26 research outputs found

    Modulation of chromatin position and gene expression by HDAC4 interaction with nucleoporins

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    The histone deacetylase HDAC4 associates with the nuclear pore complex component Nup155 to modulate gene expression during cardiomyocyte hypertrophy

    Sexual Dimorphism in Bidirectional Sr-Mitochondria Crosstalk in Ventricular Cardiomyocytes

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    Calcium transfer into the mitochondrial matrix during sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ release is essential to boost energy production in ventricular cardiomyocytes (VCMs) and match increased metabolic demand. Mitochondria from female hearts exhibit lower mito-[Ca2+] and produce less reactive oxygen species (ROS) compared to males, without change in respiration capacity. We hypothesized that in female VCMs, more efficient electron transport chain (ETC) organization into supercomplexes offsets the deficit in mito-Ca2+ accumulation, thereby reducing ROS production and stress-induced intracellular Ca2+ mishandling. Experiments using mitochondria-targeted biosensors confirmed lower mito-ROS and mito-[Ca2+] in female rat VCMs challenged with β-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol compared to males. Biochemical studies revealed decreased mitochondria Ca2+ uniporter expression and increased supercomplex assembly in rat and human female ventricular tissues vs male. Importantly, western blot analysis showed higher expression levels of COX7RP, an estrogen-dependent supercomplex assembly factor in female heart tissues vs males. Furthermore, COX7RP was decreased in hearts from aged and ovariectomized female rats. COX7RP overexpression in male VCMs increased mitochondrial supercomplexes, reduced mito-ROS and spontaneous SR Ca2+ release in response to ISO. Conversely, shRNA-mediated knockdown of COX7RP in female VCMs reduced supercomplexes and increased mito-ROS, promoting intracellular Ca2+ mishandling. Compared to males, mitochondria in female VCMs exhibit higher ETC subunit incorporation into supercomplexes, supporting more efficient electron transport. Such organization coupled to lower levels of mito-[Ca2+] limits mito-ROS under stress conditions and lowers propensity to pro-arrhythmic spontaneous SR Ca2+ release. We conclude that sexual dimorphism in mito-Ca2+ handling and ETC organization may contribute to cardioprotection in healthy premenopausal females

    Viruses in the Heart: Direct and Indirect Routes to Myocarditis and Heart Failure

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    Viruses are an underappreciated cause of heart failure. Indeed, several types of viral infections carry cardiovascular risks. Understanding shared and unique mechanisms by which each virus compromises heart function is critical to inform on therapeutic interventions. This review describes how the key viruses known to lead to cardiac dysfunction operate. Both direct host-damaging mechanisms and indirect actions on the immune systems are discussed. As viral myocarditis is a key pathologic driver of heart failure in infected individuals, this review also highlights the role of cytokine storms and inflammation in virus-induced cardiomyopathy