5,250 research outputs found

    The synethesia in the stone thermal baths Mountain – Stone – Water

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    This article wants to show the Stone thermal Baths as a result of a work of ideas of the architect Peter Zumthor. Indeed, the central argument of this research is the synesthesia as axis of unity and a characteristic determinant for the great work of architecture. Based on this central thesis, we look for the comprehension of the term of Synesthesia, besides the architectonic work. This personal vision is based on a research of the comprehension of the site and the design architect. Following these lines of study this text is composed by three parts, which are: mountain, stone and water. These parts assume the role of displaying our senses in the site in question.En el artículo se presenta la sinestesia en las Termas de Piedra, obra desarrollada por el arquitecto Peter Zumthor en 1996, bajo las ideas principales del arquitecto y del lugar, como eje cohesionador de esta impresionante obra arquitectónica. A partir de esta tesis se busca entender el término sinestesia, además de la obra arquitectónica basada en una investigación y visión personal de la comprensión del lugar y del arquitecto diseñador. Siguiendo estos lineamientos se señalan tres partes en la composición de este texto como son montaña, piedra y agua, que darán cuenta del despliegue de nuestros sentidos en el lugar en cuestión

    Comunidades resilientes: três direções integradas

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    Durante a última metade do século passado, Bogotá tem enfrentado processos de crescimento urbano que vêm afetando os ecossistemas e gerando empobrecimento das populações assentadas em áreas periféricas. Uma alternativa viável para os desafios de ordem social e ambiental que enfrentam os que habitam essas áreas se encontra no que, na pesquisa, se denominou como comunidades resilientes. Neste artigo, introduz- se a concepção dessa expressão e mostram-se algumas propostas que uma política pública na matéria poderia incorporar. Isso é gerado a partir de uma revisão teórica conceitual e da análise de experiências existentes de ecobairros e ecovilarejos em Bogotá e Cundinamarca. O objetivo principal é conseguir um melhor hábitat com o ambiente específico, onde a sustentabilidade seja a base. A normativa não é o único método que existe para sua implantação, por isso se identificam estratégias em três níveis: as de caráter top-down, outras na via do bottom-up e, finalmente, a articulação entre as duas anteriores mediante processos de participação social.Durante la última mitad de siglo Bogotá ha enfrentado procesos de crecimiento urbano que han afectado los ecosistemas y han generado empobrecimiento de las poblaciones asentadas en áreas de borde. Una alternativa factible a los retos de orden social y ambiental que enfrentan quienes habitan dichas áreas se encuentra en lo que en la investigación se denominó como comunidades resilientes. En este artículo se introduce la concepción y se muestran algunas propuestas que una política pública en la materia podría incorporar. Esto se genera a partir de una revisión teórica conceptual, y del análisis de experiencias existentes de ecobarrios y ecoaldeas en Bogotá y Cundinamarca. El objetivo principal es lograr un mejor hábitat con el entorno específico, donde la sustentabilidad sea la base. La normativa no es el único método que existe para la implementación, por esto se identifican estrategias en tres niveles: las de carácter top-down, otras en la vía del bottom-up y, finalmente, la articulación entre las dos anteriores mediante procesos de participación social.During the last half of century, Bogotá faced processes of urban growth that have affected the ecosystems and lead to the impoverishment of populations on the edge of settled areas. A feasible alternative to social and environmental challenges faced by those living in these areas lies in what research calls resilient communities. This article introduces the concept and describes some proposals that a public policy could include regarding the matter. This is based on a theoretical conceptual review, as well as on the analysis of existing experiences of eco-neighborhoods and eco-villages in Bogotá and Cundinamarca. The main objective is to achieve a better habitat within a specific environment, based on sustainability. Regulations are not the only method for its implementation; for this reason, the paper identifies strategies in three levels: those of top-down character, others in the bottom-up way, and, finally, an articulation between these two through processes of social participation

    Is machine language translation a viable tool for health communication?

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    Chapters in this book aim to fill in a persistent knowledge gap in current multicultural health research, that is, culturally effective and user-oriented healthcare translation.Community Health Sciences, Counseling and Counseling Psycholog

    A Rare Family: Exploring Genetic Literacy in an Online Support Group

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    Healthy People 2020 and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) define health literacy as the “degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions.” Essential components of health literacy include oral and print literacy, numeracy, and cultural and conceptual knowledge; the latter is influenced by sociodemographic factors and cultural understandings and approaches to concepts such as healthcare. Genetic literacy, a form of health literacy, may be defined as the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to individual understanding of genetic information, and genetic-based health, behavior, technology and services, making it a vital component of sexual and reproductive decision-making. The current qualitative research study employed holistic-content and narrative analysis of secondary data (electronic or e-mail posts) from an online support group for individuals affected by a genetic disorder in order to to gain additional insights into specific psychosocial and environmental variables that affect individual genetic literacy, related perceptions of genetic risk, and sexual and reproductive decision-making. Findings from the study indicate that online health-related support groups can evolve into a socially-constructed “family” of individuals affected by specific disorders. Within this online family, members find others who can identify with their feelings and experiences. Like biological families of origin, this “familial” context may then exert particularly strong influences on members’ social and health decision-making via co-constructed cultural and conceptual knowledge of the disorder. Further qualitative research needs to be performed to understand the positive and negative impact that participation in a collective consciousness might have on individual genetic literacy necessary for making sensitive decisions such as those involved in sexual and reproductive health. Implications for education and counseling are discussed

