21 research outputs found

    Integrated management systems ā€“ Advantages, problems and possibilities

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    Summary Effective management in the globalized world requires an effective, efficient and flexible management system. Effective could be interpreted as addressing all relevant stakeholder concerns in a context of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Efficient would mean that it does the job with low resource use. Flexibility requires that changed conditions and new requirements easily can be included. Many organizations are already working with Integrated Management Systems (IMS). Interesting questions are to what extent current integration covers the above mentioned needs and if not what changes are needed. This conceptual paper looks at the advantages and problems of integration. Possibilities for development of fully integrated management systems are studied from the perspective of managing stakeholder needs, with the forthcoming ISO 26000 -"Guidance on social responsibility", as inspiration. Results show that there are advantages in integration, but that the scope and level of integration often is limited. A conceptual model for integrating all stakeholder needs in value networks is presented

    Implementing Lean : Discussing Standardization Versus Customization with Focus on National Cultural Dimensions

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    Lean or Toyota Production System (TPS) has more or less successfully been implemented in the Western worldā€™s businesses and organizations for the past 20 years. Several authors have discussed what it is that creates a successful implementation, and several studies have been presented where strategies for implementations have been studied. Cultureā€™s impact and possible mitigation for Western companies have been studied and described by for example Womak & Jones. Proponents of the concept of Lean argue that culture is not a constraint for implementation of Lean. Lean Management is called a philosophy but it is often used as a change strategy in the sense that it is implemented with the view of improving performance. A change strategy could be seen as a product that might have to be customized with the view of improving the effectiveness of the implementation. On the other hand abandoning a standardized approach comes with the risk of severely altering the change strategy, possibly to its detriment. Implementing Lean will have an effect on the company culture. Does it make any sense customizing the implementation to culture if the issue is changing the culture? The purpose of this paper is to highlight and discuss the balance between a customized implementation and a standardized implementation. Which are the main arguments for standardization and customization and how could these be reconciled? A literature study of Lean implementation has been carried out and compared with Lean principles and theories from change management with focus on change drivers and change barriers. Main drivers of Hofstedeā€™s national cultural dimensions are compared with Lean principles to identify possible drivers and barriers in different cultures. The theory synthesis on drivers and barriers is subjected to a first test in a case study on Lean implementation according to a standardized approach. The implementation is made in a small Swedish factory belonging to a worldwide industrial company. Results from the literature review and the case study indicate that both customization and standardization are needed

    Adding requirements on customers to current quality models toimprove quality : development of a customer ā€ vendor interaction

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    In most descriptions of business development and models for Corporate Governance, contacts between supplier and customer are for the most part focused on the supplierā€™s responsibility to identify and document customer requirements in order to enable the organization to meet customer requirements (stated and unstated). In the actual contact between customer and supplier it has been observed in several cases that there are aspects of the interaction not described in traditional theoretical quality models. What seems to be missing is a more explicit requirement for customers and for customers' actions. The logic is that a qualified customer performing based on supplier instructions will result in a better performing product. The apparent lack of theoretical models describing this aspect indicates that this is an interesting area for research and development. The purpose of this paper is to highlight a seemingly "forgotten" area within quality management, which is the lack of requirements put on customers in quality models.Ā  The first objective is to review existing quality models to explore the extent of requirement on customers included. The second objective is to propose additions to current models that include requirements placed on customers. A limited review of the award criteria and the most common models for quality and improvement techniques shows that there is no explicit and documented way to set requirements for customers. Our interpretation is that EFQM is the model closest to our description of ā€œdemands on customerā€ due to their clauses connected to ā€œpartnershipā€. The ISO/DIS 26000 is moving the requirements further against the customer for the social responsibility than the quality standards are doing. Further research could focus on how requirements on customer will affect the performance of the entire supply chain both from a quality and social point of view

