning module for entrepreneurship courses contained material about raising goats to increase the weight of goats. A total of 47.61% of students strongly agree with point 2) The revised curriculum is revised in order to foster entrepreneurial attitudes and motivation. A total of 38.09% stated strongly agree to item 3) Entrepreneurship curriculum characterized by chemistry (chemo-entrepreneurship). as much as 52.38% strongly agree with item 4) The entrepreneurship curriculum uses the STEM approach. a total of 52.38% strongly agree with point 5) In the New Normal era the curriculum must be carried out with entrepreneurs. The conclusion of the study is that the entrepreneurship curriculum needs to be revised so that students can adapt in the New Normal era so that a learning module with the topic of feed types is needed to increase goat weight

    Instrument Validation of Chemistry Learning Module with the Topic of Increasing Goat Weight for the Millennial Generation

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    Module instrument validation plays an important role in ensuring the quality of the module. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to develop a valid instrument for the development of STEM-Integrated Chemistry Learning Module and chemically characterized Entrepreneurship Course for the millennial generation at Sriwijaya University’s Chemistry Education Study Program. The instrument includes content, pedagogy, and design or practicality validation, which is valid, practical, and effective for limited trials. The respondents of this study were semester-6 students and lecturers of Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University. The results of instrument validation by experts showed that the average Aiken coefficient value on material was 0.92, pedagogy 0.73, and practicality 0.74, which are in very high and high categories. The results indicated that the module development instrument has met the validity and practicality criteri

    Student perceptions of the hybrid learning practicum Qualitative Analysis Protein based Constructivism Needham's 5-phase

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    This study aims to determine student perceptions of hybrid learning practicum on the topic of qualitative analysis protein-based constructivism Needham's 5-phase. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method. Perception assessment is carried out by referring to 3 dimensions of perception consisting of 4 perception indicators, namely Perception of lecturers, perception of the teaching and learning process, perception of the social environment, and perception of assessment. Data was collected using online questionnaires via google form to students taking biochemistry practicum courses using purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the perception of lecturers obtained a perception level of 74%, the perception of the teaching and learning process was 79%, the perception of the social environment was 81%, and the perception of the assessment was 78%. The percentage of the average perception level was 78%, indicating the feasibility or success of the hybrid learning practicum of qualitative analysis protein based on Needham's five-phase constructivism. Overall, it can be concluded that students' perceptions of the hybrid learning practicum on the topic of qualitative analysis protein based on constructivism Needham's five-phase got the level of perception in the good categor


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    Kebutuhan modul sebagai bahan ajar kimia sangat penting pada mata kuliah kewirausahaan di Era New Normal. Untuk itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kebutuhan mahasiswa akan modul pembelajaran kimia terintegrasi Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematic mata kuliah Kewirausahaan di Pendidikan Kimia FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya, pakan untuk Peningkatan Bobot Kambing bercirikan kimia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan data penelitian ini dokumentasi, wawancara dan angket pada mahasiswa pendidikan kimia semester 5 angkatan 2021/2022. Hasil validisi instrumen angket penelitian sebesar 0,65 dan reliabilitas dengan hasil sebesar 0,76. Hasil angket pada responden mahasiswa, sangat setuju sebesar 46,67% untuk butir 1) Modul pembelajaran mata kuliah kewirausahaan sebagai kebutuhan dalam belajar. Sebesar 60,00% sangat setuju untuk butir 2) Dibutuhkan motivasi yang bersungguh-sungguh dalam memperlajari modul topik Peningkatan Bobot kambing mata kuliah kewirausahaan di era New Normal. Sebesar 33,33% sangat setuju untuk poin 3) Dalam modul kewirausahaan dibutuhkan metode bernuansa kimia topik peningkatan bobot kambing. Sebesar 46,67% sangat setuju  untuk butir 4) Dibutuhkan pembelajaran modul topik peningkatan bobot kambing dengan pelaporan  hasil uji coba bernuansa Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics  mata kuliah kewirausahaan. Sebesar 53,33% sangat setuju untuk butir 5) Di era new normal pada pembelajaran membutuhkan modul kewirausahaan topik peningkatan bobot kambing  bermitra dengan pengusaha lokal untuk praktik sebagai lapangan kerja altaernatif. Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa kebutuhan modul pembelajaran dengan topik jenis pakan untuk Peningkatan Bobot Kambing ini dalam kategori sangat tinggi. Ada 7 modul pembelajaran kimia sehingga masih sangat dibutuhkan modul lagi. Hasil wawancara magang dan mengikuti pembelajaran wirausaha adalah meningkatkan motivasi untuk berwirausaha sebagai lapagan pekerjaan alternatif. Hasil penelitian ini bercirikan kimia berupa screenshoot identifikasi lemak, sudah sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian. Disarankan agar untuk dilakukan penelitian analisis kurikulum mata kuliah Kewirausahaan

    Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Terintegrasi untuk Mengukur Kemampuan Berpikir Analitis dan Literasi Kimia pada Materi Kesetimbangan Kimia.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan mengetahui karakteristik instrumen penilaian terintegrasi untuk mengukur kemampuan berpikir analitis dan literasi kimia pada materi kesetimbangan kimia, serta mengetahui kategori keterampilan berpikir analitis dan literasi kimia peserta didik berdasarkan hasil pengukuran menggunakan instrumen penilaian terintegrasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan model ADDIE, yaitu meliputi tahap Analysis (Analisis), Design (Perancangan), Development (Pengembangan), Implementation (Uji coba) and Evaluation (Penilaian). Produk awal divalidasi oleh 2 ahli dan 5 praktisi, serta diuji keterbacaan dengan melihat respons peserta tes. Penelitian ini melibatkan 386 peserta didik dari empat SMA di Kota Yogyakarta. Hasil uji coba berupa data politomus dan dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan Partial Credit Model 1-Parameter Logistic (PCM 1-PL) dengan bantuan program SPSS dan Winstep. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan angket dan tes. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan, yaitu angket analisis awal, angket respons pengguna, dan instrumen penilaian terintegrasi berbentuk soal pilihan ganda beralasan terbuka. Instrumen penilaian terintegrasi terdiri dari 20 butir soal pilihan ganda beralasan terbuka yang dikembangkan dari 12 indikator terintegrasi. Dua puluh butir soal tersebut dinyatakan valid secara validitas isi (V ≥ 0,86) dan validitas konstruk (anti-image ≥ 0,50). Penilaian peserta tes terhadap instrumen menunjuk-kan bahwa soal memerlukan kemampuan analisis dalam menjawab, berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari, menggunakan bahasa yang sesuai dengan ejaan yang disempurnakan dan istilah yang digunakan sudah sesuai dengan konsep yang dibahas, dan tampilan pada instrumen, baik ukuran dan jenis huruf, gambar, dan ruang jawaban sudah bersifat proporsional dan mudah dipahami. Hasil analisis tingkat kesulitaan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 3 (15%) butir soal yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat sulit, 3 (15%) butir soal termasuk dalam kategori sulit, 8 (40%) termasuk dalam kategori sedang, 5 (25%) soal termasuk dalam kategori mudah, dan 1 (5%) soal termasuk dalam kategori sangat mudah. Fungsi informasi tes menunjukkan bahwa instrumen tes dapat mengukur peserta didik dengan kemampuan -3,05 <θ<+3,00 logit (kemampuan rendah, sedang, dan tinggi). Hasil pengukuran kemampuan berpikir analitis dan literasi kimia peserta didik pada materi kesetimbangan kimia menggunakan instrumen penilaian terintegrasi menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan peserta didik dominan berada pada kategori sedang


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebutuhan mahasiswa akan pengembangan petunjuk praktikum kimia dasar berbasis kimia hijau di program studi pendidikan kimia FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey dengan instrumen berupa kuesioner yang terdiri dari 6 pertanyaan pilihan yang disertai jawaban terbuka. Partisipan pada penelitian ini adalah 50 mahasiswa aktif semester 1 di Program studi Pendidikan Kimia FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya tahun akademik 2021/2022. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diperlukan pengembangan petunjuk praktikum berbasis kimia hijau pada mata kuliah kimia dasar di program studi pendidikan kimia FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya.

    Expertreview Modul Produktivitas Ikan Mas untuk Pembelajaran Kimia di Era New Normal

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    Modules for entrepreneurship courses are still very few topics, so they still need to be developed. The topic of goldfish feed is an important topic for the module to develop, due to the high consumption of goldfish in the community, which can be a business opportunity. This study aims to describe development of validation instrumen for Expert Review of development for chemistry learning modules based on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) that are appropriate according to development research experts. This type of research uses the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) which is combined with the Tessmer Evaluation. This research method is descriptive qualitative, interview, observation, and documentation. The object of this research is the Development of Validation Instruments for STEM-Based Chemistry Learning Modules for Entrepreneurship Courses in the New Normal era at Sriwijaya University Chemistry Education, Topic of Feed to Increase goldfish Productivity. The development was carried out by an Expert Review in the form of consultation with development research experts to obtain appropriate Content Validity, Pedagogy and Practicality Instruments according to experts. The results of expert review were then analyzed by calculating the item validity index. Based on the final results of this study, it was found that the Content Validity, Pedagogy, and Practicality Instruments were qualitatively suitable for use in STEM-based chemistry learning modules on feed topics to increase Goldfish Productivity in the New Normal era


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    This study is aims to obtain information on aspects of scientific literacy in science textbooks for class VIII odd semester materials for additives & addictive substances. The research instrument used in this study consisted of aspects of scientific knowledge, aspects of scientific competences and aspects of the context of science. The results of the research in books A and B shown that of the three aspects of scientific literacy, the scientific knowledge aspect has an average percentage of 69.45%, the scientific competences aspect has an average percentage of 22.52%, and the science context aspect has an average percentage of 69.45%. the average percentage is 8.03%. In book A, the science knowledge aspect is 67.74%, the science competences aspect is 25.81% and the science context aspect is 6.45%. Meanwhile, in book B the scientific knowledge aspect is 71.15%, the scientific competences aspect is 19.23% and the science context aspect is 9.62%. This shows that book B contains more aspects of scientific knowledge and aspects of the context of science and book A contains more aspects of scientific competences