9 research outputs found

    Does Prenatal Stress Management Enhance Maternal And Fetal Outcomes?

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    Background: Antenatal period is a time of rapid change during which fetal organs are vulnerable to various stressors. Studies have suggested that psychosocial stressors during pregnancy could adversely influence physical and behavioral outcomes of the infant. Aim: This paper aimed to discusses the importance of antenatal stress assessment and management on both mothers' and infants' health status. Method: This review aggregated evidence from various studies that examined the impact of maternal stress management and its outcomes on pregnant women and their infants. Results: Maternal stress is generally associated with unpleasant fetal outcomes. The use of stress reduction techniques was approved to reduce psychological stress in pregnant women. Conclusion: Ongoing assessment of antenatal stress using a standardized process promotes proper stress handling strategy


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    Yellow maize ( Zea mays L.) is one of the important sources of animal feed in Egypt. The national maize programmes uses conventional crop breeding methodology, which depends on the development inbred lines of maize from open pollinated varieties or other heterogeneous sources. The objective of this study was to assess the general and specific combining ability for nine yellow maize inbred lines and their crosses for grain yield and other morphological traits, under Egyptian conditions. Nine new yellow maize inbred lines, derived from different yellow maize sources, were crossed in a half diallel mating scheme in 2020 summer season, at Gemmeiza Agricultural Research Station Gharbia Governorate in Egypt. The resulting 36 crosses, along with two commercial check hybrids (SC 168 and Pioneer SC 3444), were evaluated at three locations, i.e. Gemmeiza, Mallawy and Sids Agricultural Research Stations of the Agricultural Research Center (ARC), in 2021 summer season in Egypt. Overall, the additive gene effects played a major role in the inheritance of days to 50% silking, plant and ear heights; while the non-additive gene effects were mostly responsible for controlling the inheritance of grain yield. The parental inbred lines (P1 and P2) possessed significant (P<0.05) negative estimates of GCA effects for days to 50% silking towards earliness. The best general combiners were inbred lines P2 and P6 for plant and ear height, and these inbred lines would be good combiners for breeding to short hybrids and low ear placement. Crosses (P1xP9 and P3xP4) had desirable SCA effects and significantly out-yielded the two checks.Le ma\uefs jaune (Zea mays L.) est l\u2019une des principales sources d\u2019alimentation animale en \uc9gypte. Les programmes nationaux de ma\uefs utilisent une m\ue9thodologie conventionnelle de s\ue9lection des cultures, qui d\ue9pend du d\ue9veloppement de lign\ue9es consanguines de ma\uefs \ue0 partir de vari\ue9t\ue9s \ue0 pollinisation libre ou d\u2019autres sources h\ue9t\ue9rog\ue8nes. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer la capacit\ue9 de combinaison g\ue9n\ue9rale et sp\ue9cifique de neuf lign\ue9es consanguines de ma\uefs jaune et de leurs croisements pour le rendement en grain et d\u2019autres caract\ue8res morphologiques, dans les conditions \ue9gyptiennes. Neuf nouvelles lign\ue9es consanguines de ma\uefs jaune, d\ue9riv\ue9es de diff\ue9rentes sources de ma\uefs jaune, ont \ue9t\ue9 crois\ue9es dans un sch\ue9ma d\u2019accouplement semi-diall\ue8le au cours de la saison estivale 2020, \ue0 la station de recherche agricole de Gemmeiza, dans le gouvernorat de Gharbia, en \uc9gypte. Les 36 croisements r\ue9sultants, ainsi que deux hybrides t\ue9moins commerciaux (SC 168 et Pioneer SC 3444), ont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9valu\ue9s \ue0 trois endroits, \ue0 savoir les stations de recherche agricole de Gemmeiza, Mallawy et Sids du Centre de recherche agricole (ARC), au cours de la saison estivale 2021 en \uc9gypte. Dans l\u2019ensemble, les effets additifs des g\ue8nes ont jou\ue9 un r\uf4le majeur dans l\u2019h\ue9r\ue9dit\ue9 des jours \ue0 50\ua0% d\u2019apparition des soies, des hauteurs de plantes et d\u2019\ue9pis\ua0; tandis que les effets g\ue9n\ue9tiques non additifs \ue9taient principalement responsables du contr\uf4le de l\u2019h\ue9r\ue9dit\ue9 du rendement en grain. Les lign\ue9es consanguines parentales (P1 et P2) poss\ue9daient des estimations n\ue9gatives significatives (P <0,05) des effets de la GCA pendant des jours jusqu\u2019\ue0 50\ua0% de soyage vers la pr\ue9cocit\ue9. Les meilleurs combineurs g\ue9n\ue9raux \ue9taient les lign\ue9es consanguines P2 et P6 pour la hauteur des plantes et des \ue9pis, et ces lign\ue9es consanguines seraient de bons combinateurs pour la reproduction d\u2019hybrides courts et le placement des oreilles basses. Les croisements (P1xP9 et P3xP4) ont eu des effets SCA souhaitables et ont nettement d\ue9pass\ue9 les deux contr\uf4les

