251 research outputs found

    Design-Studie fĂĽr einen kompakten Niederenergie- Elektronenspeicherring fĂĽr die Radiometrie im UV/VUV Spektralbereich

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    Inhalt dieser Arbeit ist die Design-Studie für einen kompakten Niederenergie-Elektronenspeicherring für die Radiometrie. Im Ring sollen Elektronen mit Energien im Bereich von 200 MeV bis 600 MeV gespeichert werden können, wobei die Emittanz möglichst klein und die Strahllebensdauer über den gesamten Energiebereich bei einem Strom von 100 mA mindestens eine Stunde sein sollten.Diese Vorgaben wurden in Abstimmung mit einem der potentiellen Hauptnutzer, der Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), festgelegt und sollen den Speicherring zu einer optimalen Synchrotronstrahlungsquelle für die Radiometrie im ultravioletten und vakuumultravioletten Spektralbereich mit Photonenenergien zwischen etwa 5 eV und 200 eV machen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden die aus physikalischer Sicht wichtigsten Teilsysteme eines Speicherringes konzeptioniert: Magnetoptik, Hochfrequenz-, Vakuum-, Diagnose- und Injektionssystem sowie die Magnetauslegung. Außerdem werden die zu erwartenden Synchrotronstrahlungsspektren berechnet. Der entworfene Speicherring hat einen Umfang von 34.2 m und besteht aus zwei "Triple Bend Achromat"-Bögen, die durch gerade Strecken miteinander verbunden sind. In eine dieser geraden Strecken kann ein maximal 5.6 m langes "Insertion Device" eingebaut werden, die andere ist durch die Injektionselemente und das Hochfrequenz-Cavity belegt. Insgesamt können mit dem Design des hier vorgestellten Speicherringes alle gestellten Anforderungen erfüllt werden: die natürliche Emittanz ist vergleichsweise niedrig und liegt bei günstigen linearen und nichtlinearen Eigenschaften der Magnetoptik nah an ihrem minimal möglichen Wert. Mit der gewählten Auslegung von Magnetoptik, Hochfrequenz- und Vakuumsystem beträgt die Strahllebensdauer mit einem Speicherringstrom von 100 mA bei niedrigen Elektronenenergien zwischen (200...300)MeV etwas über eine Stunde und steigt auf mehr als sechs Stunden bei der Maximalenergie von 600 MeV. Die Strahllebensdauer übertrifft damit im gesamten Energiebereich die Vorgabe.The subject of this work is the preparation of a design study for a compact low energy electron storage ring for radiometry in the ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet spectral range. Electrons with energies between 200 MeV and 600 MeV are to be stored. A small natural emittance is desired and the lifetime of a stored electron beam of 100 mA should not be less than one hour in the considered energy range. These major guidelines have been fixed in cooperation with one of the potential main users, the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), to optimize the storage ring for radiometric applications in the ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet spectral range with photon energies from approximately 5 eV to 200 eV. In this work the physical layout for the most important subsystems is given: magnet optics, rf-, vacuum-, diagnostic and injection system as well as the main magnet design. Additionally the expected synchrotron radiation spectra are calculated. The storage ring has a circumference of 34.2 m and consists of two Triple Bend Achromat cells, connected by two long straight sections. In one of these straight sections a 5.6 m long insertion device can be build in. The other one is occupied by the injection elements and the rf-cavity. All aspired guidelines are feasible with the presented storage ring design: the natural emittance is comparably small and with good linear and nonlinear optical properties close to its minimum value. With the presented solution (magnet optics, rf- and vacuum-system) the electron beam lifetime with 100 mA ring current is slightly above one hour at energies between (200...300) MeV and increases to more than 6 hours at the maximum energy of 600 MeV. Thus beam lifetime exceeds the guidelines at all energies

    ASTRA based swarm optimizations of the BERLinPro Injector

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    The Berlin Energy Recovery Linac Project BERLinPro is a compact ERL to develop the accrelator physics and technology to generate and accelarte a 100 mA, 1 mm mrad normalized emittance beam. One of the project challenges is to generate a beam of this kind in the injector line of the machin

