8,527 research outputs found

    Self organization of tilts in relay enhanced networks: a distributed solution

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    Despite years of physical-layer research, the capacity enhancement potential of relays is limited by the additional spectrum required for Base Station (BS)-Relay Station (RS) links. This paper presents a novel distributed solution by exploiting a system level perspective instead. Building on a realistic system model with impromptu RS deployments, we develop an analytical framework for tilt optimization that can dynamically maximize spectral efficiency of both the BS-RS and BS-user links in an online manner. To obtain a distributed self-organizing solution, the large scale system-wide optimization problem is decomposed into local small scale subproblems by applying the design principles of self-organization in biological systems. The local subproblems are non-convex, but having a very small scale, can be solved via standard nonlinear optimization techniques such as sequential quadratic programming. The performance of the developed solution is evaluated through extensive simulations for an LTE-A type system and compared against a number of benchmarks including a centralized solution obtained via brute force, that also gives an upper bound to assess the optimality gap. Results show that the proposed solution can enhance average spectral efficiency by up to 50% compared to fixed tilting, with negligible signaling overheads. The key advantage of the proposed solution is its potential for autonomous and distributed implementation

    Social Capital and Farmer Welfare in Malaysia

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    Effects of social capital (SC hereinafter) on household welfare (rice yield, income, health) were examined in rice granary area of south peninsula Malaysia. SC is categorized into eight types by its form (structural and cognitive) and function (birding, linking, and bracing). OLS is used for estimation on randomly selected 60 household data. As for self-rated health status, those attending more community activity (bonding structural SC) appear less healthy, seemingly that old farmers normally have more time to spend on community activities and they are more loyal to their organization. Those who highly evaluate bureaucratic organization (linking cognitive SC) are relatively healthier. Frequency of attending community activities (bonding structural SC) and duration of involvement in organization (birding structural SC)) contribute to higher rice yield. Farmers who have wider and longer relationships with organizations seem to perform better farming. Wile official status in formal organization (linking structural SC) and involvement in bureaucratic organization (bracing structural SC) cause a decline in ric e productivity. The finding of bonding/bridging structural social capital has positive effect on productivity suggests that to further improve farming performance, more spontaneous and horizontal farmer-to-farmer connections became increasingly important. At the same time, to alleviate poverty, bracing structural social capital which strengthens both vertical and horizontal human network appears important. The efficacy of networking is also reflected by the positive sign of cognitive linking social capital for income and health.Institutional and Behavioral Economics, I3, O13, Q12, Z13,

    A SON Solution for Sleeping Cell Detection Using Low-Dimensional Embedding of MDT Measurements

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    Automatic detection of cells which are in outage has been identified as one of the key use cases for Self Organizing Networks (SON) for emerging and future generations of cellular systems. A special case of cell outage, referred to as Sleeping Cell (SC) remains particularly challenging to detect in state of the art SON because in this case cell goes into outage or may perform poorly without triggering an alarm for Operation and Maintenance (O&M) entity. Consequently, no SON compensation function can be launched unless SC situation is detected via drive tests or through complaints registered by the affected customers. In this paper, we present a novel solution to address this problem that makes use of minimization of drive test (MDT) measurements recently standardized by 3GPP and NGMN. To overcome the processing complexity challenge, the MDT measurements are projected to a low-dimensional space using multidimensional scaling method. Then we apply state of the art k-nearest neighbor and local outlier factor based anomaly detection models together with pre-processed MDT measurements to profile the network behaviour and to detect SC. Our numerical results show that our proposed solution can automate the SC detection process with 93 accuracy

    Gezira j. of agric. sci. 15 (1): 13-25 (2017) Physico-chemical changes during growth and development of grapefruits (Citrus paradisi Macf.). IІ. Chemical changes

