15 research outputs found

    microbeMASST: A Taxonomically-informed Mass Spectrometry Search Tool for Microbial Metabolomics Data

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    microbeMASST, a taxonomically informed mass spectrometry (MS) search tool, tackles limited microbial metabolite annotation in untargeted metabolomics experiments. Leveraging a curated database of >60,000 microbial monocultures, users can search known and unknown MS/MS spectra and link them to their respective microbial producers via MS/MS fragmentation patterns. Identification of microbe-derived metabolites and relative producers without a priori knowledge will vastly enhance the understanding of microorganisms’ role in ecology and human health

    A Taxonomically-informed Mass Spectrometry Search Tool for Microbial Metabolomics Data

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    MicrobeMASST, a taxonomically-informed mass spectrometry (MS) search tool, tackles limited microbial metabolite annotation in untargeted metabolomics experiments. Leveraging a curated database of >60,000 microbial monocultures, users can search known and unknown MS/MS spectra and link them to their respective microbial producers via MS/MS fragmentation patterns. Identification of microbial-derived metabolites and relative producers, without a priori knowledge, will vastly enhance the understanding of microorganisms’ role in ecology and human health

    Benchmarking Non-Targeted Metabolomics Using Yeast-Derived Libraries

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    Non-targeted analysis by high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) is an essential discovery tool in metabolomics. To date, standardization and validation remain a challenge. Community-wide accepted cost-effective benchmark materials are lacking. In this work, we propose yeast (Pichia pastoris) extracts derived from fully controlled fermentations for this purpose. We established an open-source metabolite library of >200 identified metabolites based on compound identification by accurate mass, matching retention times, and MS/MS, as well as a comprehensive literature search. The library includes metabolites from the classes of (1) organic acids and derivatives (2) nucleosides, nucleotides, and analogs, (3) lipids and lipid-like molecules, (4) organic oxygen compounds, (5) organoheterocyclic compounds, (6) organic nitrogen compounds, and (7) benzoids at expected concentrations ranges of sub-nM to µM. As yeast is a eukaryotic organism, key regulatory elements are highly conserved between yeast and all annotated metabolites were also reported in the human metabolome database (HMDB). Orthogonal state-of-the-art reversed-phase (RP-) and hydrophilic interaction chromatography mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS) non-targeted analysis and authentic standards revealed that 104 out of the 206 confirmed metabolites were reproducibly recovered and stable over the course of three years when stored at −80 °C. Overall, 67 out of these 104 metabolites were identified with comparably stable areas over all three yeast fermentation and are the ideal starting point for benchmarking experiments. The provided yeast benchmark material enabled not only to test for the chemical space and coverage upon method implementation and developments but also allowed in-house routines for instrumental performance tests. Transferring the quality control strategy of proteomics workflows based on the number of protein identification in HeLa extracts, metabolite IDs in the yeast benchmarking material can be used as metabolomics quality control. Finally, the benchmark material opens new avenues for batch-to-batch corrections in large-scale non-targeted metabolomics studies

    Homologue series detection and management in LC-MS data with homologueDiscoverer

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    Untargeted metabolomics data analysis is highly labour intensive and can be severely frustrated by both experimental noise and redundant features. Homologous polymer series is a particular case of features that can either represent large numbers of noise features or alternatively represent features of interest with large peak redundancy. Here, we present homologueDiscoverer, an R package that allows for the targeted and untargeted detection of homologue series as well as their evaluation and management using interactive plots and simple local database functionalities

    A Novel Lipidomics Workflow for Improved Human Plasma Identification and Quantification Using RPLC-MSn Methods and Isotope Dilution Strategies

