130 research outputs found

    Proses Manajemen Pengetahuan Bagi Inovasi Pelayanan Perizinan di Kota Yogyakarta

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    Innovation in government organization through managing knowledge is important current research results. This research objective were to look at knowledge management in improving public services, particularly in public licencing process. Research problem was how sense making, knowledgecreating and knowledge sharing in public licencing services of Yogyakarta city. Research found that knowledge sharing and creating took place in midlle and bottom of organization level. Stages of innovation at the Licensing Agency began with the formulation of the problem, which consists of thousands of service files can not be known with certainty the level of completion. In the next stage, a member organization consisting of experienced employees who tried to solve by making the development of information systems. Licensing Office of the types of organizations can be categorized as a deliberative democracy 'adhocracy' an organization with the type of environment, where there is high public participation and concern in the licensing service.Keyword: Innovation, Knowledge sharing, Knowledge creation, AutonomyDOI: http://dx.doi.org/ 10.18196/jgp.2010.000

    Regulatory Competition And Decision Space Of Decentralization Implementation In Indonesia: Study Of Local Regulation In 2007-2009

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    This paper is aimed to investigate and analyze 250 cancelled local law review and its legal opinion as issued by the Home Affairs Ministry and Finance Ministry 2007-2009. The study found that there was regulatory competition not only between local law and law or government regulation, but also between local law and central government agencies. This competition was taken place on objects that have to be regulated and licensing authority. Decree of local law quash suit by the Ministry of Home Affairs is becoming legal standing debate. Decree of ministry as a central authoritative regulator extensively regulates the locally local government activity at the local area. The study also found that decision space of local government in decentralization is narrower than central government one. Theoretical contribution of the study revealed that different ranges of choice within and between tipology of deconcentration, decentralization or devolution.Keyword: Regulatory competition, local law, legal review, decentralization, decision space

    Agenda Setting dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Perbatasan di Kepri Tahun 2015

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    Bondary not only separate territories that are owned by different communities or countries but also ensure the safetyand well-being balanced between each area concerned. Riau Islands Province is leading directly adjacent to neighboringcountries such as Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Thailand. Conditions islands region in Riau (RiauIslands) are very much separated by an ocean, the area is 252 601 km2 area consisting of 1,350 islands and 96%Ocean thus making control range of the government in development planning very difficult. This study will look at howthe government’s Agenda Setting in the border area development planning Riau Islands, which will discuss the issueand political currents flow in the policy agenda to the policies made by the government of Riau islands as borderregions.The method used in this study is qualitative. The study was conducted in Regional Development PlanningBoard (Bappeda) Riau Islands Province, the Regional Border Management Agency (BNPPD) Riau Islands Provinceand Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPRD) Riau Islands Province. Data collection techniques performedin this study were interviews, collecting data document written and unwritten, and non-participant observation.Results from this study is the first, the flow of matter to explain the issues and problems that occur on the borderof Riau Islands namely the problem of limited infrastructure such as facilities and infrastructure such as facilities andinfrastructure of housing, education, health, security, and also facilities and transport infrastructure, telecommunications,and Other causes of this region have low accessibility and isolated from the surrounding region. Secondly, theflow of Politics explains the policy process and then view and objectives to be achieved still has a perception about theconstruction of the border is still different, the level of public participation, NGOs, academics and NGOs are stillrelatively low, the handling is still partial, sectoral and yet integritasi, coordination has not gone good, both amongsectoral, national level and between the central government and local governments, commitment and developmentbudget in the border area is still relatively minimal. Third, Flow Policy describes several emerging priorities namely,development of processing industry, fishery and tourism in a sustainable manner in order to support the sector ofmaritime, increasing production and agricultural productivity, as well as self-reliance and food security community,Improved connectivity between regions and between the island and the means and basic infrastructure of society,Improving the quality of the environment and forestry, natural disaster mitigation and climate change, peningatanquality human resources and well-being equitable and civilized society, Improving the quality of public services andgood governance

    Analisis Hubungan Antar Organisasi dalam Pengembangan Investasi di Kawasan Perdagangan dan Pelabuhan Bebas Batam

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    Investment is one source of  state revenue. Until  now the investment management in Indonesia can not be managedoptimally, because one of  them by a system of  investment management organization that is still weak. This study aimedto analyze the relationship between the organization (network governance) in organizing system in the developmentof  investment in the Free Trade Zone and Free Port of  Batam. The method used is the analysis of  network coordina-tion with the study of  the 5 aspects including governance structures, karaketristik service, operational interactionpar tner characteristics and network characteristics on a 3-level organization of provincial and district/city. The analy-sis finds that the coordination between the provincial and district organizations / cities still not optimal. coordinationhorizontally and vertically has not established optimally


