6 research outputs found

    Tendencias en los ingresos hospitalarios y mortalidad por asma en nuestra comunidad

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    OBJETIVOS: Analizar la tendencia de los ingresos hospitalarios y la mortalidad por asma en la población de nuestra comunidad a lo largo de 15 años. Asimismo, se evaluará la influencia del polen ambiental en los ingresos por asma de nuestra área sanitaria. METODOS: Análisis retrospectivo de los ingresos hospitalarios y de la mortalidad por asma en nuestra comunidad a lo largo de 15 años. El análisis de los ingresos hospitalarios se hará de forma diferenciada para la población menor de 14 años, y para los que superan los 15 años de edad, dado que las características de la enfermedad y el manejo diagnóstico-terapéutico presenta diferencias significativas entre la población adulta y la población pediátrica. El estudio de la mortalidad se realizará asimismo estratificando la población de la comunidad en grupos de edad. Por otra parte analizaremos la influencia de los niveles ambientales de polen en los ingresos hospitalarios por asma en la población del área sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela

    Trend di ospedalizzazione nell’asma dell’adulto: effetto di età e genere

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    Background: Hospital admissions due to asthma are a reliable source of information on the morbidity of the disease which, after the increase observed in the last quarter of the last century, shows a declining trend in the last few years. The aim of this study was to look at hospital admission trends due to asthma in our community and analyze some of its associated factors. Methods: Retrospective analysis of all hospital admissions involving adults aged 15 years and older with asthma as the primary or secondary diagnosis (if the first diagnosis was respiratory failure or respiratory infection) in Public Health Service hospitals in the Galician region of Spain between the years 1995-2009 (total 24,766 admissions). Results: The majority of patients admitted were female (71%), over 60 years of age (64%), and admission occurred predominantly in the winter months. The hospitalization rate due to asthma tripled over the period studied, this being mainly accounted for by women aged over 60 years. Mean hospital stay was 9.2 days, longer in older patients or those admitted over the weekend. Conclusions: A significant increase in hospital admissions due to asthma over the last few years has been observed in our community, mainly involving older women. The mean stay seems long, increasing with patients' age and admission over the weekend.Razionale: I ricoveri ospedalieri dovuti ad asma sono una fonte d’informazione attendibile sulla morbilità della patologia che, dopo un incremento osservato nell’ultimo quarto del secolo scorso, è in fase di declino negli ultimi anni. Scopo di questo studio era descrivere i trend di ospedalizzazione per asma nella nostra comunità ed analizzare alcuni dei fattori associati. Metodi: Analisi retrospettiva di tutte le ospedalizzazioni di adulti dai 15 anni in su per asma come diagnosi primaria, o come diagnosi secondaria in caso la prima diagnosi fosse insufficienza respiratoria o un’infezione respiratoria, in ospedali pubblici della regione Galizia della Spagna tra gli anni 1995 e 2009 (totale dei ricoveri: 24.766). Risultati: La maggioranza dei pazienti ricoverati erano femmine (71%), di età superiore a 60 anni (64%) e la maggior parte degli accessi avveniva nella stagione invernale. Il tasso di ospedalizzazione per asma è triplicato nel periodo studiato, soprattutto per le donne di età superiore a 60 anni. La durata media del ricovero era di 9,2 giorni, più prolungata nei pazienti più anziani ed in coloro che erano ricoverati nel fine settimana. Conclusioni: Un significativo incremento delle ospedalizzazioni per asma negli ultimi anni è stato osservato nella nostra comunità, soprattutto a carico delle donne più anziane. La durata media del ricovero appare lunga ed aumenta con l’età del paziente e nei ricoveri del fine settimana.S

    Acute gastroenteritis hospitalizations among children aged < 5 years before and after introduction of rotavirus vaccines: A hospital-based surveillance study in Galicia, Spain

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    Rotavirus vaccines were licensed in Spain between late 2006 and early 2007. Rotavirus vaccination was recommended but not reimbursed by the Spanish National Health System. Significant coverage rates have been reached in Galicia, with an average of 47% since the period July 2007-June 2008. We aim to explore eventual variations in the incidence of hospitalizations for acute gastroenteritis (AGE) among children < 5 y of age before and after vaccine introduction. The annual and monthly hospitalization rates for rotavirus-related AGE and all cause AGE, before and after rotavirus vaccine introduction, were calculated by using the official surveillance system for hospital data. The annual hospitalization rates for rotavirus-related AGE in children < 5 y of age decreased by 14.8% for the period July 2008 to June 2009 and by 44.5% for the period July 2009 to June 2010 as compared with the median rate of the pre-vaccination period (July 2003 to June 2007). The corresponding decreases for all cause AGE were 29.9% and 49.0%, respectively. In children < 12 mo of age a more marked decrease was observed. Compared with pre-vaccination years, a decrease in rotavirus-related and all cause AGE hospitalization rates was observed, with a greater decline in the July 2009 to June 2010 perio