    The peculiarities of learning motivation in primary school

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    Lean or Toyota Production System (TPS) has more or less successfully been implemented in the Western worldā€™s businesses and organizations for the past 20 years. Several authors have discussed what it is that creates a successful implementation, and several studies have been presented where strategies for implementations have been studied. Cultureā€™s impact and possible mitigation for Western companies have been studied and described by for example Womak & Jones. Proponents of the concept of Lean argue that culture is not a constraint for implementation of Lean. Lean Management is called a philosophy but it is often used as a change strategy in the sense that it is implemented with the view of improving performance. A change strategy could be seen as a product that might have to be customized with the view of improving the effectiveness of the implementation. On the other hand abandoning a standardized approach comes with the risk of severely altering the change strategy, possibly to its detriment. Implementing Lean will have an effect on the company culture. Does it make any sense customizing the implementation to culture if the issue is changing the culture? The purpose of this paper is to highlight and discuss the balance between a customized implementation and a standardized implementation. Which are the main arguments for standardization and customization and how could these be reconciled? A literature study of Lean implementation has been carried out and compared with Lean principles and theories from change management with focus on change drivers and change barriers. Main drivers of Hofstedeā€™s national cultural dimensions are compared with Lean principles to identify possible drivers and barriers in different cultures. The theory synthesis on drivers and barriers is subjected to a first test in a case study on Lean implementation according to a standardized approach. The implementation is made in a small Swedish factory belonging to a worldwide industrial company. Results from the literature review and the case study indicate that both customization and standardization are needed

    Fragmentation monitoring of production blasts at Mrica

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    In a follow-up of 12 production blasts in a quarry at the Mrica project on Java, tightly spaced porous bands were found to govern fragmentation to the extent that the average fragment size k50 was nearly independent of the specific charge within the range 0.30-0.56 kg/mĀ³. This finding resulted in a reduction of the running costs for drilling and blasting by 20-40%. Our Work has given considerable practical benefits and insights into the blasting process, even if the results were of no direct use to check out fragmentation predictions based on models, which was one of our main goals.UpprƤttat; 1990; 20071014 (finn)</p

    Integrated Management Systems : advantages, problems and possibilities

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    Effective management in the globalized world requires an effective, efficient and flexible management system. Effective could be interpreted as addressing all relevant stakeholder concerns in a context of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Efficient would mean that it does the job with low resource use. Flexibility requires that changed conditions and new requirements easily can be included. Many organizations are already working with Integrated Management Systems (IMS). Interesting questions are to what extent current integration covers the above mentioned needs and if not what changes are needed. This conceptual paper looks at the advantages and problems of integration. Possibilities for development of fully integrated management systems are studied from the perspective of managing stakeholder needs, with the forthcoming ISO 26000 ā€“ ā€œGuidance on social responsibilityā€, as inspiration. Results show that there are advantages in integration, but that the scope and level of integration often is limited. A conceptual model for integrating all stakeholder needs in value networks is presented

    Adaptation of television show in Latvia and its features in audience assessment: "X Faktors" case study

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir ā€žTelevÄ«zijas Å”ova adaptācija Latvijā un tās Ä«patnÄ«bas auditorijas vērtējumā: "X Faktors" gadÄ«juma analÄ«zeā€. Darba mērÄ·is ir noskaidrot kā Å”ovs ā€žX Faktorsā€ tiek pielāgots Latvijas auditorijai, un kā auditorija vērtē Å”ovu ā€žX Faktorsā€. PētÄ«juma problēma ir televÄ«zijas Å”ova ā€žThe X Factorā€ adaptācijas producÄ“Å”ana Latvijā, realitātes Å”ova ā€žX Faktorsā€ veiksmÄ«ga vai neveiksmÄ«ga pielāgoÅ”ana auditorijas vērtējumā. Galvenā teorētiskā bāze ir mediju lietojuma un apmierinājuma teorija, televÄ«zijas, realitātes televÄ«zijas, talantu Å”ovu un auditorijas koncepti. MetodoloÄ£ijas daļā aprakstÄ«tas pētniecÄ«bas metodes ā€“ gadÄ«juma studijas, aptauja un daļēji strukturēta intervija. Darba rezultātā tika noskaidrotas Å”ova ā€žX Faktorsā€ kopÄ«gās un atŔķirÄ«gās iezÄ«mes salÄ«dzinot ar oriÄ£inālÅ”ovu kā arÄ« auditorijas vērtējums par Å”ovu ā€žX Faktorsā€.The theme of bachelor thesis is ā€žAdaptation of television show in Latvia and its features in audience assessment: "X Faktors" case studyā€. The aim of the work is to find out how the show "X Faktors" is adapted to Latvian audience, and how the audience assesses show ā€œX Faktorsā€. The research problem is the production of the adaptation of television show "The X Factor" in Latvia, successful or unsuccessful adaptation of the reality show "X Faktors" in audience assessment. Media uses and gratification theory, television, reality television, talent shows and audience concepts are the main theoretical base. The methodology chapter describes research methods ā€“ case studies, survey and semi-structured interview. The results of the work show the common and distinctive features of the show "X Faktors" compared to original version and the audience assessment for the show ā€žX Faktorsā€