    Effect of A Health Education Program About Breast Cancer and Breast Self Examination on the Knowledge and Practices of Females Employees

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    Background:breast cancer, is the most common cancer both in developed and developing regions and it present the second most common malignancy amongst women. Aim: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of a health education program about breast cancer and breast self examination on knowledge and practices of female employees in Port Said University. Subject and Methods: The quasi experimental research design was conducted on allfemale employees (no=160)from four facultiesof the Port Said university selected randomly, an educational health program about early detection of breast cancer and breast self examination was developed by researchers, the selected female is tested before and after giving the health program using a self administered questionnaire and observational checklist. Results: The findings revealed that most  of the studied sample had unsatisfactory knowledge about breast cancer (80.0%) and all of them unsatisfactorypractices (100.0%) regarding early detection of breast cancer and breast self examination in pre program, A statistically significant improvement was detected in the knowledge and practices post program (P <0.001*). Conclusion: The study concluded to the fact that the studied females employees' knowledge and practices regarding early detection of breast cancer and breast self examination are deficient, health educational programs improved their knowledge and practices, so the researchers recommend that great efforts should be done to increase the employees females' awareness of prevention and early detection of breast cancer, this can be effectively done through continues health educational programs. Key words: Breast cancer, Breast self examination, Health education program, Female employees

    The use of single dose of oral misoprostol (600µg) at home in management of first trimester miscarriages in El-Mukala, Yemen

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    Background: In the management of first trimester miscarriage, the use of oral misoprostol is beneficial for patients as it offers a more discrete and less invasive route for those women who find vaginal administration unacceptable. In spite of high incidence of side-effects from use of oral misoprostol women still found oral route satisfactory.Methods: This study was a prospective cohort study done at El-Mukala maternal and child hospital and Hadhramout maternal and child university hospital in the period between 1st October 2014 and 30th September 2015. All pregnant women (less than 14 weeks) who were diagnosed as an embryonic pregnancy or missed miscarriage were included in the study. Every patient received single dose of oral misoprostol 600 µg in half full stomach at home. The primary outcome measure was complete miscarriage rate.Results: One-hundred women were included in the study. The mean age of study participants was 26.25±4.08 years, the mean BMI was 27.35±3.6 while the mean parity was 2.6±1.5.Ten cases needed emergency surgical evacuation within the period of first 48 hours. Complete miscarriage had occurred in 75 cases, 65 of them in the first 48 hours. Fifteen cases presented by incomplete miscarriage after waiting for one week. They needed surgical evacuation at the end of 7 days due to still considerable intrauterine contents.Conclusions: In our closed community in El-Mukala, Yemen, the use of oral misoprostol in single dose of 600 µg at home as a method for termination of first-trimester miscarriage was effective (75%, success rate), tolerable regarding side effects, has the advantage of high confidentiality and privacy resulting in good satisfaction

    A Framework for Arabic Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis using SenticNet

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    Arabic Sentiment analysis research field has been progressing in a slow pace compared to English and other languages. In addition to that most of the contributions are based on using supervised machine learning algorithms while comparing the performance of different classifiers with different selected stylistic and syntactic features. In this paper, we presented a novel framework for using the Concept-level sentiment analysis approach which classifies text based on their semantics rather than syntactic features. Moreover, we provided a lexicon dataset of around 69 k unique concepts that covers multi-domain reviews collected from the internet. We also tested the lexicon on a test sample from the dataset it was collected from and obtained an accuracy of 70%. The lexicon has been made publicly available for scientific purposes

