15 research outputs found

    Penilaian terhadap pengaruh reka bentuk studio dan kemudahan teknologi ke atas peningkatan kemahiran pelajar senibina: satu kajian kes di salah sebuah politeknik di pantai barat Semenanjung Malaysia

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    Kajian kes ini adalah bertujuan untuk memahami pandangan pelajar tentang keselesaan pembelajaran di politeknik dilihat daripada aspek rekabentuk studio dan teknologi serta kemudahan yang disediakan kepada mereka yang mengikuti kersus senibina. Kajian ini akan mengukur secara kualitatif aras kepuasan individu pclajar terhadap produk atau hasil kerja mereka yang dipengaruhi oleh persekitaran pembelajaran yang dinilai dari kedua-dua aspek diatas. Kajian kes ini telah mengambil sampel kajian seramai 117 orang yang tcrdiri daripada pelajar peringkat Sijil dan Diploma sebagai responden. Penganalisaan kc atas data sam pel adalah mengikut pecahan semester iaitu semester 1, semester 2 dan semester 4 bagi pelajar Sijil dan semester 5 dan semester 6 bagi pclajar Diploma. Kaedah soal se!idik telah dipilih oleh penyelidik sebagai instrumen kajian untuk mendapatkan data dari responden. Borang soal selidik ini telah dicipta oleh penyelidik sendiri berpandukan kepada soal se!idik penyelidik terdahulu dan dibimbing oleh pensyarah penyelia. Hasi! daripada proses penganalisaan data akan dipaparkan di dalam bentu\.; jadual dan histob'Tam bagi menunjukkan pandangan pelajar senibina terhadap reka bentuk studio dan kemudahan telG1OIogi ke atas peningkatan kemahiran sescorang

    Penapis udara (air filter) / Tengku Mohd Faizal Tengku Kadir … [et al.]

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    Udara merupakan suatu elemen yang penting yang dianugerahkan oleh Allah S.W.T kepada makhluk-Nya.Tanpa udara nescaya tiadalah kehidupan di dunia ini.Udara memainkan peranan yang penting dalam kehidupan manusia samada untuk bemaias,bekerja dan sebagainya.Dalam kehidupan yang semakin canggih kini,penggunaan udara adatah semakin meluas samada di rumah mahu pun dalam perindustrian. Sebagai contonya dalam penggunaan sistem Pneumatik. Tetapi dalam arus kemodenan ini juga,telah timbulmasalah berkaitan pencemaran udara.Kualiti udara semakin menurun dari hari ke hari.Ini berlaku disebabkan pembuanan asap-asap beracun secara berieluasa,kuantiti kotoran dan habuk yang banyak dalam udara serta penebangn banyak pokok-pokok yang menghasilkan udara yang bersih. Oleh itu kami mengambil inisiatif dalam menghasilkan penapis udaa terutama untuk tempat-tempat yang tidak berapa besar dan tertutup sebagai contoh dewan,bilik dan sebagainya. Sesunggulmya diliarapkan agar projek kami ini dapat membantu dalam meningkatkan kualiti udara

    Development and validation of a new questionnaire assessing women perception on Malaysian road environment (WPRE)

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    High mobility rate among women has made them more vulnerable in the road environment. Lifestyle changes have urged many women to increase their mobility due to accommodate current demand. Therefore, women are exposed to the risk of accidents as many of them are populated in the road environment. However, most studies and instrumentation on-road environments are universal and not specifically targeting women's perception and anticipation preventing road accidents. Hence, the current study is developing and validating instrumentation of women's perception in Malaysia Road Environment. The sample of this study is 93 women with various age numbers. Out of 7 constructs, 6 were found most reliable and valid with the Cronbach Alpha value > 0.75. The present research provides details of factor analysis results, composite reliability, average variance extract, and reliability analysis which all concluded that the internal consistency of WPRE was not violated. Results reveal items developed are suitable to be adapted in future research with some modification. Finally, this research contributes to developing and validating women’s perception in a road accident which is reliable and valid for measuring WPRE

    Recent assessment of physico-chemical water quality in Malacca River using water quality index and statistical analysis

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    River are one of vital water resources for human and ecosystem, and it is important to monitored and controlled the river water quality. Malacca watershed is located at the centred of Malacca state, and one of the important attraction places for tourism and urbanization activity. The tremendous activity at Malacca river has led to water pollution issues and of river water quality. There are several cases of fish kills incident reported at the estuarine Malacca River. The objectives of present work are to assess water quality status of the Malacca river based on Water Quality Index (WQI) analysis and to investigate the trend of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) along the Malacca river from 2003 until 2012. Statistical analysis was done by using Pearson Correlation Coefficient Analysis based on water quality data collected from August 2014 until October 2014 at Malacca River. As a results, from the WQI analysis at four different times of sampling, Malacca River was classified into Class III, which is polluted river. The correlation analysis shows the strong correlation between PO43- and TP; PO43- and NH3+ ; TN and NH3+; COD and TSS; and COD and DO; at probability value, p equals to 0.01. As a conclusion, present work is crucial for water quality assessment to develop the suitable watershed management in order to sustain the river water quality. This study can be used for future study in developing water quality modelling and total maximum daily load (TMDL) approach

