73 research outputs found

    Architectural sustainability: A new inspiration

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    Sustainable building, use of local materials, responsible use of soils, re-use, adaptability to climate, are all concepts that became worldwide part of the vocabulary of contemporary architectural design since the energy expenditure in the construction sector has proved to be of such magnitude to be unsustainable in the medium and long term. Yet these are the basic concepts that have always been considered as being of vital importance in vernacular and spontaneous building throughout the world. The great variety of shapes, typologies and materials used were always the optimal response to local social-, weather-, religious conditions and example of essential and efficient use of resources. Buildings were, throughout history, mostly set according to three basic principles: climatic-environmental, socio-cultural and socio-economic. The specific local variations of each of the three principles have generated buildings able to fully respond to the identified needs. This contribution aims to highlight how the lessons taught by vernacular architecture can inspire contemporary architecture and how a reinterpretation of the vernacular heritage can become our challenge for the future

    Preserving and managing ancient desert settlements: General and technical considerations

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    [EN] Saharan oases are all suffering a severe abandonment due to economic, social and political reasons. Abandonment is also the main cause for decay, thus in turn affecting at the same time the primary economical resources, the palm grove and the built environment. The latter one is also fighting a common sense of rejection, resulting from the belief that traditional housing is uncomfortable, dirty, not lasting and unhealthy. A restoration project run by the University of Cagliari in Figuig (Morocco), opened to reflect on a new attitude in the intervention of conservation, showing that actions pointed to re-use of buildings, building traditions and traditional materials can bring to a win-win result where the memory joined to the habitat, the local identity and the local micro-economy are given a renewed and substantial significance.[ES] Todos los oasis saharianos sufren un grave abandono debido a cuestiones económicas, sociales y políticas. Este abandono es también la causa principal de su degradación, lo que, a su vez, afecta tanto a los recursos económicos primarios como al palmeral y al entorno construido. Este último también lucha contra un sentimiento común de rechazo, como resultado de la creencia de que la vivienda tradicional es incómoda, sucia, no duradera e insalubre. Existe un proyecto de restauración dirigido por la Universidad de Cagliari en Figuig (Marruecos) encaminado a reflexionar sobre una nueva actitud en las intervenciones de conservación, que muestra que las acciones dirigidas a la reutilización de edificios, tradiciones constructivas y materiales tradicionales pueden llevar a una victoria para todas las partes, donde la memoria unida al hábitat, la identidad local y la microeconomía local adquieran un significado renovado y sustancial.Achenza, M. (2018). Preservación y gestión de asentamientos en el desierto: Consideraciones generales y técnicas. Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración. (31):66-79. doi:10.4995/loggia.2018.7210SWORD667931ACHENZA M., Manuel de restauration de l'Architecture historique de l'oasis de Figuig (Maroc). Lisbona, Portugal, ed. Argumentum, 2002.BENYOUCEF B., LE M'ZAB. Espace e societé, Imprimerie Aboudaoud, El-Hrrach 1990.CHERRADI F., Le devenir de l'architecture en terre des vallées du sud, in Gaultier-Kurhan C., PAtrimoine culturel marocain, Maisonneuve & Larose, Paris 2003.CRATerre-EAG, Les enduits de terre. Projet Leonardo da Vinci catalogue, 2009.CRATerre-EAG, Manuel de conservation du patrimoine architectural en terre des vallées présahariennes du Maroc, Cerkas-Centre du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, 2005.LAUREANO P., La piramide rovesciata, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 1995.RAKOTOMAMONJY B., Conservation du Patrimoine Culturel Immobilier en Afrique sub-saharienne. Bilanfinal, CraTerre - ENSAG, Grenoble 2010.RAUZIER M.P., TRÉAL C., RUIZ J.M., Le sud marocain, Arthaud éditions, Grenoble 1998.RAVÉREAU A., Le M'Zab. Une leçon d'architecture, Sindbad, Paris 1981.SANNA A, ATZENI C, Il manuale dell'architettura in terra cruda della Sardegna, ed Dei, Roma 2009.TERKI Y., Catalogue de l'exposition "De terre et d'argile", Ministère de la culture d'Algérie, Tlemcen 2012.WARE S., Médinas du Maroc, Arthaud, Paris 2001.WEISMANN A., BRYCE K., Using natural finishes, Green Books, Dartington 2008.ZERHOUNI S., GUILLAUD H., L'architecture de terre au Maroc, ACR Edition, Paris/Courbevoie 2001

    Thermal insulation for a sustainable rehabilitation of traditional buildings

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    Experiences and testing made in the course of 15 years at the DJCAAR- Dipartimento di l ngegneria Civile. Ambientale e Architettura at the University of Cagliari, highlighted that the major interventions for the conservation and rehabilitation of traditional buildings are geoerally to be made oo openiogs aod roofs. Walls are, in fact, almost always io a pretty good condition, as are the horizontal limber frames between floors. Some recent researches o!Tered the possibility to experimeot new solutions for roof and wall insulalioo. Starting from lhe need to put together natural and very performiog materials, and lhe oeed to limit the traosportation of building elements for economic aod ecological reasons. some tests were made oo new paneis made with locally produced libers, waste product from olher artisanal production, and clay. Paneis made witb clay aod straw, loofal1 or hemp wood have been manufactured and tested bolh in restoration siles aod io lhe climatic chamber. The results obtained are very promisin

    Il manuale del recupero dell'architettura storica dell'oasi di Figuig (Marocco): criticità e buone pratiche

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    The doctoral research “Manual for the conservation of the historical architecture of Figuig (Morocco)” has the goal to define for the individuation of best practices for the conservation and restoration of the earthen built heritage of the ancient city of Figuig in Morocco, an oasis on the edge Western Sahara, one of the most known and beloved in Morocco. The research, focused on the need to proceed with the proper conservation and restoration of built heritage, aims in the first place to highlight what are the meanings and characters of the built fabric of the oasis, individuating traditions, local materials and construction techniques, focusing on the problems that occur more frequently to the technicians responsible for their conservation and thus giving guidelines on good practices giving them elements for a proper approach to the renovation of the existent, not to obtain a conservation tout court of the ksar as historical monument, nor to promote the traditional model for new building, but to preserve a high quality building fabric restoring the texture and resolving the technical deficiencies and equipping it with modern facilities required by the contemporary model of life. The analysis of the town revealed the simplicity and ease of the construction methods used. An architecture that uses the few materials available on site with enabling technologies, leveraging the intrinsic characteristics of each material and element. The palm wood, very durable and enormously flexible, lime, derived from a plentiful and pure quality limestone, the soil, not particularly cohesive, but still suitable for the production of bricks; these materials, together, have contributed to build a coherent, effective and functional system. The solutions suggested as best practices derived from experiences already made in locations that have similar climatic conditions and characteristics of isolation, and are susceptible to insights that can be replicated in all the contexts of pre-Saharan area starting from the eastern Morocco, extending up to Libya and Egypt, countries that have, often also for coincidence of the founding peoples, very similar features in the settlement and its construction, and similar issues related to their conservation and regeneration. This research aims to represent an important data base for the definition of a theoretical and practical reference document at use for local administrations. Furthermore it represents a starting point for the compilation of more defined guidelines to favor a more correct use of the historical heritage and its proper maintenance, and propose methods of analysis of the urban fabric in order to operate consistently with the existing tissue. It is also more broadly aimed at "people". It is hoped that these tool will help to preserve the precious architectural legacy of earthen architecture Morocco and other nearby countries

    Contemporaneo sostenibile

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    The Sardininan courtyard house

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