188 research outputs found

    Suitability of three newly released Kenyan potato varieties for processing into crisps and French fries

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    French fries and potato crisps are the most consumed industrially processed potato products in Kenya, especially in the major urban centers. Processors have, however, complained of the inadequate supply and low quality of potatoes currently available in the market. This study was instituted to evaluate the suitability of three newly released Kenyan potato varieties for processing. The three new potato varieties (Purple Gold,Kenya Mpya and Sherekea) and two established varieties (Tigoni and Dutch Robjin) used in this study were grown under standard conditions at the National Potato Research Centre, Kenya. They were harvested at maturity, cured and analyzed for physico-chemical characteristics and processed into crisps and French fries for suitability evaluation. All the cultivars had tuber sizes within recommended range for crisps (40-60 mm) and French fries (. 45 mm). Dry matter contents differed significantly (P . 0.05) among the varieties ranging from 20.81 % in Golden Purple to25.77 % in Kenya Mpya. Crisps oil content varied significantly (P . 0.05) from 31.28 % in Kenya Mpya to 36.8 % in Golden Purple while it ranged from 7.51 % to 8.81 % in French fries of the same varieties. Dry matter content was negatively correlated to oil contents of crisps and French fries. Significant (P . 0.05) varietal differences in color and textural properties of crisps and French fries were noted. Kenya Mpya, Tigoni, Sherekea and Golden Purple in that order of preference could be used to produce crisps that are comparable to Dutch Robjin, an established crisping variety inthe local market. With the exception of Kenya Mpya, varieties Sherekea, Dutch Robjin and Golden Purple produced good quality French fries comparable to the established chipping variety, Tigoni. Potatoes from the new varieties are expected to form an additional pool of raw material for processing in Kenya and should be promoted alongside the established ones to support the growing industry


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    Latar Belakang: Persalinan dan kelahiran merupakan kejadian fisiologis yang normal. Ibu bersalin merupakan seorang yang sedang berjuang, bila karena suatu hal tidak bisa ditangani, maka si ibu bisa meninggal selama proses persalinan berlangsung. Lebih dari separuh jumlah kematian ibu terjadi dalam waktu 24 jam setelah melahirkan, sebagian besar karena terlalu banyak mengeluarkan darah. Perdarahan post partum primer adalah perdarahan yang terjadi 24 jam pertama, penyebab utama perdarahan post partum primer adalah atonia uteri, retensio plasenta, sisa plasenta, dan robekan jalan lahir terbanyak dalam 2 jam post partum. Tujuan: Melaksanakan asuhan kebidanan melalui pendekatan manajemen Asuhan Kebidanan Pada Pimipara dengan hemorragic post partum primer. Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus yaitu untuk menggambarkan Asuhan Kebidanan Pada Primipara Dengan Hemorragic Post Partum Primer di Ruang Bersalin Puskesmas Sikumana. Kesimpulan: Asuhan Kebidanan telah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan diagnosa dan masalah kebidanan telah teratasi dengan baik, pasien dirawat selama 3 hari dipuskesmas sikumana, diperbolehkan pulang pada tanggal 17 juli 2016 dan dilakukan kunjungan rumah selama 3 hari

    Evaluation of Concentration of Some Groundwater Parameters around a Major Refuse Dumpsite in Cross River State, Southeastern Nigeria

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    This study evaluated concentration, possible sources and relationship of groundwater parameters in a major dumpsite in Anantigha Headquarters of Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria by collecting samples of borehole water within and around the dumpsite using sterilised containers. Standard methods were used for the analysis. Results obtained show that the mean and standard deviation of the parameters were temperature (26.00Ā±0.10) 0C; pH (3.80Ā±0.36); EC (187.33Ā±41.00) ĀµS/cm; TDS (95.67Ā±20.03) mg/l; NH4 (0.13Ā±0.03) mg/l; Total hardness (19.83Ā±2.56) mg/l; TCC (50.47Ā±31.88) cfu/100ml; FCC (41.00Ā±25.94) cfu/100ml; Fe (0.15Ā±0.03); Zn (0.05Ā±0.03) mg/l and Pb (0.02Ā±0.01) mg/l. The concentration of the various parameters was compared to the World Health Organization (WHO) and National Sanitation Development Water Quality (NSDWQ) standard.  Pearson correlation analysis and principal component analysis were used to examine the relationship and possible sources among the parameters. The findings of the study revealed that electrical conductivity EC, TDS, NH4, total  hardness, Fe, Zn and Pb in borehole BH2 were within the acceptable limit while Pb concentration of borehole BH1 and BH3, temperature, pH, TCC and FCC were above the permissible limit of WHO/NSDWQ. It is recommended that boreholes should be drilled far away from dumpsites to avoid contamination which poses health risks to man

