34 research outputs found

    Dynamic Interplay between Pericytes and Endothelial Cells during Sprouting Angiogenesis

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    Vascular physiology relies on the concerted dynamics of several cell types, including pericytes, endothelial, and vascular smooth muscle cells. The interactions between such cell types are inherently dynamic and are not easily described with static, fixed, experimental approaches. Pericytes are mural cells that support vascular development, remodeling, and homeostasis, and are involved in a number of pathological situations including cancer. The dynamic interplay between pericytes and endothelial cells is at the basis of vascular physiology and few experimental tools exist to properly describe and study it. Here we employ a previously developed ex vivo murine aortic explant to study the formation of new blood capillary-like structures close to physiological situation. We develop several mouse models to culture, identify, characterize, and follow simultaneously single endothelial cells and pericytes during angiogenesis. We employ microscopy and image analysis to dissect the interactions between cell types and the process of cellular recruitment on the newly forming vessel. We find that pericytes are recruited on the developing sprout by proliferation, migrate independently from endothelial cells, and can proliferate on the growing capillary. Our results help elucidating several relevant mechanisms of interactions between endothelial cells and pericytes

    Molecular targets and oxidative stress biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma: an overview

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a complex and heterogeneous tumor with multiple genetic aberrations. Several molecular pathways involved in the regulation of proliferation and cell death are implicated in the hepatocarcinogenesis. The major etiological factors for HCC are both hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus infection (HCV)

    Development status of the UV-VIS detector system of SOXS for the ESO-NTT telescope

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    SOXS will be the new spectroscopic facility for the ESO NTT telescope able to cover the optical and NIR bands by using two different arms: the UV-VIS (350-850 nm), and the NIR (800-2000 nm). In this article, we describe the development status of the visible camera cryostat, the architecture of the acquisition system and the progress in the electronic design. The UV-VIS detector system is based on a CCD detector 44-82 from e2v, a custom detector head, coupled with the ESO continuous flow cryostats (CFC), a custom cooling system, based on a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), and the New General Controller (NGC) developed by ESO. This paper outlines the development status of the system, describes the design of the different parts that make up the UV-VIS arm and is accompanied by a series of information describing the SOXS design solutions in the mechanics and in the electronics parts. The first tests of the detector system with the UV-VIS camera will be shown.Comment: 10 pager, 13 figure

    Clinical Features, Cardiovascular Risk Profile, and Therapeutic Trajectories of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Candidate for Oral Semaglutide Therapy in the Italian Specialist Care

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    Introduction: This study aimed to address therapeutic inertia in the management of type 2 diabetes (T2D) by investigating the potential of early treatment with oral semaglutide. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted between October 2021 and April 2022 among specialists treating individuals with T2D. A scientific committee designed a data collection form covering demographics, cardiovascular risk, glucose control metrics, ongoing therapies, and physician judgments on treatment appropriateness. Participants completed anonymous patient questionnaires reflecting routine clinical encounters. The preferred therapeutic regimen for each patient was also identified. Results: The analysis was conducted on 4449 patients initiating oral semaglutide. The population had a relatively short disease duration (42%  60% of patients, and more often than sitagliptin or empagliflozin. Conclusion: The study supports the potential of early implementation of oral semaglutide as a strategy to overcome therapeutic inertia and enhance T2D management

    Endometriosi esterna: patologia di esclusivo interesse ginecologico? Il punto di vista del chirurgo generale

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    L’endometriosi esterna o extrauterina è la localizzazione in sede ectopica di tessuto endometriale funzionante. L’osservazione incidentale di casi asintomatici o paucisintomatici da parte del chirurgo generale è in aumento, grazie anche al diffondersi delle tecniche laparoscopiche. Per la sede in cui si localizza e le espressioni anatomo-patologiche che assume, è talora responsabile di un quadro clinico di puro interesse chirurgico; in tali casi, in considerazione della scarsità di sintomatolgia specifica, difficilmente viene inquadrata in fase preoperatoria, ponendo problemi di diagnostica differenziale nonché di strategia chirurgica ed imponendo, talora, un’attenta valutazione dell’estensione della demolizione chirurgica, trattandosi sovente di donne giovani che desiderano conservare la propria fertilità. Gli Autori presentano 7 casi giunti alla loro osservazione: un caso di endometriosi inguinale, una localizzazione ombelicale, tre casi parieto-cicatriziali, un caso a localizzazione intestinale, peraltro plurifocale e maligno ed emerso clinicamente con un quadro di addome acuto, ed infine un caso di pneumotorace catameniale con endometriosi diaframmatica. Tali casi rappresentano un vero catalogo delle possibili espressioni con le quali questa patologia può coinvolgere il chirurgo generale e gli Autori analizzano, alla luce anche di una revisione della letteratura, le implicazioni diagnostico-terapeutiche ad esse connesse. In particolare, prendendo spunto dalla loro esperienza, gli Autori pongono l’attenzione sui problemi posti, in caso di plurifocalità, dall’estensione della demolizione chirurgica e, in assoluto, sui rischi, da non sottovalutare, circa la possibile trasformazione maligna dell’epitelio endometriosico e la possibile endometriosi secondaria parieto-cicatriziale