    An Arabic CCG approach for determining constituent types from Arabic Treebank

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    AbstractConverting a treebank into a CCGbank opens the respective language to the sophisticated tools developed for Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) and enriches cross-linguistic development. The conversion is primarily a three-step process: determining constituents’ types, binarization, and category conversion. Usually, this process involves a preprocessing step to the Treebank of choice for correcting brackets and normalizing tags for any changes that were introduced during the manual annotation, as well as extracting morpho-syntactic information that is necessary for determining constituents’ types. In this article, we describe the required preprocessing step on the Arabic Treebank, as well as how to determine Arabic constituents’ types. We conducted an experiment on parts 1 and 2 of the Penn Arabic Treebank (PATB) aimed at converting the PATB into an Arabic CCGbank. The performance of our algorithm when applied to ATB1v2.0 & ATB2v2.0 was 99% identification of head nodes and 100% coverage over the Treebank data

    Four hundred micrograms buccal misoprostol versus five units intravenous oxytocin in prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in elective caesarean section, randomized controlled study

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    Background: The number of studies has been increased about the use of misoprostol during caesarean delivery to prevent obstetric hemorrhage, but may be no study compare buccal misoprostol versus oxytocin in prevention of obstetric hemorrhage during and post cesarean section. Our study is done to compare buccal misoprostol 400 mcg versus oxytocin 5iu intravenous bolus in prevention of postpartum hemorrhage during and post elective cesarean section.Methods: A prospective registered, double blinded, randomized controlled trial Operative list or emergency unit at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Women Health Hospital, Assiut university, Egypt, comparing 77 patients in each group after verbal consent.Results: There was significant difference between both groups regarding total amount of blood loss (intra partum plus post-partum) 555.45±74.33 in oxytocin group versus522.6±88.76 in misoprostol group.Conclusions: Buccal misoprostol is more effective than intravenous infusion of oxytocin in reducing blood loss during elective cesarean delivery. However, occurrence of temporary side effects such as fever and chills was more frequent with the use of misoprostol. Clinical trial.gov: NCT03676621

    The Effect of Learning Package on Knowledge and Practice of Women's Regarding Osteoporosis in Port Said City, Egypt.

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    Osteoporosis is a major and growing public health problem in both sexes but particularly in women which associated with fragility fractures at the hip, spine, and wrist. Hip fracture contributes to both morbidity and mortality in the elderly. Approximately 1.6 million hip fractures occur each year worldwide, the incidence is set to increase to 6.3 million by 2050. It is a systemic skeletal disorder, characterized by reduction of bone mass, deterioration of bone structure, increasing bone fragility, and increasing fracture risk. It is a major cause of fractures in elderly, resulting in pain, disability, costly rehabilitation, poor quality of life, and premature death .Data survey from the Egyptian national nutrition institute to determine bone mass density (BMD) among the elderly in 2001 and, among adolescents and adults in 2004 revealed that (16.7%) of 1190 Egyptian menopausal females had lumbar osteoporosis. Aim: The present research was designed to assess effect of learning package on knowledge and practice of women's regarding osteoporosis in Port Said City .This intervention study was at the gynecological and obstetric clinic at Port Said general hospital. Study sample composed of 129 women. Tools: Data were collect using interview questionnaire sheet contains 4 main parts based on literature review & modificated tool to assess knowledge and practice of women's regarding osteoporosis in Port Said City. Results: The study found that the majority of studied women have poor knowledge regarding osteoporosis. Also, revealed a highly statistically significant difference between pre and post program in relation to knowledge about calcium p- value (0.003) and total knowledge score p- value (0.002).and there was  statistically difference between pre and post program in relation to walk more than 10 min in sun daily and practice physical exercise p- value =(0.021 and 0.0007) respectively. And there was statistically difference between pre and post program in relation to walk more than 10 min in sun daily and practice physical exercise p- value =(0.021 and 0.0007) respectively Conclusion: The present study concluded that the family needs to improve their knowledge and practice regarding prevention osteoporosis Recommendations: It is recommended to design and implement educational trials to change and improve women lifestyle to prevent osteoporosis. Also long-term effects of such educational programs should be assessed. Women should also be aware of their risks factors for developing osteoporosis. Keywords: learning package, knowledge, practice, women, osteoporosi
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