    Ka-Band System and Propagation Effects on System Performance

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    The Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS) is an experimental communications satellite system launched in September 1993. ACTS introduces many new technologies, including operation in the Ka frequency band. ACTS uses multiple hopping narrow beams and very small aperture terminal (VSAT) technology to establish a system availability of 99.5% for a bit-error-rates of 5x10-7 or better over the continental United States. In order to maintain a minimum system availability f 99.5% over all US rain zones ACTS uses an adaptive rain fade compensation protocol to reduce the impact of signal attenuation resulting from propagation effects. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of system and sub-system characterization considering the statistical effects of system variances due to thermal and propagation effects over 6 years of ACTS operation including inclined orbit

    Landscape patterns for emerging mountainside ecotourism. Case study of Monterrey and Lejanias-Mesetas

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    Characterized by rich natural resources, pristine and unspoiled landscapes, Colombia has never fully developed its eco-tourism potential mainly due to a complex interrelation of factors, such as geographic and eco-systemic complexity, a deficit in infrastructure, state oversight, social-economic issues, and, to a large extent, its five-decade armed conflict. Progress and development have mainly been focused on the Caribbean coast and its main ports and some specific spots in the mountains, where the main capital and other important cities are located, but the plains (llanos) and the jungles, particularly remote regions, have been marginalized and prioritized less, having little or non-existent infrastructure. The primary focus of the study is the Piedemonte llanero of the eastern mountain ranges, located in the Orinoquia region. The framework of this research will discuss the theoretical approach for ecotourism and the different elements used for the definition of landscape patterns: the corridor, and those to be applied in terms of policies to the areas of study. This paper, in particular, aims to examine the landscape component in relation to the environmental factor of the areas in focus which are Monterey, Casanare and Lejanias, Meta. After some visits, recognizing these as attractive study cases, and a detailed planimetric study, the importance of the landscape in relation to the existing series of spatial patterns of Piedmonte llanero, where ecotourism could become an opportunity for the local communities along the jungle’s marginal road, a transnational connection, is recognized. The first case to be studied is the whole hydrological complex of the Algarroba waterfalls in Monterey and the Guejar River in Lejanias, Mesetas, describing, characterizing and comparing two nodes of interest along the route. After this research, a conclusion is drawn to compare and highlight the role of the different landscape patterns and the possibility to use other tools in the planification of the territory

    El juego como lúdica y herramienta didáctica para la enseñanza de fractales

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    La educación matemática desde los distintos escenarios de enseñanza ha emprendido investigaciones tratando de encontrar los cambios didácticos y el modelo pedagógico pertinente, que satisfaga los nuevos requerimientos de los estudiantes que conviven en un contexto de condiciones difíciles para lograr su éxito académico y responder a la vez a políticas educativas. Por ello el objetivo principal es proponer a través del juego, una lúdica y herramienta didáctica que permita a los estudiantes de segundo grado, mejorar sus procesos de pensamiento matemático a través del conocimiento y exploración de los fractales

    Diseño de un cuadro de mando a partir de inteligencia de negocios para el Código Nacional de Policía y Convivencia

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    75 páginas : ilustraciones, mapas, gráficos, fotografías.De acuerdo con la misión institucional y el actuar de la ciudadanía surge el nuevo código nacional de policía y convivencia reglamentado en la ley 1801 del 06 de septiembre de 2016, que entró en vigencia a partir del 30 de enero de 2017 y por el cual se hace necesario recopilar toda la información generada en las ordenes de comparendo con el fin de realizar un análisis y gestión de los datos almacenados empleando una herramienta de inteligencia de Negocios, que permita la generación de estrategias a las mandos de la Policía Nacional para mejorar el servicio policial y afianzar las esfuerzos con el fin de reducir aquellas conductas que están afectando a la población colombiana. Por lo anterior se generaron encuestas a un personal de las direcciones adscritas al nivel operativo de esta institución, donde al analizar estos resultados se pudo validar que una herramienta de negocios cumple con las expectativas expuestas par las unidades policiales generando nuevas líneas de acción y ampliando la cobertura estratégica basado en el cuadro de control y las perspectivas generadas con el sistema, siendo una excelente alternativa para el direccionamiento estratégico de la Policía Nacional y de cualquier entidad pública o privada.In accordance with the institutional mission and the actions of the citizens, the new national code of police and coexistence is established, regulated by Law 1801 of September 6, 2016, which became effective as of January 30, 2017 and by which It is necessary to collect all the information generated in the orders of comparison 1n order to perform an analysis and management of the stored data using a Business Intelligence tool, which allows the generation of strategies at the command of the National Police to improve the service police and strengthen efforts in order to reduce those behaviors that are affecting the Colombian population. Because of the above, surveys were generated to a staff of the directorates assigned to the operational level of this institution, where by analyzing these results it was possible to validate that a business tool meets the expectations set by the police units, generating new lines of action and expanding the strategic coverage based on the control chart and the perspectives generated with the system, being an excellent alternative for the strategic direction of the National Police and any public or private entity.Magíster en Gerencia Estratégica de Tecnologías de InformaciónMaestrí