18 research outputs found

    Bitka kod Slankamena 1691. godine

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    Крај XVII и почетак XVIII века представљају бурну епоху, испуњену непрекидним ратовима који су веома изменили поредак и односе међу европским државама и довели до опадања старих и уздизања нових сила. Међу сукобима ове епохе издвајају се: Рат аугзбуршке лиге (1688-1697), Пољско-османски рат (1672-1676), Холандски рат (1672-1678), Велики бечки рат (1683-1699), Рат за шпанско наслеђе (1701-1714), Велики северни рат (1700-1721), Јаковитски рат у Ирској (1689-1691), Аустро-турски рат (1716-1718). Велики бечки рат (1683-1699) својим трајањем, интензитетом, бројем ангажованих држава и људских ресурса представља један од најважнијих сукоба у оновременој Европи. Његов кључни окршај била је битка код Сланкамена 1691. године. По својим резултатима и последицама она је била од судбоносног значаја за простор југоисточне Европе и најавила је темељну прерасподелу односа моћи у региону. Битком код Сланкамена одлучена су два важна питања. Прво, Панонска низија је ослобођена турске власти, чиме је Османска империја коначно потиснута из средње Европе. Друго, утврђена је гранична линија између две царевине на Сави и Дунаву која није нарушена до самог краја XVIII века. Турска након Карловачког мира (1699) није озбиљно ни покушавала да поврати области северно од ове линије, док се сваки покушај Аустрије да завлада областима јужно од Саве и Дунава показао као неуспешан (поход 1788-1791) или привремен (1718-1739). Аустрија у тим епохама није имала могућности и снаге, али ни политичке воље да загосподари областима између Београда и Скопља. Битка код Сланкамена означава и једну етапу слабљења Османског царства. Иако се не може рећи да су опадање османске моћи и криза њихове власти на Балкану уследили као последица само једне битке, Сланкамен означава важан сегмент прерасподеле моћи на југоистоку Европе и подвлачи неку врсту стратешког еквилибријума успостављеног након њега, односно показује реалан опсег два царства и природну границу између њих. Битка код Сланкамена је за српски народ била од изузетне важности јер је довела до вишеструких промена у односу на њихов претходни положај. Цео српски ангажман на страни Хабзбуршке монархије у Бечком рату допринео је додељивању привилегија, односно задобијању специјалног статуса у Угарској. Тиме се изнова формулише заједница Срба, односно њихово издвајање и уобличавање као ентитета у Угарској.The end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century represents a tumultuous era, filled with constant wars that have changed the very order and relations between the European countries and led to the decline of the old and the rise of new powers. Among the conflicts of this period are: The Nine Years War (1688-1697), The Polish-Ottoman War (1672-1676), Dutch War (1672-1678), the Great Turkish War (1683-1699), War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714), Great Northern War (1700-1721), Jacobite war in Ireland (1689-1691), Austro-Turkish War (1716-1718). Great Turkish War (1683-1699) was for its duration, intensity, number of involved countries and human resources one of the most important conflicts in contemporary Europe. One of its key battles was the Battle of Slankamen in 1691. According to its results and consequences, the battle was of crucial importance for South Eastern Europe and announced a fundamental redistribution of power in the region. Battle of Slankamen settled two important questions. Firstly, the Pannonian Plain was liberated from the Turkish rule, and the Ottoman Empire was finally suppressed from Central Europe. Secondly, the battle established the boundary line between the two empires on the Sava and the Danube, which was not disturbed until the end of the eighteenth century. After the Karlovac Treaty (1699) Turkey did not seriously try to reconquer the area to the north of this line, while every Austrian attempt to rule the areas south of the Sava and Danube rivers proved unsuccessful (1788-1791) or temporary (1718-1739). Austria did not have the capacity and strength, nor the political will to master the areas between Belgrade and Skopje. Battle of Slankamen denotes one stage in the weakening of the Ottoman Empire. Although we cannot say that the decline of Ottoman power and their power crisis in the Balkans followed as a result of a single battle, Slankamen marks an important segment of the distribution of power in southeastern Europe and underlines some kind of strategic equilibrium established after it, that shows the real extent of the two empires and natural dividing line between them. Battle of Slankamen was of great importance for Serbian people because it led to multiple changes in relation to their previous position. The entire Serbian involvement on the side of the Habsburg monarchy in the Great Turkish War contributed to the granting of privileges, i.e. gaining special status in Hungary. In that way the Serbian community is reformulated, as well as their positioning and shaping as an entity in Hungary

