1,279 research outputs found

    Mapping X-ray heliometer for Orbiting Solar Observatory-8

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    An instrument combining mechanical collimators and proportional counter detectors was designed to record solar X-rays with energies of 2-30 keV with good temperal, spectral, and spatial resolution. The overall operation of the instrument is described to the degree needed by personnel who interact with the experimenter during SC/experiment interfacing, experiment testing, observatory integration and testing, and pre/post launch data processing. The general layout of the instrument is given along with a summary of the instrument characteristics

    Experimental study of spectral and spatial distribution of solar X-rays

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    The study of the physical conditions within the solar corona and the development of instrumentation and technical expertise necessary for advanced studies of solar X-ray emission are reported. Details are given on the Aerobee-borne-X-ray spectrometer/monochromator and also on the observing program. Preliminary discussions of some results are presented and include studies of helium-like line emission, mapping O(VII) and Ne(IX) lines, survey of O(VII) and Ne(IX) lines, study of plage regions and small flares, and analysis of line emission from individual active regions. It is concluded that the use of large-area collimated Bragg spectrometers to scan narrow wavelength intervals and the capability of the SPARCS pointing control to execute a complex observing program are established

    The Lockheed OSO-8 program. Analysis of data from the mapping X-ray heliometer experiment

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    The final report describes the extent of the analysis effort, and other activities associated with the preservation and documentation of the data set are described. The main scientific results, which are related to the behavior of individual solar activity regions in the energy band 1.5 - 15 keV, are summarized, and a complete bibliography of publications and presentations is given. Copies of key articles are also provided

    Gegenbauer-solvable quantum chain model

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    In an innovative inverse-problem construction the measured, experimental energies E1E_1, E2E_2, ...ENE_N of a quantum bound-state system are assumed fitted by an N-plet of zeros of a classical orthogonal polynomial fN(E)f_N(E). We reconstruct the underlying Hamiltonian HH (in the most elementary nearest-neighbor-interaction form) and the underlying Hilbert space H{\cal H} of states (the rich menu of non-equivalent inner products is offered). The Gegenbauer's ultraspherical polynomials fn(x)=Cnα(x)f_n(x)=C_n^\alpha(x) are chosen for the detailed illustration of technicalities.Comment: 29 pp., 1 fi

    Simple manipulation of a microwave dressed-state ion qubit

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    Many schemes for implementing quantum information processing require that the atomic states used have a non-zero magnetic moment, however such magnetically sensitive states of an atom are vulnerable to decoherence due to fluctuating magnetic fields. Dressing an atom with an external field is a powerful method of reducing such decoherence [N. Timoney et al., Nature 476, 185], even if the states being dressed are strongly coupled to the environment. We introduce an experimentally simpler method of manipulating such a dressed-state qubit, which allows the implementation of general rotations of the qubit, and demonstrate this method using a trapped ytterbium ion

    A New Template Family For The Detection Of Gravitational Waves From Comparable Mass Black Hole Binaries

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    In order to improve the phasing of the comparable-mass waveform as we approach the last stable orbit for a system, various re-summation methods have been used to improve the standard post-Newtonian waveforms. In this work we present a new family of templates for the detection of gravitational waves from the inspiral of two comparable-mass black hole binaries. These new adiabatic templates are based on re-expressing the derivative of the binding energy and the gravitational wave flux functions in terms of shifted Chebyshev polynomials. The Chebyshev polynomials are a useful tool in numerical methods as they display the fastest convergence of any of the orthogonal polynomials. In this case they are also particularly useful as they eliminate one of the features that plagues the post-Newtonian expansion. The Chebyshev binding energy now has information at all post-Newtonian orders, compared to the post-Newtonian templates which only have information at full integer orders. In this work, we compare both the post-Newtonian and Chebyshev templates against a fiducially exact waveform. This waveform is constructed from a hybrid method of using the test-mass results combined with the mass dependent parts of the post-Newtonian expansions for the binding energy and flux functions. Our results show that the Chebyshev templates achieve extremely high fitting factors at all PN orders and provide excellent parameter extraction. We also show that this new template family has a faster Cauchy convergence, gives a better prediction of the position of the Last Stable Orbit and in general recovers higher Signal-to-Noise ratios than the post-Newtonian templates.Comment: Final published version. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    T-junction ion trap array for two-dimensional ion shuttling, storage and manipulation

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    We demonstrate a two-dimensional 11-zone ion trap array, where individual laser-cooled atomic ions are stored, separated, shuttled, and swapped. The trap geometry consists of two linear rf ion trap sections that are joined at a 90 degree angle to form a T-shaped structure. We shuttle a single ion around the corners of the T-junction and swap the positions of two crystallized ions using voltage sequences designed to accommodate the nontrivial electrical potential near the junction. Full two-dimensional control of multiple ions demonstrated in this system may be crucial for the realization of scalable ion trap quantum computation and the implementation of quantum networks.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figure

    Energy Conservation Constraints on Multiplicity Correlations in QCD Jets

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    We compute analytically the effects of energy conservation on the self-similar structure of parton correlations in QCD jets. The calculations are performed both in the constant and running coupling cases. It is shown that the corrections are phenomenologically sizeable. On a theoretical ground, energy conservation constraints preserve the scaling properties of correlations in QCD jets beyond the leading log approximation.Comment: 11 pages, latex, 5 figures, .tar.gz version avaliable on ftp://www.inln.unice.fr

    CP Violation and the Width Z→bbˉZ\rightarrow b\bar{b}

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    We discuss the effect of CP-violating ZbbˉZb\bar{b}, ZbbˉGZb\bar{b}G and ZbbˉγZb\bar{b}\gamma couplings on the width Γ(Z→bbˉX)\Gamma(Z\rightarrow b\bar bX). The presence of such couplings leads in a natural way to an increase of this width relative to the prediction of the standard model. Various strategies of a direct search for such CP-violating couplings by using CP-odd observables are outlined. The number of ZZ bosons required to obtain significant information on the couplings in this way is well within the reach of present LEP experiments.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Laserless trapped-ion quantum simulations without spontaneous scattering using microtrap arrays

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    We propose an architecture and methodology for large-scale quantum simulations using hyperfine states of trapped-ions in an arbitrary-layout microtrap array with laserless interactions. An ion is trapped at each site, and the electrode structure provides for the application of single and pairwise evolution operators using only locally created microwave and radio-frequency fields. The avoidance of short-lived atomic levels during evolution effectively eliminates errors due to spontaneous scattering; this may allow scaling of quantum simulators based on trapped ions to much larger systems than currently estimated. Such a configuration may also be particularly appropriate for one-way quantum computing with trapped-ion cluster states.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, edited typos, added refs and text for clarification to reflect published versio
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