41 research outputs found

    الصور البديعية في القوآن الكريم

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    Daw'Ilm al-Lugah fi Surah al-Qasas

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    Perkembangan bahasa Arab di Dunia: Studi Analisis Terhadap Sistem Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Berbagai Benua

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    Buku ini lahir karena terinspirasi oleh dua hal utama, pertama untuk memberi pemahaman kepada para mahasiswa khususnya dari jurusan bahasa Arab, baik di program sarjana, magister, dan doktor tentang pembelajaran bahasa Arab di berbagai belahan dunia, sekalipun hanya baru tersaji di beberapa Negara saja yang mewakili masing-masing benua. Kedua, sebagai bentuk kecintaan kepada bahasa Arab supaya para pembaca tertarik untuk mempelajari bahasa Arab yang selama ini dianggap momok dan sulit. Mereka bisa terinspirasi terutama kepada para mahasiswa asing non-Islam yang baru mengenal dan mempelajari bahasa Arab di tingkat mahasiswa, tetapi dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama mereka mampu menguasai bahasa Arab dengan baik

    Corak Pemahaman Kebahasaan Al-Imam Al-Suyuti

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    The Effectiveness Of Quantum Learning To Increase Motivation And Mastery Of Arabic Vocabulary Of Learners

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    This research aims to see the difference in the effectiveness between the quantum learning model at the experiment class and TPS (think pairs share) model at the controlling it is observed from the learning motivation and mastering the students' Arabic Language vocabulary. This research uses the quantitative method, which is quasi-experiment. The data collection method is a questionnaire, test, and observation with independent sample t-test data analysis. This research collects data and serves it systematically by using SPSS 22 for windows application. The results showed that quantum learning models in practical classes and TPS learning models (think pairs share) in control classes are classified as useful because they increase average value. This indicates that using various learning models can increase the motivation and mastery of learners' Arabic vocabulary so that educators do not just monotonously apply one model in learning. Educators are also required to use many models (multi-methods) because varied learning models can positively influence increasing motivation and mastery of Arabic vocabulary


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    The basis for implementation Al-Qur'an education includes Government policies, financing, namely funding sources, education management functions in the implementation of Al-Qur'an education, utilization of human resources, and members as well as students. Implementation challenges of Al-Qur'an education, among others: the era of globalization, human moral decadence, and prioritizing world affairs that can provide something material and less inclined to pursue amaliyah for preparation and provision in the hereafter. Expectations in the implementation of Al-Qur'an education, among others: building believers and increasing intelligence in the field of religion, increasing friendship and Ukhuwah Islamiyah relations, and centers of knowledge in society, namely the implementation of Al-Qur'an education provides great hope for Muslims, namely the information center for the development of Islamic knowledge, the center for fostering Islamic knowledge, and the Islamic religious consultation center

    Konsep Umum Populasi dan Sampel dalam Penelitian

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    Tulisan ini membahas tentang konsep populasi dan sampel dalam sebuah penelitian, macam-macam Teknik pengambilan sampel dan cara menentukan ukuran sampel. Metode yang digunakan yaitu studi literatur dan analisis dokumen untuk mendapatkan teori-teori atau tulisan-tulisan yang berkaitan dengannya. Hasil dari tulisan ini yaitu: 1) Populasi adalah keseluruhan elemen dalam penelitian meliputi objek dan subjek dengan ciri-ciri dan karakteristik tertentu. Populasi dapat dibagi menjadi tiga, populasi berdasarkan jumlahnya yaitu populasi terbatas dan populasi tak terbatas, berdasarkan sifatnya yaitu populasi homogen dan populasi heterogen, dan berdasarkan perbedaan yang lain yaitu populasi target dan populasi survey. 2) Sampel diartikan sebagai bagian dari populasi yang menjadi sumber data yang sebenarnya dalam suatu penelitian. Dengan kata lain, sampel adalah sebagian dari populasi untuk mewakili seluruh populasi. 3) Teknik pengambilan sampel pada dasarnya dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua yaitu Probability Sampling dan Nonprobability Sampling. 4) Menentukan ukuran sampel bisa dilakukan dengan cara menghitung besar sampel dengan metode yang dikembangkan oleh Isaac dan Michael, dan juga dengan menggunakan rumus Nomogram Harry King, dan rumus Krejcie


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    This paper discusses the dynamics of the establishment of Islamic boarding schools in the minority areas of Jayapura City. This research method is a qualitative research with the approach used is the phenomenological approach and scientific approaches in the form of sociological and historical. The source of the data of this research is the boarding school caretakers, religious teachers, students, community leaders, traditional leaders, coaches, mentors, educators, and the community. Furthermore, the data collection methods used are observation, interview, documentation, and triangulation. The next stage is data processing techniques and data analysis is done through data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of this study indicate that there are three concepts that become the dynamics of the establishment of huts in minority areas, namely: 1) History of its establishment including: there are indications of apostasy in remote areas of transimigration in Jayapura and Keerom Papua, the assumption of the Islamization of the majority of people in Jayapura, the existence of mosques which is very quiet from the pilgrims, the assumption of Islamic boarding schools as a stronghold of Muslims, and the assumption that Islamic boarding schools print human resources with a radical mindset, the involvement of traditional leaders. 2) Institutional development, including: formal and non-formal education. 3) Contributions of Islamic boarding schools include: the social religious field, the field of religious harmony, and the cultural field based on local wisdom