15 research outputs found

    Perubahan Pengetahuan Sikap Wanita Usia Subur Sebelum dan Sesudah Diberikan Penyuluhan Tentang Deteksi Kanker Serviks dengan Pemeriksaan Metode Iva di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pembangunan Kecamatan Tarogong Kidul Kota Garut Tahun 2016

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    Kanker serviks merupakan masalah kesehatan perempuan di Indonesia, sehubungan dengan angka kejadian dan angka kematian yang tinggi. Saat ini di dunia diperkirakan lebih dari 1 juta perempuan menderita kanker serviks, dan terdapat 500.000 kasus baru pertahun, dengan angka kematian 260.000. Di Indonesia terdapat 100 kasus kanker serviks per 100.000 penduduk, dengan angka kematian 20 perhari (Nuranna, Laila et all, 2001). Keikutsertaan dalam suatu kegiatan merupakan respon/reaksi seseorang terhadap stimulus atau rangsangan yang dalam pelaksanaannya tergantung pada orang yang bersangkutan. Rendahnya keikutsertaan wanita dalam pemeriksaan skrining kanker serviks karena kurangnya kesadaran wanita akan kesehatan reproduksi dan sebagian wanita masih belum menganggap skrining dengan pemeriksaan Inspeksi Visual dengan Asam asetat (IVA) ini sebagai kebutuhan penting untuk kesehatan. Deteksi dini kanker serviks metode IVA merupakan alternatif pemeriksaan yang berbiaya rendah yang dianjurkan untuk fasilitas dengan sumber daya terbatas.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui Perubahan pengetahuan dan sikap wanita usia subur sebelum dan sesudah diberikan penyuluhan tentang deteksi dini kanker serviks dengan pemeriksaan metode IVA diwilayah kerja puskesmas pembangunan kecamatan tarogong kidul kota Garut tahun 2015. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode survei dengan pendekatan metode cross sectional. Populasi adalah seluruh wanita usia subur yang terdaftar dan tinggal di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pembangunan Kota Garut tahun 2015 dan sampel berjumlah 96 orang. Dianalisa secara deskriftif.Diharapkan pada pihak Puskesmas untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat dalam program deteksi dini dan penanggulangan kanker serviks dengan cara meningkatkan dan mengaktifkan kegiatan promosi dan penyuluhan yang tepat tentang pentingnya pemeriksaan IVA, serta dilakukan pengawasan untuk program puskesmas yang berkesinambungan supaya petugas kesehatan sebagai fasilitator dan motivator dapat meningkatkan mutu dan fungsinya secara optimal


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    In general, surgery is performed under the influence of anesthesia, and among others is conducted with general anesthesia. Ventilation Control pressure (PCV) and Volume Control Ventilation (VCV) are modes available Ventilator techniques in the perioperative period. This research compared ventilators perioperative and blood gas variable of the volume-controlled ventilation (VCV) and the ventilation pressure controlled (PCV) in patients undergoing surgery under general anesthesia. After obtaining the approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee and informed consent, sixty patients scheduled for surgery conducted in supine position under general anesthetics were randomly allocated into two groups to receive the VCV or PCV modes with Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) method. Group V (30 patients) received VCV and Group P (30 patients) received PCV. The main objective was for variable oxygenation FiO2, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, average arterial pressure, pulse rate at different times point, namely T0-12 minutes before induction, T1-12 minutes before induction intubate, T2-12 minutes after intubation and so forth in every 15 minutes until the surgery was complete. The Secondary goals included sedation scale parameter and vomiting scale after extubation.   Paired samples t test for overall comparisons and Ramsay scores for sedation and vomiting scales. The main variable and secondary variable were align in the two groups (P>0.05).   In clinical, both PCV and VCV groups were suitable for ventilator technique on patients with general anesthesia surgery

    Pengelolaan Nyeri pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Menggunaka Terapi Sujok: A Case Report

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    Pada penderita DM sering terjadi nyeri kaki yang oleh suatu kondisi yang disebut neuropati perifer, yang terjadi ketika kadar gula darah tinggi yang menyebabkan kerusakan pada saraf di tungkai dan kaki. Terapi Sujok dilakukan pada kelompok lansia di Puskesmas Jetis II Bantul dan Masjid Baiturrohman Popongan Sleman oleh mahasiswa Ilmu Keperawatan FK-KMK UGM yang dilatih menjadi terapis Sujok. Keluhan pasien, karakteristik nyeri, dan terapi dilaporkan dalam artikel ini. Lima pasien DM mengalami berbagai keluhan nyeri. Terapi Sujok menggunakan basic correspondence system dengan pemijatan, biji fenugreek, dan terapi warna berhasil mengurangi skala nyeri pasien. Hasil terapi menunjukkan bahwa terapi Sujok dapat efektif mengurangi nyeri kaki pada pasien DM. Kombinasi terapi biji dan warna memberikan pendekatan holistik yang inovatif. Hasil ini menunjukkan potensi terapi Sujok sebagai alternatif komplementer dalam manajemen nyeri pada pasien DM