    Beliefs of Jordanian Children with Thalassemia toward Using Iron Chelation Therapy

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    Abstract Adherence to thalassemia treatment including chelation drugs is influenced by numerous factors. This study aims to explore beliefs about iron chelation therapy and adherence to this medication in Jordanian children with thalassemia major. In this descriptive cross-sectional study, seventy three patients were selected conveniently to complete the study instruments. Participants reported high adherence to their chelation therapy (88.1%). The majority (87.6%) expressed necessity for chelation therapy. However, 42.18% of the participants expressed their concerns about the therapy in which 57.9% of them showed concerns about dependency on medicine and 46.4% of them revealed concerns about the long-term effect of medicine. Overall, about 12.9% of the participants recorded correct and complete answers about thalassemia and its treatment. Knowledge about thalassemia and concerns about chelation were not significantly associated with adherence to the chelation therapy (r = 0.32, p = 0.19; r = 0.29, p = 0.25, respectively). However, there was a significant positive relationship between beliefs about the necessity of the therapy and adherence to it (r = 0.38, p = 0.03). In conclusion, Jordanian children showed proper adherence to their chelation therapy. Health care professionals should discuss patients' concerns about chelation therapy which might increase patients' adherence to their therapy

    The relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment among nurses working in governmental hospitals in Jordan

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    Abstract Introduction Nurses’ emotions and feelings in response to their environment and their ability to manage their emotions can significantly affect several aspects of their job. In Jordan, studies are still investigating whether emotional intelligence is significantly related to organizational commitment. Aim To investigate whether a significant relationship exists between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment among Jordanian nurses working in governmental hospitals in Jordan. Methods The study used a descriptive cross-sectional correlational design. A convenience sampling method was used to recruit participants working in governmental hospitals. A total of 200 nurses participated in the study. A participant information sheet developed by the researcher was used to obtain the participants’ socio-demographic characteristics, the Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) developed by Schutte and colleagues, and the Organizational Commitment Scale developed by Meyer and Allen were utilized for data collection. Results Participants had high levels of emotional intelligence (M, SD = 122.3, 14.0) and moderate levels of organizational commitment (M, SD = 81.6, 15.7). Emotional intelligence had a significant, positive relationship with organizational commitment (r = 0.53, p < 0.01). Male nurses, widowed nurses, and nurses with higher postgraduate qualifications demonstrated significantly higher levels of emotional intelligence and organizational commitment than female nurses, single nurses, and nurses with undergraduate degrees (p < 0.05). Conclusion Participants in the current study were highly emotionally intelligent and moderately committed to their organizations. Policies supporting the implementation of interventions to improve organizational commitment and maintain a high level of emotional intelligence should be developed and promoted by nurse managers and hospital administrators, as well as decision-makers should magnet the nurses with postgraduate degrees at clinical sites