    A soldier's diary from the time of the great Turkish war 1683-1699

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    U radu je predstavljen dnevnik anonimnog frankonskog vojnika, koji je nastao 1688, za vreme pohoda austrijske vojske na Beograd tokom Velikog bečkog rata (1683-1699). Rukopis sadrži mnoštvo vrednih obaveštenja o Ugarskoj, Podunavlju i okolini Beograda. Osim toga, on pruža i uvid u odnose i atmosferu koji su vladali u austrijskoj vojsci krajem XVII veka. Dnevnik do sada nije bio kritički objavljen, niti je njegov sadržaj poznatu domaćoj istoriografiji.The Austrian victories in the Great Turkish War (1683-1699) sparked interest throughout Europe for the regions conquered from the Ottoman Empire. This was manifested in numerous books, brochures and proclamations, that sought to introduce readers to the history and geography of the Danube area, Pannonia and Balkans. This article aims to examine the anonymous soldier's diary from the campaign of 1688, which ended with capturing of Belgrade, one of the most important fortresses of the Ottoman Empire. This manuscript has until now been unpublished and unknown in Serbian historiography. The diary is partly motivated by the author's desire to convey image of the areas in which he fought and to preserve its description for the 'new generations'. Therefore, this manuscript isn't only a classical diary; it has features of travelogue or itinerary. The author's personality remains unknown to us. We can only deduce that he was inhabitant of Franconia, and that he spent two years in the service of count Heinrich Friedrich of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, before he joined ranks of the army. The author devotes only sporadic attention to purely military matters, but nevertheless the information regarding discipline, marching tempo and customs prevalent in the late 17th century Austrian army can be gauged. However, the manuscript informs us more generously of the living and dietary habits of the local population; furthermore it is an eyewitness testimony of the diversity of vegetation and crops in the Danube and Belgrade area

    Following the footsteps of a diplomatic instruction: Johann Ignatius Kurtz and his mission in Moscow in 1691

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    У раду ћемо анализирати садржај дипломатске инструкције коју је владар Хабзбуршке монархије цар Леополд I упутио предводнику дипло- матског посланства које се запутило у Москву у пролеће 1691. године, а за кога је постављен Јохан Игњације Курц. У документу се веома детаљ- но образлажу планови и намере владалачких кругова у Бечу, те стога он пружа основу за тумачење сложених односа између тадашњих савезника, Аустрије и Русије, али истовремено показује и ограничења вођења поли- тике у овој епохи. Осим тога, инструкција даје свој допринос проучавању и истраживању српске историјске позиције у оквиру комплексног мозаика историјских епизода Великог бечког рата.The diplomatic instruction prepared by the Habsburg ruler Leopold I for his ambassador in Moscow Johann Ignatius Kurz is important and indicative for the interpretation of the complex relations between the allies, the Habsburg Monarchy and Russia, during the Great Turkish War (1683–1699). Although it is friendly in tone and mediates for common goals in the fight against the powerful Ottoman enemy, at the same time the document also expresses considerable caution in their mutual relations. Also, the presentation and interpretation of this diplomatic instruction completes the complex mosaic of observed and studied historical episodes of the Great Turkish War, which had a significant impact on the fate of the Serbian people. In this way, it contributes to the study and research of the Serbian historical position in this era, by providing a valuable insight into the mechanisms of action of the great powers of that time

    Correlations on the Mining Workings Drive by Blasting Under the Impact of Rock Bursts

