195 research outputs found

    Determination of Groundwater Potentials in Crystalline Basement Areas of Bauchi Local Government Area, Bauchi

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    Developing groundwater is generally an excellent option for sustainable water supplies in Bauchi due to the ephemeral nature of surface water. However, the large variability in geological and hydrological conditions have a profound influence on the availability of groundwater across the study area. The rationale for this research is to contribute at least, in terms of providing empirical data towards sustainable development of groundwater resource, particularly in the Crystalline Basement hydrogeological unit of Bauchi area. Aquifer properties of wells within the Crystalline Basement were estimated from a constant-rate pumping test of 10 sampled wells by fitting mathematical models (type curves) to drawdown data through curve matching. Generally, yields of sampled boreholes within the crystalline basement aquifer range from 8.64 m3/d to 120.96 m3/d with an average of 52.36 m3/d. The total yield of the boreholes is about 661.83.m3/day. This can sustain a population of 26,473 based on water supply standard of 25 litres per day for rural communities (Babatola, 1997). Considering the total population of 12,218 people (NPC, 2014) that are currently using the water points in comparison to water supply standard of 25 litre per person per day, this shows that the aquifers from the 10 sampled boreholes have relatively enough groundwater in terms of yield to meet the water need of the population. However, any significant increase in population growth may result in water scarcity in these areas, as the Crystalline Basement aquifers generally have low yielding capacity. Also, the crystalline basement aquifer properties evaluated reveal that the transmissivity values range from 2.55 m2/day to 111.0 m2/day with an average of 38.94m2/day (Table 5). According to Offodile (2002), a transmissivity range of 5 to 50 m2/day could be regarded as high potential in crystalline rock situations. By the above standard, the crystalline basement aquifers in the area are classified as aquifers of negligible to high potentials. The specific capacities of boreholes in the study area were computed and the results show that they vary between 1.30 to 691.2 m2/d/m. Keywords: Crystalline Basement, Groundwater, Pumping Test, Aquifer, Transmissivity, Bauchi State, Nigeria DOI: 10.7176/JEES/9-7-02 Publication date:July 31st 201

    High Voltage Transformers and Elecrtomagnetic Emissions: Consequence on Students’ Health in Apata, Ibadan, Nigeria

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    The last decade has witnessed a remarkable growth in all aspects of modern technology such as mobile phones, wireless communication links, antennas, microwave ovens, and high voltage transformers which are sources of electromagnetic radiations (EMR). This research work investigates the effect of exposing building occupants to electromagnetic emission from high voltage transformers. The sample of this study is 150 students comprising 78 males and 72 females. Spectra RF3040 was used to measure magnetic flux density in the five schools used for this research. Measurements were also taken to determine the effects of electromagnetic emission on student's tympanic temperature, blood oxygen saturation, heart pulse rate and arterial blood pressure (diastolic and systolic). Tests on health situations were done indoor four times at (9:00 – 9:30) a.m. and four times at (1:30 – 2:00) p.m. each day. The results show from analysis that the measured values of power flux density were within slight concern limit. The gradual increase in tympanic temperature, heart pulse rate, and arterial blood pressure is an indication that EMR has adverse health effects on building occupants within 200m distance from such transformers. Recommendations were given. Keywords: High voltage, Transformer, Electromagnetic, Emission, Health effect

    A Comparative Study Of Literacy And Numeracy Between Public And Private Primary Schools In Akwanga Municipal.

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    It is expected that private schools should look up to government schools for standard that should culminate in better performance. However, parent’s preference is positively disposed towards private primary schools. In this study, two private schools and two public schools were randomly selected from Akwanga Township. Pupils in primary six were used for the study. The instrument for data collection was the Primary Literacy And Numeracy Test (PLNT). The instrument was made of 30 questions taken from the national common entrance examinations. 15 questions were in English, while 15 were in mathematics. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to detect any significant difference between the mean scores of private primary and public primary schools. Results show that the performance of pupils on the PLNT differed significantly in favour of those from the Private Primary Schools. Keywords: Primary, private, public, performanc

    Innovations In Teaching: Between Research And Classroom Practice.