    Dimensions of Phenomenology in Exploring Patient’s Suffering in Long-Life Illnesses

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    Background: Patients’ suffering has been increasingly investigated by health-care researchers especially in the chronically ill. Suffering is viewed as a progressive negative consequence that associated with pain, impaired self-esteem, and social alienation. This qualitative evidence synthesis aimed to provide further insights into the application of phenomenology in explaining suffering among patients with chronic illnesses. Methods: Studies included in this qualitative evidence synthesis study were retrieved by searching from the following electronic databases: CINAHL, PubMed Central, and EBSCO. Findings: Phenomenology is regarded as influential to generate in-depth evidence about suffering that are grounded in chronically ill patients’ perspectives. The philosophical constructs of suffering suggested fundamental dimensions such as stress, distress, hopelessness, and depression along with pain. Evidence encompasses the entire manifestation of suffering in which all interrelated meanings are understood and referred to a unique structure. Hermeneutic phenomenology was adopted as an effective strategy to elucidate human experience leading to the discovery of the embedded meanings of life experience. Conclusion: The phenomenological approach provides nursing research with the pathway to explore patients’ suffering experiences in the chronically ill

    Perceived Relationship Between Horizontal Violence and Patient Safety Culture Among Nurses

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    Huda Jalal Jaber,1 Ghada Mohammad Abu Shosha,1 Mahmoud Taher Al-Kalaldeh,2 Islam Ali Oweidat,1 Khalid Al-Mugheed,3 Samira Ahmed Alsenany,4 Sally Mohammed Farghaly Abdelaliem5 1Faculty of Nursing, Zarqa University, Zarqa, Jordan; 2Faculty of Nursing, the University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan; 3Faculty of Nursing, Riyadh Elm University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 4Department of Community Health Nursing, College of Nursing, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 5Department of Nursing Management and Education, College of Nursing, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi ArabiaCorrespondence: Islam Ali Oweidat, Faculty of Nursing, Zarqa University, P.O. Box 132222, Zarqa, 13132, Jordan, Email [email protected]: Despite the value of undertaking patient safety culture, its association with horizontal violence in nursing workplace is still understudied. This study aimed to investigate the association between the perceived patient safety culture and its relationship with horizontal violence among nurses working in Jordan.Methods: A cross-sectional correlational design was used. Nurses working in major governmental hospitals in Jordan were conveniently recruited to complete an online self-administered questionnaire, which included the following tools: Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture and Negative Behaviours in Healthcare (NBHC) Survey. The survey was designed to measure attitudes and perceptions on patient safety culture at multiple levels of a healthcare organization with ten dimensions. The Negative Behaviours in Healthcare (NBHC) survey was developed as an adaptation of the Lateral Violence in Nursing Survey (LVNS) with 25 items and two open-ended questions.Results: A total of 330 nurses responded to the questionnaire. Nurses moderately perceived patient safety culture (HSOPS mean = 3.5, SD = 1.1). Low incidence of horizontal violence was claimed (mean = 2.1, SD = 1.1). However, it was associated with moderate negative correlation with patient safety culture (r = − 0.53, p < 0.001). Regression model revealed that patient safety culture explained an additional 53% of the variance of horizontal violence after controlling the effects of age and length of clinical experience (R-square change: 0.560, SE: 19.7, P: 0.001, CI: 1.21– 1.57).Conclusion: Despite its low incidence, patient safety culture was found influential to the horizontal violence based on the perspectives of nurses in Jordan. Patient safety culture can be incorporated with other factors that contribute to the development of horizontal violence in nursing workplace.Keywords: patient safety culture, hospital, horizontal violence, nurses, safet

    The Intestinal Perspective of COVID-19: NOS2 and AOC1 Genes as Epidemiological Factors, and a Homeopathic Approach to their Functional Improvement

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