    Innovation of product modularity development through the integration of a formal Industrial Design framework

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    Growing numbers of global manufacturers are not only adopting the modularity concept, but integrating design methodologies that explicitly focused on achieving a range of competitive advantages through the enhancement of product appearance and utilities designs. The rising interest in industrial design is also an interesting symptom of changes in the approach to new product development, hence, integrating industrial design in modular product design posed a new challenge. In meeting these challenges, a formal Industrial Design framework known as InDFM (Industrial Design Framework for Modular Product Design/Development) was developed to support the innovation of design in modular product development. Within the InDFM, a methodology is developed for modular product design realisation. This research embarked with identifying the appropriate range of product as the focus of the investigation, followed by qualitative surveys on the design and development processes relevant to the selected product. The surveys were conducted in modular product companies within a range of industries related to the product, in the U.K., Belgium and Malaysia. Literatures reviews were also conducted on related domains across a range of application to understand the fundamentals of modularity and industrial design processes that are relevant to the domains. Data findings from these exercises were used to identify InDFM construction components, which were also vital to develop a technical standard for implementation of the InDFM. To evaluate its practicability, the InDFM was retrospectively applied in an existing modular product design process of a selected company. The evaluation focused on process compatibility of industrial design and modular design processes. Validation of the process compatibility emphasised the quality of integration at all stages of the design and development process. In conclusion, industrial design applications in a highly technical process of modular product design provide a design-driven innovation to complement the engineering driven innovation in the process. The combinations were proven to enhance the visual, interactive, and the feasibility contents of a modular product apart from providing a broader perspective to the objective of product modularity. InDFM also provides design practitioners with systematic design methodology to integrate both processes, thus performed as a tool for innovation that facilitate the revision of object identity, break away from the existing design rules and generating new rules. Additionally, as InDFM is a flexible methodology, innovation of modular product design through industrial design is accessible to any product company, small scale or big organisation that would want to acquire an advanced interactive version of the InDFM in the future

    Quality characterization of bread retailed in Nairobi County, Kenya: Physico-chemical and microbial profiles

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    With the ever-increasing intake and diversification of bread in sub-Saharan Africa, greater risks of food fraud are posed. The risks are even higher in the urban areas where both the formal and informal retail exist. Product diversification induced by incorporation of different ingredients in bread processing aggravates the risk of malpractices in processing that is evidenced in product quality. The current study employed a cross-sectional survey of bread retailed in the fourteen supermarkets located in Nairobi County, Kenya to determine their physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics. The study showed that brown bread had significantly (p<0.001) higher moisture and water activity, although the fibre and total solids in the brown bread were significantly (p<0.01) lower than the white bread. The greatest variability in the physicochemical attributes was found in the acid insoluble ash, with a coefficient of variation of 82.04%. The highest proportion of the bread, 58.9%, fell short of meeting the regulatory stipulations of the acid insoluble ash.  Significantly (p<0.05) higher proportion of the brown bread (60.7%) than the white bread (4.4%) had crude fibre contents less optimalthan the regulatory stipulations. The greatest adherence to product quality stipulations was found in yeast and mould counts (100%), moisture content (99.1%) and pH aqueous extract (95.5%). Both the brands of bread and retail outlets had quarter of them recording higher moisture, water activity and total acid insoluble ash than the averages of breads  traded in supermarkets; whereas the pH, fibre and total solids were lower (kmean clusters=2). Eight principal components maximally explained product variability in the breads, with similar trends of composition between moisture and protein, and fibre and total solids, whereby the latter pair had a negative  correlation with the former. In conclusion, the study found that the formal sector still falls short of product quality regulatory stipulations, pointing to greater need to strengthen surveillance component of food control for this sector. Key words: White, Brown, Bread, Food control, Cluster Analysis, Proximate, Supermarket, Standard

    Contribution of cassava and cassava-based products to food and nutrition security in Migori County, Kenya

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    The promotion of cassava as a staple and food security crop is widespread in Africa, Kenya included. Overreliance on cassava as a sole energy provider could lead to malnutrition. Consumption of high hydro-cyanide levels from cassava products could lead to health complications for consumers. This study sought to establish the contribution of cassava consumption to nutrition in Migori County. A cross-sectional survey was carried out and data collected on householdsā€™ cassava production and consumption practices. Two hundred and fifty-three households were randomly selected and household farming heads interviewed in West Kanyamkago, Orango Central and Kamgundho locations as areas where cassava is predominantly grown. Seven cassava flour samples of different cassava varieties grown in the area were obtained from farmers. Analyses were done to determine the moisture, cyanide and protein contents on flour and cooked stiff porridge (ugali). Results indicated that 99.1% of the households were farming. They highly depended on sale of farm and livestock produce as income. Ninety four percent of the households consumed cassava, of which 88.4% produced cassava on their farms. The most preferred cassava variety was ā€˜Ratengā€™. The main cassava productsconsumed were ugali (stiff porridge) and porridge. Majority of the households (95%) never consumed cassava leaves and were not aware that cassava leaves could be consumed. The cyanide level on average on dry flours was 53.23 mg/kg while on consumed cooked ugali was 13.44 mg/kg. These levels were above the maximum limit of 10 mg/kg recommended by WHO. Low average protein levels of <0.5 g/100 g were observed in the cooked ugali. This could pose a danger of protein energy malnutrition if no other sources are consumed by the household members. Cassava farming households in the study area require support to promote growth of low cyanide varieties in order to reduce intake