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    Lipid identification and quantification are essential objectives in comprehensive lipidomics studies challenged by the high number of lipids, their chemical diversity, and their dynamic range. In this work, we developed a tailored method for profiling and quantification combining (1) isotope dilution, (2) enhanced isomer separation by C30 fused-core reversed-phase material, and (3) parallel Orbitrap and ion trap detection by the Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribid mass spectrometer. The combination of parallelizable ion analysis without time loss together with different fragmentation techniques (HCD/CID) and an inclusion list led to higher quality in lipid identifications exemplified in human plasma and yeast samples. Moreover, we used lipidome isotope-labeling of yeast (LILY)a fast and efficient in vivo labeling strategy in <i>Pichia pastoris</i>to produce (nonradioactive) isotopically labeled eukaryotic lipid standards in yeast. We integrated the <sup>13</sup>C lipids in the LC-MS workflow to enable relative and absolute compound-specific quantification in yeast and human plasma samples by isotope dilution. Label-free and compound-specific quantification was validated by comparison against a recent international interlaboratory study on human plasma SRM 1950. In this way, we were able to prove that LILY enabled quantification leads to accurate results, even in complex matrices. Excellent analytical figures of merit with enhanced trueness, precision and linearity over 4–5 orders of magnitude were observed applying compound-specific quantification with <sup>13</sup>C-labeled lipids. We strongly believe that lipidomics studies will benefit from incorporating isotope dilution and LC-MSn strategies

    Simultaneous non-polar and polar lipid analysis by on-line combination of HILIC, RP and high resolution MS

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    Given the chemical diversity of lipids and their biological relevance, suitable methods for lipid profiling and quantification are demanded to reduce sample complexity and analysis times. In this work, we present a novel on-line chromatographic method coupling hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) dedicated to class-specific separation of polar lipid to reversed-phase chromatography (RP) for non-polar lipid analysis. More specifically, the void volume of the HILIC separation-consisting of non-polar lipids- is transferred to the orthogonal RP column enabling the on-line combination of HILIC with RP without any dilution in the second dimension. In this setup the orthogonal HILIC and RP separations were performed in parallel and the effluents of both columns were combined prior to high-resolution MS detection, offering the full separation space in one analytical run. Rapid separation for both polar and non-polar lipids within only 15 min (including reequilibration time) was enabled using sub-2 μm particles and UHPLC. The method proved to be robust with excellent retention time stability (RSDs < 1%) and LODs in the fmol to pmol (absolute on column) range even in the presence of complex biological matrix such as human plasma. The presented high-resolution LC-MS/MS method leads to class-specific separation of polar lipids and separation of non-polar lipids which is lost in conventional HILIC separations. HILIC-RP-MS is a promising tool for targeted and untargeted lipidomics workflows as three interesting features are combined namely (1) the decreased run time of state of the art shotgun MS methods, (2) the elevated linear dynamic range inherent to chromatographic separation and (3) increased level of identification by separation of polar and non-polar lipid classes

    Merging metabolomics and lipidomics into one analytical run

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    A novel integrated metabolomics/lipidomics workflow is introduced enabling high coverage of polar metabolites and non-polar lipids within one analytical run. Dual HILIC and RP chromatography were combined to high-resolution mass spectrometry. As a major advantage, only one data file per sample was obtained by fully automated simultaneous analysis of two extracts per sample. Hence, the unprecedented high coverage without compromise on analytical throughput was not only obtained by the orthogonality of the chromatographic separations, but also by the implementation of dedicated sample preparation procedures resulting in optimum extraction efficiency for both sub-omes. Thus, the method addressed completely hydrophilic sugars and organic acids next to water-insoluble triglycerides. As for the timing of the dual chromatography setup, HILIC and RP separation were performed consecutively. However, re-equilibration of the HILIC column during elution of RP compounds and vice versa reduced the overall analysis time by one third to 32 min. Application to the Standard Reference Material SRM 1950 – Metabolites in Frozen Human Plasma resulted in >100 metabolite and >380 lipid identifications based on accurate mass implementing fast polarity switching and acquiring data dependent MS2 spectra with the use of automated exclusion lists. Targeted quantification based on external calibrations and 13C labeled yeast internal standards was successfully accomplished for 59 metabolites. Moreover, the potential for lipid quantification was shown integrating non-endogenous lipids as internal standards. In human plasma, concentrations ranging over 4 orders of magnitude (low nM to high μM) were assessed

    Leptochelins A-C, Cytotoxic Metallophores Produced by Geographically Dispersed Leptothoe Strains of Marine Cyanobacteria