    Development of water quality modelling using infowork river simulation in Malacca River, Malaysia and contribution towards total maximum daily load approach

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    Nowadays, the development and urbanization have increase the pollutant loads in the river environment. As one of the important water resource, river has been threatened by the increasing of pollutant loads in the river body. The water quality modelling is an important tool to simulate water quality analysis and river management by addition of pollutant loads. The needs of effective watershed management are crucial to ensure the river is well managing and regulated. In Malaysia, Malacca River has become one of the most popular place for tourism activities. Present work has developed water quality modelling by using InfoWork River Simulation version 10.5, to simulate the water quality condition by doing pollution reduction analysis. The modelling framework is developed to simulate the load reduction for Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) as the pollutant controlled at the selected area. The simulation shows that, based on four scenarios created, Scenario 3 are selected as the best condition to achieved Class II water quality standard. As a conclusion, the development of water quality modelling by using InfoWork (RS) can improve the water quality condition at Malacca River by using pollution loading reduction analysis and suggested for future watershed management such as Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) implementation plan

    Municipal Solid Waste Composition Study of Selected Area in Gambang, Pahang

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    The amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated continue to increase in response to rapid growth in population, change in life style and accelerated urbanization and industrialization process. The study on MSW is important in order to determine the composition further seeks an immediate remedy to minimize the waste generated at the early stage. As most of the MSW goes to the landfill or dumping sites, particularly in Malaysia, closure of filled-up landfill may become an alarm clock for an immediate action of proper solid waste management. This research aims to determine the waste composition generated from selected residential area at Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang which represent Old residential area (ORA), Intermediate residential area (IRA) and New residential area (NRA). The study was conducted by segregating and weighing solid waste in the residential area into 6 main components ie., food waste, paper, plastic, glass, metal and others. In a period of four weeks, samples from the residential unit were taken and analyzed. The MSW generation rates were recorded vary from 0.217 to 0.388 kg person−1day−1. Food waste has become the major solid waste component generated daily which mounted up to 50%. From this research, the result revealed that the recyclable composition of waste generated by residents have a potential to be reuse, recycle and reduce at the point sources

    Ionizing Radiation Monitoring Technology at the Verge of Internet of Things

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    As nuclear technology evolves, and continues to be used in various fields since its discovery less than a century ago, radiation safety has become a major concern to humans and the environment. Radiation monitoring plays a significant role in preventive radiological nuclear detection in nuclear facilities, hospitals, or in any activities associated with radioactive materials by acting as a tool to measure the risk of being exposed to radiation while reaping its benefit. Apart from in occupational settings, radiation monitoring is required in emergency responses to radiation incidents as well as outdoor radiation zones. Several radiation sensors have been developed, ranging from as simple as a Geiger-Muller counter to bulkier radiation systems such as the High Purity Germanium detector, with different functionality for use in different settings, but the inability to provide real-time data makes radiation monitoring activities less effective. The deployment of manned vehicles equipped with these radiation sensors reduces the scope of radiation monitoring operations significantly, but the safety of radiation monitoring operators is still compromised. Recently, the Internet of Things (IoT) technology has been introduced to the world and offered solutions to these limitations. This review elucidates a systematic understanding of the fundamental usage of the Internet of Drones for radiation monitoring purposes. The extension of essential functional blocks in IoT can be expanded across radiation monitoring industries, presenting several emerging research opportunities and challenges. This article offers a comprehensive review of the evolutionary application of IoT technology in nuclear and radiation monitoring. Finally, the security of the nuclear industry is discussed

    The impact of tourism performance on sports industry in Thailand and Indonesia

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    The COVID-19 epidemic has thrown Indonesia's sports calendar into confusion, with many high-profile sporting events rescheduled or postponed for the foreseeable future. Tourism is one of the greatest vital sectors pouring the Thai economy, which can constantly generate great income for Thailand and Indonesia. The number of international tourist arrivals to Thailand in 2018 reached 38.12 million people and Indonesia sport tourism received 250,000 foreign tourists in 2018. Based on an all-encompassing approach, this research has exposed that integrating various strategies for tourism expansion with sound government policies and proactive management practices have led to significant positive outcomes towards mutual success of tourism sectors of Thailand. Additionally, the paper delivers considered policy to drive long-lasting enhancements in tourism sector, exchange rate and service sectors through efficient management and intelligent utilization of resources in tourism sector. The recent shocks in provide and demand within the world aren't because of sudden economic reasons. Indeed, associated with Covid-19 that causes speedily spreading world health issues and life threats round the world coping with the social issues created by Covid-19 pandemic, they ought to not neglect the economic changes created by this pandemic. The government-ordered lockdowns have discontinuous life for billions and within the same time creates economic collapse situation. The foremost vital of those economic changes in developing countries with high fragility is exchange rates caused by sports and tourism industry, as a result of exchange rates will directly have an effect on several economics variables, from inflation to foreign trade, from the balance of payments to interests. Therefore, this analysis calculates the result of COVID-19 to sports and tourism business for affected countries within the worldwide. Thus, this study evaluated the impact tourism performance to detect the economic changes in sports industry