65 research outputs found

    Boys reading : a project about how to motivate teenage boys for reading

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    Este artigo aborda o problema da motivação para a leitura, especialmente no caso dos rapazes com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 15 anos. Algumas investigações evidenciam que os rapazes leem menos do que as raparigas porque eles não estão intrinsecamente motivados e não lhes é proporcionado o acesso ao tipo de livros que poderão gostar. Apresentamos, aqui, parte de um Projeto Europeu, Boys Reading, como um bom exemplo da possibilidade de conquistar leitores relutantes para os livros. Na verdade, se os rapazes estiverem verdadeiramente motivados e contactarem com textos que apreciem, as suas atitudes mudam e podem tornar-se leitores. São apresentados dois estudos de caso desenvolvidos em duas escolas diferentes em Portugal, com algumas evidências de que é possível transformar leitores relutantes em leitores ávidos.This paper deals with the problem of motivation for reading especially among boys aged between 10-15 years old.There is some research evidence that boys read less than girls because they are not intrinsically motivated, and it is not offered the type of books they like. Part of an European project, Boys Reading, is presented here as a good example of the possibility of gaining reluctant readers for books. In fact, if boys are really motivated, contacting with texts they appreciate, their attitudes change and they may become readers. Two case studies developed in two different schools in Portugal are presented, giving some evidence that it is possible to change reluctant readers into avid ones.Este artículo aborda el problema de la motivación para la lectura, especialmente en el caso de los jóvenes de edades comprendidas entre los 10 y los 15 años. Algunas investigaciones demuestran que los chicos leen menos que las chicas porque no están intrínsecamente motivados y, además, no les es proporcionado el acceso al tipo de libros que les pueden gustar. Presentamos aquí parte de un Proyecto Europeo, Boys Reading, como un buen ejemplo de la posibilidad de conquistar lectores reticentes a los libros. En realidad, si los chicos están verdaderamente motivados y se ponen en contacto con textos que aprecian, sus actitudes hacia los libros cambian, pudiendo así convertirse en lectores. Presentamos dos estudios de caso, realizados en dos escuelas diferentes en Portugal, que arrojan algunas evidencias acerca de que es posible convertir a los jóvenes lectores renuentes en lectores ávidos.N/

    Motivation and relationship of the student with the school as factors involved in the perceived learning

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    Motivation should be seen as a very important factor in the learning process. The motivated student has the inner strength to learn, to discover and capitalize on capabilities, to improve academic performance and to adapt to the demands of the school context. Contextual factors like the psychological sense of school membership may be also especially important to students’ classroom engagement, their motivation and learning success. So with this study we intend to examine how the sense of school belonging and intrinsic motivation influences perceived learning.A structural model reveals that the negative sense of school belonging has a negative impact on intrinsic motivation and on perceived learning. In turn, intrinsic motivation positively and significantly influences perceived learning in the course.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fatores preditores do sucesso escolar no ensino secundário

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    “O segundo capítulo – “Fatores preditores do sucesso escolar no ensino secundário” – de Manuela Ferreira, Ana Paula Cardoso e José Luís Abrantes, continua de certa forma esta discussão, ao identificar variáveis influentes no êxito académico dos estudantes no ensino secundário. Este tema é tanto mais importante se tivermos presente que este ciclo de ensino tem registado taxas de abandono e de insucesso massivas, tendo recentemente atravessado uma profunda mudança em Portugal, com a expansão da escolaridade obrigatória e do ensino profissional. A partir de um inquérito a estudantes do ensino secundário, os autores mostram como alguns fatores são importantes para a perceção da aprendizagem e o rendimento académico, tais como o sentimento de pertença à escola, a motivação intrínseca para o curso, a “conscienciosidade” e a autoestima, a interação dos discentes e com os docentes. Trata-se, pois, de um estudo que identifica fatores promotores do sucesso escolar que não têm sido abordados no debate público e nas orientações governamentais, mas que são certamente relevantes para o desenho de políticas educativas mais eficazes e equitativas” (Veloso e Abrantes, 2013, p. 3).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An action research study on the discourse of supervision : bridging the gap between theory and practice