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    U ugljenokopu Labin provedena su opsežna pokusna miniranja na pripremnim radilištima u područjima s gorskim udarima. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju izrazite odnose u potrošnji eksploziva (kg/m3) i veličini poprečnih profila radilišta (m2). Utjecaj strukture radnog čela (ugljen : kamen) također je izdvojen za svako miniranje. Nadalje, uočene su promjene ovisne o vrsti eksploziva kao i za postizavanje napretka rudarskog rada. U proizvodnom procesu rudnika dokazano je da se i pored opasnosti za rudare od gorskih udara postižu rezultati povećane produktivnosti rada.Comprehensive testing blastings on ihe development faces in the areas with bursts have been performed in the coal mine of Labin. The obtained results prove d isti ne t relations in exp!osive consumption (kg/m3) and in the dimension of faces\u27 cross-section (m2), The impact of the work face structure (coal: stone) bas been distinguished for each blasting, too. Chaoges depending on the brand of esplosive as well as those ones considering the advance of mining activitv have also been observed. It has been proved in the pro-duction process of the mine, that the results with increased work productivity are obtained in spite of the fact that miners are exposed to danger of rock bursts

    Need to Improve the Natural Aggregate Resources Supply in the City of Belgrade (Serbia)

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    The City of Belgrade is the largest market for aggregates in Serbia but the production of natural aggregates is rather small, around five percent of total consumption. This reflects the geology of the City of Belgrade territory, dominated by Neogene and Quaternary sedimentary rocks. The production of crushed rock and sand and gravel on the territory of Belgrade was almost equal, while majority of imported aggregates is sand and gravel due to lower price. Consumption of crushed rocks includes around 90 % of limestone and dolomite, the rest being magmatic rocks. The main issue of using crushed rock on the territory of the City of Belgrade is the long transport routes, which are usually near or more than 100 km, creating more logistic problems and increasing cost of aggregates Therefore it is necessary to establish a good supply system with low socio-environmental impact of aggregate production and transport, and the basis for that is the analysis of actual structure of production and supply of natural aggregates and new potential quarries and/or sand and gravel pits

    The challenge of living in Belgrade 1918-1941: housing, disease and malnourishment

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    After the end of the First World War, Belgrade became the capital of the new state — Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes/Yugoslavia. This enticed a great immi‑ gration wave of the surrounding rural population, but also the influx of educated and professionally trained people (clerks, administrative staff, soldiers, officers, businessmen etc.), as it was demanded by Belgrade’s new status of political, administrative, economic and military centre of the new state. This great immigration wave — the population doubled in the first ten years after the war — worsened the already existent problem of inadequate housing. Belgrade was one of the few European capitals that was on the frontline, and consequently it suffered enormous damage during the First World War. According to contemporary data, between 25% and 33% of the existing pre‑war residences were destroyed in the 1914‑1918 period. Therefore, after the end of the war, Belgrade experienced a huge influx of immi‑ gration. The capital’s population was 112,000 in 1919 and 314,000 in 19392 . This was not only witnessed in Belgrade, however. All other major urban centers of the newly established Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes were subjected to a similar reality. It could be argued that this was actually a pan‑European trend, considering that all other major cities of the Continent were subjected to a similar immigration influx.In Belgrade, the disparity between the number of immigrants and the quantity of available apartments led to situations where newcomers were lodged in staircases, hallways, vestibules and even tents. These developments led to an abrupt increase of the building activity. During the following decade, two peaks can be observed: the first one happened between 1926−1928, while the second encompassed the 6 January Dictatorship of the King Alexander 1930−19324 . During these intervals, 13.21% (1927) and 12.5% (1932) more buildings have been constructed

    Lavrentije Herceg - dokument o napadu u vinariji "Đakovska"

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    In the transcription and translation of an archival document from the Historical Archive of Sombor the legal case of Lawrence Hertzeg (Laurentus Hertzeg), a Jew from the city of Sombor who was attacked and beaten on July 17th 1808, is brought to light. His case is of great importance as it’s very well documented and it shows us the procedure that was followed in cases similar to the attack that happened to Lawrence Hertzeg. The document follows a medical report, specification of the costs and testimonies of the witnesses.U radu se daje transkript i prevod arhivskog dokumenta, koji se čuva u Istorijskom arhivu Sombora, a koji se odnosi na slučaj prebijanja Lavrentija Hercega, Jevrejina iz Sombora. Ovaj istorijski izvor je važan, jer je slučaj dobro dokumentovan, a osim toga pruža uvid u proceduru koja se sprovodila u takvim situacijama. Dokument sadrži lekarski izveštaj, specifikaciju troškova i izjave svedoka

    Battle of Slankamen 1691.

