3,628 research outputs found

    Applying black hole perturbation theory to numerically generated spacetimes

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    Nonspherical perturbation theory has been necessary to understand the meaning of radiation in spacetimes generated through fully nonlinear numerical relativity. Recently, perturbation techniques have been found to be successful for the time evolution of initial data found by nonlinear methods. Anticipating that such an approach will prove useful in a variety of problems, we give here both the practical steps, and a discussion of the underlying theory, for taking numerically generated data on an initial hypersurface as initial value data and extracting data that can be considered to be nonspherical perturbations.Comment: 14 pages, revtex3.0, 5 figure

    Black hole collisions from Brill-Lindquist initial data: predictions of perturbation theory

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    The Misner initial value solution for two momentarily stationary black holes has been the focus of much numerical study. We report here analytic results for an astrophysically similar initial solution, that of Brill and Lindquist (BL). Results are given from perturbation theory for initially close holes and are compared with available numerical results. A comparison is made of the radiation generated from the BL and the Misner initial values, and the physical meaning is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, revtex3.0, 5 figure

    Waveform propagation in black hole spacetimes: evaluating the quality of numerical solutions

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    We compute the propagation and scattering of linear gravitational waves off a Schwarzschild black hole using a numerical code which solves a generalization of the Zerilli equation to a three dimensional cartesian coordinate system. Since the solution to this problem is well understood it represents a very good testbed for evaluating our ability to perform three dimensional computations of gravitational waves in spacetimes in which a black hole event horizon is present.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The collision of boosted black holes

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    We study the radiation from a collision of black holes with equal and opposite linear momenta. Results are presented from a full numerical relativity treatment and are compared with the results from a ``close-slow'' approximation. The agreement is remarkable, and suggests several insights about the generation of gravitational radiation in black hole collisions.Comment: 8 pages, RevTeX, 3 figures included with eps

    Superconducting RF Metamaterials Made with Magnetically Active Planar Spirals

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    Superconducting metamaterials combine the advantages of low-loss, large inductance (with the addition of kinetic inductance), and extreme tunability compared to their normal metal counterparts. Therefore, they allow realization of compact designs operating at low frequencies. We have recently developed radio frequency (RF) metamaterials with a high loaded quality factor and an electrical size as small as \simλ\lambda658, (λ\lambda is the free space wavelength) by using Nb thin films. The RF metamaterial is composed of truly planar spirals patterned with lithographic techniques. Linear transmission characteristics of these metamaterials show robust Lorentzian resonant peaks in the sub- 100 MHz frequency range below the TcT_c of Nb. Though Nb is a non-magnetic material, the circulating currents in the spirals generated by RF signals produce a strong magnetic response, which can be tuned sensitively either by temperature or magnetic field thanks to the superconducting nature of the design. We have also observed strong nonlinearity and meta-stable jumps in the transmission data with increasing RF input power until the Nb is driven into the normal state. We discuss the factors modifying the induced magnetic response from single and 1-D arrays of spirals in the light of numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Hamiltonian Time Evolution for General Relativity

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    Hamiltonian time evolution in terms of an explicit parameter time is derived for general relativity, even when the constraints are not satisfied, from the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner-Teitelboim-Ashtekar action in which the slicing density α(x,t)\alpha(x,t) is freely specified while the lapse N=αg1/2N=\alpha g^{1/2} is not. The constraint ``algebra'' becomes a well-posed evolution system for the constraints; this system is the twice-contracted Bianchi identity when Rij=0R_{ij}=0. The Hamiltonian constraint is an initial value constraint which determines g1/2g^{1/2} and hence NN, given α\alpha.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Head--on Collision of Two Unequal Mass Black Holes

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    We present results from the first fully nonlinear numerical calculations of the head--on collision of two unequal mass black holes. Selected waveforms of the most dominant l=2, 3 and 4 quasinormal modes are shown, as are the total radiated energies and recoil velocities for a range of mass ratios and initial separations. Our results validate the close and distant separation limit perturbation studies, and suggest that the head--on collision scenario is not likely to produce an astrophysically significant recoil effect.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Electron spin resonance in Kondo systems

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    We calculate the dynamical spin response of Kondo impurity and Kondo lattice systems within a semiphenomenological Fermi liquid description, at low temperatures T<TKT<T_K, the Kondo temperature, and low magnetic fields BkBTK/gμBB \ll k_B T_K/g\mu_B. Fermi liquid parameters are determined by comparison (i) with microscopic theory (numerical renormalization group) for the impurity model and (ii) with experiment for the lattice model. We find in the impurity case that the true impurity spin resonance has a width of the order of TKT_K and disappears altogether if the gg-factors of impurity spin and conduction electron spin are equal. However, there is an impurity-induced resonance contribution at the conduction electron resonance. The latter is broadened by spin lattice relaxation and is usually unobservable. In contrast, for the Anderson lattice in the Kondo regime we find a \textit{sharp} ESR resonance line only slightly shifted from the local resonance and broadened by spin lattice relaxation, the latter significantly reduced by both the effects of heavy fermion physics and ferromagnetic fluctuations. We conjecture that our findings explain the sharp ESR-lines recently observed in several heavy fermion compounds.Comment: Typos corrected, references updated, minor text change

    The Evolution of Distorted Rotating Black Holes II: Dynamics and Analysis

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    We have developed a numerical code to study the evolution of distorted, rotating black holes. This code is used to evolve a new family of black hole initial data sets corresponding to distorted ``Kerr'' holes with a wide range of rotation parameters, and distorted Schwarzschild black holes with odd-parity radiation. Rotating black holes with rotation parameters as high as a/m=0.87a/m=0.87 are evolved and analyzed in this paper. The evolutions are generally carried out to about t=100Mt=100M, where MM is the ADM mass. We have extracted both the even- and odd-parity gravitational waveforms, and find the quasinormal modes of the holes to be excited in all cases. We also track the apparent horizons of the black holes, and find them to be a useful tool for interpreting the numerical results. We are able to compute the masses of the black holes from the measurements of their apparent horizons, as well as the total energy radiated and find their sum to be in excellent agreement with the ADM mass.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX with RevTeX 3.0 macros. 27 uuencoded gz-compressed postscript figures. Also available at http://jean-luc.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Papers/ Submitted to Physical Review

    Head-on collision of unequal mass black holes: close-limit predictions

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    The close-limit method has given approximations in excellent agreement with those of numerical relativity for collisions of equal mass black holes. We consider here colliding holes with unequal mass, for which numerical relativity results are not available. We try to ask two questions: (i) Can we get approximate answers to astrophysical questions (ideal mass ratio for energy production, maximum recoil velocity, etc.), and (ii) can we better understand the limitations of approximation methods. There is some success in answering the first type of question, but more with the second, especially in connection with the issue of measures of the intrinsic mass of the colliding holes, and of the range of validity of the method.Comment: 19 pages, RevTeX + 9 postscript figure