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    There is an obvious shift of paradigm from the near unproductive method of teaching known as the traditional method that centers teaching around the teacher, to constructivism, which is a conglomerate of teaching methods that centers learning experiences on the learner. Constructivists believe that knowledge is not just handed down to the learner from the teacher, but, that knowledge is actively constructed by the learner. New information is consciously built into the cognitive structure of the learner for meaningful learning to take place. This contrasts markedly from rote learning that dwells so much on memorization and recall of facts otherwise known as rote learning. In this paper, research efforts at innovations are highlighted. However, the critical issue is whether or not these efforts have benefited the teaching service. The paper attempts to answer the question whether or not the teachers at the point of implementation are adequately aware of these innovations, and to find out if there is any mechanism in place for their enlightenment. A 10 item Research Awareness Questionnaire (RAQ) was used to elicit information from 300 teachers randomly selected from secondary schools in three Local Government Areas of Nasarawa State of Nigeria.  Results show that a vast majority of secondary school teachers are out of contact with research efforts. A majority neither read research reports in journals nor engages in any form of research, and there is no formal link between researchers and teachers in the secondary schools. From the results obtained, suggestions and recommendations are made. Keywords: research, learners, teachers, innovations

    Screening of the fruit pulp extract of Momordica balsamina for anti HIV property

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    Anti-HIV properties of the fruit pulp extract of Momordica balsamina, a plant of the cucurbitacea family commonly used in the Northern part of Nigeria for its anti-viral efficacy in poultry, was studied in vitro.Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were prepared from both HIV sero positive and sero negative patients and categorized into group A (sero negative), group B (PBMC co-culture), group C (PBMC co-culture containing 3.12 mg/ml of the plant extract) and group D (only the enriched culture medium). The PBMCs were cultivated for 28 days using standard methods. CD4+ counts and virus detection assay (P24) were determined on the PBMC. Results showed that the plant extract treatmentsignificantly (

    Preliminary Report on HIV-1 Vaccine Preparedness in Nigeria: Advantages of Recruiting University Students

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    The national HIV seroprevalence in Nigeria has risen steeply from about 3% in 1993 to 5–8% in 2001 and now stands at 4.4%. HIV epidemic continues to be a serious threat to the most populous country in Africa with a population of 140 million, with limited use of antiviral drugs that is taken for life since it only suppresses the virus without completely eliminating the virus or leading to cure. Only a change in social behavior and an affordable vaccine can halt the epidemic in Africa. We report here results of a pilot study on the recruitment strategies, sociodemographic aspects and HIV risk behavior of a cohort of normal volunteers recruited at the University of Jos, Nigeria. Our study recorded a high degree of interest and zeal to participate in HIV vaccine studies by volunteers, and demonstrated the superiority of snowballing over invitation by mail, as a recruitment strategy. A cohort of university students may be particularly suitable for conducting HIV vaccine trials because of the assurance of prospective follow-up for up to four years (time to graduation), and a good understanding of the risks and benefits of participation as outlined in the informed consent. We had 100% retention during a follow-up period of two years. Most importantly, the cohort reflected a relatively low HIV seroprevalence, which gives preventive programs the potential to blunt or halt the epidemic

    Influence of Maxicrop on Agronomical Attributes and Yield of Four Rice Varieties in Kebbi, North-Western Nigeria.

