11 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengaruh model pembelajaran dan kecerdasan logik matematik terhadap hasil belajar kimia dasar dengan mengontrol kemampuan awal. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia FKIP UHO Kendari dari bulan Maret sampai Juni 2018, dengan menggunakan metode quasi eksperimen dengan desain treatment by level 2x2. Jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 56 mahasiswa yang dipilih secara random sampling dari 107 mahasiswa. Anal isis data menggunakan ANCOVA dengan signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) hasil belajar kimia dasar mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran pencapaian konsep lebih tinggi dari pada yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran langsung setelah mengontrol kemampuan awal, (2) terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan kecerdasan logik matematik terhadap hasil belajar kimia dasar setelah mengontrol kemampuan awal, (3) hasil belajar kimia dasar mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran pencapaian konsep lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran langsung setelah mengontrol kemampuan awal bagi kelompok mahasiswa yang memiliki kecerdasan logik matematik tinggi, (4) hasil belajar kimia dasar mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran pencapaian konsep lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran langsung setelah mengontrol kemampuan awal bagi kelompok mahasiswa yang memiliki kecerdasan logik matematik rendah.************ The objectives of this research were to determine the effects of instructional models and mathematical logic intelligence on basic chemistry learning outcomes with initial competence as covariate variable. This research conducted at Chemical education departement of FKIP UHO Kendari during Maret to Juny 2018, and used a quasiexperimental method with a 2x2 by level design. A sample of 56 students was randomly chosen of 107 students. ANCOVA applied to analyzed the data obtained at the significant level of 0,05. The results indicate that: (1) the basic chemistry learning outcomes of students who were taught to use concept attainment model were better than direct instruction model by controlling the initial competence; (2) there was an interaction between instructional models and mathematical logic intelligence on basic chemistry learning outcomes by controlling the initial competence; (3) the basic chemistry learning outcomes of students with higher mathematical logic intelligence who were taught to use concept attainment model were higher than direct instruction model by controlling the initial competence; (4) the basic chemistry learning outcomes of students with lower mathematical logic intelligence who were taught to use concept attainment model were lower than direct instruction model by controlling the initial competence


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    This study aims to: determine the quality and readability of acid-base worksheets based on discovery learning. The research method used is R&D (Research and Development) with research stages adapted to the Borg and Gall theory modified by Sugiyono. The research stages carried out were data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, limited trial, and product revision. The quality of the worksheet student developed was validated by 3 material experts. The readability test of the LKPD developed was seen from the responses of  9 students. The results showed that the average validator assessment was 92.11% (very valid category). The average assessment of the readability test by students is 3.46 with a good category (limited scale trial). Based on the validation of experts and student responses, the LKPD developed was valid and suitable to be used as a learning tool in acids and base

    Minyak Biji Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum) Dengan Etanol

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    A study has been conducted on the transesterification of Calophyllum innophyllum seed oil with ethanol. The purpose of this research is to determine the comparison of concentration of phosphoric acid used to remove the gum on the oil, ester content is produced in the process of transesterification with ethanol, the ester yield obtained after the final stage of the transesterification process, the viscosity of the biodiesel produced, moisture content of biodiesel is produced, and density of biodiesel was produced. This research is taken based on consideration production biodiesel by direct transesterification process. Based on research result of good phosphoric acid concentration used to remove oil gum is 85%, volume of biodiesel produced at transesterification equal to 150 mL with yield 80,89%, biodiesel quality parameter measured that viscosity = 0,05 mm2 / s not fulfill Indonesian National Standart (INS), moisture content = 0.045 meets the INS and the density = 0.881 g / cm3 meets the IN

    The Analysis of Multiple Intelligences of Students Through Project Based Learning Class Activities

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    This study's goal was to examine how the project-based learning paradigm affected various components of intelligence and the effectiveness of students' multiple intelligences. The research sample consisted of 30 XI students. Descriptive research methodology is employed. Interviews, observation, and questionnaires were the tools employed. The findings demonstrated that all facets of the kids' multiple intelligences, including logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, linguistic, body-kinesthetic, musical, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligence, were present. The category for interpersonal quotient is quite good. The majority of student intelligence falls into the good group, specifically in the areas of logical-mathematical, linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligence. Pupils' musical intelligence is subpar, but their visual-spatial intelligence is pretty strong

    Implementation of Live Worksheets Assisted Interactive Student Worksheets Based on Discovery Learning

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    This study aims to ascertain the learning outcomes, effectiveness, and significant differences between printed worksheets on electrolytic cell material and interactive student worksheets based on discovery learning. This research is in a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design. The research instrument consisted of multiple-choice test questions with research subjects in classes XII MIPA 6 and XII MIPA 8 at Public High School 1 Kendari. Data analysis techniques consisted of descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. According to the investigation's findings, students who used interactive student worksheets based on discovery learning and supported by Live Worksheets with printed student worksheets experienced increased post-test learning outcomes. Still, the increase in the experimental class was higher than in the control class. As a result, Live Worksheets-assisted interactive student worksheets based on discovery learning on electrolytic cell material are helpful in education because they can enhance student learning outcomes.  &nbsp

