171 research outputs found

    A mixed-signal integrated circuit for FM-DCSK modulation

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    This paper presents a mixed-signal application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for a frequency-modulated differential chaos shift keying (FM-DCSK) communication system. The chip is conceived to serve as an experimental platform for the evaluation of the FM-DCSK modulation scheme, and includes several programming features toward this goal. The operation of the ASIC is herein illustrated for a data rate of 500 kb/s and a transmission bandwidth in the range of 17 MHz. Using signals acquired from the test platform, bit error rate (BER) estimations of the overall FM-DCSK communication link have been obtained assuming wireless transmission at the 2.4-GHz ISM band. Under all tested propagation conditions, including multipath effects, the system obtains a BER = 10-3 for Eb/No lower than 28 dB.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2003-0235

    Gravity compensation and optimal control of actuated multibody system dynamics

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    This work investigates the gravity compensation topic, from a control perspective. Thegravity could be levelled by a compensating mechanical system or in the control law, suchas proportional derivative (PD) plus gravity, sliding mode control, or computed torquemethod. The gravity compensation term is missing in linear and nonlinear optimal con-trol, in both continuous- and discrete-time domains. The equilibrium point of the controlsystem is usually zero and this makes it impossible to perform regulation when the desiredcondition is not set at origin or in other cases, where the gravity vector is not zero at theequilibrium point. The system needs a steady-state input signal to compensate for the grav-ity in those conditions. The stability proof of the gravity compensated control law basedon nonlinear optimal control and the corresponding deviation from optimality, with proof,are introduced in this work. The same concept exists in discrete-time control since it usesanalog to digital conversion of the system and that includes the gravity vector of the sys-tem. The simulation results highlight two important cases, a robotic manipulator and atilted-rotor hexacopter, as an application to the claimed theoretical statements.GRIFFIN ERC-2017-Advanced Grant, Action: 788247EU H2020 AERIAL-CORE project contract 871479EU H2020 HYFLIERS project 77941

    A search algorithm for constrained engineering optimization and tuning the gains of controllers

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    In this work, the application of an optimization algorithm is investigated to optimize static and dynamic engineering problems. The methodology of the approach is to generate random solutions and find a zone for the initial answer and keep reducing the zones. The generated solution in each loop is independent of the previous answer that creates a powerful method. Simplicity as its main advantage and the interlaced use of intensification and diversification mechanisms--to refine the solution and avoid local minima/maxima--enable the users to apply that for a variety of problems. The proposed approach has been validated by several previously solved examples in structural optimization and scored good results. The method is also employed for dynamic problems in vibration and control. A modification has also been done on the method for high-dimensional test functions (functions with very large search domains) to converge fast to the global minimum or maximum; simulated for several well-known benchmarks successfully. For validation, a number of 9 static and 4 dynamic constrained optimization benchmark applications and 32 benchmark test functions are solved and provided, 45 in total. All the codes of this work are available as supplementary material in the online version of the paper on the journal website

    Stabilisation of state-and-input constrained nonlinear systems via diffeomorphisms: A Sontag's formula approach with an actual application

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    In this work, we provide a new and constructive outlook for the control of state-and-input constrained nonlinear systems. Previously, explicit solutions have been mainly focused on the finding of a barrier-like Lyapunov function, whereas we propose the construction of a diffeomorphism to map all the trajectories of the constrained dynamics into an unconstrained one. Careful analysis has revealed that only some foundations of differential geometry and a technical assumption are necessary to construct the proposed methodology based on the well-established theories of control Lyapunov functions and Sontag's universal formulae. Altogether, it allows us to obtain an explicit solution that even includes bounded constraints in the control action, giving the designer a way to decide (to some extent) the trade-off between control saturations and robustness. Moreover, this approach does not rely on the own structure of the system dynamics, therefore covering a broad class of nonlinear systems. The main advantage of this approach is that the use of a diffeomorphism allows the splitting of the mathematical treatment of the constraint and the Lyapunov controller design. The result has been successfully applied to solve the dynamic positioning of an actual ship, where the nonlinear state constraints describe a strait. This approach enabled us to design a control Lyapunov function and thereby use Sontag's formula to solve the stabilisation problem. Realistic simulations have been executed in a real scenario on the simulator owned by an international shipbuilding company.Postprint (author's final draft

    Aerodynamic reduced-order Volterra model of an ornithopter under high-amplitude flapping

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    The unsteady aerodynamics of flapping low-aspect-ratio ellipsoidal-wings in ornithopters is analyzed and modeled by the use of three dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. The range of interest is high amplitude, moderate frequency flapping, and low to moderate angles of attack at Reynolds around 105, where autonomous ornithopters like GRIFFIN are able to perform complex maneuvers such as perching. The results obtained show that the Leading Edge Vortex is produced above a certain Strouhal and angle of attack at downstroke. The frequency response of the aerodynamic loads are compared with the classical analytical models, observing that analytical models based on absence of viscosity and small perturbations are not appropriate for the range of interest. Through the 3D CFD aerodynamic loads database, a finite memory Volterra model is identified in order to predict the characteristics of forces and moments produced by the flapping wing. A good agreement with the 3D CFD simulations has been found by considering a reduced-order model depending on the effective angle of attack of the surrogate airfoil located at 70% of the semi-span at three-quarters chord on the airfoil, in agreement with the literature. Finally, a methodology for validation with a high-accuracy Motion Capture System and without the need of wind tunnel is proposed. As a result the proposed model provides better estimates than classical analytical ones.European Project GRIFFIN ERC Advanced Grant 2017, Action 78824