    Attributions of Kenyan Public University Studentsā€™ Dressing Styles and Implications for Sexual Harassment

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    Victims of sexual harassment are often blamed for being responsible for the harassment they receive. The clothes worn may send different messages to the people that the wearer interacts with. To investigate this, the study sought to examine the attributions made on studentsā€™ dressing styles and whether these were found provocative or not. A descriptive survey design was used in this study. The study areas were University of Nairobi, Egerton University, Moi University, Technical University of Mombasa, Maseno and Karatina Universities. Multiple sampling procedures were used to select 566 students who participated in the study. Data was collected using questionnaires, focus group discussions and observation checklists. Results show that sexual harassment existed in the various institutions. The results point that sexual harassment existed within the learning institutions and the respondents were aware of what sexual harassment is with the main perpetrators being fellow students. Miniskirts, high slitted skirts and skin tight trousers had the highest negative attributes assigned to them with a mean of -0.64, -0.63 and -0.61 respectively

    Growth and physiological responses of Asplenium nidus to water stress

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    Pot experiment conducted in the nursery of Faculty of Forestry, University Putra Malaysia during the periods from May to August, 20006 to investigate the effect of water stress on Asplenium nidus growth performance, transpiration rate and chlorophyll content in fronds. The plants were subjected to five water stress levels; control-watered every day, T1-watered every three days, T2-watered every seven days, T3-watered every fourteen days and T4-suspended without watering. Growth parameters were measured every week for a period of sixteen weeks. At the end of experiment, transpiration rate and chlorophyll content were measured as well as dry matter of plants. The results showed that levels of watering did not significantly affect all growth and physiological parameters of Asplenium nidus except T4 which decreased all growth parameter and some physiological responses. T1 had the highest dry matter production. The plants allocated more growth to the shoot under optimum conditions but more growth to the root under stress conditions. This plant was able to adapt and survive without watering for 16 weeks and demonstrate that it can survive in water limited condition

    Anaemia among breastfeeding infants (0-6 months) and associated factors in a low income urban setting of Kenya

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    Controversies surrounding exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and the risk of developing anaemia exist. Studies worldwide have indicated uncertainties on the way forward given the World Health Organizationā€™s firm stand on exclusive breastfeeding as the most appropriate practice for infants less than six months old. In Kenya, research on anaemia status of infants below six months old is scanty. The main objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of anaemia and its associated factors among breastfeeding infants 0-6 months old in Kangemi Slums, Kenya. One hundred and thirty nine (139) breastfeeding infants aged 0-6 months and their respective mothers were recruited into a cross-sectional study. Infantsā€™ blood was drawn from the heel while mothersā€™ blood was from a finger prick. Anaemia was assessed using HemoCueĀ® (Hemo-control, EKF-diagnostic GmbH, Barleben/Magdeburg, Germany) and defined as haemoglobin levels <11.0 and <12.0g/dl for infants and mothers, respectively. Logistic regression was used to model the associations. Anaemia prevalence (35.3%) was of moderate public health significance and was not statistically different between exclusively (36.8%) and nonexclusively (28%) breastfed infants (Ļ‡2=0.702, 1df, p=0.402). There was no significant difference in mean haemoglobin levels between infants exclusively and those nonexclusively breastfed (t=-1.040, p=0.300). A reduced estimated relative risk of anaemia (OR=0.713, 0.95 CI: 0.34-1.50) was observed among infants <4 months versus 4-6 months old. Key factors of significant positive association with anaemia among the infants included maternal nutritional status (Body Mass Index (p=0.015), haemoglobin levels (p=0.018)) and proportion of household income spent on food (p=0.026). This study concluded that there is a likelihood of exclusively breastfed infants below 6 months to be anaemic in Kenya to the extent of moderate public health significance and special attention is warranted. The study reveals maternal nutritional status, haemoglobin levels and proportion of household income as key predictors of anaemia in infants.Keywords: anaemia, exclusive breastfeeding, infants, low income, associated factor
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