    The Implementation of E-Commerce Consumer Option Rights (Khiyar) in Realizing Transaction Justice: A Study of Maqasid Al-Shariah

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    This article aims to reveal the optimization of option rights in realizing or stopping e-commerce transactions to achieve justice due to several problems in e-commerce transactions, including no meeting of two people who transact and no goods at that time. The results of the study reveal that the component of option rights (khiyar) focuses on an option due to damage/defect, where the damage can harm or oppress the parties, and the right to vote is a preventive alternative so that the parties feel comfortable and justice is realized in every transaction. Likewise, in the maqashid al sharia analysis, option rights (khiyar) have a very strategic role in maintaining the interests, transparency, benefit, and willingness of both parties to conduct transactions and protect them from harm and loss for all parties. This shows concern for justice in transactions as an effort for the common good to protect the rights of the parties. Strengthening regulations through laws and regulations needs to be carried out as a preventive effort to prevent acts of bad faith by one of the parties to provide a sense of security in transactions between the parties

    Preventive Maintenance Supply Chain Management Optimal Scheduling on VMACL Machines by Implementing Simulation Annealing Algorithms

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    PT. Braja Mukti Cakra uses various types of engines to produce parts for truck cars. Vertical Lathe Automatic Chucking Machine (VMACL) is a machine that has the highest frequency of damage when compared to other machines. To reduce damage costs, preventive maintenance is well scheduled. This scheduling problem solving is done using the Annealing Simulation Algorithm. The results of the analysis give direction that the scheduling that must be done are: The maintenance action schedule for the Lifter component is at month 1,6,7,22,24,34, for the Insert component at 4,15,18,27,33 months, and for the Door component at the 2nd month, 12,13,16,17,30,36. Replacement actions for the Lifter component were carried out in the 4,5th month, 1,17,20,29, for the Insert component in the 9,19,22,23,35 months, and for the Door component in the 1,20,27 months. . Scheduling for 36 months using the Simulated Annealing Algorithm will cost IDR. 84,119,244.60 and produce greater reliability than the previous reliability of 58.44%

    The Implementation of E-Commerce Consumer Option Rights (Khiyar) in Realizing Transaction Justice: A Study of Maqasid Al-Shariah

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    This article aims to reveal the optimization of option rights in realizing or stopping e-commerce transactions to achieve justice due to several problems in e-commerce transactions, including no meeting of two people who transact and no goods at that time. The results of the study reveal that the component of option rights (khiyar) focuses on an option due to damage/defect, where the damage can harm or oppress the parties, and the right to vote is a preventive alternative so that the parties feel comfortable and justice is realized in every transaction. Likewise, in the maqashid al sharia analysis, option rights (khiyar) have a very strategic role in maintaining the interests, transparency, benefit, and willingness of both parties to conduct transactions and protect them from harm and loss for all parties. This shows concern for justice in transactions as an effort for the common good to protect the rights of the parties. Strengthening regulations through laws and regulations needs to be carried out as a preventive effort to prevent acts of bad faith by one of the parties to provide a sense of security in transactions between the parties

    Impact of Musashi-1 and Musashi-2 Double Knockdown on Notch Signaling and the Pathogenesis of Endometriosis

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    The stem cell marker and RNA-binding protein Musashi-1 is overexpressed in endometriosis. Musashi-1-siRNA knockdown in Ishikawa cells altered the expression of stem cell related genes, such as OCT-4. To investigate the role of both human Musashi homologues (MSI-1 and MSI-2) in the pathogenesis of endometriosis, immortalized endometriotic 12-Z cells and primary endometriotic stroma cells were treated with Musashi-1- and Musashi-2-siRNA. Subsequently, the impact on cell proliferation, cell apoptosis, cell necrosis, spheroid formation, stem cell phenotype and the Notch signaling pathway was studied in vitro. Using the ENDOMET Turku Endometriosis database, the gene expression of stem cell markers and Notch signaling pathway constituents were analyzed according to localization of the endometriosis lesions. The database analysis demonstrated that expression of Musashi and Notch pathway-related genes are dysregulated in patients with endometriosis. Musashi-1/2-double-knockdown increased apoptosis and necrosis and reduced stem cell gene expression, cell proliferation, and the formation of spheroids. Musashi silencing increased the expression of the anti-proliferation mediator p21. Our findings suggest the therapeutic potential of targeting the Musashi-Notch axis. We conclude that the Musashi genes have an impact on Notch signaling and the pathogenesis of endometriosis through the downregulation of proliferation, stemness characteristics and the upregulation of apoptosis, necrosis and of the cell cycle regulator p21

