43 research outputs found


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    Este estudo tem como objetivo uma análise das notas da segunda família do real analisando os seus critérios de segurança, sua identidade visual e sua harmonia de acordo com o círculo cromático bem como o problema da falta de padrão adotada na nota de R$ 200,00. Justificou-se o trabalho pela importância na apresentação dos aspectos das notas da segunda família do real, seus critérios de segurança e sua identidade visual apresentada de maneira simples e autoexplicativa. Visando expor através das escolhas gráficas a relevância do trabalho do design e sua relação com o desenvolvimento gráfico do dinheiro. Item tão comum e corriqueiro, porém, de suma importância. O presente trabalho trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica de caráter descritivo exploratório. O papel moeda é utilizado hoje em quase todo mundo e está ligado diretamente ao um escambo, a moeda muitas vezes representa dados como religião, educação, governo e as diversas fases no qual tal sociedade passou. O círculo cromático conhecido atualmente é dividido em 12 cores, sendo 3 primárias, 03 cores secundárias e 6 cores terciárias e ainda dividido em 7 tonalidades de escala de cinza, esta base analítica que será utilizada para uma análise visual do real. No que tange os aspectos visual das cores das cédulas da 1 a primeira família do Real, destaca-se em especial a predominância de uma harmonia monocromática. Já a segunda família do real podemos ver que a harmonia utilizada em sua identidade visual foi a harmonia análoga

    Carbon balance in animal production systems: Emission sources and mitigation options

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    Global climate change has intensified in recent years, the main cause of which is attributed to the increased concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. The three main GHGs are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Animal production operations can be a big emitter of these gases. The present paper reviews the main emission sources and mitigation options for these gases. Avoiding deforestation and including trees in production systems are the main alternatives for mitigating CO2 emissions. The production of CH4 can be reduced by including dietary ingredients that alter the rumen fermentation and, by lowering the age at the slaughter of meat animals. The N2O emissions can be reduced by increasing nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen fertilizer management. Measuring the magnitude of GHG emissions and mitigation options represents a great opportunity for future research in animal science

    Biochar Enhances Nitrous Oxide Reduction in Acidic but Not in Near-Neutral pH Soil

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    We quantified nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes and total denitrification (N2O + N2) in an acidic (Ferralsol) and a near-neutral pH soil (Cambisol) to determine whether biochar’s alkalinization effect could be the mechanism inducing potential reductions in N2O fluxes. In Ferralsol, decreases in N2O emissions and in the N2O to N2O + N2 ratio were observed in both biochar and lime treatments. In Cambisol, neither biochar nor lime decreased N2O emissions, despite significantly increasing soil pH. The abundance and community structure of nosZ gene-bearing microorganisms indicated that gene abundances did not explain biochar effects, but a higher diversity of nosZ gene-bearing microorganisms correlated to lower total denitrification. Overall, our results suggest that biochar’s potential to decrease N2O emissions, through soil alkalinization, may be more effective in acidic soils

    Challenges and Opportunities to Increase Carbon Sequestration in Subtropical Grazing Lands

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    Livestock production has a significant environmental footprint. However, adoption of regenerative grazing land management practices can serve as a means of producing food with lower, or even net positive environmental impacts. Globally, much of the grazing land ecosystems are degraded due to improper management. This is particularly true in the southeastern US, where extensive areas of planted pastures are degraded due to inadequate nutrient and soil management. In this presentation, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with increasing soil and ecosystem C sequestration in subtropical grazing lands through regenerative management practices. Introductio

    Biochar and soil nitrous oxide emissions

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of biochar application on soil nitrous oxide emissions. The experiment was carried out in pots under greenhouse conditions. Four levels of ground commercial charcoal of 2 mm (biochar) were evaluated in a sandy Albaqualf (90% of sand): 0, 3, 6, and Mg ha-1. All treatments received 100 kg ha-1 of N as urea. A cubic effect of biochar levels was observed on the N 2O. Biochar doses above 5 Mg ha-1 started to mitigate the emissions in the evaluated soil. However, lower doses promote the emissions.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of biochar application on soil nitrous oxide emissions. The experiment was carried out in pots under greenhouse conditions. Four levels of ground commercial charcoal of 2 mm (biochar) were evaluated in a sandy Albaqualf (90% of sand): 0, 3, 6, and 9 Mg ha-1. All treatments received 100 kg ha-1 of N as urea. A cubic effect of biochar levels was observed on the N2O emissions. Biochar doses above 5 Mg ha-1 started to mitigate the emissions in the evaluated soil. However, lower doses promote the emissions


