16 research outputs found

    Analysis of development levels in the cities of Tehran province regarding health infrastructural index: The strategy of standardized score and Morris' inequality index

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    Background: One of the main indexes of development is health index or the degree to which a society enjoys health and therapeutic services. The present study was done with the aim to analyze development levels in cities in Tehran regarding health infrastructural index using the standardized score and Morris' model. Methods: This is a descriptive and pragmatic study which ranks 14 cities in Tehran province using the standardized score and Morris' models based on 10 selected health indexes. The required data were gathered using a researcher-made information list and the information gathered from the Statistics Center and Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The data were analyzed using Excel software. Results: The development coefficient in the studied cities varies from 0.595 to -0.379 so that Rey city has the highest level of development and Pishva city has the lowest level of development among the studied cities. The more number of the cities (43) was among the rather undeveloped group and none of the cities (0) was in the rather developed group. Conclusion: Regarding the findings, there is a big gap and difference regarding enjoying health and therapeutic infrastructural indexes among the cities in Tehran province. Therefore, it is suggested that development-oriented plans consistentent with development levels should be implemented in these cities

    How much should we pay to deliver comprehensive mental and social health services? Experiences from Iran

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    Objective: Comprehensive mental and social health services is the new benefit package which had been aimed to provide mental health services to people who suffer from mental disorders. The aim of this study was to estimate the cost of plan and its drivers to provide evidence for decision-making by national policymakers. Method: We used the bottom-up costing approach to estimate the cost of plan. We identified the cost centers, services delivery process, and facilities. Data were collected via different sources and tools such as the new financial system, registration forms, and performance reporting forms. We categorized the cost into 4 groups and selected appropriate measures to estimate the cost. We estimate the total and unit cost for 3 levels in 2 scenarios by considering the 2017 prices. Results: Screening resulted in 8.9 new detection with a different incidence in urban and rural areas (urban: 16.5; rural: 2.7). Also, 61 842 million IRR was spent for the screening, diagnose, treatment, and rehabilitation of detected people in 2017. Personal cost is responsible for 90.6 and primary screening for 66.4 of the total cost. Conclusion: For the development of the program (from screening to rehabilitation) 530 513 IRR should be spent per capita. The cost of detection per client can vary due to differences in disease prevalence, especially treatment and rehabilitation costs. It is suggested to consider the variation of the prevalence in expanding the plan to the whole country. Integrating the services in primary health care lead to huge cost saving. Copyright © 2021 Tehran University of Medical Sciences

    Assessing health inequalities in Iran: a focus on the distribution of health care facilities

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Equality in distribution of health care facilities is the main cause for access and enjoyment to the health. The aim of this study was to examine the regional disparities in health care facilities across the Markazi province. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study. Study sample included the cities of Markazi province, ranked based on 15 health indices. Data was collected by a data collection form made by the researcher using statistical yearbook. The indices were weighted using Shannon entropy. Finally, technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) was used to rank the towns of the province in terms of access to health care facilities. RESULTS: There is a large gap between cities of Markazi province in terms of access to health care facilities. Shannon entropy introduced the number of urban health centers per 1000 people as the most important indicator and the number of rural active health house per 1000 people as the less important indicator. According to TOPSIS, the towns of Ashtian and Shazand ranked the first and last (10th) respectively in access to health services. CONCLUSION: There are significant inequalities in distribution of health care facilities in Markazi province. We propose that policy makers determine resource allocation priorities according to the degree of development for a balanced and equal distribution of health care facilities

    Experts’ analysis of the improvement spaces of the first phase of reform in health system financial management: A qualitative study

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    Background: Health financial reforms began in 2005 through four phases in order to achieve the maximum efficiency and effectiveness in this sector. The first phase was accrual accounting implementation instead of cash method. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the most important improvement spaces of the first phase of reform in financial management (accrual accounting) in the viewpoints of financial experts employed in middle and operational levels of Universities of Medical Sciences. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in Universities of Medical Sciences in 2013 using non-probability sampling method (snowball). Saturation was achieved only after 25 semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed using content analysis by Kruger model. Findings: Seven areas of improvement including staffs, managers, information system, organizational culture, structure, process, and financial were identified as main themes. Each theme contained several sub-themes. Conclusion: Attempts and planning should be considered by decision makers in order to improve modifiable determinants through practical mechanisms in the first phase of health system financial management. Keywords: Financial Management, Health Care Reform, Accounting, Qualitative Researc

    Designing New Financial Management System in Health Sector of Islamic Republic of Iran

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    "nBackground: In health system of any country, securing financial resources and management of the same is one of the most vital apprehensions in regards policy makers. This article expresses a part of the obstacles and threats present in the man­agement of the government financial resources of health sector and in assimilating this, the requirement for amendments in the financial system and designing new financial management system of health sector in Iran."nMethods: The authors conducted a case study based on interviews with government, and academic participants. Two meth­ods of data collection were used: retrospective analysis of official documents and in-depth interview."nResults: The root of the obstacles relevant to the management of financial resources in health sector in four intricate and fundamental modes of executing cash accounts in contrary to accrual accounts, where there is an intense weakness in the internal controls due to the lack of periodic reports, so as to define the source of deviations, the lack of a mechanized system and ultimately, the absence of a comprehensive monetary plan in the Country. Based on these obstacles, the new financial management system of health sector in Iran was designed including mission, objectives, structure, human resources and duties, processes and procedures, external environment."nConclusion: Designing new financial system in health sector of country is a way to effective and efficient management of financial resources and aid health system to achieve ultimate goals

    Determinants of Catastrophic Health Expenditure in Iran

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    Background: This study will provide detailed specification of those variables and determinants of unpredictable health expenditure in Iran, and the requirements to reduce extensive effects of the factors affecting households’ payments for health and other goods and services inappropriately.Method: This study aims to identify measures of fair financing of health services and determinants of fair financing contribution, regarding the required share of households that prevents their catastrophic payments. In this regard, analysis of shares of households’ expenditures on main groups of goods and services in urban and rural areas and in groups of deciles in the statistics from households’ expenditure surveys was applied.Results: The growth of spending in nominal values within the years 2002-2008 was considerably high and the rate for out-of-pocket payments is nearly the same or greater than the rate for total health expenditure. In 2008, urban and rural households in average pay 6.4% and 6.35% of their total expenditure on health services. Finally three categories of determinants of unfair and catastrophic payments by households were recognized in terms of households’ socio-economic status, equality/inequality conditions of the distribution of risk of financing, and economic aspects of health expenditure distribution.Conclusion: While extending the total share of government and prepayment sources of financing health services are considered as the simplest policy for limiting out-of-pocket payments, indicators and policies introduced in this study could also be considered important and useful for the development of health sector and easing access to health services, irrespective of health financing fairnes