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    When the Law No. 32 of 2004 on Regional Government was passed, which was originally centralized to decentralized, then wujudkannya regional autonomy. In addition to the inception of the autonomous regional government also established a special department to conduct government functions that are specific, D.I Yogyakarta one with Act No. 13 of 2012 on Privileges D.I Yogyakarta. Special Region of Yogyakarta has authority to maintain cultural values, the need for institutions that are able to maintain the cultural wisdom. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research. The type of data that are used are primary data and secondary data, with interview techniques and documentation. The analysis unit is composed of the  Department of Culture DIY, DIY DPRD Commission D and the palace DIY. Interactive analysis techniques using a model consisting of three things: data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Based on the results of the study concluded that the regulatory pillar in this study was measured by an indicator of rules or laws relating to cultural values, sanctions and monitoring. Regulative as factors supporting the implementation of cultural values able to push all the elements in the institution and community groups in order to apply the values of the culture in daily life hari.Pilar normative in this study was measured by an evaluation and the obligations and responsibilities in the institutional Autonomy jawab.Evaluasi field Culture has been done by issuing a regulation on protecting the culture in DIY. Keywords: Privileged DIY, Special Autonomy and Institution

    Dinamika Kelembagaan Dalam Pelekasana Otonomi Khusus Syariat Islam Di Aceh (Kajian Kelembagaan)

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    This study wants to answer how the Institutional dynamics in the implementation of special autonomy in the field ofIslamic Law in Aceh that have not effective and efficient so it is necessary for the agency's role maximizing theoverall implementation of Islamic Law in Aceh through regulatory quality and the quantity produced by the agencyqanun the quality of the actors in the bureaucracy, institutional partnership and good governance can demonstratesuccess in implementing the task, purpose this study was to examine more deeply about the institutional, inimplementing special autonomy in the field of Islamic Law in Aceh, three pillar theory, namely; Regulative, normativeand Culture / Cognitive, the data in the study This is obtained from the three agencies and the non-governmentalorganizations and 70 respondents in organizations that have a working partner and responsibility towardsimplementation of Islamic Law in Aceh. The method used in this research is mixed method research methods. Datacollection techniques used is library research, interviews, documents and questionnaires. The findings in this studythat first; the success of implementing Shari'a second; cultural influences and bigotry Aceh society against theteachings of Islam so that Islam be cultural identity and sense of self-esteem, even Aceh society people unitereligion with the culture and customs that can not be separated, third; tolerance towards non-Muslims, and thuscreating feel safe and comfortable in the religion of the minorities in Aceh. And Fourth; dialectic role of scholarsbetween structures and actors, where public Aceh is also obedient and trust theologian, not only on the structureand regulative, normative institution

    Urban Planning in Decentralization and Local Autonomy Era: A Case Study on the Relationship Between Local Government and Civic Group in Development and Budget Planning in Malang City (Indonesia)

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    This study aims to explore the relationship between local government and civic groups in the budget planning process of the government of Malang during 2015. Using a grounded theory approach, qualitative methods are applied in this study. The unit of the study is Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Malang is selected as the unit of study because of the many civic groups. The findings of this study show that there exists a relationship between local government and civic groups but that the relationship does not represent the principles of democracy (equality, participation, and justice) in the budget planning. Local government has dominated civic groups in budget planning so that the budget policy does not take public interest into consideration. However, civic groups such as Malang Corruption Watch (MCW) and Education Forum of Society (FMPP) have developed different strategies to develop collective lobbying to direct the development of public awareness through education. These findings contribute to developing budget planning in Malang that establishes a democratic budget policy process that is more responsive to public needs. The local government should realize that public participation is a way to achieve democratic budget process. In this context, elected and appointed officials should provide access for civic groups to be involved in all stages of budget planning. At the same time, civic groups should build civic awareness and a willingness to participate in budget planning


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    The ASEAN Globalization Level issues a strict commitment between ASEAN countries, regarding the agreement of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The agreement that leads to competition in the various sectors, one of which focuses on the labor sector, is a major requirement in service factors. The concept of Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) is an applicable norm in the recognition of skilled and certified labors. Judging at the competitiveness of the employment data availability and the growing number of Indonesian labors, then implications are made for the regions. The present research is aimed at the readiness of the Yogyakarta City Government’s employment sector in the face of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) competition in 201


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    Advances in information and communication technology encourage the government as a stakeholder to have social media accounts. Likewise, the community is also required to have social media as a means of communication. The importance of social media has a very significant impact, especially in the field of government, for example as a medium in conveying suggestions and complaints from the public to the government or vice versa. Twitter and Facebook are some of the social media that are very popular with Indonesians. Including the Surabaya City Government, to support and develop policy programs made, they use this social media tool as an effective medium of communication. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of effectiveness of Surabaya city government communication via Twitter and Facebook. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by utilizing the Nvivo application to process the data. In this study, there are several assessment indicators used as benchmarks, namely (1) Accuracy, (2) Creativity, (3) Activeness, (4) Interaction, (5) Transparency. From the research results, it is known that the effectiveness of communication via Twitter is better than Facebook in terms of accurate information, creativity, activeness, and transparency. Meanwhile, in terms of interaction, Facebook is higher. Therefore, the Government is required to be even more innovative in conveying information to the public, so that people have an interest in knowing information about government and policies that have been announced
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