    Biodiesel Hasil Transesterifikasi Minyak Biji Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum) Dengan Metanol

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    Study of the transesterification of Calophyllum innophyllum seed oil from Kendari with methanol has been conducted. The purpose of the research to determine of the yield of ester produced in transesterification process with methanol, the viscosity of biodiesel produced, moisture content of biodiesel produced, density of biodiesel produced. The methods used in this study are sample preparation, transesterification process, biodiesel quality parameter test consisting of viscosity, moisture content and density. The results showed that good concentration of phosphoric acid was used to remove the gum is 85%, the yield of ester produced in the process of transesterification with methanol is 111,647%, parameter of biodiesel quality measured that viscosity = 0,315 mm2/ s not fulfill Indonesian National Standart (INS), water content is 0.02 meets the INS and the density = 0.8725 g / cm3 meets the INS standar

    Perbandingan Kemampuan Aerasi Sembur (Spray) dengan Metode Adsorpsi Menggunakan Adsorben Serbuk Kulit Buah Kakao untuk Menurunkan Kadar Besi dan Mangan Pada Air Sumur Gali

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    Research on the use of the spray aeration method with adsorption of cocoa rind powder to reduce iron and manganese levels in dug well water has been carried out. This study aims to make comparisons from two methods to reduce iron and manganese in dug well water. The parameters optimized in this study are the aeration time and the variation of the addition of the adsorbent mass and the adsorption time. Based on the research results, the spray aeration time for 2 hours gave the optimal percentage reduction for Fe3+ and Mn4+ metal ions, namely 98.68% and 94.22%. Meanwhile, for adsorption using cocoa pod husk powder, the optimal reduction occurred in the adsorbent mass of 0.2 grams and the adsorption time of 60 minutes for iron and manganese 96.36% and 95.15%, respectively

    The Analysis of Relationship Between Learning Motivation And Student Procrastination Behavior in Public Elementary School

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    This study aims to prove that there is a relationship between learning motivation and students' academic procrastination behavior at one of the Public Elementary School in Sukabumi, West Java. The research method used in this study is a quantitative method. The population is a group of elements or cases, be it individuals, objects or events, which are related to specific criteria and are something that becomes the target of generalizations set by the researcher to study and draw conclusions. The population in this study were all fifth grade elementary school students with a total of 64 students, consisting of 41 male students and 23 female students. Independent variables, namely variables that can influence or influence other variables and are denoted by the variable X. Based on the research results obtained through the process of data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that there is a negative and significant relationship between learning motivation and students' academic procrastination with an r count of -0.539 and is in the category of moderate relationship level. The existence of a negative relationship means that if student learning motivation is high then student academic procrastination is low, and vice versa if student learning motivation is low then student academic procrastination is high

    Perbandingan Kemampuan Aerasi Sembur (Spray) dengan Metode Adsorpsi Menggunakan Adsorben Serbuk Kulit Buah Kakao untuk Menurunkan Kadar Besi dan Mangan Pada Air Sumur Gali

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    Research on the use of the spray aeration method with adsorption of cocoa pod husk powder to reduce iron and manganese levels in dug well water has been carried out. This study aims to make comparisons from two methods to reduce iron and manganese in dug well water. The parameters optimized in this study are the aeration time and the variation of the addition of the adsorbent mass and the adsorption time. Based on the research results, the spray aeration time for 2 hours gave the optimal percentage reduction for Fe3+ and Mn4+ metal ions, namely 98.68% and 94.22%. Meanwhile, for adsorption using cocoa pod husk powder, the optimal reduction occurred in the adsorbent mass of 0.2 grams and the adsorption time of 60 minutes for iron and manganese 96.36% and 95.15%, respectively

    Studi Variasi Konsentrasi NaOH dan H2SO4 Untuk Memurnikan Silika Dari Abu Sekam Padi Sebagai Adsorben Ion Logam Pb2+ dan Cu2+

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    A study of variations in the concentration of NaOH and H2SO4 to purify silica from rice husk ash and its application as adsorbent of Pb2+ and Cu2+ Metal Ions. The NaOH concentrations used were 8%, 9%, 10%, 11%, 12% and 13% and H2SO4 concentrations were 5.4%, 8.16%, 10.88%, and 13.61%. The process of adsorption of Pb2+ and Cu2+ metal ions was carried out at pH (3, 4, 5, 6) and silica masses. The results showed the silica yield obtained in the form of white powder. The highest silica content at 12% NaOH concentration of 41.81% with a purity of 89.09% and H2SO4 concentration is 10.88% at 65.39% with a purity of 94.94% initial content 86.02%. The results of surface structure characterization using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) average size of particle diameter was 0.030 µm. Optimal adsorption process of Pb2+ and Cu2+ metal ions using silica from rice husk occurred at pH 6 and the adsorbent mass was 0.3 gram, the adsorption efficiency was 98% and 86.25% respectively with adsorption capacity of 0.96 mg/g for metal Pb2+ and 0.83 mg/g for Cu2+ metals