332 research outputs found

    Using the NASA Giovanni DICCE Portal to Investigate Land-Ocean Linkages with Satellite and Model Data

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    Data-enhanced Investigations for Climate Change Education (DICCE), a NASA climate change education project, employs the NASA Giovanni data system to enable teachers to create climate-related classroom projects using selected satellite and assimilated model data. The easy-to-use DICCE Giovanni portal (DICCE-G) provides data parameters relevant to oceanic, terrestrial, and atmospheric processes. Participants will explore land-ocean linkages using the available data in the DICCE-G portal, in particular focusing on temperature, ocean biology, and precipitation variability related to El Ni?o and La Ni?a events. The demonstration includes the enhanced information for educators developed for the DICCE-G portal. The prototype DICCE Learning Environment (DICCE-LE) for classroom project development will also be demonstrated

    Can Ό\mu--ee Conversion in Nuclei be a Good Probe for Lepton-Number Violating Higgs Couplings ?

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    Motivated by the improving sensitivity, RR, of experiments on Ό Ti→e Ti\mu~Ti \rightarrow e~Ti and the enhanced Higgs nucleon interaction, we study this lepton number violating process induced by Higgs exchange. Taking the possible sensitivity, R≃10−16R \simeq 10^{-16}, we obtain the constraint on the Higgs-muon-electron vertex, ÎșÎŒe\kappa_{\mu e}, to be less than 2.4×10−72.4\times10^{-7} if the masses of the Higgs scalar and WW gauge boson are the same. ÎșÎŒe\kappa_{\mu e} is also calculated for some models.Comment: 11 pages(revtex 3), TRI-PP-93-7

    Lifelong behavioral and neuropathological consequences of repetitive mild traumatic brain injury

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    Objective: Exposure to repetitive concussion, or mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), has been linked with increased risk of long-term neurodegenerative changes, specifically chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). To date, preclinical studies largely have focused on the immediate aftermath of mTBI, with no literature on the lifelong consequences of mTBI in these models. This study provides the first account of lifelong neurobehavioral and histological consequences of repetitive mTBI providing unique insight into the constellation of evolving and ongoing pathologies with late survival. Methods: Male C57BL/6J mice (aged 2–3 months) were exposed to either single or repetitive mild TBI or sham procedure. Thereafter, animals were monitored and assessed at 24 months post last injury for measures of motor coordination, learning deficits, cognitive function, and anxiety-like behavior prior to euthanasia and preparation of the brains for detailed neuropathological and protein biochemical studies. Results: At 24 months survival animals exposed to r-mTBI showed clear evidence of learning and working memory impairment with a lack of spatial memory and vestibule-motor vestibulomotor deficits compared to sham animals. Associated with these late behavioral deficits there was evidence of ongoing axonal degeneration and neuroinflammation in subcortical white matter tracts. Notably, these changes were also observed after a single mTBI, albeit to a lesser degree than repetitive mTBI. Interpretation: In this context, our current data demonstrate, for the first time, that rather than an acute, time limited event, mild TBI can precipitate a lifelong degenerative process. These data therefore suggest that successful treatment strategies should consider both the acute and chronic nature of mTBI

    A little antagonism might be nice: Investigation in information science

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    Academic research often claims to investigate phenomena, but we conventionally insist that such investigations take place with the consent of those being studied. In this blue sky paper, we suggest that information science researchers should consider the contexts in which it might be beneficial to violate this norm and pursue what we describe as antago-nistic investigation. In relation to illegal and socially harmful activities such as platform manipulation, fraud and the spread of propaganda, we argue that researchers should go against the wishes of those they're studying and possibly, in the process, violate privacy norms, challenge illegal activities and call for accountability as a result of research. While these investigative activities are not conventional in information science research, they draw on core strengths of the field and position researchers to produce impactful work on relevant and pressing topics.Ope

    Physical Structure of Planetary Nebulae. III. The Large and Evolved NGC 1360

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    NGC 1360 is a large planetary nebula (PN) without an obvious shell morphology. We have analyzed H-alpha images and high-dispersion echelle spectra of NGC 1360 in order to construct spatio-kinematic models and to determine its density distribution. The best-fit model indicates that NGC 1360 is a prolate ellipsoidal shell whose major axis is twice as long as its minor axis and is tilted by 60 arcdeg with respect to the line of sight. The large kinematic age of the shell, ~10,000 yr, and the low density of the nebula, <130 H-atom cm^-3, imply that NGC 1360 is an evolved PN and has begun to merge with the interstellar medium. The observed morphology and surface brightness profiles of NGC 1360 can be described well as a thick shell with a Gaussian radial density profile without a sharp inner edge, indicating a lack of on-going compression by a fast stellar wind. The FLIERs observed in NGC 1360 near the end of its major axis expand faster and are younger than the nebular shell.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Polyether-tethered imidazole-2-thiones, imidazole-2-selenones and imidazolium salts as collectors for the flotation of lithium aluminate and spodumene

