45 research outputs found


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    Grief is an unwanted visitor who we all come to know throughout our lifetime. Although every person reacts differently to bereavement of a loved one, almost always the lost other becomes etched into our being for the remainder of our lives (McClocklin & Lengelle, 2017). In today’s society, we are encouraged to say “Good-bye”, but what if instead, we allow ourselves to keep those who have passed on close to our hearts and say hello again? Hello Again يا اهلا is a body of work that explores my experience with grief. The artworks made for this exhibition investigate my process of mourning and attempts at healing through a variety of art processes, including printmaking, ink drawings, experimental installation works and soundscapes

    Recent Trials in Hypertension

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    Support for UNRWA's survival

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    The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) provides life-saving humanitarian aid for 5·4 million Palestine refugees now entering their eighth decade of statelessness and conflict. About a third of Palestine refugees still live in 58 recognised camps. UNRWA operates 702 schools and 144 health centres, some of which are affected by the ongoing humanitarian disasters in Syria and the Gaza Strip. It has dramatically reduced the prevalence of infectious diseases, mortality, and illiteracy. Its social services include rebuilding infrastructure and homes that have been destroyed by conflict and providing cash assistance and micro-finance loans for Palestinians whose rights are curtailed and who are denied the right of return to their homeland

    Microstructure and thermal stability of Fe, Ti and Ag implanted Yttria-stabilized zirconia

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    Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) was implanted with 15 keV Fe or Ti ions up to a dose of 8×1016 at cm−2. The resulting “dopant” concentrations exceeded the concentrations corresponding to the equilibrium solid solubility of Fe2O3 or TiO2 in YSZ. During oxidation in air at 400° C, the Fe and Ti concentration in the outermost surface layer increased even further until a surface layer was formed of mainly Fe2O3 and TiO2, as shown by XPS and ISS measurements. From the time dependence of the Fe and Ti depth profiles during anneal treatments, diffusion coefficients were calculated. From those values it was estimated that the maximum temperature at which the Fe- and Ti-implanted layers can be operated without changes in the dopant concentration profiles was 700 and 800° C, respectively. The high-dose implanted layer was completely amorphous even after annealing up to 1100° C, as shown by scanning transmission electron microscopy. Preliminary measurements on 50 keV Ag implanted YSZ indicate that in this case the amorphous layer recrystallizes into fine grained cubic YSZ at a temperature of about 1000° C. The average grain diameter was estimated at 20 nm, whereas the original grain size of YSZ before implantation was 400 nm. This result implies that the grain size in the surface of a ceramic material can be decreased by ion beam amorphisation and subsequent recrystallisation at elevated temperatures

    Under- treatment and under diagnosis of hypertension: a serious problem in the United Arab Emirates

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    BACKGROUND: Hypertension, notably untreated or uncontrolled, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) morbidity and mortality. In countries in transition, little is known about the epidemiology of hypertension, and its biochemical correlates. This study was carried out in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, to characterize self-reported (SR) normotensives and hypertensives in terms of actual hypertension status, demographic variables, CVD risk factors, treatment, and sequalae. METHODS: A sample, stratified by SR hypertensive status, of 349 SR hypertensives (Mean age ± SD; 50.8 ± 9.2 yrs; Male: 226) and 640 SR normotensives (42.9 ± 9.3 yrs, Male: 444) among nationals and expatriates was used. Hypertensives and normotensive subjects were recruited from various outpatient clinics and government organizations in Al-Ain city, United Arab Emirates (UAE) respectively. Anthropometric and demographic variables were measured by conventional methods. RESULTS: Both under-diagnosis of hypertension (33%) and under-treatment (76%) were common. Characteristics of undiagnosed hypertensives were intermediate between normotensives and SR hypertensives. Under-diagnosis of hypertension was more common among foreigners than among nationals. Risk factors for CVD were more prevalent among SR hypertensives. Obesity, lack of exercise and smoking were found as major risk factors for CVD among hypertensives in this population. CONCLUSION: Hypertension, even severe, is commonly under-diagnosed and under-treated in the UAE. Preventive strategies, better diagnosis and proper treatment compliance should be emphasized to reduce incidence of CVD in this population


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    Evaluation des capacités de la microscopie Raman dans la caractérisation minéralogique et physico-chimique de matériaux archéologiques : métaux, vitraux & pigments

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    L'évaluation des capacités non-destructives de la microscopie Raman en archéologie est la ligne directrice de ce travail de recherche. Trois domaines ont été choisis afin d'estimer les avantages et les limites d'une telle technique d'analyse ; il s'agit de l'étude 1) des pigments issus des peintures préhistoriques, 2) des produits de corrosion de métaux d'origine archéologique et 3) des vitraux (le verre, la coloration et l'altération). Les résultats plus ou moins "positifs" selon les domaines, mettent en évidence, par exemple, les capacités de la MR à distinguer les oxydes de Mn du carbone dans les peintures noires préhistoriques ou encore, la facile identification de l'hématite ; ils permettent également de distinguer assez facilement les différentes phases d'altérations existantes sur les métaux corrodés (sulfates, oxydes, chlorures...). Enfin, si l'étude du verre et des colorations en surface offrent des résultats assez positifs (complexes de type : PbCrO4.PbO), l'identification de la coloration dans la masse des vitraux par des colloïdes métalliques reste plus complexe. La fluorescence constitue également un des désavantages certain de cette méthode. Toutefois, la réussite de cette technique, dans le domaine de l'archéometrie, où elle est encore peu appliquée, permet d'entrevoir un avenir prospère et une utilité incontestable pour les archéologues, restaurAateurs et conservateursPARIS-Museum Hist.Naturelle (751052304) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Minimal change nephropathy with adenocarcinoma of breast

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    Spatial Audiometry: Detection of Spondaic Words in Noise.

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    It is important to select appropriate stimuli and test conditions for developing standardized spatial audiometric tests. In three experiments, binaural detection thresholds (BDTs) for a target signal, located at either 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, or 315 degrees azimuth, were measured in the presence of a masker positioned at one of these eight locations. Target signals included spondaic words from the CID W-1 list. The masker was speech spectrum noise (SSN) or multitalker noise (MTN) presented at a constant level (65 dBA). Bekesy tracking was used to measure BDTs in listeners with normal hearing. Results indicate that BDTs are significantly influenced by the (a) angular separation between the target and noise source and (b) choice of spondaic words used as target stimuli. BDTs for various spondaic words differed as much as 13 dB for a given angular separation. BDTs measured in SSN and MTN for otherwise identical test conditions differed less than 3 dB. A single spondaic word appears to be appropriate for spatial audiometric tests of detection. Nonsignificant differences between masked BDTs obtained for SSN and MTN noises indicate that for spatial detection, the masking effects of these noises are comparable. These results indicate that the development of a clinical test of spatial detection should include the use of SSN and a single spondaic word, with detection being measured for a set of four or five signal and noise source configurations