125 research outputs found

    Ecology of Larval Habitats

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    Tools and Strategies for Malaria Control and Elimination: What Do We Need to Achieve a Grand Convergence in Malaria?

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    Progress made in malaria control during the past decade has prompted increasing global dialogue on malaria elimination and eradication. The product development pipeline for malaria has never been stronger, with promising new tools to detect, treat, and prevent malaria, including innovative diagnostics, medicines, vaccines, vector control products, and improved mechanisms for surveillance and response. There are at least 25 projects in the global malaria vaccine pipeline, as well as 47 medicines and 13 vector control products. In addition, there are several next-generation diagnostic tools and reference methods currently in development, with many expected to be introduced in the next decade. The development and adoption of these tools, bolstered by strategies that ensure rapid uptake in target populations, intensified mechanisms for information management, surveillance, and response, and continued financial and political commitment are all essential to achieving global eradication

    Respuesta conductual de Aedes aegypti (Linneaus, 1762) frente adulticidas piretroides de uso frecuente en Salud Pública

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    Objetivos. Evaluar la respuesta conductual de la generación F1 de Aedes aegyti (L) colectados en el área metropolitana de Monterrey (Nuevo León, México) frente a tres adulticidas piretroides de uso frecuente en salud pública. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizó un sistema modular novedoso denominado HITSS (High-Throughput Screening System), para evaluar dos respuestas de comportamiento (irritación de contacto y repelencia espacial), así como la toxicidad de tres insecticidas DDT, permetrina y bifentrina a diferentes concentraciones (0,025, 0,25, 25 y 250 nmol/cm2). Resultados. En la concentración 2,5 nmol/cm2, el DDT (4,3 ± 2,4) y la permetrina (8,0 ± 1,4) son los insecticidas que tienen mayor efecto irritante (p<0,05); la bifentrina requiere dosis 20 veces más alta para lograr efectos similares. En repelencia espacial, los tres insecticidas evaluados producen respuestas similares en todas las concentraciones; para DDT de 7 a 14%; permetrina de 9 a 15% y bifentrina de 19 a 27%. La permetrina y bifentrina a concentraciones 0,025 nmol/cm2, producen efectos knockdown superiores a 34%, con una mortalidad 19%, el DDT requiere concentraciones diez veces más alta para lograr efectos similares. Conclusiones. El sistema HITTS puede ser usado para evaluar la respuesta conductual frente a insecticidas

    Scientific achievements and reflections after 20 years of vector biology and control research at the Pu Teuy mosquito field research station, Thailand

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    Additional vector control tools are needed to supplement current strategies to achieve malaria elimination and control of Aedes-borne diseases in many settings in Thailand and the Greater Mekong Sub-region. Within the next decade, the vector control community, Kasetsart University (KU), and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation must take full advantage of these tools that combine different active ingredients with different modes of action. Pu Teuy Mosquito Field Research Station (MFRS), Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University (KU), Thailand was established in 2001 and has grown into a leading facility for performing high-quality vector biology and control studies and evaluation of public health insecticides that are operationally relevant. Several onsite mosquito research platforms have been established including experimental huts, a 40-m long semi-field screening enclosure, mosquito insectary, field-laboratory, and living quarters for students and researchers. Field research and assessments ranged from ‘basic’ investigations on mosquito biology, taxonomy and genetics to more ‘applied’ studies on responses of mosquitoes to insecticides including repellency, behavioural avoidance and toxicity. In the course of two decades, 51 peer-reviewed articles have been published, and 7 masters and 16 doctoral degrees in Entomology have been awarded to national and international students. Continued support of key national stakeholders will sustain MFRS as a Greater Mekong Subregion centre of excellence and a resource for both insecticide trials and entomological research

    Microsatellite data suggest significant population structure and differentiation within the malaria vector Anopheles darlingi in Central and South America

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    Background: Anopheles darlingi is the most important malaria vector in the Neotropics. An understanding of A. darlingi's population structure and contemporary gene flow patterns is necessary if vector populations are to be successfully controlled. We assessed population genetic structure and levels of differentiation based on 1,376 samples from 31 localities throughout the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon and Central America using 5-8 microsatellite loci.Results: We found high levels of polymorphism for all of the Amazonian populations (mean R-S = 7.62, mean H-O = 0.742), and low levels for the Belize and Guatemalan populations (mean R-S = 4.3, mean H-O = 0.457). The Bayesian clustering analysis revealed five population clusters: northeastern Amazonian Brazil, southeastern and central Amazonian Brazil, western and central Amazonian Brazil, Peruvian Amazon, and the Central American populations. Within Central America there was low nonsignificant differentiation, except for between the populations separated by the Maya Mountains. Within Amazonia there was a moderate level of significant differentiation attributed to isolation by distance. Within Peru there was no significant population structure and low differentiation, and some evidence of a population expansion. The pairwise estimates of genetic differentiation between Central America and Amazonian populations were all very high and highly significant (F-ST = 0.1859-0.3901, P < 0.05). Both the D-A and F-ST distance-based trees illustrated the main division to be between Central America and Amazonia.Conclusion: We detected a large amount of population structure in Amazonia, with three population clusters within Brazil and one including the Peru populations. The considerable differences in N-e among the populations may have contributed to the observed genetic differentiation. All of the data suggest that the primary division within A. darlingi corresponds to two white gene genotypes between Amazonia (genotype 1) and Central America, parts of Colombia and Venezuela (genotype 2), and are in agreement with previously published mitochondrial COI gene sequences interpreted as incipient species. Overall, it appears that two main factors have contributed to the genetic differentiation between the population clusters: physical distance between the populations and the differences in effective population sizes among the subpopulations

