1,425 research outputs found

    Design of Prototype Dynamic Ac Power Machine with Equivalent Circuit Modeling (Torque Speed Curve of Induction Motor 1,1, Kw)

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    Squirrel cage induction motors are widely used in electric motor drives due to their satisfactory mechanical characteristics (torque, current, overloading) and small dimensions, as well as their low price. When starting an induction motor, a large current is required for magnetizing its core, which results in a low power factor, rotor power losses and a temperature rise in the windings. None of these parameters should reach values beyond certain limits until the motor reaches nominal speed. The speed of an induction motor 1,1kW is affected very little by fluctuations of voltage. The greater the supply voltage of the motor, the induction motor's speed will increase. The torque values (Tstart, TSmax and Tmax) are affected by the value of the motor supply voltage: (Vp-nl : 132.8, Tstart1 : 7.4, T S-max1 : 0.4, Tmax1 : 9.9) V, (Vp-nl : 127.0, Tstart2 : 4.8, T S-max1 : 0.3, Tmax1 : 8.4) V and (Vp-nl : 121.3, Tstart3 : 3.3, T S-max3 : 0.2, Tmax3 : 7.1) V. Stator current (IL-nl ; 2.5, 2.2, 1.9 ) Amp rises gradually on account of the increase in magnetising current (Im : 2.5, 2.2, 1.9) Amp. The magnetising current required to produce the stator flux. The component of the stator current which provides the ampere-turns balancing the rotor ampere-turns will steadily diminish as the rotor current (IL-nl) decrease with the increase in rotor speed (nr).&nbsp

    Pemeringkatan Makna Membawa dalam Bahasa Bonai Dialek Ulakpatian

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    Penelitian tentang “Pemeringkatan Makna Membawa dalam Bahasa Bonai Dialek Ulakpatian” ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kata-kata yang menyatakan ‘membawa\u27 dengan berbagai cara dalam bahasa Bonai Dialek Ulakpatian (BBDU). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menganalisis komponen makna ‘membawa\u27 dalam BBDU. Data primer dalam penelitian ini adalah data ujaran atau data lisan yang dikumpulkan dengan metode survei. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui metode cakap dan metode simak dengan menerapkan beberapa teknik, seperti teknik pancing, teknik catat, dan teknik rekam. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa dalam BBDU kata yang menyatakan ‘membawa\u27 dengan berbagai cara sebanyak lima belas kata, yaitu angket bahamo, bobat, gana, ganit, gopok, horuk, kopag, kopik, moambin, moamit, mujug, munak, nyinyik, nyulag, dan sandag. Dengan menganalisis komponen maknanya, kelima belas kata tersebut dapat didefinisikan sesuai genus proximus dan deferencia specifica-nya

    Kekerabatan Bahasa Akit dan Duanu: Kajian Leksikostatistik

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    This study aims to find the kindship relation between Akit language and Duanu language in Riau Province. Data was in the form of Swadesh vocabulary list of eight regional languages Akit observations areas of Akit Language and Duanu language users in Riau Province that was collected using documentation technique and analyzed by applying quantitative descriptive method that followed the steps of transcribing, classifying, comparing, and formulating the research results. Analyzing data was carried out by using lexicostatistics technique. The results that obtained from the research are Akit language and Duanu language are in one family group of language (36-81%). The proximity of APN language and language DSL has a very high closeness (53,5%) Akit Language in Kepulauan Meranti is the same language as Akit language in Hutan Panjang, Bengkalis. Language that is the closest to the farthest with the two languages consecutively as the following APN and DPP language (52,75%), APN and DTP language (51,75%), APN and DSL had the same percentage as APN and DBL (51,5%), ASS and DPP language (51,25%), ASN and DSL language (50,75%),ASS and DSL language (46,5%), AHP and DPP language (44%), ASS and DBL language and ASN and DBL language (42,5%), AHP and DSL language (42%), AHP and DTP (39,5%), AHP and DBL (37%)