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    This study focuses on the analysis of verbal interaction between mentors and trainees. Its first goal is to analysis questions asked by both actors involved in the training period, aiming at reflective practice. It’s an AR study, developed in cycles based on the qualitative paradigm

    A importância do questionamento no desenvolvimento da competência reflexiva em contextos de supervisão

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    A criação de adequados contextos de supervisão pedagógica requerem encontros de supervisores-cooperantes e estagiários que assentam em trocas discursivas entre os participantes. Nestes encontros, em que um dos objectivos é reflectir sobre a actuação na aula e fora dela, o discurso entre os vários interlocutores revela aspectos que são de realçar. No nosso estudo foi possível observar que são normalmente os formadores a iniciar os tópicos, a formular a maior parte das questões e a decidir quem deve tomar a palavra. Os estagiários /formandos remetem-se ao papel de respondentes, deixando-se conduzir pelas preferências discursivas dos seus formadores/interlocutores. Contudo, quando confrontados com a realidade que emana dos dados recolhidos, o discurso do poder ligado à função que desempenham, os supervisores cooperantes reconhecem a necessidade de alterar os seus padrões discursivos, tendo em vista uma distribuição mais equilibrada da palavra, para que aos estagiários seja dada possibilidade e tempo de colocarem questões sobre os conteúdos de reflexão. É nosso objectivo, nesta comunicação, partilhar uma experiência realizada com supervisores cooperantes e respectivos estagiários, ao longo de três anos lectivos, com recurso à investigação-acção como estratégia de formação na área do questionamento. Deste modo, actuou-se sobre as práticas de supervisão, potenciando uma lógica de reflexão crítica desejável sobre o que é dito, como é dito e para que é dito. Apresentam-se alguns resultados que apontam para a pertinência da formação dos supervisores através da reflexão sobre os discursos, concretamente sobre as perguntas formuladas, de modo a permitir o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional de formadores e formandos

    Influence of food education in eating habits in students from 2nd and 3rd cycles in viseu schools

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    Introduction: Food Education as a means of promoting a healthy diet is very important nowadays, given the problems identified in the eating habits of the young’s, resulting in public health problems. The intervention strategies haven’t proved to be very effective and therefore children and young students still reveal inadequate diets and sedentary lifestyles. Objectives: Verify the level of knowledge about food and habits of the students; Analyze how the information provided by educators is sufficient to promote a healthy diet; Understand if physical activity is being neglected at the expense of the use of new technologies in relation to the maintenance of healthy habits. Methods: This is an investigation of descriptive-correlational nature based on a questionnaire. The target population of this study was the students in Viseu schools. The sample consisted of students aged between 10 and 15 years from the 5th to the 9th levels. It was randomly selected among classes belonging to each level of education. The data collected was analyzed by SPSS, using the Descriptive and Inferential Statistics. Results: The majority of students revealed a deficient knowledge about the concept of healthy diet, and the recommended dosages for the main groups of foods. Furthermore, the evaluation of the eating habits of the students showed that sometimes they prefer foods that please, like chocolate or chips, for example in disfavor of foods that promote health, such as fruits, milk or soup. Conclusions: The food education is still a challenge and a major investment must be made on this area so as to promote health and minimize the important public health problems in future generations


