61 research outputs found

    Investigation On The Properties Of Nanostructured Nickel Oxide Layer For Hydrogen Gas Sensor

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    In this work, nanostructured NiO layers were synthesized using chemical bath deposition (CBD) and thermal oxidation methods for high performance of H2 gas sensor. The synthesis of nanostructured NiO layer was controlled base on severalgrowth parameters which were varied in each deposition methods. The structural, morphological, and optical properties of nanostructured NiO layer were studied using XRD, FESEM, EDX and UV-Vis spectrometer. The crystal size, surfaceroughness, porous surface, layer thickness, and crystallinity are factors that have great influence in enhancing the H2 gas sensing performance

    The future of health informatics and electronic health records: a look at the Canadian surveillance systems

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    In the 21st century of information and technological advancement, the emergence of health informatics and use of software applications have in no measure transformed the way surveillance is carried out. The investment in bioterrorism and automated surveillance systems has further stimulated new informatics methods in the public health sector. Thus, it suffices to say that informatics methods and systems have the potential to improve the quality and consistency of clinical preventive services. Importantly, there are wide ranges of applications in use in the aspect of surveillance, epidemiology, prevention and control. The importance of sharing surveillance data and health data between and among agencies is essential to early warning systems in terms of disease spread and bioterrorism. It is vital to have a comprehensive and effective surveillance system in place so as to monitor disease trend and to ensure that information delivered are accurate, timely and complete; this strategy aims to prevent outbreaks and to protect the health of the public. However, this is not possible without a functional info-technology system in place such as the availability of a computer system to aid in in effective tracking, identifying, collecting, validating, and analyzing data; this measure would ensure that the public and other stakeholders are well informed on any possible outbreaks for necessary measures to be put in place. There is need for other economically advanced countries to take a leave from Canada as the government is internationally recognized not only as a leader in health care prevention and promotion but also a founder of the healthy communities’ movement; this could not have been possible without the government’s strong commitment to fundamental change towards bringing an enviable healthcare to the door steps of Canadians. Key Words: Electronic health records, Surveillance, Tele-health, Tele-medicine, Syndromic Surveillance, Canad

    Comparative Analysis of Direct Labour and Contracting System of Project Procurement

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    This study examines the performance of two project procurement methods commonly used in project construction, the direct labour and contracting system. Using cost, time and quality as assessment criteria, the work seek to determine possible advantage of one method over the other. Quasi-experimental design and questionnaire were combined to carry this study. Respondents was mainly officers and building contractors, key players in project procurement. Results obtained in this work showed that there was no significant difference between the two methods in terms of cost overrun, though overall cost was higher for the direct labour method. It also revealed a significant difference between time overrun for the two methods as direct method took longer time. The study concluded by emphasising the need for training, openness and empowerment. It also recommended the need for all establishments to adopt participatory project management through direct labour. Key Words: Direct Labour, Contract, Procurement, Time, Cost, Cost overrun, Time overrun DOI: 10.7176/CER/11-8-07 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Comparative Analysis of Some Efficient Data Security Methods among Cryptographic Techniques for Cloud Data Security

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    The concept of cloud computing model is to grant users access to outsource data from the cloud server without them having to worry about aspects of the hardware and software management. The owner of the data encrypts it before outsourcing to a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) server for effective deployment of sensitive data. Data confidentiality is a demanding task of cloud data protection. Thus, to solve this problem, lots of techniques are needed to defend the shared data. We focus on cryptography to secure the data while transmitting in the network. We deployed Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) used as encryption method for cloud data security, to encrypt the sensitive data which is to be transmitted from sender to receiver in the network and to decrypt so that the receiver can view the original data. Arrays of encryption systems are being deployed in the world of Information Systems by various organizations. In this paper, comparative analysis of some various encryption algorithms in cryptography have been implemented by comparing their performance in terms of stimulated time during Encryption and decryption in the network. Keywords: AES, Data Control, Data Privacy, Data Storage, Encryption Algorithms, Verification

