212 research outputs found

    From Fuzzy Datalog to Multivalued Knowledge-Base

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    First Grade Literacy Study on Monitoring and Self-Correcting

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    Through Augustana\u27s partnership with Longfellow, I had the opportunity to obtain a reading endorsement. A part of this process I worked with a group of first graders and helped develop their skills in monitoring and self-correcting as they read a text

    Evaluation strategies of fuzzy Datalog

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    Computed Answer from Uncertain Knowledge: A Model for Handling Uncertain Information

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    In this work we present a model for handling uncertain information. The concept of fuzzy knowledge-base is defined as a quadruple of background knowledge. Specifically, the latter is defined by the proximity of predicates and terms; a deduction mechanism: a fuzzy Datalog program; a connecting algorithm, which connects the background knowledge with the program, and a decoding set of the program which helps us determine the uncertainty level of the results. We also suggest a possible evaluation strategy

    Fuzzy extension of datalog

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    "Játszani is engedd" = Let Them Play Too

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    Azt mondják, az öreg tanárok előszeretettel vélik legjobbnak saját módszereiket. Ami engem illet, többek között azért döntöttem úgy, hogy a nyugdíjkort elérve abbahagyom pálya- futásomat, mert azt gondoltam, már nem biztos, hogy teljesen korszerű az, amit és ahogy csinálok. Ugyanakkor, ha van rá érdeklődés, szívesen elmondom, miért tartom fontosnak a játékosságot az oktatásban. Bemutatok néhány hallgatói programozási vizsgamunkát, valamint az általam készített Java feladatgyűjtemény honlapját

    Vibration Prediction Model for Building Developments Adjacent to Railways

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    This paper presents the experimental and computational evaluation of ground-borne noise and vibration impacts at sensitive receivers in the vicinity of existing track sections. Vibration problems occur as an effect of train passings adjacent to buildings and structures, thus needing to satisfy stringent vibration and ground-borne noise criteria. Therefore, it is necessary to quantify comprehensively the vibration impact in the design of new developments and the compliance with the provided criteria. Test measurements of vibration propagation through the structure are often possible only under certain circumstances since, based on the construction work progress, many relevant parts of the analyzed structure have not yet been completed. In such cases, measurement data is combined with computation data applying the Finite-Element-Method (FEM). The structure is modelled as a basis for dynamic analyses and the subsequent tuning of damping systems. The paper presents a semi-empirical prediction model on the basis of measurements and computational models that was applied to international projects. One of the projects is in close vicinity of one of the metro stations in Doha, including a sixlevel underground parking structure with various facilities and a large development with numerous towers of different use on top. Another project that will be presented in the paper is a luxury hotel located adjacent to another station along one of the Doha metro lines. Outcomes summarize the state of the art aforementioned topic

    Körperpolitik: Zur Rolle der Körpersprache in der symbolischen und interaktiven Konstruktion von Geschlecht

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    Die kulturell motivierte machtsymbolische Codierung der Körper und die Verinnerlichung ritualisierter Dominanz- bzw. Unterwerfungsmuster als angemessener Ausdruck der Geschlechtsidentität verdeutlichen nicht nur den Geschlechterunterschied, sondern begründen zugleich eine vertikale Geschlechterordnung. Eine auf diese Weise vergeschlechtlichte Körpersprache verankert auf dem Hintergrund ihrer elementaren Besonderheiten diese Herrschaftsstruktur im Kern des individuellen Selbst. Auf der Strecke bleibt die gemeinsame Kommunikationsbasis. Unter der Maxime männ1icher Überlegenheit entwickeln beide Geschlechter paradoxe Strategien, mit denen sie in je spezifischer Weise "erfolgreich" aneinander scheitern: Frauen, indem sie sich unterwerfen, um ihre Ziele zu erreichen, und Männer, indem sie dominieren müssen, um "schwach" werden zu können