202 research outputs found

    Innovative cases of triz application in automotive industry

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    It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore that cost reduction in product system are not supporting the development of innovation. This contradiction become a great challange for any type of industry, to improve the competitive level. In this research, the focuses on the mechanism of cost reduction using Design To Cost strategy in achieving cost improvment and innovation. The contradiction is solved using Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) that is integrated into Design To Cost Innovation framework. There are two type of cases intorduce in this research that highlight the application and the outcome of TRIZ in Design To Cost framework. From the case studies, the results shows that the magnitude of cost improvement and innovation achieved is more than the application of conventional tools in Design To Cost strategy.This change the limitation of mindset in cost reduction without compromise or trade-off, and open up new possibility of research for cost reduction in processes and services for various application

    A Case Study of an Internationalization Process of a Private Higher Education Institution in Malaysia

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    The increasing competition and commercialization of higher education has led to the internationalization of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) around the world. While internationalization appears to be inevitable, differences are apparent in its definitions, depth, scope and mode. The main aim of this paper is to assess the internationalization efforts of Malaysian HEIs through a case study on the internationalization process of one private HEI. The case highlights various weaknesses of the internationalization effort in the institution. The symptoms and the causes of the problems in the institution corroborate similar findings in other studies involving the internationalization of HEIs. Suggestions and recommendations are presented to enable other organizations that wish to undertake similar internationalization efforts to learn from the case study institution’s experience

    Social networking sites in cyberspace community in Malaysia / Abdul Rauf Ridzuan…[et.al]

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    This study is done in order to find the level of social networking sites among multiethnic users in Malaysia. Social networking sites are chosen as they bring many benefits to the users. This study used social capital theory as foundations theories for model development. The minimum sample size was determined through G⃰Power analysis. The study involved 482 respondents, selected through a cluster sampling technique involving three main ethnics in Malaysia. A cross sectional survey and structured questionnaire were used for data collection. All variables were measured through scales previously used by other researchers. SPSSS ver. 20 software was used in the analysis. Results of the SPSS indicated that the level of SNS, three out of four factors namely quality, intimacy, and interaction in SNS show very high level

    What constitutes an Islamic retailer? Islamic store attributes from the prespectives of Islamic marketing principles

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    An upcoming trend that has caught the attention of marketers and consumers alike is the recent debut of retailers that projected itself as an Islamic retailer. This paper provides a critical overview of the existing scholarship on the influence of Islam specifically towards consumer retail store selection. This paper outlined the general store attributes of an Islamic retailer based on the synthesis of past literatures. As the store image or “store personality” is determined as one of the factors of store choice, which is largely based on the store attributes, it is pertinent for retailers to project the “appropriate” Islamic store image in the minds of consumers

    Laluan pengembangan pelaburan di Malaysia 1970-1998

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    Ide Laluan Pengembangan Pelaburan [LDP] telah diperkenalkan oleh Dunning pada talum 1979. Hipofesis IDP menyatakan bahawa terdapat hubungan Glllara tingkat pembcUlgunan sesebuah negara (diproksikan oleh Keluaran Negara Kasar per kapita) dengan kedudukan pelaburan antarabangsanya (stok pelaburan langsung asing (PDf) bersih, iaitu FDI keillar dito/ak FDI l1lasuk). Artikel ini adalah bertujuan untuk menguji ide IDP ini bagi kes Malaysia. Hllbrmgan antara pelaburan dengan pembangunan ini akan dilihat berasaskan kajian empirikal bagi tempoh 1970-1998. Tujuannya ialah untuk menentukan sama ada PDf di Malaysia menepati jangkaan seperti apa yang disarankan dalam teorem IDP. Analisis regresi menunjukkan bahawa FDI di Malaysia memasuki tahap I dan tahap 2 daripada 5 tahap paradigma IDP dan dapatan ini menyokong paradigma IDP di Malaysia

    The determinants of online hotel reservations among university staffs

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    To compete in the current business environment, hoteliers need to cut down their distribution costs and adopt the electronic distribution channels such as the Internet.However, Malaysian hotels have been relatively slow in adapting this due to the current preference of using traditional method of room reservation by hotel patrons. Based from the literature review of the Internet users, a public university was chosen to represent one of the profiles of Internet users.A sample of 193 respondents was collected and the findings indicated that profiles conformed to previous studies.In adopting online reservation, online “bookers” would look for fast, reliable and convenient system. Price is a key motivator to purchase online. The findings are important in encouraging more hoteliers to adopt and implement online hotel reservations as part of their main sales mechanism

    Determination of Flavonoid and Caffeine Content in Black and Oolong Teas

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    The world is blessed with tea for its health benefits and the hundreds of flavours to be chosen from. Flavonoid and caffeine is the most abundant type of phenolic compound and alkaloid found in tea respectively. These compounds can be extracted using various solvents, resulting in various concentration when compared with water as the solvent. This study was conducted by preparing tea infusion from both distilled water and organic solvents to observe the effect of solvents on the content of flavonoid and caffeine. Using spectrophotometric method, the content of flavonoid and caffeine in commercial black (Boh, Sabah, Lipton) and oolong (Oo Long Kee Zhong, Montea, Ten Ren) teas obtained from Malaysian market were determined. Sabah and Montea has the highest flavonoid (0.044 g/L) and caffeine (3.585 g/L) content in distilled water respectively. The final content of flavonoid and caffeine was found to be higher in organic solvents compared to distilled water, as well as when the steeping time is increased

    A case study of an internationalization process of a private higher education institution in Malaysia

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    The increasing competition and commercialization of higher education has led to the internationalization of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) around the world.While internationalization appears to be inevitable, differences are apparent in its definitions, depth, scope and mode. The main aim of this paper is to assess the internationalization efforts of Malaysian HEIs through a case study on the internationalization process of one private HEI. The case highlights various weaknesses of the internationalization effort in the institution.The symptoms and the causes of the problems in the institution corroborate similar findings in other studies involving the internationalization of HEIs. Suggestions and recommendations are presented to enable other organizations that wish to undertake similar internationalization efforts to learn from the case study institution's experience

    The impact of global mind set on firm international performance: an empirical study on sports SMEs of Pakistan

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    The empirical study on small and medium enterprises related to sports products manufacturing investigates the relationship between global mind set and firm international performance by following 320 firms which are operating for over 10 years.A keen focus of this study is to check major dimensions of global mind set the intellectual intelligence and cultural intelligence with firm international performance. The author developed a framework and adapts a questionnaire to test it empirically through the owners/managers of small and medium enterprises of sports industry of Pakistan.The findings indicated that the cultural intelligence and intellectual intelligence are the main drivers of global mind set that are closely interrelated with firm international performance.At the end limitations and suggestions for future research are provided

    Access to credits and indebtedness: Islamic perspective

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe, from Islamic perspective, Muslims’ concern on loans and indebtedness.The paper intends to enlighten working class Muslims on the consequences of taking unnecessary loans.Due to increasing access to financial services, banks and other financial institutions are increasingly offering loans to their customers.Thus, increasing unnecessary borrowings at the expense of their future well-being.The paper concentrate on Islamic perspective of over borrowing and indebtedness. Muslims are expected to live a moderate life, free of embezzlement and misery.Therefore, are called upon to avoid unnecessary expenditure and improve savings.The study contributes to literature of borrowings, by considering loans as last alternative and by necessity