3,680 research outputs found

    Un acercamiento a los vídeo clips de hip hop en Medellín

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    El artículo Un acercamiento a los videos-clips de hip hop en Medellín hace parte del proyecto de investigación Mediaciones musicales juveniles desarrollado por el grupo Discurso, Organización y Política de la Universidad de Medellín dirigido por la profesora Ángela Garcés Montoya. El texto conceptualiza, en una primera parte, el vídeo clip y de dónde proviene, identificando sus principales características ylos variados elementos estéticos propios de su lenguaje audiovisual. En la segunda parte se realiza un análisis estético del vídeo clip en América Latina, relacionando agrupaciones reconocidas en Latinoamérica como Aterciopelados, Molotov yPlastilina Mosh; y por último, nos acercamos al estudio de las propuestas estéticas locales, propias de los videos-clips de hip hop en la ciudad de Medellín, que son el resultado de una forma particular de producción y expresión juveniles

    The Bogota – sabana region : the political economy behind the struggle to implement a sustainable urban development model

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    Bogota has become internationally renowned for its advancements in urban management, transport and institutional innovation, in its attempts to cope with the challenges of informal growth, economic struggle, and permanent inflow of new population. However, the surrounding region is showing signs of the severe environmental, social and economic repercussions of these inflows on neighbor municipalities. Concerns about the way Bogota and the agglomerations in its surrounding region are spontaneously sprawling over the Sabana’s territory, have been on the institutional and academic agenda for several decades; nonetheless, because key decisions to structure the economic development of the nation’s primary region, such as transport, are pending; those issues are now also reaching the political agenda. Colombia’s decentralized system emphasizes municipal autonomy, making it very difficult to integrate efforts to deal with these regional dynamics in an integrated fashion. Yet, the small municipalities suffer the consequences of their comparatively weaker institutions and lack of financial muscle to be able to handle both, the pressures of the market and the social challenges that come with the evolving demographic trends. Recent studies show that disconnected land use decisions, public investments, tax policies and local development strategies of the region’s municipal governments, have negative impacts on the development potential of the Sabana as a whole, and promote unsustainable urbanization patterns. The paper discusses these impacts; the proposals that have been put on the table to structure the development of a regional urban network that balances current urbanization trends; and the tensions that define the political economy of a complex arena where basic agreements about the broader concerns of the Sabana, need to be made

    Numerical and Analytical Methods for the Analysis of Flow of Water Through Soils and Earth Structures

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    This chapter presents a compendium of the primary methods that are used to perform water flow analyses with a focus on computational approximation methods. Some of the current algorithms for carrying out this type of analysis are summarized. In addition, general guidelines are provided for using the methodologies for specific types of analysis, such as transient-state flow caused by water drawdown and flow in unsaturated media. Emphasis is placed on the need for stochastic analysis of water flow. Lastly, conclusions and general recommendations are given for performing numerical groundwater seepage analyses in soils

    Elaboration of an unsupervised and supervised classification to generate the vegetal covers of a LANDSAT 7-ETM satellite image using the R and PCI geomatics programs in order to compare the results obtained

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    29 páginas : imágenes.En la actualidad existen diversas alternativas para procesar imágenes satelitales, ya sea con software libre o comercial, ambas opciones son altamente competitivas y poseen gran cantidad de características de procesamiento. Para este estudio se seleccionaron PCI y R que permiten realizar una clasificación no supervisada y supervisada para comparar los resultados obtenidos y evaluar las ventajas y desventajas al usar dichos algoritmos de clasificación, calificando aspectos técnicos como exploración de estadísticas descriptivas preliminares, funcionabilidad, tiempos de ejecución, procesos y presentación de resultados.Nowadays several alternatives to process satellite images exist, either with free or commercial software, both options are highly competitive and present a large number of processing characteristics. For this study, PCI and R were selected to allow an unsupervised and supervised classification for comparing the results obtained and to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages when using those classification algorithms, by qualifying technical aspects such as exploration of preliminary descriptive statistics, functionality, execution times, processes and results presentation

    Las lenguas extranjeras en el curriculum universitario : implementación de la ORD. 75/2016 CS : programa de capacitación docente

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    En el presente documento se propone desarrollar el marco normativo y el marco de referencia para la implementación de propuestas de incorporación de la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras en un esquema de índole curricular, con la explicitación de los principales ejes conceptuales en los que se sustenta la propuesta. Se hará referencia a los desarrollos nacionales e internacionales referidos a esta temática y a los antecedentes en el contexto de la propia Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Asimismo, se establecerán las bases para la inclusión de las lenguas extranjeras en el diseño curricular de carreras de grado de nivel superior universitario

    Study of Unsaturated Soils by Coupled Numerical Analyses of Water Flow-Slope Stability

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    The geotechnical engineering, among the problems related to water flow, is specifically interested in soil and water that it contains, and also on the movement of water through their pores, in addition to the laws governing this phenomenon. A very important subject is to quantify the retention and filtration of water within the soil structure; however, the emphasis should be not only on how much water flows through the soil but also on the state of pore water pressures because this pressure, either positive or negative, has a direct influence on the stress state and changes in volume of soil. Several publications address the issue of water flow in saturated state; however, only some of them consider the flow under unsaturated conditions. In this chapter, the main emphasis is focused on the study of water flow in unsaturated soils


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    Social capital is considered a productive resource for societies. The increase in social trust is usually related to both economic growth and a reduction in inequality. In Latin American countries, and particularly the economies that belong to the Pacific Alliance, the relationship between social capital and income inequalities has not been studied at regional level. The paper aims to analyze whether social capital impacts income inequality in the case of the Pacific Alliance regions. Dynamic panel data models were used, covering 72 regions during the period 2002-2011. The results show that the decline in generalized trust and congress trust impacts negatively income inequality, while government trust, police trust and company trust have not effect