32 research outputs found

    The View of Slovenian Women on the Orient at the End of the 19th Century and at the Beginning of the 20th Century

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    V 19. stoletju je postajalo potovanje na Orient vse bolj razširjeno, svojo priložnost so dobile tudi ženske popotnice, katerih število je postajalo vse večje. Zanimanje za orientalistične dežele je zajelo tudi Avstro-Ogrsko, ob tem slovenske dežele niso bile izjema. Po Edwardu Saidu je na Zahodu Orient postal vir navdiha za eksotične zgodbe in umetnine, hkrati pa je orientalizem kot razširjen diskurz Vzhod videl le še kot odmev nekdanjega sijajakot barbarskega drugega. Slovenske popotnice, ki so potovale na Orient, v večini kažejo superiorno držo do dežel, ljudstev in običajev, ki jih smatrajo kot orientalske, kar sicer ne pomeni, da le-ti niso deležni pohvale in tudi občudovanja, vendar pa mnogokrat niso interpretirani enako kot Zahod. Obravnavane avtorice pogosto opisujejo muslimanski način življenja kot drugačen in ženske v orientalskih deželah kot zapostavljeneznačilen je ženski pogled na Orient, ki pa ga ne zapopadejo v celoti.In the 19th century, travel to the Orient became more and more widespread, and women travelers also got their chance, and their number was growing. Interest in the Orientalist lands also spread to Austria-Hungary, while the Slovene lands were no exception. According to Edward Said, in the West, the Orient became a source of inspiration for exotic stories and works of art, while Orientalism as an extended discourse saw the East only as an echo of its former splendoras a barbaric other. Slovenian travelers traveling to the Orient mostly show a superior attitude towards countries, peoples and customs, which they consider to be oriental, which does not mean that they do not receive praise and admiration, but they are often not interpreted in the same way as the West. The authors in question often describe the Muslim way of life as different and women in the Oriental lands as neglectedit is characterized by a female view of the Orient, which, however, is not fully captured

    Zloraba podjemne pogodbe – pogodbe o delu

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    Avtor v prispevku opisuje razvoj podjemne pogodbe. Ugotavlja, da danes pri nas pogodbo zlorabljamo za zaposlovanje, kar ni dopustno. Glede na doseženo stopnjo razvoja delovno pravne zakonodaje ne moremo dopustiti dveh oblik zaposlovanja. Civilno pravna pogodba, to je podjemna pogodba oziroma pogodba o delu ne more biti pravna podlaga za zaposlovanje. Podjemna pogodba je namenjena podjemnikom (podjetnikom, gospodarskim družbam) za urejanje razmerij, pravic in obveznosti med podjemnikom in naročnikom nekega dela oziroma storitve. Enako kot pri gradbenih, prevoznih in drugih pogodbah, katerih vsebina je izvedba dela oziroma storitve. Fizična oseba kot izvajalec ne more skleniti podjemne pogodbe, če nima statusa podjetnika. Redke izjeme dovoljuje Zakon o preprečevanju dela in zaposlovanja na črno

    Pravni status univerze in njenih članic

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    V prispevku obravnava avtor pravni položaj univerze in njenih delov. Ugotavlja, da ta odstopa od pravnih ureditev v svetu in pomeni neke vrste mešanico korporacije in zavoda. Posebej moti nejasen položaj delov univerze – fakultet, akademij, visokih šol in drugih, ki jim zakon priznava korporacijski status članic, na drugi strani pa jih opredeljuje kot zavode. S tem je povezan tudi nejasen pravni status »članic« univerze. Rešitve vidi avtor v sprejemu novega sistemskega zakona o zavodih in skladno s tem v ureditvi položaja javnih (državnih) univerz. Na drugi strani pa bi kazalo dopustiti možnost, da se zasebne visokošolske organizacije ustanovijo v poznanih, zasebno pravnih statusnih oblikah in ne v obliki zavoda

    Plectin isoform 1b mediates mitochondrion–intermediate filament network linkage and controls organelle shape

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    Plectin is a versatile intermediate filament (IF)–bound cytolinker protein with a variety of differentially spliced isoforms accounting for its multiple functions. One particular isoform, plectin 1b (P1b), remains associated with mitochondria after biochemical fractionation of fibroblasts and cells expressing exogenous P1b. Here, we determined that P1b is inserted into the outer mitochondrial membrane with the exon 1b–encoded N-terminal sequence serving as a mitochondrial targeting and anchoring signal. To study P1b-related mitochondrial functions, we generated mice that selectively lack this isoform but express all others. In primary fibroblasts and myoblasts derived from these mice, we observe a substantial elongation of mitochondrial networks, whereas other mitochondrial properties remain largely unaffected. Normal morphology of mitochondria could be restored by isoform-specific overexpression of P1b in P1b-deficient as well as plectin-null cells. We propose a model where P1b both forms a mitochondrial signaling platform and affects organelle shape and network formation by tethering mitochondria to IFs

    Plectin 1f scaffolding at the sarcolemma of dystrophic (mdx) muscle fibers through multiple interactions with β-dystroglycan

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    In skeletal muscle, the cytolinker plectin is prominently expressed at Z-disks and the sarcolemma. Alternative splicing of plectin transcripts gives rise to more than eight protein isoforms differing only in small N-terminal sequences (5–180 residues), four of which (plectins 1, 1b, 1d, and 1f) are found at substantial levels in muscle tissue. Using plectin isoform–specific antibodies and isoform expression constructs, we show the differential regulation of plectin isoforms during myotube differentiation and their localization to different compartments of muscle fibers, identifying plectins 1 and 1f as sarcolemma-associated isoforms, whereas plectin 1d localizes exclusively to Z-disks. Coimmunoprecipitation and in vitro binding assays using recombinant protein fragments revealed the direct binding of plectin to dystrophin (utrophin) and β-dystroglycan, the key components of the dystrophin–glycoprotein complex. We propose a model in which plectin acts as a universal mediator of desmin intermediate filament anchorage at the sarcolemma and Z-disks. It also explains the plectin phenotype observed in dystrophic skeletal muscle of mdx mice and Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients


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    V intervjuju s kuratorjem festivala sodobnih umetniških praks PIxxelpoint 2019 so prikazana tudi ključna dela in procesi te jubilejne , dvajsete festivalske edicije. Dolžina, 11 minut, 47 sekund. Produkcija RX:TX, GO TV, Abrahamsbergs. Serija: SODOBNA UMETNOST