9 research outputs found

    Application of extended self similarity in turbulence

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    From Navier-Stokes turbulence numerical simulations we show that for the extended self similarity (ESS) method it is essential to take the third order structure function taken with the modulus and called D3(r)D_3^*(r), rather than the standard third order structure function D3(r)D_3(r) itself. If done so, we find ESS towards scales larger than roughly 10 eta, where eta is the Kolmogorov scale. If D3(r)D_3(r) is used, there is no ESS. We also analyze ESS within the Batchelor parametrization of the second and third order longitudinal structure function and focus on the scaling of the transversal structure function. The Re-asymptotic inertial range scaling develops only beyond a Taylor-Reynolds number of about 500.Comment: 12 pages, 7 eps-figures, replaces version from April 11th, 1997; paper now in press at Phys. Rev.

    Scaling of the irreducible SO(3)-invariants of velocity correlations in turbulence

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    The scaling behavior of the SO(3) irreducible amplitudes dnl(r)d_n^l(r) of velocity structure tensors (see L'vov, Podivilov, and Procaccia, Phys. Rev. Lett. (1997)) is numerically examined for Navier-Stokes turbulence. Here, l characterizes the irreducible representation by the index of the corresponding Legendre polynomial, and n denotes the tensorial rank, i.e., the order of the moment. For moments of different order n but with the same representation index l extended self similarity (ESS) towards large scales is found. Intermittency seems to increase with l. We estimate that a crossover behavior between different inertial subrange scaling regimes in the longitudinal and transversal structure functions will hardly be detectable for achievable Reynolds numbers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps-figure

    Different intermittency for longitudinal and transversal turbulent fluctuations

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    Scaling exponents of the longitudinal and transversal velocity structure functions in numerical Navier-Stokes turbulence simulations with Taylor-Reynolds numbers up to \rel = 110 are determined by the extended self similarity method. We find significant differences in the degree of intermittency: For the sixth moments the scaling corrections to the classical Kolmogorov expectations are δξ6L=0.21±0.01\delta\xi_6^L= -0.21 \pm 0.01 and \dx_6^T= -0.43 \pm 0.01, respectively, independent of \rel. Also the generalized extended self similarity exponents \rho_{p,q} = \dx_p/\dx_q differ significantly for the longitudinal and transversal structure functions. Within the She-Leveque model this means that longitudinal and transversal fluctuations obey different types of hierarchies of the moments. Moreover, the She-Leveque model hierarchy parameters βL\beta^L and βT\beta^T show small but significant dependences on the order of the moment.Comment: 20 pages, 10 eps-figures, to appear in Physics of Fluids, December 199

    Multiscale correlations and conditional averages in numerical turbulence

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    The equations of motion for the nth order velocity differences raise the interest in correlation functions containing both large and small scales simultaneously. We consider the scaling of such objects and also their conditional average representation with emphasis on the question of whether they behave differently in the inertial or the viscous subranges. The turbulent flow data are obtained by Navier-Stokes solutions on a 603 grid with periodic boundary conditions and Re¿=70. Our results complement previous high Re data analysis based on measured data [A. L. Fairhall, V. S. L¿vov, and I. Procaccia, Europhys. Lett 43, 277 (1998)] whose preference were the larger scales, and the analysis of both experimental and synthetic turbulence data by [R. Benzi and co-workers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 3244 (1998); Phys. Fluids 11, 2215 (1999)]. The inertial range fusion rule is confirmed and insight is obtained for the conditional averages (the local dissipation rate conditioned on the velocity fluctuations)

    Developed turbulence: From full simulations to full mode reductions

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    Developed Navier-Stokes turbulence is simulated with varying wavevector mode reductions. The flatness and the skewness of the velocity derivative depend on the degree of mode reduction. They show a crossover towards the value of the full numerical simulation when the viscous subrange starts to be resolved. The intermittency corrections of the scaling exponents of the pth order velocity structure functions seem to depend mainly on the proper resolution of the inertial subrange. Universal scaling properties (i.e., independent of the degree of mode reduction) are found for the relative scaling exponents rho which were recently defined by Benzi et al.Comment: 4 pages, 5 eps-figures, replaces version from August 5th, 199

    Numerische Turbulenz

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    5,6-EET Is Released upon Neuronal Activity and Induces Mechanical Pain Hypersensitivity via TRPA1 on Central Afferent Terminals

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    Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) are cytochrome P450-epoxygenase-derived metabolites of arachidonic acid that act as endogenous signaling molecules in multiple biological systems. Here we have investigated the specific contribution of 5,6-EET to transient receptor potential (TRP) channel activation in nociceptor neurons and its consequence for nociceptive processing. We found that, during capsaicin-induced nociception, 5,6-EET levels increased in dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) and the dorsal spinal cord, and 5,6-EET is released from activated sensory neurons in vitro. 5,6-EET potently induced a calcium flux (100 nm) in cultured DRG neurons that was completely abolished when TRPA1 was deleted or inhibited. In spinal cord slices, 5,6-EET dose dependently enhanced the frequency, but not the amplitude, of spontaneous EPSCs (sEPSCs) in lamina II neurons that also responded to mustard oil (allyl isothiocyanate), indicating a presynaptic action. Furthermore, 5,6-EET-induced enhancement of sEPSC frequency was abolished in TRPA1-null mice, suggesting that 5,6-EET presynaptically facilitated spinal cord synaptic transmission by TRPA1. Finally, in vivo intrathecal injection of 5,6-EET caused mechanical allodynia in wild-type but not TRPA1-null mice. We conclude that 5,6-EET is synthesized on the acute activation of nociceptors and can produce mechanical hypersensitivity via TRPA1 at central afferent terminals in the spinal cord

    Hyperon signatures in the PANDA experiment at FAIR

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    We present a detailed simulation study of the signatures from the sequential decays of the triple-strange pbar p -> Ω+Ω- -> K+ΛbarK- Λ -> K+pbarπ+K-pπ- process in the PANDA central tracking system with focus on hit patterns and precise time measurement. We present a systematic approach for studying physics channels at the detector level and develop input criteria for tracking algorithms and trigger lines. Finally, we study the beam momentum dependence on the reconstruction efficiency for the PANDA detector