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    Kraj XVII i početak XVIII veka predstavljaju burnu epohu, ispunjenu neprekidnim ratovima koji su veoma iѕmenili poredak i odnose među evropskim državama i doveli do opadanja starih i uzdizanja novih sila...The end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century represents a tumultuous era, filled with constant wars that have changed the very order and relations between the European countries and led to the decline of the old and the rise of new powers. Among the conflicts of this period are: The Nine Years War (1688-1697), The Polish-Ottoman War (1672-1676), Dutch War (1672-1678), the Great Turkish War (1683-1699), War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714), Great Northern War (1700- 1721), Jacobite war in Ireland (1689-1691), Austro-Turkish War (1716-1718). Great Turkish War (1683-1699) was for its duration, intensity, number of involved countries and human resources one of the most important conflicts in contemporary Europe. One of its key battles was the Battle of Slankamen in 1691. According to its results and consequences, the battle was of crucial importance for South Eastern Europe and announced a fundamental redistribution of power in the region. Battle of Slankamen settled two important questions. Firstly, the Pannonian Plain was liberated from the Turkish rule, and the Ottoman Empire was finally suppressed from Central Europe. Secondly, the battle established the boundary line between the two empires on the Sava and the Danube, which was not disturbed until the end of the eighteenth century. After the Karlovac Treaty (1699) Turkey did not seriously try to reconquer the area to the north of this line, while every Austrian attempt to rule the areas south of the Sava and Danube rivers proved unsuccessful (1788-1791) or temporary (1718-1739). Austria did not have the capacity and strength, but nor the political will to master the areas between Belgrade and Skopje. Battle of Slankamen denotes one stage in the weakening of the Ottoman Empire. Although we can not say that the decline of Ottoman power and their power crisis in the Balkans followed as a result of a single battle, Slankamen marks an important segment of the distribution of power in southeastern Europe and underlines some kind of strategic equilibrium established after it, that shows the real extent of the two empires and natural dividing line between them. Battle of Slankamen was of great importance for Serbian people because it led to multiple changes in relation to their previous position. The entire Serbian involvement on the side of the Habsburg monarchy in the Great Turkish War contributed to the granting of privileges, i.e. gaining special status in Hungary. In that way the Serbian community is reformulated, as well as their positioning and shaping as an entity in Hungary

    A letter from the commander of Belgrade general count O'Dwyer to the court war council (Hofkriegsrat) in 1719, regarding the arrival of ottoman messenger Mustafa Aga

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    Ovim prepisom pisma generala grofa Džona Odvijera, komandanta Beograda u periodu 1718-1722 i zapovednika privremene uprave u Srbiji 1718-1720, želimo da pružimo uvid u aktivnosti komandanta jedne važne pogranične tvrđave, kao što je to bio Beograd. Ovo pismo nastalo je u aprilu 1719, dva meseca pre razmene ambasadora dogovorene Požarevačkim mirom. U dokumentu se opisuje dolazak turskog glasnika Mustafe Age i Odvijerov postupak povodom tog događaja. Osim samog dokumenta, izložićemo i neke detalje iz biografije generala grofa Odvijera.The presented document is a transcript of a letter of general count O'Dwyer, commander of Belgrade 1718-1722 and commander of temporary administration in Serbia 1718-1720. This document gives valuable insight into rules and procedures of a commander of an important border fort, like Belgrade was at the time. It gives an account of the arrival of Ottoman messenger by the name Mustafa Aga, who carried important letters destined for Vienna. Mustafa Aga asked to be allowed to continue his journey, while demanding that the confidentiality of letters entrusted to him is preserved. General O'Dwyer couldn't allow this to happen without permission from the Court War Council (Hofkriegsrat), so he asked for needed authorization. Besides the transcript of the letter itself, this paper presents several details from the life and career of general count O'Dwyer. The photocopy of the letter is included in the paper

    An irishman in Habsburg service: General count John O'Dwyer, commander of Belgrade, 1718-1722

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