    Suitability of a native South African shrub as pot plant

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    Leonotis leonurus (L.) Br. Pubesc., also known as “lion’s ear” is a perennial shrub belonging to the Labiatae family and native to South Africa. The name of the genus derives from the Greek words leon (lion) and otòs (ear). The esthetic ornamental value of its bright orange inflorescence and its adaptation to a wide range of conditions have led a research to evaluate the suitability of L. leonurus as pot plant. Pot plants from one year rooted cuttings were grown in the Northern coast of Sicily; at the end of December, plants were pruned to 30 cm length and then moved to an unheated plastic greenhouse. Flowering started in April under protected cultivation and continued throughout the summer months; whereas plants kept outside flowered during June-July to late October. The results showed a good adaptation of L. leonurus to pot cultivation, even though the use of plant growth regulators for height control would be opportune to maintain a compact growing habit throughout the flowering period

    Experimental approaches for studying semaphorin signals in tumor growth and metastasis in mouse models

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    Tumor growth and metastatic dissemination are complex multistep processes. They clearly depend on the intrinsic behavior of cancer cells, but are remarkably influenced by a variety of stromal cells present in the tumor microenvironment, which include those implicated in tumor angiogenesis, as well as bone marrow-derived cells recruited from the circulation. Moreover, multiple molecular signals exchanged between cancer cells and non-neoplastic stromal cells control tumor growth and metastasis; notably, members of the semaphorin family are emerging players in this scenario. In vivo tumor models represent the best setting for studying metastatic tumor progression, as they allow recapitulating the contribution of multiple cell types and signaling molecules in a complex tissue context, subject to pathophysiological local and systemic responses, such as metabolic changes, hypoxia, necrosis, fibrosis, inflammation, and cytokine release. Here, we describe some experimental approaches based on murine models to study the role of semaphorin signaling in tumor growth and metastatic progression in vivo

    Propagation techniques for three Mediterranean native shrubs with potentential as ornamental outdoor plants

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    Grande are three Mediterranean shrubs with interesting ornamental features. The exploitation of wild plants for ornamental purposes implies knowledge on the factors influencing the propagation methods. To study the influence of temperature on germination, seeds of Teucrium flavum, Prasium majus and Micromeria fruticulosa were germinated in incubators at constant temperatures of 14, 20, 24 and 28°C. Highest germination, 45 % and 86%, occurred at 20°C in Teucrium flavum and Prasium majus, respectively. Micromeria fruticulosa seeds subjected at 24 or 28°C had a germination percentage significantly higher than at 20 or 14°C. To study the influence of auxin treatments on vegetative propagation, cuttings of each species were either dipped in a 500 ppm 1H-indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) solution or not treated (control). Rooting percentage and root number of the three species were strongly affected by IBA treatments

    Verifiche aeroelastiche di un APR in composito avanzato

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    APR è l’acronimo di Aeromobile a Pilotaggio Remoto e con esso convenzionalmente la normativa militare AER-P-7 individua tutta quella categoria di velivoli che non presentano un pilota a bordo, ma sono dotati di dispositivi atti a consentirne il controllo da remoto. In questo lavoro si riportano le analisi relative ai principali fenomeni aeroelastici statici e dinamici. Lo scopo dello studio è quello di verificare l’applicabilità dei metodi di analisi classica a velivoli di concezione innovativa sia per quanto riguarda i materiali e sia per quanto riguarda le dimensioni, i pesi e le scelte costruttive. Lo studio si è articolato in diverse fasi: preliminarmente, si sono impiegati i metodi di analisi numerica, con particolare attenzione ai piani di coda e ai flaperoni. Successivamente è stata condotta un’accurata indagine sperimentale mediante prove di vibrazione al suolo (GVT – Ground Vibration Test), atta ad individuare i modi propri di vibrare della struttura e le frequenze caratteristiche del velivolo. Infine si sono elaborati numericamente i dati delle prove di vibrazione per ricostruire la caratteristica modale del velivolo, e ricavare informazioni aggiuntive relativamente ai fenomeni di flutter, nonché a verificare la corrispondenza con i risultati ottenuti tramite i metodi classici di verifica analitico-numerica