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    O objectivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma estratégia de luta contra o nemátode das-lesões-radiculares, Pratylenchus goo deyi, utilizando Solanum sisymbriifolium e S. nigrum como adubo verde ou biofumi gante. Inicialmente, foram realizados ensaios de patogenicidade, tendo-se verificado que apesar de P. goodeyi se ter reproduzido nas duas plantas, os factores de reprodução fo ram muito baixos (0,001), podendo ser con sideradas como resistentes ou, pelo menos, hospedeiros fracos. A incorporação de qual quer uma das espécies de Solanum no solo, com bananeiras infectadas com P. goodeyi, influenciou o crescimento das bananeiras e a reprodução de P. goodeyi foi superior nas ba naneiras apenas infectadas com o nemátode. Os extractos aquosos de S. sisymbriifolium foram os mais eficazes na mortalidade de P. goodeyi na concentração de 250 mg/ml. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que as plantas de S. sisymbriifolium e S. nigrum poderão ser utilizadas como adu bo verde e como biofumigante.The main goal of the present research was to help to devise a more sustainable banana production system by developing a control strategy for the root-lesion nematode, Praty lenchus goodeyi using Solanum sisymbriifo lium Lam. and S. nigrum L. as green manure or biofumigants. Initially, a pathogenicity as say was performed and it has been demons trated that, although P. goodeyi did reprodu ce on both plants, the reproduction factors (0.001) were sufficiently low to designate these plants as resistant or poor hosts. The addition of both Solanum species influenced banana plant growth. The reproduction of P. goodeyi was greatest on banana plants to which no Solanum species plant parts were added. S. sisymbriifolium water extracts were the most effective on P. goodeyi, mainly at the higher concentration (250 mg/ml). From the results obtained, S. sisymbriifolium and S. nigrum could be used as green manure and as biofumigants.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Factors Affecting the Body Mass Index in Adolescents in Portuguese Schools

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    The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children is increasing; hence, it was aimed to assess the Body Mass Index (BMI) in school children aged from 10 to 18 years for girls and to 17 for boys, as well as to identify the factors influencing BMI. This study included 742 students who answered a questionnaire previously approved for application in schools. The results showed some sociodemographic factors associated with BMI classes: age, school year, practicing high competition sport, being federate in a sport or having a vegetarian diet. The educational factors associated with BMI classes included only seminars given at school by a nutritionist. Behavioural factors significantly associated with BMI included: learning in classes, playing in the open air, reading books or use of internet. As conclusion, the results demonstrated that several factors affect BMI, and hence some actions could be taken in order to change them so as to reduce the prevalence of overweight, namely reinforcing the role of school and a more active participation of nutritionists in the education of the adolescents

    Eating habits and food knowledge in a sample of portuguese university students

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    The choice to adopt a healthy diet is complex, since food choices and eating behaviours are influenced by various factors, such as biological, social, environmental, demographic and psychological aspects. The transition from secondary school to university is a critical period that involves many social and physical environmental changes, which may lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. This study investigated the eating habits, food knowledge and the level of information about a healthy diet in a sample of 670 university students in Portugal. In general, the participants had a good food knowledge and satisfactory eating habits, as well as a satisfactory level of information about a healthy diet. There were found significant differences in the participants’ food knowledge among age groups and according to the area of studies. Most of the students revealed satisfactory eating habits, with significant differences between age groups, the area of studies and the practice of high competition sport. The results pointed to the necessity of improving educational programs which can contribute to increase university students’ food knowledge and consequently improve their eating habits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In vitro evaluation of nematicidal properties of Solanum sisymbriifolium and S. nigrum extracts on Pratylenchus goodeyi

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    The root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus goodeyi, is among the most economically damaging parasites of banana plants. Nematode control can benefit from searching for novel bio-nematicides. The present study was carried out to assess the potential nematicidal properties of two Solanum species (Solanum sisynibriífolíum and S. nigrum) against P. goodeyi, using dichloromethane, acetone, ethanol and either cold or hot water extracts of the plants. Water extracts of both plants at a concentration of 10 mg ml" ' greatly affected nematode movement and also caused mortality. The analysis of sequential extracts at the same experimental concentrations showed that, although water extracts affect nematode mobility and mortality, the acetone extract from S. nigrum was the most efficient, causing 100% mortality after 23 h exposure. The results showed that S. sísymbríífolíum and S. nigrum extracts contain chemical components that induce morphological changes in the body structure of the root-lesion nematode, affect mobihty and cause mortality. The nematostatic and nematicidal potential of the extracts described herein merit further studies to find novel bio-nematicides against the root-lesion nematode.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio