332 research outputs found


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    This lack of physical activity in adolescents now become a problem that we can found anywhere. Before we know it, this is in keeping with the technological advances that are used by society, especially adolescents. Gadgets are used by adolescent in every country just like common things.  This is believed the one of the factor why adolescents declining physical activity level and the main reason for them to going to be sedentary. The  use of 6 National journals and 3 International journals with relevant titles in this Literature Review are shows that gadgets have a relationship with high or low level of adolescents physical activity. But, gadgets are not the main reason or big reason why adolescent going to be sedentary. An environment did not have good sports facilities, motivation and knowledge by parents, after school activities, are a few examples of other factors that can influence adolescents to rise physical activity level. Keywords : Physical Activity, Gadget

    Pengembangan Instrumen Tes Ketepatan Passing Bawah Jarak Pendek Pada Pemain Sepakbola Usia 18 Sampai 23 Tahun

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    Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui instrument tes ketepatan passing bawah jarak pendek pada pemain sepakbola. Lingkup penelitian: Penelitian ini berfokus pada pemain sepakbola usia 18 sampai 23 tahun Club Al-Rayyan. Subjek: Dalam subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 25 pemain. Metode: Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan melalui 4 tahap yaitu pengumpulan data, perencanaan produk, uji coba model, dan validasi dan ujicoba. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan analisis product moment melalui uji validitas dan uji realibilitas. Hasil: Tes passing menggunakan media dinding dengan nilai 0,572 tingkat validitas sedang, instrument tes kedua dalam penelitian ini yaitu tes passing menggunakan media 1 gawang dengan nilai 0,334 tingkat validitas rendah, dan instrument ter ketiga dalam penelitian ini yaitu tes passing menggunakan media 3 gawang dengan nilai 0,387 tingkat validitas rendah. Kesimpulan: Intrumen tes ketepatan passing bawah jarak pendek yang valid dan dapat digunakan yaitu tes passing menggunakan media gawang dengan sasaran pemain sepakbola usia 18 sampai 23 tahun. Kata kunci : Sepakbola, Pengembangan, Passin


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    ABSTRAK Fokus utama dari QFD adalah melibatkan pelanggan pada proses pengembangan produk sedini mungkin. Tujuan dari QFD sendiri tidak hanya memenuhi sebanyak mungkin harapan-harapan pelanggan, tapi juga berusaha melampaui harapan pelanggan sebagai cara untuk berkompetisi, sehingga diharapkan konsumen tidak menolak dan tidak komplain tapi malah menginginkannya. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kualitas jasa pelayanan di Dealer Motor Honda Kediri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kepuasan pelanggan di Dealer Motor Honda Kediri dengan menggunakan metode QFD. Untuk menentukan apa yang harus dilakukan perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 110 konsumen yang menjadi pelanggan Dealer Motor Honda di Kota Kediri. Teknik analisis menggunakan Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa atribut Responsiveness memiliki kesenjangan yang terbesar (-0,96) dan atribut Assurance memiliki kesenjangan terkecil (-0,91). Upaya yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dapat dilakukan pada atribut Responsiveness perusahaan seharusnya memperhatikan kecepatan petugas bengkel dalam menyelesaikan masalah kepada pelanggan di Dealer Motor Honda Kediri. Saran penelitian ini sebaiknya perusahaan memperbaiki atribut Responsiveness yang terdiri dari kecepatan petugas bengkel dalam menyelesaikan masalah, tidak lama menunggu untuk dilayani petugas, serta responsif terhadap permintaan konsumen. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Jasa Layanan, Quality Function Deployment,  Pelanggan   ABSTRACT The main focus of QFD is to engage customers in the product development process as early as possible. The purpose of QFD themselves as much as possible not only meet customer expectations, but also to go beyond customer expectations as a way to compete, so expect consumers do not resist and did not complain but instead want it. The aim of research to determine and analyze the quality of services at the in Honda Dealer Motor Kediri. To know and analyze customer satisfaction in Kediri Honda Motor Dealer by using QFD. To determine what should be done by the company to improve customer satisfaction. This research is quantitative descriptive study. Total sample of 110 consumers who are customers in Honda Dealer Motor Kediri. Mechanical analysis using Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Results of attribute Responsiveness has the largest gap (-0.96) and attribute Assurance has the smallest gap (-0.91). Attempts to do the company to improve customer satisfaction can be performed on the attributes Responsiveness companies should pay attention to the speed mechanic in solving the problem to customers in Honda Dealer Motor Kediri. Keywords: Service Quality, Quality Function Deployment, Customer

    Pengaruh Small Sided Games Terhadap Kapasitas Aerobik (Vo2max) Pemain Sepakbola

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui adakah peningkatan dari penggunaan metode latihan small-sided games ini dapat meningkatkan daya tahan fisik aerobik (VO2max) pada seorang pemain sepakbola. Dimana peneliti melakukan pengumpulan data dengan mengumpulkan beberapa literatur. Berdasarkan kecukupan data yang diperoleh peneliti metode yang dilakukan dengan model studi literatur. Peneliti berfokus pada dampak metode latihan small sided games terhadap meningkatnya kapasitas fisik aerobik (Vo2max) pada seorang pemain, dengan menggali secara dalam dari kasus dengan mencari sumber literatur yang relevan kemudian dibandingkan dengan literatur lain yang kemudian ditarik menjadi sebuah kesimpulan atau pemahaman terkait tema yang ditulis. Dengan permasalahan ini peneliti telah menganalisa di SSB JENGGALA secara langsung di lapangan ketika SSB JENGGALA FC bermain untuk internal Sidoarjo, banyak sekali dari pemain JENGGALA usia 18 sampai 23 tahun yang daya tahan fisiknya masih kurang bagus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan daya tahan fisik pemain agar lebih baik lagi secara tim maupun individu. Bisa diambil kesimpulan bahwa Small sided games adalah sebuah teknik dengan memanipulasi kondisi latihan seperti pada pertandingan sebenarnya dan meminimalisir lapangan dan kuantitas dari pemain. Sehingga fisik, teknik, dan taktik pemain bisa ditingkatkan. Kata Kunci : small sided games, sepakbola, VO2max


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    AbstractThe AFF Championship or commonly known as the AFF Cup is an annual football tournamentwhich is regularly held every 2 years and is participated by ASEAN member countries. TheIndonesian National Team (Timnas) has participated in this tournament many times but has neverwon. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the Indonesian NationalTeam's soccer playing skills in the 2020 AFF Suzuki Cup final. The method used in this study isdescriptive quantitative based on match statistics. The results of statistical data analysis show thatin the final match, the Indonesian national team recorded an average ball possession percentageof 34%. The average percentage of passing is 73%. The average percentage of passes is 23%. Theaverage percentage of shots on target is 27%. The average percentage of shots off targets is 73%.In contrast to the Thai national team, which recorded an average ball possession percentage of66%. The average percentage of passes is 86%. The average percentage of passes is 14%. Theaverage percentage of shots on target is 38%. The average percentage of shots off targets is 62%.Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the skills of playing Indonesian nationalfootball in the final match of the AFF Suzuki Cup 2020 are still under the Thai national team. TheIndonesian national team was maximal in showing its best game in the final match but still lost toThailand. The factor of the lack of playing time is also an additional factor that can affect skills inplaying soccer.Keywords: analysis, playing skill, indonesian national team, aff suzuki cu

    Analisis SWOT Pembinaan Cabang Olahraga Tenis Meja Klub Bintang Berlian Kabupaten Mojokerto

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    This study aims to analyze the pattern of coaching in table tennis at the Bintang Berlian Club, Mojokerto. This research uses descriptive quantitative research method with sampling technique using 12 respondents. The data analysis technique uses a Likert scale with calculations using the excel formula. The population in this study were athletes and coaches of the Bintang Berlian club, namely 10 athletes and 2 coaches. This study used a questionnaire containing 81 items each for athletes and 72 items for coaches containing statements prepared based on predetermined indicators to collect data from respondents to answer the problem formulation. A questionnaire consisting of five alternative answers that uses a Likert scale to measure the three indicators. The results of this study indicate indicators (1) Human Resources get a score of 80.2% for athletes and 76.4% for coaches. Indicator (2) Facilities and infrastructure 81.5% for athletes, 80% for coaches. Indicator (3) The training program is 79.3% for athletes and 78% for coaches. Thus it can be concluded that the analysis of coaching at the Bintang Berlian Club is in the very good category for athletes with a percentage gain of 80.3% and for coaches it is in a good category with a percentage gain of 78.13%

    Kontribusi Hemoglobin terhadap Nilai VO2Max Siswa SMA Negeri 3 Sidoarjo

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    Hemoglobin sebagai alat transportasi oksigen sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh untuk melakukan segala aktivitas fisik terutama olahraga. Nilai VO2Max sangat berhubungan dengan kemampuan beraktivitas fisik, kemampuan kerja otot dan tingkat kelelahannya termasuk kemampuan saat mengkonsumsi oksigen. Tujuan : penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar hemoglobin dengan nilaiVO2Maxpada siswa SMA Negeri 3 Sidoarjo. Sampel : Subjek penelitian ini adalah 30 orang siswa putra SMA Negeri 3 Sidoarjo. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional, untuk mengukur kadar hemoglobin dengan menggunakan Easy Touch GCHb (Hb meter) dan mengukur nilai VO2Max menggunakan metode Multilevel Fitness Test (MFT) dianalisis menggunakan analisis korelasional. Hasil: Dari hasil analisis deskriptif kadar hemoglobin, diperoleh nilai minimum 10,3, nilai maksimum 21,3, rata-rata 15,7867, standar deviasi 2,32227 dan varian 5,393. Dari nilai VO2Max, diperoleh nilai minimum 24,3, nilai maksimum 42,1, rata-rata 31,36, standar deviasi 4,4541 dan varian 19,839. Dari hasil pengujian normalitas data dengan menggunakan uji Kolmogorov Smirnov menunjukkan hasil, kadar hemoglobin diperoleh nilai Asymp. Sig 0,200 (P value > 0,05) maka dapat dikatakan bahwa kadar hemoglobin berdistribusi normal dan nilai VO2Max diperoleh nilai Asymp. Sig 0,005 (P value < 0,05) maka dapat dikatakan bahwa nilai VO2Max tidak berdistribusi normal. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji korelasional menggunakan analisis Kendall tau_b dengan Sig. sebesar 0,100 (>0,05). Kesimpulan : Tidak adanya hubungan antara hemoglobin dan nilai VO2Max, maka tidak ditemukan adanya kontribusi hemoglobin terhadap nilai VO2Ma

    The effect of geometric structure on stiffness and damping factor of wood applicable to machine tool structure

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    Stiffness and vibration damping capability are important criteria in design of machine tool structure. In other sides, the weight of machine tool structure must be reduced to increase the handling capability. This paper presents an analysis of the effect of geometric structure on stiffness and vibration damping of wood structure. The stiffness was analysed using numerical method, so called finite element method (FEM), while the vibration damping capability was experimentally tested. Vibration testing was also performed to wood structures with sand powder filled into its rectangular hole to observe the its effect on damping factor. Simulation results show that the cross ribs structure yielded minimum mass reduction ratio compared to the three square holes as well as the single rectangular hole structures. While the vibration test results explained that the damping factor of Shorea laevis wood was higher than that Hevea braziiensis wood. The use of sand powder as vibrating mass in closed-box structure effectively increased the damping capability, for single rectangular hole structure the damping factor was increased from 0.048 to 0.07


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    Abstrak Asupan makanan sebelum latihan atau pertandingan diduga dapat meningkatkan performa tubuh. Asupan karbohidrat dan lemak diduga dapat memberikan hasil yang bermakna pada kecepatan lari 100 m. Tujuan penelitian untuk membuktikan dugaan bahwa perbedaan asupan karbohidrat dan lemak mampu meningkatkan kecepatan lari 100 m. Metode penelitian adalah eksperimen dengan analisis uji beda rata-rata. 16 sampel dipilih menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan telah menyelesaiakan penelitian. Pengumpulan data melalui tes Sprint 100 m. Hasil Mann whitney U-test menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara asupan karbohidrat dan lemak terhadap kecepatan sprint 100 m (0,024 < 0,05). Simpulan penelitian adalah adanya kecederungan asupan karbohidrat lebih baik dari pada asupan lemak terhadap kecepatan sprint 100 m dengan rerata karbohidrat 11,43 dan rerata lemak 13,66. Kata Kunci : Karbohidrat, lemak, sprin


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    Abstract Football is a sport that unites all sports people because it is very easy and cheap when You want to do this sport. It was proven by the euphoria of the supporters from each team. The Indonesian football league 1 competition was stopped due to the Covid-19 pandemic so that there were no sports matches that could be enjoyed by sports people, the 2021 Menpora Cup was held as a momentum to revive the world of football in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of the passing & control skills of Persib Bandung vs Persija Jakarta in the first leg of the 2021 Menpora Cup final with the final score of this match 2-0 for the victory of the Persija Jakarta team. The research method used by the researcher is descriptive quantitative. The source of research data is through direct data taken through the video of the 2021 Menpora Cup final first leg match. The results of the research in the 2021 Menpora Cup Final match First Leg Persib Bandung players made precise and accurate Passing as much as 344 (78%) and Passing was not precise and inaccurate as many as 95 (22%) so the basic techniques carried out by Persib Bandung players are more precise and accurate. And also researchers have the view that another factor in the form of technical quality of playing Persib Bandung players is quite good, it's just that the formation used by the Persija Jakarta team, namely 1-4-3-3, is able to apply the philosophy of Indonesian football, namely vertical football, while the Persib Bandung team applies a formation 1-4 -4-2 with his Tiki-taka style seen from the 2 goals scored by the Persija Jakarta team. The conclusion from the results of the basic technical analysis of Persib Bandung is that it is good, it's just that the formation used and the lack of utilizing these existing advantages become evaluation material for the team in the future. Keywords: Football, Analisys, Basic Techniques
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