    Le Griot Dans La Litterature Postcoloniale: Une Etude De Guelwaar De Sembene Ousmane

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    Le griot dans la société traditionnelle africaine de l’ère précoloniale est un personnage complexe chargé d’une myriade de fonctions. Il est bien respecté et honoré. La présente étude se donne l’objectif d’examiner profondément la peinture du griot dans la littérature africaine postcoloniale utilisant Guelwaar de Sembène Ousmane comme texte de base tout en établissant ses fonctions et ses portraits. L’étude privilégie quelques théories critiques comme le postcolonialisme, les théories marxiste et féministe. De plus, l’examen s’effectue à la lumière de l’image du griot d’antan et des sept catégories de nouveaux griots postulés par Ifeoma Mabel Onyemelukwe. Nous découvrons deux types de griot dépeints par Ousmane dans Guelwaar : le griot personnage littéraire nommé Guelwaar et le griot écrivain contemporain africain, Sembène Ousmane lui-même. Ces deux griots entretiennent des rapports de similitude et de divergence avec le vrai griot. Mais le griot écrivain contemporain africain ressemble beaucoup plus au griot d’antan en dépit des points de divergence. Nous finissons par déceler dix-huit fonctions du griot et par-là arriver aux dix-huit portraits du griot dans Guelwaar dont le griot bibliothèque publique bien documentée et le griot détenteur de la littérature écrite africaine postcoloniale. Nous parvenons à la conclusion que la littérature postcoloniale, comme l’atteste Guelwaar de Sembène Ousmane, se caractérise par une revalorisation des valeurs authentiques, honorables et louables du griot de caste. Ceci est symbolisé par l’apparition du griot personnage littéraire dans certaines oeuvres de la littérature écrite postcoloniale africaine comme Guelwaar et surtout la prééminence accordée aux griots écrivains contemporains africains tel Sembène Ousmane.   The griot, in the traditional African society is a complex personality charged with multiple functions. He is well respected and honoured. The objective of the present research is to make an in-depth study of the depiction of the griot in post-colonial literature using Guelwaar as study text while establishing his functions and portraits. Postcolonialism, Marxist and Feminist theories constitute the theoretical framework. Furthermore, the examination is carried out in the light of the image of the real griot and the seven categories of new griots promulgated by Ifeoma Mabel Onyemelukwe. It is found that Sembène Ousmane depicts two types of griots in Guelwaar, namely: the griot as literary character named Guelwaar and the griot as contemporary African writer, Sembène Ousmane, himself. These two griots have certain similarities and differences with the real griot. But the findings show that the griot as contemporary African writer resembles more the real griot, their points of disparity notwithstanding. Eighteen functions and eighteen portraits of the griot are established, among which are: the griot as well documented library and the griot as custodian of written postcolonial African Literature. A firm conclusion is reached, that postcolonial literature, as reflected in Sembène Ousmane’s Guelwaar, is characterized by the revalorization of the real griot’s authentic, honorable and praise-worthy values. This is symbolized in the projection of the griot as literary character in some literary works like Guelwaar and in particular, the preeminence given to griots as Contemporary African writers as typified by Sembène Ousmane

    Comparison of carcass and meat quality in goats subjected to preslaughter head-only electrical stunning or slaughtered without stunning

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    The effects of slaughter without stunning in comparison with head-only electrical stunning (HOES) on carcass hemorrhages and meat quality in goats were evaluated. Sixteen Boer crossbred bucks were subjected to either non-stun (NS) or HOES (1 A, for 3 s at 50 Hz). Meat quality traits such as pH, water holding capacity (WHC), color, tenderness, myofibril fragmentation index (MFI) and sarcomere length were assessed on semitendinosus (ST) muscle, while the incidences of hemorrhage were morphologically examined on shoulders and legs of each carcass. The results indicate no differences (p > 0.05) in meat quality traits between NS and HOES goats. However, carcasses obtained from the head-only electrically stunned goats had higher (p < 0.05) incidence of hemorrhages than those slaughtered without stunning. HOES prior slaughter increased carcass hemorrhages without adversely affecting meat quality traits in goats