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    Esta pesquisa objetiva identificar, dentre as variáveis contábeis selecionadas, quais são condicionantes do Índice FIRJAN de Desenvolvimento Municipal (IFDM) para os municípios brasileiros de grande porte. Nesse contexto, defende-se que as informações contábeis obtêm potencial informacional otimizado quando de sua integração com outras variáveis econômicas ou sociais e, desse modo, os procedimentos metodológicos adotados testaram o relacionamento entre a alocação dos gastos públicos e os indicadores sociais de desenvolvimento. O cruzamento dos dados do indicador de desenvolvimento IFDM com as despesas segregadas por função foi realizado em uma amostra de 252 municípios entre o período 2005 a 2013. No que diz respeito ao modelo econométrico, utilizou-se regressão com dados em painel e, como resultado, verificou-se que as despesas pertencentes às funções saneamento e habitação apresentam significância estatística, ou seja, os valores dispendidos nessas duas áreas de atuação governamental afetam o IFDM. Nesse sentido, entende-se que as maiores contribuições deste trabalho para a sociedade estão relacionadas às reflexões sobre a gestão dos recursos públicos por parte dos governantes e a relevância das informações contábeis para o acompanhamento dessa gestão por parte dos cidadãos

    Advances in Pasture Management and Animal Nutrition to Optimize Beef Cattle Production in Grazing Systems

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    The increasing demand of meat requires the adoption of sustainable intensification livestock systems, applying nutritional strategies to reduce any negative contribution from beef cattle to global warming and, at the same time, to increase animal performance and productive efficiency. The pasture management practices and feed supplementation, mainly using non-edible feed with less costs, could minimize environmental and social impacts, resulting in higher productivity with less inputs utilization. Tropical grass submitted to grazing management according to plant height present high soluble protein and low levels of indigestible neutral detergent fiber contents. Energy or rumen undegradable protein supplementation, associated to alternative additives to antibiotics effects, such as probiotics, tannin, essential oils and saponin, can help to fully exploit the animal genetic potential and nutrient utilization efficiency, which decreases greenhouse gases emissions and improves animal performance. Hence, more information about these tools can make the livestock systems in tropical pasture more efficient and eco-friendlier

    First record of the soybean stem fly Melanagromyza sojae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in the Brazilian Savannah

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    The soybean stem fly [Melanagromyza sojae (Diptera: Agromyzidae)] is a pest widely distributed in the Asian continent. In Brazil, its occurrence has been reported since the 1980s, but it had not been reported in Brazilian Savannah areas yet. This is the first record of M. sojae in this region of great importance for the soybean world production. Specimens of the soybean stem fly were collected in a volunteer soybean area, in April 2018, in the Goiás state, Brazil, and sent for molecular identification. The similarity index of the collected specimens with M. sojae was higher than 99 %, thus confirming the identification of the species. The infestation level in the collection area was approximately 100 % of plants with damage caused by this insect. In Brazil, the occurrence of M. sojae, up to the present time, had been described as restricted to the southern states. This record raises the hypothesis that M. sojae is widespread in other agricultural areas of the Brazilian Savannah, and that its dissemination is favored by the maintenance of volunteer soybean

    Nitrogen efficiency in marandupalisadegrass pastures under increasing nitrogen levels

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    ABSTRACT: The use of nitrogen (N) in pastoral ecosystems leads to increased productivity, as it allows the plant to elongate its leaves and, therefore, grazing herbivores harvest the green leaves. However, there are very volatile N sources, which can be replaced by ammonium nitrate, which is less volatile and less dependent on the application in rainy days. The treatments are compound of Marandu palisade grass pastures managed under continuous stocking at a canopy height of 25 cm, with different levels of N fertilizer: 0, 75, and 150 kg ha-1year-1, as ammonium nitrate (32% of N), with four replicates (pastures) in a completely randomized design. Nitrogen uptake (54.9, 96.5, 113.8 kg N ha-1) and N nutrition index (0.67, 0.98, 1.15) were different between N level, respectively, 0, 75 and 150 kg ha-1 year-1. The N recovery (58.3, 40.9 %) differed between 75 and 150 kg ha-1 year-1, respectively. The dose of 75 kg N kg ha-1 year-1 results in better N utilization, while the dose of 150 kg N ha-1 year-1 enables greater stocking rate; therefore, requiring less grazing area