    The Catalyst Selectivity to Cracking Product of Palm Oil

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    It is important to develop a renewable source of energy to overcome a limited source fossil energy. Palm oil is a potential alternative and environmental friendly energy resource in Indonesia due to high production capacity of this vegetable oil. The research studied effect of catalyst to selectivity of biofuel product from cracking of palm oil. The catalyst consists of silica alumina and synthesized HZSM-5 catalyst, with or without support. The research was conducted in two steps, namely catalyst synthesized and catalytic cracking process. HZSM-5 was synthesized using Plank methods. The analysis of the synthesized catalysts use AAS (Atomis Absorption Spectroscopy), BET (Brunaueur Emmet Teller). The cracking was carried out in a fixed bed microreactor with diameter of 1 cm and length of 16 cm which was filled with 0,6 gram catalyst. Composition of product if using HZSM-5 catalyst are gasoline of 28,87%; kerosene of 16,70% and diesel of 12,20%. Using silica alumina catalyst give product distribution such as diesel of 32,05% and gasoline of 2,78%


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    Terbatasnya sumber energi fosil menyebabkan perlunya pengembangan energi terbarukan yang berasal dari alam dan dapat diperbaharui. Penggunaan bahan bakar minyak bumi, baik dari penggunaan berupa alat transportasi maupun dari penggunaan oleh industri sangat mencemari lingkungan karena tingkat polusi yang ditimbulkan sangat tinggi sehingga perlu mencari bahan bakar alternatif pengganti bahan bakar gasoline, solar, dan kerosene dari minyak nabati. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahapan yaitu sintesa katalis dan proses katalitik cracking. Silika alumina disintesa menggunakan metode Latourette dan HZSM-5 disintesa menggunakan metode Plank. Hasil sintesa dikarakterisasi dengan Penyerapan Spektroskopi Atomis (AAS) menunjukkan bahwa silika alumina dan HZSM-5 mempunyai Si/Al 198 dan 243. Luas permukaan&nbsp; silika alumina dan HZSM-5 diperoleh dari analisa Brunauer Emmet Teller (BET) yaitu 149,91-213,35 m2.g-1 dan ukuran pori rata-rata adalah 13oA. Perengkahan katalitik dilakukan dalam suatu mikroreaktor fixed bed pada temperatur 350-500&deg;C dan laju alir gas N2 100-160 ml.min-1 selama 120 min. Hasil perengkahan dianalisa dengan metode gas kromatografi. Hasil yang diperoleh untuk katalis HZSM-5 fraksi gasoline dengan yield tertinggi 28,87%, kerosene 16,70%, dan diesel 12,20%&nbsp; pada suhu reaktor 4500C dan laju gas N2 100 ml/menit. </p

    HZSM-5 Catalyst for Cracking Palm Oil to Gasoline: A Comparative Study with and without Impregnation

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    It is important to develop a renewable source of energy to overcome a limited source fossil energy. Palm oil is a potential alternative and environmental friendly energy resource in Indonesia due to high production capacity of this vegetable oil. The research studied effect of catalyst to selectivity of biofuel product from cracking of palm oil. The catalyst consisted of HZSM-5 catalyst with or without impregnation. The research was conducted in two steps, namely catalyst synthesized and catalytic cracking process. HZSM-5 was synthesized using Plank methods. The characterization of the synthesized catalysts used AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) and BET (Brunaueur Emmet Teller). The cracking was carried out in a fixed bed microreactor with diameter of 1 cm and length of 16 cm which was filled with 0.6 gram catalyst. The Zn/HZSM-5 catalyst was recommended for cracking palm oil for the high selectivity to gasoline. © 2013 BCREC UNDIP. All rights reserved.(Selected Paper from International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering (ICCME) 2012)Received: 28th September 2012; Revised: 19th November 2012; Accepted: 20th December 2012[How to Cite: A. Roesyadi, D. Hariprajitno, N. Nurjannah, S.D. Savitri, (2013). HZSM-5 Catalyst for Cracking Palm Oil to Gasoline: A Comparative Study with and without Impregnation. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering &amp; Catalysis, 7 (3): 185-190.(doi:10.9767/bcrec.7.3.4045.185-190)][Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.9767/bcrec.7.3.4045.185-190 ] View in  | </p