    Targeting educational campaigns for prevention of malaria and dengue fever: an assessment in Thailand

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    BACKGROUND: The current study assessed the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of at-risk populations for malaria and/or dengue fever in relation to mosquito exposure and household mosquito control practices. Specific objectives included comparison of individual and household level health practices between a rural and urban setting in Thailand. Findings are intended to guide Thailand Ministry of Health educational campaigns targeting arthropod-borne disease. METHODS: A mixed method design was employed using a forced choice and open-ended questionnaire to assess KAP of participants seeking point-of-care treatment for malaria and/or dengue fever at government health-care facilities. Following informed consent, household construction characterization (percent eave gap, floor, wall, and roof material) and mosquito collections both indoors (using aspiration) and outside (using traps) were conducted at a subsample of participant homes. All mosquitoes were identified to genus and anopheline and aedine samples processed for potential pathogen infection. RESULTS: A total of 64 participants were recruited from both study sites; 62 categorized as malaria symptomology and 2 categorized as dengue across all study healthcare facilities. Significant associations between study site and household construction were indicated. Trends also identified household level practices and both occupation and household construction regarding type of mosquito control products purchased and the abundance of mosquitoes in sampled homes. CONCLUSION: Overall, Ministry of Health information from education campaigns regarding malaria and dengue fever strategies is reaching the intended target populations at the study sites. Participants are aware of the presence of mosquitoes and that they serve as the potential vector for transmitting malaria and dengue fever diseases. However, specific knowledge gaps were also identified in each study site that may influence exposure to infected mosquitoes. Findings from this study are intended to guide future health education campaigns in these study settings to address specific community needs. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13071-015-0653-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Fipronil and Ivermectin Treatment of Cattle Reduced the Survival and Ovarian Development of Field-Collection Anopheles Albimanus in a Pilot Trial Conducted in Northern Belize

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    Background: Most malaria vector control programmes rely on indoor residual spraying of insecticides and insecticide-treated bed nets. This is efective against vector species that feed indoors at night and rest inside the house afterwards. In Central America, malaria vectors have diferent behaviours and are typically exophagic (i.e., bite outdoors), exophilic (i.e., remain outdoors after feeding), and zoophagic (i.e., as likely to feed on non-humans as humans). Thus, malaria elimination in Central America may require additional tactics. This pilot study investigated whether commercially-available products used to treat livestock for ticks could also be used to kill and/or sterilize zoophagic malaria vectors that feed on treated cattle in Belize. Methods: Cattle were treated with either a pour-on formulation of 1% fpronil (3 heifers) or injection of 1% ivemectin (1 heifer). Control heifers (n=2) were left untreated. Field-collected Anopheles albimanus contained in screen-top cages were strapped onto cattle at 2, 5, 7, and 14 days after treatment. Mosquito mortality was monitored once a day for 4 successive days. Surviving mosquitoes were dissected to assess blood meal digestion and ovarian development. Results: A total of 1078 female An. albimanus mosquitoes were fed and monitored for mortality. Both fpronil and ivermectin signifcantly reduced survivorship of An. albimanus for up to 7 days after treatment. By 14 days, efcacy had declined. The ivermectin treatment completely lost its efectiveness and even though the fpronil-treated heifers were still killing signifcantly more mosquitoes than the untreated heifers, the amount of mosquito killing had diminished greatly. Both treatments signifcantly reduced ovary development in mosquitoes fed on treated cattle for the duration of the 2-week trial. Conclusions: Treatment of cattle in northern Belize with topical fpronil and injectable ivermectin had signifcant lethal and sublethal efects on wild An. albimanus females. These results suggest that eforts towards eliminating residual transmission of malaria by zoophagic vectors in Central America may beneft by the judicious, targeted treatment of livestock with mosquitocidal compounds, such as fpronil or ivermectin

    Potential community-based control by use of plastic film to block aedes aegypti (L.) egg adhesion

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    Abstract. Monitoring and control programs for yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti (L.), usually do not focus on the egg as a potential target for control. The egg is the most numerous life stage but is invisible to conventional inspection by a sticky pad that attaches it. This laboratory study evaluated the potential ovicidal effect of five commonly used plastics. Plastic liners in oviposition containers were exposed to gravid female mosquitoes in an insectary. The percentage of eggs that hatched was recorded. The plastic liners altered the places where eggs were laid, i.e., 27.0% were glued onto the plastic film, 70.0% remained floating, and 3.0% were submerged. Vinyl blocked most egg adhesion, with a mean of 7.05 ± 10.1 eggs, compared to 170.7 ± 68.6 eggs for the check. Pooled numbers of glued, floating, and submerged eggs showed fewest eggs hatched on vinyl or low-density polyethylene, resulting in the death of 94.7% of the embryos. Plastics waterproofing property might be blocking the hyaluronic acid, the component of the sticky substance of mosquito eggs. Results demonstrated the potential use of plastic strips as an ovicide. Plastics should be studied further for use in community-based programs to control dengue