    Analisis Ekonomi Sistem Tanam Padi Sawah di Kabupaten Konawe Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Economic Analysis of Several Models Rice Planting in Konawe Regency Southeast Sulawesi. Indonesian Agency Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD) has introduced some technology to enhance rice productivity, such as direct planting system and legowo model in transplanting system. Research was conducted to know agro economic performance of several models rice planting at Bendewuta Village Wonggeduku Subdistrict Konawe Regency, using 15 ha low land rice area by comparing three kinds of technology such as: (i) exsisting direct planting model (farmer technology), (ii) direct seeding legowo 2:1 model, and (iii) transplanting legowo 2:1 model. Each model was applied in 5 ha low land rice area at the same location. The result of research showed that the rice yield of legowo model (transplanting system and direct seeding) was higher 20.9% and 20.3% respectively than the rice yield of existing direct seeding planting model. Direct seeding legowo 2:1 model gave highest benefict, around IDR. 8,107,250/ha/season with BCR value 1.75. Changing technology from the existing direct seeding planting model to direct seeding planting legowo 2:1 model gave addition benefict around IDR.1,975,050 with MBCR value 6.96 and from transplanting legowo 2:1 model to direct seeding planting legowo 2:1 model add benefict IDR.425,100 with MBCR value 1.16. Direct seeding planting legowo 2:1 model has been adopted by farmer in several villages and was implemented around 100 ha only 1 season after this model was introduced in first season 2011. In the future, due to increasing planting cost of rice, direct seeding legowo 2:1 model could be can alternative way to decrease planting cost and to increase rice yield.

    Ketika Stress Beraksi Islam Punya Solusi

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    Stress is a mental condition that may results in the destruction of personal life, both physically and mentally. Stress may be driven by internal and external factors. Since it can negatively affect an individual, Islam offers some solution to face such conditio

    Penanganan Problematika Pengemis, Gelandangan Dan Orang Terlantar (Pgot) Melalui Bimbingan Dan Konseling Islami Di Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial “Martani” Cilacap

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    The background of this research is the exixtance of beggars, homelesspeople, and ignored people. Some of them could utilize some facitities from thegovernment, such as rehabilitation office. The government has made a rule toallow them to stay there and get some trainings for only six months. After theyhave spent their time in the rehabilitation office, they have to live in the societyand use their skills they have got from the trainings in the rehabilitation office tosurvive. However, what really happen is that most of them just move from onerehabilitation office to another.This research use descriptive qualitative approach. This research was donein Social Rehabilitation Office Marini, in Cilacap. The research findings showsthat islamic guidance and concelling program is able to increase their ability tolive better and be independent people

    Guru MI: Makhluk Multi Fungsi (Reformulasi Guru Midi Era Globalisasi)

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    Pendidikan di Indonsia memegang peran multi fungsi karena tidak sekedar transfer of knowledge, tetapi juga pembudayaan di segala bidang, salah satunya pembentukan karakter bangsa. Seharusnya, hal itu menjadi tanggung jawab semua anak bangsa dari setiap komponen, baik dari lembaga formal (sekolah), non formal ( masyarakat), informal (keluarga), dan pemerintah sendiri. Namun, yang terjadi selama ini pendapat yang berkembang cenderung menganggap bahwa pembudayaan anak bangsa adalah "tugas" lembaga pendidikan. Ini berarti melimpahkan semua beban pemberdayaan warga negara di tangan para guru di sekolah. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjadi seorang guru, seseorang tidak saja harus mempunyai kompetensi keilmuan secara akademis, tetapi juga kualifikasi moral keagamaan. Islam memberitahukan bahwa guru pertama adalah Allah, guru kedua adalah Muhammad Saw, guru ketiga adalah orangtua, dan guru keempat adalah orang lain. Dalam konteks profesionalisme, guru MI, sebagai "orang lain" tidak lepas dari tuntutan peran muti fungsi, yakni transfer of knowledge dan pembentukan karakter (akhlak) bangsa. Di samping itu, guru MI juga harus menguasai dasar-dasar berbagai bidang ilmu, seperti Matematika, IPA, Bahasa Indonesia, dan lain sebagainya, karena guru MI sebagai guru kelas yang profesional

    Efektifitas Metode Cooperative Learning Dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar IPS Pada Siswa Mts Al-fattah Turen Malang

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    This research focuses on 1) students' motivation and achievement in relation with the application of cooperative learning method, 2) the improvement of students learning motivation and achievement using cooperative learning system. The sample collection method is purposive sampling with subject choosing based on research objectives. Data analysis is in the form of experiment. The data analysis is using T test analysis. Based on the data analysis, it is known that the hypothesis that states that the application of cooperative learning method can give effective influence on the improvement of students' learning motivation and achievement is unacceptable. It means that the application of cooperative learning method cannot give any significant effect on the improvement of students' learning motivation and achievement. Cooperative learning method still can give a difference that leads to improvement of students' learning motivation and achievement than before they were given the cooperative learning method or treatment, though the improvement is not very significant. Thereby, although the result of the research still cannot give a good result especially in improving students' learning motivation and achievement, cooperative learning method still need to be maintained because this method still can give a significant change, and at the same time we have to try to evaluate and to find the solution for the failures