    Effects of dietary oil blend on fatty acid composition, oxidative stability and physicochemical properties of Longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle in goats

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    This study examined the effects of dietary blend of 80% canola oil and 20% palm oil (BCPO) on the physicochemical properties, antioxidant status, oxidative stability and fatty acid composition of Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) muscle from goats during chill storage. Over a 14-week feeding trial, 24 Boer bucks were randomly assigned to and supplemented with diets containing 0, 4 or 8% BCPO on a dry matter basis, slaughtered and the LTL was subjected to a 7 day chill storage. Neither diet nor post mortem ageing influenced (P > 0.05) antioxidant enzyme activities, chemical composition and cholesterol. Diet had no effect on the carbonyl content, free thiol content, water-holding capacity, tenderness, pH and glycogen. Oil-supplemented goats had higher (P 0.05) changes were found in the proportion of individual fatty acids throughout storage. Total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) decreased while total saturated fatty acids increased as storage progressed. Dietary BCPO enhanced n-3 PUFA without compromising the quality attributes of chevon

    Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Health Care Workers Towards the Care of the Elderly in PHCC Mubi South Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    Aging is a universal phenomenon that is obvious as well as inevitable. Old age is a significant stage in life and normally related to life expectancy of given area, hence the conditions and the needs of the aged becomes imperative. Care of the elderly is the fulfillment of the special needs and requirements that are unique to senior citizens. It covers such services as assisted living, adult day care, long term care, nursing homes, hospice care and home care. This study was aimed to assessed knowledge, attitude and practice of health care workers towards the care of the elderly in PHCC Mubi South Local Government Area of Adamawa State. A cross-sectional research design was employed with 108 sampled calculated using Yamane’s formula. Proportionate allocation and simple random sampling technique was adopted to select the HCW from each PHCC. The structured interviewer questionnaire was used to collect data. An ethical approval was obtained and permission granted for the study. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 22.0 where the results has been and presented in tables and diagrams. The study revealed that there is good knowledge (82%), attitude (65%) and practice (64%) of the care of the elderly. Healthcare workers’ knowledge, attitude and practice play a major role in the care of the elderly at PHCC and concerns authorities should continue to support the care of the elderly.&nbsp

    Pattern of Cancer in Bauchi: Report from a Departmental Cancer Registry

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    Context: Cancer ranks second among the major causes of death globally. A projection by 2020 indicated that developing countries wouldaccount for about 70% of total cancer‑related death worldwide. Despite the great threat posed by cancer to this region of the world,&nbsp; reliable statistics on the trends and patterns of cancer are rare. Aims: The aim of the study is to review the cases of cancer recorded in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital (ATBUTH), Bauchi, from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2019 Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective, descriptive study. Nine years records of all pathologically diagnosed cancer cases in the ATBUTH, Bauchi were retrieved, reviewed, and grouped in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology. The results were presented as simple frequency tables and charts. Results: A total of 1284 cancer cases were diagnosed during the period, an average of 142.7 cases per annum. There was a female predominance of cancer cases (male: female ratio ‑ 1:1.53. The age range was from seven months to 95 years, with mean and medianages of 49.6 and 50 years, respectively. More than half of the cases were reported in the fifth to seventh decades of life. Prostate (14.6%)and non melanoma skin cancer (11.2%) were the most common cancers seen in males. In females, cancers of the cervix (37.9%) and thebreast (22.9%) were the most common. Conclusions: Breast cancer and cancer of the uterine cervix were the most common cancers in women in this review while prostate cancer was the most common cancer in men. The need to establish a hospital‑based and/or population‑based cancer registry that will generate reliable cancer data in our environment cannot be overemphasized. Keywords: Bauchi, breast, cancer, cervix, prostate, registr