    Aprendizaje de trayectorias vía demostraciones para vehículo marino no tripulado

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    Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)En los últimos años está habiendo un auge importante en el empleo de embarcaciones no tripuladas (USV en su acrónimo anglosajón) para diversas aplicaciones, debido al incremento en la eficiencia y seguridad que pueden aportar. Para ello es necesario que estos vehículos no tripulados puedan desplazarse en el entorno de un puerto de forma segura y cumpliendo con las restricciones que establecen la normativa náutica general y la específica del puerto. En la literatura se han propuesto diversos métodos de planificación, que no garantizan el cumplimiento de las restricciones marcadas por las boyas y otras señalizaciones según dichas normativas. En este artículo se propone una metodología que permite obtener las trayectorias que deben realizarse en diversas maniobras en un puerto mediante el aprendizaje automático de las operaciones realizadas por un patrón con experiencia, de forma que pueda sustituir al sistema de planificación convencional. Los datos empleados para el método de aprendizaje han sido obtenidos experimentalmente mediante pruebas realizadas con el USV Vendaval en el puerto de Ceuta.In recent years there has been an important increase in the use of Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV) for different applications, due to the greater efficiency and safety they can provide. This requires that these unmanned vehicles can navegate safely in a port area and in compliance with the general and port-specific regulations. Various planning methods have been proposed in the literature, which do not guarantee compliance with the restrictions set by buoys and other signaling according to these regulations. This paper proposes a methodology to obtain the trajectories to be performed in various maneuvers in a port by automatic learning the operations performed by an experienced skipper, so that it can replace the conventional planning system. The data used for the learning method have been obtained experimentally through tests carried out with the USV Vendaval in the port of Ceuta.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2020- 119027RB-I00Junta de Andalucía, PAIDI 2020 P20 0059

    A benchmark mechatronics platform to assess the inspection around pipes with variable pitch quadrotor for industrial sites

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    Article number 102641This paper investigates the inspection-of-pipe topic in a new framework, by rotation around a pipe, peculiar to industrial sites and refineries. The evolution of the ultimate system requires prototype design and preliminary tests. A new benchmark has been designed and built to mimic the rotation around a pipe, with the main purpose of assessing the different types of rotors and control systems. The benchmark control system presents a mechatronics package including mechanical design and machining, electronics and motor drive, motor-blade installation, computer programming, and control implementation. The benchmark is also modular, working with two modes of one- and two-degree-of-freedom (DoF), easily interchangeable. To cover a full rotation, conventional fixed-pitch drones fail to provide negative thrusts; nonetheless, variable-pitch (VP) rotor quad- copters can produce that in both directions. A closed-loop nonlinear optimal method is chosen as a controller, so- called, “the state-dependent Riccati equation (SDRE)” approach. Optimal control policies are challenging for experimentation though it has been successfully done in this report. The advantage of the VP is also illustrated in a rotation plus radial motion in comparison with fixed-pitch rotors while a wind gust disturbs the inspection task. The proposed VP system compensated the disturbance while the fixed pitch was pushed away by the wind gust. The solution methods to the SDRE were mixed, a closed-form exact solution for the one-DoF system, and a numerical one for the two-DoF. Solving the Riccati online in each time step is a critical issue that was effectively solved by the implementation approach, through online communication with MATLAB software. Both simula- tions and experiments have been performed along with a discussion to prove the application of VP systems in rotary-motion pipe inspectionEuropean Union (UE). H2020 779411Agencia Estatal de Investigación española RTI2018-102224-B-I0

    A 79.7g Manipulator Prototype for E-Flap Robot: A Plucking-Leaf Application

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    The manipulation capabilities of flapping-wing flying robots (FWFRs) is a problem barely studied. This is a direct consequence of the load-carrying capacity limitation of the flapping-wing robots. Ornithopters will improve the existent multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) since they could perform longer missions and offer a safe interaction in proximity to humans. This technology also opens the possibility to perch in some trees and perform tasks such as obtaining samples from nature, enabling biologists to collect samples in remote places, or assisting people in rescue missions by carrying medicines or first-aid kits. This paper presents a very lightweight manipulator (79.7g) prototype to be mounted on an ornithopter. The distribution of the mass on the flapping-wing robot is sensitive and an extra lumped mass far from the center-of-mass (CoM) of the robot deteriorates the flight stability. A configuration was proposed to avoid changing the CoM. Flight experiments show that adding the arm to the robot only moved the CoM 6mm and the performance of the flight with the manipulator has been satisfactory. Plucking leaf is chosen as an application to the designed system and several experimental tests confirmed successful sampling of leaves by the prototype

    A Bio-Inspired Manipulator with Claw Prototype for Winged Aerial Robots: Benchmark for Design and Control

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    Nature exhibits many examples of birds, insects and flying mammals with flapping wings and limbs offering some functionalities. Although in robotics, there are some examples of flying robots with wings, it has not been yet a goal to add to them some manipulation-like capabilities, similar to ones that are exhibited on birds. The flying robot (ornithopter) that we propose improves the existent aerial manipulators based on multirotor platforms in terms of longer flight duration of missions and safety in proximity to humans. Moreover, the manipulation capabilities allows them to perch in inaccessible places and perform some tasks with the body perched. This work presents a first prototype of lightweight manipulator to be mounted to an ornithopter and a new control methodology to balance them while they are perched and following a desired path with the end effector imitating their beaks. This allows for several possible applications, such as contact inspection following a path with an ultrasonic sensor mounted in the end effector. The manipulator prototype imitates birds with two-link legs and a body link with an actuated limb, where the links are all active except for the first passive one with a grabbing mechanism in its base, imitating a claw. Unlike standard manipulators, the lightweight requirement limits the frame size and makes it necessary to use micro motors. Successful experimental results with this prototype are reported.European Research Council 78824