    University Services for regional Development : Ideas on Stakeholder Based Quality Management in a Region

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    Background Regional Development is a permanent activity of change including long range visions and goals. This work includes both continuous and breakthrough change. Quality management practises are used for organisational improvement and could be seen as one way of supporting effective change management. Provided we can view a region as an organisation we could also view it as a process. Dealing with the region as a system of processes might make it possible to use quality management practices to support more effective regional development. Based on an analysis of the presentation of the current state and the visionary state it should be possible to analyse proposed change strategies from a process perspective. Purpose The general purpose of the study is to see how universities could contribute to regional development. Specific research questions in this study are: For a region how can the present state, the visionary state and the chosen change strategies, be described with Quality Management values and methodologies with focus on the process view How do the regional university mission, vision and goals align with defined regional objectives? Methodology A literature survey for how Quality Management has been used for regional development is carried out to create a structure for the data collection. The region of Gotland is chosen as an example for a region. The reason for this is that Gotland is a small region consisting of an island providing clear boundaries. There is only one university, which makes it easier to study the links between university and region. Available regional visions are studied as well as main presentation of regional performance with focus on the region of Gotland. The main organizational stakeholders are identified and studied. Data is gathered from web sites and from interviews. The categorisation of information is based on a process perspective using process based system models adapted to the initial literature survey. The current change process is also portrayed. In order to see how the local university performance and plans align with the regional plans the Gotland University web-site is studied for relevant documents. Main results Regional performance can seemingly be described using process based system models. The stakeholder approach can in a meaningful way be used to describe main regional requirements

    Integrated Management Systems : testing a model for integration

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    Management systems are widely used for creating order, minimising risks and for assuring performance. Management systems are in many occasions integrated since this has been found to be beneficial. In this paper a model for a fully integrated management system (IMS) based on the three axes of level, extent and scope of integration is tested for relevance. The studied system permits the integration of all relevant process dimensions. The research is only in a pilot stage, but the initial results are promising and indicate that there are advantages in using the process view as a base for identifying critical aspects to be managed. A review of the current situation for system integration is studied and the model is subjected to some tests using Sweden as a case. The background study shows that system integration still is limited, especially when comparing with a fully integrated IMS. The feedback from the organisations interviewed is positive and supports continued work with development of the model

    Integrated Management Systems : testing a model for integration

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    Management systems are widely used for creating order, minimising risks and for assuring performance. Management systems are in many occasions integrated since this has been found to be beneficial. In this paper a model for a fully integrated management system (IMS) based on the three axes of level, extent and scope of integration is tested for relevance. The studied system permits the integration of all relevant process dimensions. The research is only in a pilot stage, but the initial results are promising and indicate that there are advantages in using the process view as a base for identifying critical aspects to be managed. A review of the current situation for system integration is studied and the model is subjected to some tests using Sweden as a case. The background study shows that system integration still is limited, especially when comparing with a fully integrated IMS. The feedback from the organisations interviewed is positive and supports continued work with development of the model