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       The chemical changes during growth and development of seedy pink-fleshed ‘Red Blush’ grapefruits were evaluated to provide base-line information regarding the biochemistry of the developing fruit and to assist in determining harvest maturity of grapefruits. The fruits exhibited a typical non-climacteric pattern of respiration. Respiration rate decreased from 239.8 mg CO2/kg-hr (4 WAA) to 21.1 mg CO2/kg-hr (26 WAA). Total soluble solids (TSS) and total sugars progressively increased from 4 weeks after anthesis (WAA) up to 26 WAA at physiological maturity, and then remained constant. Reducing sugars, titratable acidity and ascorbic acid content progressively increased from 4 WAA, reaching a peak at 16, 10 and 8 WAA, respectively, and then declined to minimum values at physiological maturity.  Grapefruits should be harvested at least at physiological maturity, where the fruit attains maximum size and weight, rind color develops, TSS and total sugars reach above 14% and 14 g/100g fresh weight, titratable acidity is reasonably low, ascorbic acid content reasonably high and the fruit is still firm.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  قومت التغيرات الفيزيائية أثناء النمو والتطور لثمار القريب فروت أحمر اللب ذي البذور من الصنف "رد بلش"، وذلك لتوفير المعلومات الأساسية المتعلقة بكيمياء الثمار أثناء تطورها لتساعد في تحديد مرحلة اكتمال النمو لثمار القريب فروت. تبع معدل تنفس الثمار نمط التنفس غير الكلايماكتيرى، حيث انخفض من 239.8  ملجم ثاني أكسيد الكربون/ كجم- ساعة (4 أسابيع بعد تفتح الأزهار) إلى 21.1 ملجم ثاني أوكسيد الكربون/ كجم- ساعة (26 اسبوعاٌ بعد تفتح الأزهار). زادت نسبة المواد الصلبة الكلية الذائبة والسكريات الكلية زيادة مطردة في الثمار من 4 أسابيع بعد تفتح الأزهار إلى 26 اسبوعاٌ بعد تفتح الأزهار، عند مرحلة اكتمال النمو الفسيولوجي، ثم ثبتت على ذلك فيما بعد. زادت السكريات المختزلة والحموضة القابلة للتعادل وحامض الأسكوربيك زيادة مطردة بعد 4 أسابيع من تفتح الأزهار حتى وصلت إلى قمة بعد 16 و10 و8 أسابيع بعد تفتح الأزهار، على التوالي، ثم انخفضت بعد ذلك إلى أدنى مستوياتها عند مرحلة اكتمال النمو الفسيولوجي. لذلك يجب حصاد ثمار القريب فروت عند مرحلة اكتمال النمو الفسيولوجي، على الأقل، حيث تكون الثمرة قد بلغت الحجم والوزن النهائي، والقشرة قد تلونت، وبلغت نسبة المواد الصلبة الكلية الذائبة فيها أكثر من 14 %، والسكريات الكلية أكثر من 14 جرام/ 100 جرام، والحموضة المعايرة منخفضة نسبياً، وحامض الأسكوربيك مرتفع بالقدر المناسب، وتكون الثمرة ما زالت صلبة القوام

    Review on learning orientations

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    The need has arises towards the consideration of individual difference to let learners engage in and responsible for their own learning, retain information longer, apply the knowledge more effectively, have positive attitudes towards the subject, have more interest in learning materials, score higher and have high intrinsic motivation level. As regard to the importance of individual differences, Martinez (2000) has grounded a new theory, which is Intentional Learning Theory that covered individual aspects of cognitive, intention, social and emotion. This theory hypothesizes that the fundamental of understanding how individual learns, interact with an environment, performs, engages in learning, experiences learning, and assimilate and accommodate the new knowledge is by understanding individual’s fundamental emotions and intentions about how to use learning, why it is important, when the suitable time, and how it can accomplish personal goals and change. The intent of this theory is to focus on emotions and intentions of an individual regarding why, when and how learning goals are organized, processed, and achieved. In conclusion, Learning Orientations introduced by this theory describes the disposition of an individual in approaching, managing and achieving their learning intentionally and differently from others

    An Intelligent Tutoring System for Teaching Grammar English Tenses

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    The evolution of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is the result of the amount of research in the field of education and artificial intelligence in recent years. English is the third most common languages in the world and also is the internationally dominant in the telecommunications, science and trade, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomatic language as most of the areas of work now taught in English. Therefore, the demand for learning English has increased. In this paper, we describe the design of an Intelligent Tutoring System for teaching English language grammar to help students learn English grammar easily and smoothly. The system provides all topics of English grammar and generates a series of questions automatically for each topic for the students to solve. The system adapts with all the individual differences of students and begins gradually with students from easier to harder level. The intelligent tutoring system was given to a group of students of all age groups to try it and to see the impact of the system on students. The results showed a good satisfaction of the students toward the system

    Al-Sharif Al-Radi

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    The aim of this work is to study al-Sharif al-Radl, his life and poetry. The first part deals with the poet’s environment and life; the second with his poetry. Chapter I deals with the political conditions under which the poet lived. The purpose of the second chapter is to portray Al-Radl's social environment and its reflection in contemporary poetry. The third chapter describes the literary environment of Al-Radl's age at some length. The fourth chapter aims to study Al-Radl's life in detail. The factors which influenced his outlook and personality are discussed. An attempt is made to discern how far these factors affected his poetry. The second part of this work deals with Al-Radl's poetry itself. In Chapter V historical observations are made on Al-Radl's Diwan o in both manuscript and published forms. Chapter VI deals with his panegyrics. General remarks are made on eulogy in Arabic poetry. The content, form and development of Al-Radl's panegyrical odes are analysed. His Ikhwaniyyat receive special attention. Chapter VII deals with Al-Radl's self-praise its content and form. An endeavour is made to explore the Utopian world which the poet tried to portray, Al-Radl's elegies (Ch. VIII). their content, form and characteristics are reviewed. In addition, his dirges on women receive attention. Shi ism in Al-Radl’s poetry is discussed in Chapter IX, Al-Radl’s love-poetry (Ch. X) is discussed. His Hijaziyyat receive particular attention. It is claimed that Al-Radl’s produced in his Hijaaiyyat a poetical amalgam which contains some aspects of ‘Udhrite and ’Umarite poetry. Chapter II deals with Al-Radl's poetical technique. His theories of poetical composition and his comments on other poets are examined. A comparison is made between Al-Radl and other poets both previous and contemporary. Special attention is paid to al-Mutanabbi's influence. In Chapter XII there is a broad re-assessment of Al-Radl’s place in the history of Arabic poetry