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    The use of Bio stimulants in rice production is gaining more ground day by day. A two year experiment was conducted during the dry season of 2016 and 2017 in a flood plain area, around Jega, Kebbi state to determine the influence and optimum level of maxicrop application on four varieties of rice. The treatment evaluated consisted of four improved rice varieties (FARO 44, 52, 60 and 61) and three levels of maxicrop application (0, 2 and 4L/ha), applied at 4 and 8 WAT, factorially combined and laid in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) and replicated three times. From the outcome of the result, it shows that FARO 44 has a significant difference in number of tillers in 2016 with maxicrop inclusion level of 2 L/ha compared to other varieties, also in 2016 the influence of maxicrop level at 2 L/ha was significantly higher in FARO 44 with the highest yield/ha (6664.41Kg) compared to the other varieties while in 2017, FARO 44 has the highest yield/ha (6366.31Kg) and FARO 52 is least (6164.55Kg). Therefore, the application of maxicrop at 2 L/ha increased the yield/ha of all the four varieties of rice with FARO 44 been the highest Keywords: Rice varieties, Maxicrop and Yield

    Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B and C Viruses among Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infected Patients Accessing Healthcare in Federal Medical Centre, Keffi, Nigeria

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    Infections of Hepatitis B and C viruses among seropositive Human immunodeficiency virus patients are a growing public health problem in Sub Saharan Africa characterized by unaffordable treatment, severe morbidity and associated mortality. This study was aimed at evaluating the seroprevalence of Hepatitis B and C viruses among HIV infected patients accessing health care at Federal Medical Centre, Keffi, Nigeria. The cross-sectional study took place between May-July 2016. A total of 200 blood samples were collected from HIV patients after informed consent and self-administered questionnaires were completed. The samples were centrifuged and the serum screened for HBV and HCV using the immunochromatographic technique. A general prevalence of infection with hepatitis B and C viruses in the study population was 17.5%. The prevalence of HBV infection was 12.5% while HCV was 5.0%. Females have higher infection rates for both viruses (p > 0.05). HBV infection was highest among those aged 20-29 years (14.3%) and lowest among those aged 30-39 years (6.5%). HCV infection was highest among those aged > 40 years (8.7%) and least among those aged 30-39 years (0.0%). Infection rates with blood transfusion, smoking habit, scarification marks and alcohol intake as risk factors were more for HBV than HCV (p > 0.05). The HIV/HBV and HIV/HCV coinfection prevalence of 12.5% and 5.0% respectively is a cause for concern. This finding underscores the urgent need for more proactive HBV immunization programs and screening of HIV patients for HBV and HCV before and even during antiretroviral therapy. Health education against these silent killers should also be advocated

    Associations between Cognition, Gender and Monocyte Activation among HIV Infected Individuals in Nigeria.

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    The potential role of gender in the occurrence of HIV-related neurocognitive impairment (NCI) and associations with markers of HIV-related immune activity has not been previously examined. In this study 149 antiretroviral-naĂŻve seropositive subjects in Nigeria (SP, 92 women and 57 men) and 58 seronegative (SN, 38 women and 20 men) were administered neuropsychological testing that assessed 7 ability domains. From the neuropsychological test scores was calculated a global deficit score (GDS), a measure of overall NCI. Percentages of circulating monocytes and plasma HIV RNA, soluble CD163 and soluble CD14 levels were also assessed. HIV SP women were found to be younger, more educated and had higher CD4+ T cell counts and borderline higher viral load measures than SP men. On the neuropsychological testing, SP women were more impaired in speed of information processing and verbal fluency and had a higher mean GDS than SN women. Compared to SP men, SP women were also more impaired in speed of information processing and verbal fluency as well as on tests of learning and memory. Numbers of circulating monocytes and plasma sCD14 and sCD163 levels were significantly higher for all SP versus all SN individuals and were also higher for SP women and for SP men versus their SN counterparts. Among SP women, soluble CD14 levels were slightly higher than for SP men, and SP women had higher viral load measurements and were more likely to have detectable virus than SP men. Higher sCD14 levels among SP women correlated with more severe global impairment, and higher viral load measurements correlated with higher monocyte numbers and sCD14 and sCD14 levels, associations that were not observed for SP men. These studies suggest that the risk of developing NCI differ for HIV infected women and men in Nigeria and, for women, may be linked to effects from higher plasma levels of HIV driving activation of circulating monocytes
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