1,183 research outputs found

    “Unspoken Understanding”: The Evolution of Chinese American Adoption Communities

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    While scholarly work on adoption, transnational adoption, and specifically international adoption from China has been robust, it has tended to focus on studying parents and parenting. This paper analyzes the resources used by both parents and children to discuss race, culture, and adoption, and seeks to understand the effects of these parenting strategies on Chinese American adoptees, who have begun to reach young adulthood in the last ten years. Examination of the recent growth of adoptee communities reveals that a shared and complex adoptee identity is a more powerful nexus than shared Chineseness

    Best Practices to Encourage Landfill Diversion in Waste Management Programs

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    Waste generation in the United States is at an all time high. Over half of the country’s waste goes to landfill, yet 70 percent of this waste can be recycled or composted. Since landfills pose one of the largest manmade threats to the environment, sustainable waste management strategies should focus on landfill diversion. A successful waste recovery program needs to engage the public, and ensure individuals participate correctly in available waste management systems. This paper sheds light on effective education and awareness strategies used to encourage participation in local waste management systems and promote landfill diversion. By highlighting successful programs employed in San Francisco, a city with the nation’s highest landfill diversion rate, and other communities around the nation, I synthesize a list of measures that can change community behavior surrounding waste management

    Lauder Art Collections: Two Brothers, Two Collections, One City

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    This thesis highlights two New Yorkers who donate a plethora of art treasures to their beloved hometown. The value of these collective materials provides a permeance to the history of civilization. Art works within these institutions provides visual history and allows for an immediacy to learn and a simple way to connect with the past. However, the art is as good as it is culled into a meaningful collective with easy accessibility for all. The Leonard A. Lauder Cubist Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of New York and the Ronald S. Lauder Neue Galerie are two of the most distinguished assembled collections of the twentieth century in the United States. Delicate drawings on paper from the late nineteenth century up to the late twentieth century, to all a panorama of painting, sculpture, collages, decorative objects and design, the Lauder Collections are a treasure trove given to art institutions in New York. The significance as to “why New York” is telling. It is about the character and generosity of two boys who came from humble means to become two of the wealthiest businessmen in the world, and how their upbringing in the city provided them the enrichment of art; so much so, that their hobby grew into two of the richest art collections in the great city in which they grew up and love

    Content and Contrastive Self-Knowledge

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    It is widely believed that we have immediate, introspective access to the content of our own thoughts. This access is assumed to be privileged in a way that our access to the thought content of others is not. It is also widely believed that, in many cases, thought content is individuated according to properties that are external to the thinker\u27s head. I will refer to these theses as privileged access and content externalism, respectively. Though both are widely held to be true, various arguments have been put forth to the effect that they are incompatible. This charge of incompatibilism has been met with a variety of compatibilist responses, each of which has received its own share of criticism. In this thesis, I will argue that a contrastive account of self-knowledge is a novel compatibilist response that shows significant promise

    A Collaborative Visual Localization Scheme for a Low-Cost Heterogeneous Robotic Team with Non-Overlapping Perspectives

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    This paper presents and evaluates a relative localization scheme for a heterogeneous team of low-cost mobile robots. An error-state, complementary Kalman Filter was developed to fuse analytically-derived uncertainty of stereoscopic pose measurements of an aerial robot, made by a ground robot, with the inertial/visual proprioceptive measurements of both robots. Results show that the sources of error, image quantization, asynchronous sensors, and a non-stationary bias, were sufficiently modeled to estimate the pose of the aerial robot. In both simulation and experiments, we demonstrate the proposed methodology with a heterogeneous robot team, consisting of a UAV and a UGV tasked with collaboratively localizing themselves while avoiding obstacles in an unknown environment. The team is able to identify a goal location and obstacles in the environment and plan a path for the UGV to the goal location. The results demonstrate localization accuracies of 2cm to 4cm, on average, while the robots operate at a distance from each-other between 1m and 4m

    The alteration of chloride homeostasis/GABAergic signaling in brain disorders: Could oxidative stress play a role?

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    In neuronal precursors and immature neurons, the depolarizing (excitatory) effect of γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) signaling is associated with elevated [Cl−]i; as brain cells mature, a developmental switch occurs, leading to the decrease of [Cl−]i and to the hyperpolarizing (inhibi-tory) effect of GABAergic signaling. [Cl−]i is controlled by two chloride co-transporters: NKCC1, which causes Cl− to accumulate into the cells, and KCC2, which extrudes it. The ontogenetic up-regulation of the latter determines the above-outlined switch; however, many other factors contribute to the correct [Cl−]i in mature neurons. The dysregulation of chloride homeostasis is involved in seizure generation and has been associated with schizophrenia, Down’s Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Recently, much effort has been put into developing new drugs intended to inhibit NKCC1 activity, while no attention has been paid to the origin of [Cl−]i dysregulation. Our study examines the pathophysiology of Cl− homeo-stasis and focuses on the impact of oxidative stress (OS) and inflammation on the activity of Cl− co-transporters, highlighting the relevance of OS in numerous brain abnormalities and diseases. This hypothesis supports the importance of primary prevention during pregnancy. It also inte-grates the therapeutic framework addressed to restore normal GABAergic signaling by counter-acting the alteration in chloride homeostasis in central nervous system (CNS) cells, aiming at lim-iting the use of drugs that potentially pose a health risk