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    Metals are important co-factors in the metabolic processes of cyanobacteria including photosynthesis, cellular respiration, DNA replication, and the biosynthesis of primary and secondary metabolites. In adaptation to the marine environment, cyanobacteria use metallophores to acquire trace metals when necessary as well as reduce potential toxicity from excessive metal concentrations. Leptochelins A-C were identified as structurally novel metallophores from three geographically dispersed cyanobacteria of the genus Leptothoe. The leptochelins are halogenated linear NRPS-PKS hybrid products with multiple heterocycles that have potential for hexadentate and tetradentate coordination with metal ions. The genomes of the three leptochelin producers were sequenced, and retrobiosynthetic analysis revealed one candidate biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) consistent with the structure of leptochelin. The putative BGC is highly homologous in all three Leptothoe strains, and all possess genetic signatures associated with metallophores. Post-column infusion of metals using an LC-MS metabolomics workflow performed with leptochelin A and B revealed promiscuous binding of iron, copper, cobalt, and zinc, but with greatest preference for copper. Iron depletion and copper toxicity experiments support the hypothesis that leptochelin metallophores may play a key ecological role in iron acquisition and in copper detoxification. In addition, the leptochelins possess significant cytotoxicity against several cancer cell lines

    Leptochelins A–C, Cytotoxic Metallophores Produced by Geographically Dispersed Leptothoe Strains of Marine Cyanobacteria

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    Metals are important cofactors in the metabolic processes of cyanobacteria, including photosynthesis, cellular respiration, DNA replication, and the biosynthesis of primary and secondary metabolites. In adaptation to the marine environment, cyanobacteria use metallophores to acquire trace metals when necessary as well as to reduce potential toxicity from excessive metal concentrations. Leptochelins A–C were identified as structurally novel metallophores from three geographically dispersed cyanobacteria of the genus Leptothoe. Determination of the complex structures of these metabolites presented numerous challenges, but they were ultimately solved using integrated data from NMR, mass spectrometry and deductions from the biosynthetic gene cluster. The leptochelins are comprised of halogenated linear NRPS-PKS hybrid products with multiple heterocycles that have potential for hexadentate and tetradentate coordination with metal ions. The genomes of the three leptochelin producers were sequenced, and retrobiosynthetic analysis revealed one candidate biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) consistent with the structure of leptochelin. The putative BGC is highly homologous in all three Leptothoe strains, and all possess genetic signatures associated with metallophores. Postcolumn infusion of metals using an LC-MS metabolomics workflow performed with leptochelins A and B revealed promiscuous binding of iron, copper, cobalt, and zinc, with greatest preference for copper. Iron depletion and copper toxicity experiments support the hypothesis that leptochelin metallophores may play key ecological roles in iron acquisition and in copper detoxification. In addition, the leptochelins possess significant cytotoxicity against several cancer cell lines

    Proposing a validation scheme for 13C metabolite tracer studies in high-resolution mass spectrometry

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    13C metabolite tracer and metabolic flux analyses require upfront experimental planning and validation tools. Here, we present a validation scheme including a comparison of different LC methods that allow for customization of analytical strategies for tracer studies with regard to the targeted metabolites. As the measurement of significant changes in labeling patterns depends on the spectral accuracy, we investigate this aspect comprehensively for high-resolution orbitrap mass spectrometry combined with reversed-phase chromatography, hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography, or anion-exchange chromatography. Moreover, we propose a quality control protocol based on (1) a metabolite containing selenium to assess the instrument performance and on (2) in vivo synthesized isotopically enriched Pichia pastoris to validate the accuracy of carbon isotopologue distributions (CIDs), in this case considering each isotopologue of a targeted metabolite panel. Finally, validation involved a thorough assessment of procedural blanks and matrix interferences. We compared the analytical figures of merit regarding CID determination for over 40 metabolites between the three methods. Excellent precisions of less than 1% and trueness bias as small as 0.01–1% were found for the majority of compounds, whereas the CID determination of a small fraction was affected by contaminants. For most compounds, changes of labeling pattern as low as 1% could be measured.© The Author(s) 201