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    Imidazolium salts were prepared which possess 2-ethoxyethyl pivalate or 2-(2-ethoxyethoxy)ethyl pivalate groups as amphiphilic side chains with oxygen donors as well as n-butyl substituents as hydrophobic groups. The N-heterocyclic carbenes of the salts, characterized by 7 Li and 13 C NMR spectroscopy as well as by Rh and Ir complex formation, were used as starting materials for the preparation of the corresponding imidazole-2-thiones and imidazole-2-selenones. Flotation experiments in Hallimond tubes under variation of the air flow, pH, concentration and flotation time were performed. The title compounds proved to be suitable collectors for the flotation of lithium aluminate and spodumene for lithium recovery. Recovery rates up to 88.9% were obtained when the imidazole-2-thione was used as collector

    Phosphonate production by marine microbes: exploring new sources and potential function

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Acker, M., Hogle, S. L., Berube, P. M., Hackl, T., Coe, A., Stepanauskas, R., Chisholm, S. W., & Repeta, D. J. Phosphonate production by marine microbes: exploring new sources and potential function. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(11), (2022): e2113386119, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2113386119.Phosphonates are organophosphorus metabolites with a characteristic C-P bond. They are ubiquitous in the marine environment, their degradation broadly supports ecosystem productivity, and they are key components of the marine phosphorus (P) cycle. However, the microbial producers that sustain the large oceanic inventory of phosphonates as well as the physiological and ecological roles of phosphonates are enigmatic. Here, we show that phosphonate synthesis genes are rare but widely distributed among diverse bacteria and archaea, including Prochlorococcus and SAR11, the two major groups of bacteria in the ocean. In addition, we show that Prochlorococcus can allocate over 40% of its total cellular P-quota toward phosphonate production. However, we find no evidence that Prochlorococcus uses phosphonates for surplus P storage, and nearly all producer genomes lack the genes necessary to degrade and assimilate phosphonates. Instead, we postulate that phosphonates are associated with cell-surface glycoproteins, suggesting that phosphonates mediate ecological interactions between the cell and its surrounding environment. Our findings indicate that the oligotrophic surface ocean phosphonate pool is sustained by a relatively small fraction of the bacterioplankton cells allocating a significant portion of their P quotas toward secondary metabolism and away from growth and reproduction.This work was supported in part by grants from the NSF (OCE-1153588 and DBI-0424599 to S.W.C.; OCE-1335810 and OIA-1826734 to R.S.; and OCE-1634080 to D.J.R.), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (no. 6000 to D.J.R.), and the Simons Foundation (Life Sciences Project Award IDs 337262 and 647135 to S.W.C.; 510023 to R.S.; and Simons Collaboration on Ocean Processes and Ecology [SCOPE] Award ID 329108 to S.W.C. and D.J.R.)

    Rendering an Account: An Open-State Archive in Postgraduate Supervision

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    The paper begins with a brief account of the transformation of research degree studies under the pressures of global capitalism and neo-liberal governmentality. A parallel transformation is occurring in the conduct of research through the use of information and communication technologies. Yet the potential of ICTs to shape practices of surveillance or to produce new student-supervisor relations and enhance the processes of developing the dissertation has received almost no critical attention. As doctoral supervisor and student, we then describe the features and uses of a web-based open state archive of the student's work-in-progress, developed by the student and accessible to his supervisor. Our intention was to encourage more open conversations between data and theorising, student and supervisor, and ultimately between the student and professional community. However, we recognise that relations of accountability, as these have developed within a contemporary "audit revolution" (Power, 1994, 1997) in universities, create particular "lines of visibility" (Munro, 1996). Thus while the open-state archive may help to redefine in less managerial terms notions of quality, transparency, flexibility and accountability, it might also make possible greater supervisory surveillance. How should we think about the panoptical potential of this archive? We argue that the diverse kinds of interactional patterns and pedagogical intervention it encourages help to create shifting subjectivities. Moreover, the archive itself is multiple, in bringing together an array of diverse materials that can be read in various ways, by following multiple paths. It therefore constitutes a collage, which we identify as a mode of cognition and of accounting distinct from but related to argument and narrative. As a more "open" text (Iser, 1978) it has an indeterminacy which may render it less open to abuse for the technologies of managerial accountability
