115 research outputs found

    Los itinerarios y la red viaria de época romana en Huelva

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    Las fuentes literarias, especialmente las itinerarias, pero igualmente las historiográficas y el resto de las geográficas, conforman el marco general adecuado para realizar el estudio de la red viaria de época romana, estudio en el que son integrados los testimonios arqueológicos y toponímicos; estos testimonios aportan los elementos de concreción y las funciones de cada una de las vías particulares del conjunto de las vías estudiadas. Mas para crear ese marco idóneo se ha de partir de la definición de los términos “calzada”, “ruta” e “itinerario” y del posible método compositivo de las fuentes itinerarias, el Itinerario Antonio y el Anónimo de Rávena. Con estos presupuestos de partida se ha realizado un esquema general de las vías más importantes que cruzaron en época romana el territorio de la actual provincia de Huelva._____________________________The literary sources, specially itinerary, but also historical and geographical give the best contex to make the study about the road system at Roma Age, where we've also archaeological and toponimical evidences. These evidences are necesary to decide the route and to analyse the historical reasons and functions of each road. But the first questions is in order to determine the meaning of the words "calzada", "ruta" e "itinerario", and the possible method of composition of the literary sources, the Itinerario de Antonino and the Anónimo de Rávena. With theses initial budgets it has been carried out a general outline of the most important roads that crossed the territory of the current province of Huelva at Roman time

    El litoral onubense y algarveño en el "Papiro de Artemidoro": una nueva interpretación

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    La reciente edición del “Papiro de Artemidoro” ha permitido conocer el posible comienzo del libro II del “Periplo” de Artemidoro de Éfeso, en el que figuraría, además de un proemio, el “paraplo” de las costas de la Península Ibérica conocidas a finales del s. II a.C. Consideramos auténtico dicho papiro, pues es difícil que un supuesto falsificador del siglo XIX, como defi enden algunos estudiosos, pudiera haber conocido el topónimo “Ipsa”, del que no se han tenido noticias hasta 1986, fecha de las excavaciones arqueológicas en las que aparecieron algunas monedas con esta leyenda. Por otra parte se pretende dar explicación a las ausencias de algunos enclaves geográficos del litoral ibérico, bien conocidos por la literatura geográfi ca grecolatina; se postula que Artemidoro realizó un viaje exploratorio por las costas del Golfo de Cádiz hasta el Cabo Sagrado y tal vez también por toda la fachada Atlántica y se propone una interpretación distinta a la de los editores del papiro para el tramo costero desde “Onoba” al Cabo Sagrado.The recent edition of “Artemidoru`s Papyrus” has allowed to know the possible beginning of the book II of “Artemidorus of Ephesus Periplus”, in which there would appear, besides a preface, the “paraplo” of the coasts of the Iberian Peninsula known at the end of second century B.C. We consider the authenticity of this papyrus, since it’s difficult that a supposed forger of the 19th century, as some experts defend, could have known the “Ipsa” toponym, of which news has not been had until 1986, date of the archaeological excavations in which some coins with this name appeared. On the other hand, to give explanation to the absences of some geographic places of Iberian coast, well known through Greek and Latin geographical literature, is intended. From these data, there is postulated that Artemidoro realized an exploratory trip for the coasts of the Gulf of Cadiz until the Sacred Cape, and maybe also across the Atlantic seaboard; finally, an interpretation different from that of the publishers (editors) of the papyrus about the coastal stretch from “Onoba” to the Sacred Cape, is proposed.Andalucía. Junta. Consejería de Cultura HUM 269

    ICT: an empowering tool for social enterprises

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    In recent years new models for organizations working on poverty alleviation have emerged. One of them, the social enterprise, has attracted the attention of both academics and practitioners all over the world. Even if defined in different ways depending on the context, this model has an enormous potential to generate social benefits and to promote local agency and private initiative in poverty alleviation

    Acerca de la condición jurídica de Onoba Aestuaria.

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    Este trabajo es una puesta al día sobre uno de los temas más controvertidos de la arqueología del suroeste peninsular, cual es la condición jurídica de la ciudad de Onoba, actual Huelva. A partir de la relectura y reinterpretación de las fuentes clásicas y de la incorporación de los avances producidos en la arqueología onubense en los últimos años, se propone la consideración de su estatuto colonial en contraste con las tradicionales hipótesis que hacían de este enclave un lugar poco destacable en el concierto de la Bética romana.In this work, an updating about one of the most controversial archaeological subject of the peninsular southwest, such as the Onoba’s juridical condition, current Huelva, is made. From the rereading and reintepretation of the classic sources and the incorporation of archaeological advances produced in this place in the last years, we propose the consideration of his colonial statute in opposition with the traditional hypothesis, that described this site as a scantily prominent place in the context of the Roman Baetica.Este trabajo es una puesta al día sobre uno de los temas más controvertidos de la arqueología del suroeste peninsular, cual es la condición jurídica de la ciudad de Onoba, actual Huelva. A partir de la relectura y reinterpretación de las fuentes clásicas y de la incorporación de los avances producidos en la arqueología onubense en los últimos años, se propone la consideración de su estatuto colonial en contraste con las tradicionales hipótesis que hacían de este enclave un lugar poco destacable en el concierto de la Bética romana

    El Estrecho de Gibraltar (Gaditanum fretum) en Plinio: el problema de Traducta Iulia

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    Plinio el Viejo y Pomponio Mela coinciden, en general, en la descripción del Estrecho de Gibraltar por haber seguido en algunos casos fuentes comunes del siglo I a.C.  Ambos coinciden también en la omisión de la ciudad bética de nombre Traducta. Mela la omite y, de acuerdo con la lectura e interpretación de la mayoría de los editores de la Chorographia, cita Tingentera, su ciudad natal, presumiblemente en en el mismo lugar, la ensenada de Calpe. Plinio también la omite y lleva erróneamente idéntica forma toponímica a la orilla sur del Gaditanum fretum como cognomen de Tingi, capital de la Mauritania Tingitana. En este trabajo, a partir de testimonios arqueológicos, numismáticos y literarios, pretendemos refrendar la reducción inequívoca de Iulia Traducta a la actual Algeciras y buscar una explicación a las razones de la omisión por parte de Plinio en su descripción de la orilla bética y del error al llevarla a la orilla mauritana.</p

    Evaluation of the Open Data for Development Program : final report

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    The evaluation focuses on both accountability and learning, providing accountability to the program's management and organizational governance structures for program results. In order to inform future programming on open data for development (OD4D), it reflects upon OD4D implementation and themes. The evaluation report addresses five topics: (1) Results (2) Design (3) Management (4) Policy and (5) Gender. The program both created and or made substantial contributions to various initiatives that resulted in numerous products, diversified by geographical domain and type. These are reported on in terms of outputs and outcomes

    The Role of ICT in Scaling Up the Impact of Social Enterprises

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can help social enterprises and other organizations working on global sustainability issues and in the human development sector in general scale their social impact. The flexibility, dynamism, and ubiquity of ICTs make them powerful tools for improving relationships among organizations and their beneficiaries, multiplying the effects of action against many, if not all, aspects of global unsustainability, including poverty and exclusion. The scaling of social impact occurs in two different dimensions. On one hand, ICTs can increase the value proposition of a program or action (depth scaling) in different ways: providing accurate and fast needs recognition, adapting products and services, creating opportunities, building fairer markets, mobilizing actions on environmental and social issues, and creating social capital. On the other hand, ICTs can also increase the number of people reached by the organization (breadth scaling) by accessing new resources, creating synergies and networks, improving organizational efficiency, increasing its visibility, and designing new access channels to beneficiaries. This article analyzes the role of ICT in the depth and breadth scaling of social impact

    Evaluation of the Information and Networks in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa (INASSA) Program

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    The project aims to strengthen evidence with regards to connections between the use of digital information networks and economic growth, democratic reform, and educational opportunities in the developing world. The evaluation assesses INASSA’s implementation and delivery of results, while identifying areas for learning and improvement. For instance: developing individual researchers’ capacity was key in achieving program results in alignment with the program’s theory of change; monitoring overall program management was complicated and could be made more efficient; a Knowledge Management approach could further support programmatic efficiency in project management, including shared learning outcomes

    External review of the Connectivity and Equity in the Americas / Institute for Connectivity in the Americas (CEA/ICA) Program

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    CEA/ICA has contributed to the development and dissemination of new ideas resulting in their adoption into the regional development research agenda and ICT4D field building in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). It has made significant contributions in developing research capacities and skills, and has generated evidence that has informed the design and reform of institutions, policies, regulations and laws. This detailed programme evaluation judges performance strengths and weaknesses of the CEA program and reviews research outputs, outcomes and activities

    Information and Networks (I&N) Program Review Panel : external review final report

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    The 2011-2016 period marks the implementation term of the IDRC’s Information and Networks (I&N) Program, which seeks to enable greater understanding of how information networks affect citizens in developing countries, especially those belonging to marginalized communities. This evaluation reports on coherence, effectiveness and appropriateness of the implementation of the I&N Program Prospectus. Focusing on the evolution of the program’s strategy and implementation, findings show that the I&N Program has been managed in line with what was envisaged. Priorities were established and changes made in a thoughtful manner, with convincing rationales provided where divergences occurred away from original intentions